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Everything posted by Gryz

  1. Due to gradual power creep the Jagen now starts with like 50 strength and has a 350% growth rate.
  2. I dunno. I'm hit-n-miss with comedy. Mostly misses. Is not worthless! :D
  3. Jagen! He has bones made out of iron! Plus, dem giant shoulder spikes and dat "I'm too old for this shit" face.
  4. ... umm ... so is Nowi like the Wolf/Sedgar of Awakening?
  5. His sister ain't much better! Marth busts his ass/arse saving Elice in FE11 and then in FE12 she pulls MU aside and is like, "My brother is a naive, idealistic moron!"
  6. *gasp* B-B-But but but! Nosferatu! Nosferatanking! Being able to beat Lunatic under a hour while blindfolded!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. ^ Where are bows? Or are they so awful that they don't even deserve a spot on the list?
  8. Integrity moved the topic to preserve the integrity of the forums! Oh ho ho ho! ... That sounded a lot more funny in my head.
  9. DEFRAG YER HARDDRIVE!!! It solves all problems!
  10. Hmm? Pliers. Not power tool. Pry out tabs. Not fun. Drill. Power tool. Maim cartridge. Fun.
  11. 1. Make Rapid Spin a damn TM already! 2. Allow Ghosts to block Rapid Spin damage BUT not the secondary effect of removing hazards. ... 3. Oh, and make Fennekin evolve into Fire/Fighting.
  12. I'm glad the mounts go SPLAT. The rider slumping over animations in the Tellius games were a bit silly.
  13. No, because I have never been fond of the forging mechanic. >:(
  14. ^ Silly goose! In this topic we are supposed to be suggesting BAD units.
  15. But that doesn't involve power tools so it's less fun. :(
  16. Eh, just clamp the cartridge into a vice, it'll be fine.
  17. But we are talking about FE14 and not FE13. :p Weight and Con are present in FE9/10. I choose Weight instead of Con since Weight also factors in a unit's mount (for example, FE9 Titania has 31 Weight but only 8 Con). Yes, I put way too much thought into this.
  18. Hmm... yeah. You need to get a power drill and maim the back of the cartridge until it fits into the console. Just make sure you have adult supervision and wear eye protection.
  19. I also look at the icons and numbers to determine which weapons are which.
  20. Also, reclass can be used to sabotage characters. For example: Wrys can be a decent Mage, but is really crappy as a Myrmidon.
  21. I-I am sorry. I was just tryin' to be helpful, not forceful. Please forgive me... :(
  22. The best error "help" message is when Java goes ") expected" but the fix has nothing to do with adding a parenthesis. Troll compiler.
  23. You will need to override autobattle to get past chapter 3. The AI won't use Door Keys even if they are standing right next to a door. In fact, they won't even move towards the doors on their own - once you clear the southern half of chapter 3, the Blitz tactic just makes all the other characters gather around Chrom.
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