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Posts posted by JourneymanN00b

  1. 8 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    I'm gonna warn you now - with the death of 3DS online, a lot of Fates's features became a lot harder to use. And they were already hard to make use of to begin with since they needed stuff that is tied to the passage of real time.

    Thanks for the tip. Any run that I decide to do will accommodate for this increased difficulty. Learning to work through hardship without any outside help is something that has always been my thing with video games such as this. Maybe it is just me, but it helps me get into the mindset to think outside of the box when it comes to finding solutions.

    On 4/16/2024 at 11:21 AM, Alastor15243 said:

    Awesome to hear. My first run of Conquest was a blind ironman on hard and it was one of the best experiences playing Fire Emblem I ever had. Just be on your guard because while the game is fair, it is not forgiving.

    For sure.


    Anyway, my work projects in real life are really eating up into my free time, so I don't think I will be able to begin my run and set up the thread until the end of the month at the very earliest. When I do, I hope that there will be at least some interest in seeing how I tackle Fates as a n00b.

  2. 6 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

    If you're only going to do the one run, Conquest is definitely the best route, to be clear. Lunatic is actually a lot more manageable in Fates than in Awakening, but still probably not advisable for a blind first attempt of any route.

    Thanks for the clarification and advice. In that case, I will count your suggestion to play Conquest on Hard and Classic, with no other restrictions. I might do Birthright on a second playthrough under the same settings if I have the time to do this.


    4 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

    If you're getting Fates for the first time, unfortunately that means at this point you won't be able to access the DLC at all. But I wish you the best of luck with Fates! It (well, Conquest) is my favorite game in the series. And it's probably the most ironman-friendly game in the franchise, so a blind ironman is definitely the way to go. I'd recommend hard for your first playthrough, and doing Birthright, then Conquest, then (if you must) Revelation.

    Thanks a lot for the reply. And yes, I am aware of not being able to access the DLC, which is why I put myself under Ironman restrictions to make the best of the situation. I am not sure if I will do multiple playthroughs, although I could maybe see myself doing a second playthrough if circumstances allow it.

    Unless you have any other specifications that you would like me to try, I will count your suggestion as to play the Ironman run in Birthright on Hard and Classic, with no other restrictions. It should theoretically go smoother than my Lunatic Classic attempts on Awakening, but I am going to look at the guides and familiarize myself with the mechanics before I say anything more. I will start a new thread in the Fates subforum as soon as I am ready to set up my run.

  4. Well, I get bogged down with work, but I manage to legitimately beat the game. Below is how I did it:


    Before starting Chapter 25, I check the Barracks, as usual, which provide a Rift Door and Maribelle 16 EXP. I also get a B support between Robin and Lucina. Chapter 25 went like this:


    Turn 1: After pairing Chrom with Robin, I have her kill the lowest Berserker on the right with Valflame, and use the Galeforce boost to kill the Swordmaster at the position where the Berserker was. Then I pair Lucina with Morgan, have Morgan kill the Tomahawk Warrior, and move him 1 tile left, and 1 tile south from Robin. As expected, the Trickster and Warrior both die in the enemy phase. 

    Turn 2: Robin moves 8 squares up, kills the Trickster with Arcthunder, unequips herself and waits. Morgan then kills the Sage, then swaps to Lucina, who kills the Mire Sorcerer by Robin from 1 square east and 1 square south of him using the Spear. On the enemy phase, the Sorcerers fail to hit Lucina, and the General hits Lucina, who proceeds to kill him thanks to Dual Strikes from Morgan’s Helswath.

    Turn 3: Robin kills a Swordmaster with Valflame, while Lucina kills a Berserker with Parallel Falchion. After equipping Chrom with the forged Beast Killer, I have Robin attack Aversa with Valflame, who goes down thanks to a Dual Strike from Chrom.


    I sell the Bullion (M), Reeking Box, 4 Logs, Tree Branch, 2 Kneaders, Sweet Tincture, Balmwood Staff, Aversa’s Night, 2 Shocksticks, 2 Wolt’s Bows, Glass Bow, Glass Sword, Superior Lance, Finn’s Lance, Superior Axe, Wilderwind, Dragonstone, Beaststone, 5 Vulneraries, 2 Gaius’s Confects, 1 Kris’s Confect,  Dying Blaze, 2 Micaiah’s Pyres,  Superior Jolt,  Katarina’s Bolt, Erika’s Blade, 2 Arcthunders, 2 Elthunders, 3 Winds, Seliph’s Blade, 2 Steel Lances, 2 Iron Lances, a Hammer, a Steel Axe, and a Rapier to pay for forging the Brave Bow for Morgan. I then use 3 Seraph Robes, 2 Speedwings, and a Secret Book on Chrom and then 2 Talismans and a Dracoshield on Morgan.

    Finally, I check the Barracks, which give extra relationship points between Cordelia and Gregor, Lon’qu and Miriel, Ricken and Lissa, Lon’qu 26 EXP, Anna a surge of Str and Res, Maribelle 27 EXP, and a Superior Jolt that I give to Robin. After buy 2 Str Tonics for Chrom and Lucina so that every Tonic that I outlined in the previous post was used on the correct characters, I start the Endgame. Below is how it went:


    Turn 1: I pair Morgan with Lucina, and have her move 8 tiles down from Grima’s middle Berserker. Next, I pair Chrom with Robin, and put Robin 1 square below Lucina. Then, I pair Olivia with Cordelia, and move Cordelia to Lucina’s left. Finally, I move Basilio 1 square below Olivia, Anna 1 square right of Lucina, and Libra 3 squares below Anna.

    Turn 2: I Rally everyone with Basilio, and have Robin kill the middle Berserker with the Levin Sowrd, and use the Galeforce boost to attack Grima at 1 range with Valflame. Together with Chrom’s Dual Strikes, I deal 46 Damage to Grima. Then, I move Lucina up, swap to Morgan, and attack Grima with the forged Brave Bow, who thankfully dies thanks to a Dual Strike from Lucina and a critical hit from Morgan on the second blow.


    It took a grand total of 31 attempts to finally achieve my goal of finishing the game at the hardest settings that a complete n00b can choose. The successful attempt required 43 hours, 32 minutes, and 6 seconds of gameplay to complete, with much of it was spent trying to deal with IRL stuff at the same time as playing the game.


    And thus ends my playthrough of Fire Emblem: Awakening. Next up is Fire Emblem: Fates. I am going to get the Special Edition, which will maximize my options on how to play the game for the first time. I am open to any suggestions (which path, difficulty, mode, extra content such as paralogues can be accessed, supports to make, items to buy, and so forth) to have my experience be an attractive enough for users to read and comment on. The only constraints are that I will always be following Ironman restrictions, which means that I will not engage in save-scumming or use any Wi-Fi or DLC content at any point in my playthrough, and that if a Game Over takes place, I will start the whole game over.

  5. Well, the week was hectic as usual, but I finally got some time to continue this run. As predicted, Chapter 24 gets cleared without any issues. Below is the short summary:


    The Barracks give extra relationship points between Kellem and Cherche, Lon’qu and Lissa, Basilio 12 EXP, Lon’qu 28 EXP, and a Log.


    Turn 1: I pair Lucina with Morgan, and have Morgan head to the upper-left Fort with Yewfelle equipped. Then I pair Chrom with Robin, and move Robin one square north of Morgan. The enemy phase sees a Paladin go down to Robin, thanks to a Dual Strike from Chrom, which also causes his Silver Lance to break.

    Turns 2-3: I have Lucina kill a Valkyrie with a Beast Killer, Robin kill a Bow Knight after equipping Chrom with a fresh Silver Lance from the Convoy, Morgan kill a Paladin after equipping Lucina with a Silver Lance, and have Robin and Morgan return to their previous spots. After that, I have Robin kill a Great Knight with Luna, Lucina kill a Wyvern Lord with Parallel Falchion to get his Spear, Morgan kill another Wyvern Lord, and then have Robin and Morgan retreat to their previous spots, with Morgan killing another Wyvern Lord in the process. Two more Paladins get killed while two axe users and a sword user surrounds Morgan during the enemy phase.

    Turns 4-9: I repeat the attack and retreat tactic against 2 Great Knights with Luna and two Paladins wielding Silver Swords, and a Wyvern Lord. During the enemy phase, Robin’s Arcthunder breaks, so I get another Arcthunder from the convoy from her as I repeat the attack and retreat tactic to wipe out the rest of the enemies.


    Next up is the final stretch, as I plan to tackle Chapter 25 and the Endgame in one go. Below is my plan to finish off the rest of the game:


    Chapter 25:


    Give Chrom the forged Beast Killer, and give Lucina the forged Armorslayer. Then use HP and Def Tonic on Robin and HP and Def Tonics on Morgan. Have Robin equip Tomebreaker over Slow Burn. Send Robin, Lucina, and Morgan.


    Turn 1: Equip Chrom with the Exalted Falchion with Robin, and have Robin kill the lowest Zerker on the right, and use the Galeforce boost to kill the Swordmaster. Then Pair Lucina with Morgan, have Morgan kill the Tomahawk Warrior, and move him 1 tile left, and 1 tile south from Robin. The Trickster and Warrior should die in the enemy phase.

    Turn 2: Robin should kill the Trickster, and unequip herself and wait. Morgan then kills the Sage, then swaps to Lucina, who kills the Mire Sorcerer by Robin.

    Turn 3: Robin kills a Berserker, Sage, or Swordmaster. After equipping Chrom with the forged Beast Killer, have Robin attack Aversa with Valflame. If Aversa is not dead, have Morgan kill an enemy to boost him, and finish Aversa off with Yewfelle.




    Buy a Brave Bow, forge it to have +5 Mt and +9 Crit, and give it to Morgan. Make sure that Libra has a Physic staff. Use HP, Mag, Skl, Luk, Spd, and Def Tonics on Robin, HP, Str, Skl, Luk, Spd, and Def Tonics on Morgan, Str, Skl, and Luk Tonics on Chrom, and Str, Skl, and Luk Tonics on Lucina. Have Robin equip Anathema, Hex, Galeforce, Vengeance, and Solidarity skills, and Morgan equip Galeforce, Patience, Armsthrift, Sol, and Axebreaker skills. Deploy Basilio, Olivia, Cordelia, Libra, Anna, Lucina, Morgan, and Robin.


    Turn 1: Pair Morgan with Lucina, and have her move 7 tiles down from Grima’s middle Berserker. Pair Chrom with Robin, and put Robin 1 square below Lucina. Pair Olivia with Cordelia, and move Cordelia to Lucina’s left. Then move Basilio 1 square below Olivia, and Libra and Anna 1 square right of Lucina and Robin respectively.

    Turn 2: Rally everyone with Basilio, and have Robin kill the middle Berserker, and use Galeforce to attack Grima at 1 range. Move Lucina up, swap to Morgan, and attack Grima with the forged Brave Bow. If Grima does not die and Morgan has less than 43 HP, have Libra use the Physic staff on him. Move Cordelia behind Morgan, swap Olivia and boost Morgan, and then have Morgan finish off Grima. Watch the credits.


    This plan should hopefully work, but I am prepared to improvise if necessary to have at least Robin and Morgan survive.

  6. After a hectic week, I am back and ready to continue where I left off. Chapter 23 is cleared without any problems. Below are the details:


    The Barracks give extra relationship points between Tharja and Henry, Cherche and Frederick, Henry and Miriel, Gaius and Robin, and Lon’qu and Vaike, Morgan 13 EXP, and Wolt’s Bow. I also get a C support between Lon’qu and Vaike.


    Turns 1-5: I pair Chrom with Robin, and have her move right to 2 squares below the throne’s southwest pillar to lure enemies that way after killing Validar’s first form. Then I pair Basilio with Flavia, and have them move left. After pairing Lucina with Morgan, I have Morgan move up and runs interference from enemies from closing on Basilio. That starts by having the pair the General, Sorcerer, and Assassin north of him. On turn 2, Robin takes out a couple of Generals, while Lucina and Morgan kill a Hero, a Berserker, and a General. Turn 3 sees Lucina and Morgan killing another Hero, Sorcerer, and a Berserker, and robin killing a Hero and attacking a Berserker, who survives due to Robin’s Bolganone breaking. The next two turns see Robin, Lucina, and Morgan taking out a good number of enemy units without any real issues, with Robin using an Arcthunder to deal out the carnage.

    Turns 6-10: I have Robin use a Galeforce boost to take out a Sorcerer reinforcement with Valflame, and Morgan retreat to the left after Lucina takes out a Sorcerer. On the next turn, I have Robin, Lucina, and Morgan clean up the reinforcements. I have Robin visit the left sparkly tile in the process, which gives her extra weapon proficiency. After killing a Sorcerer, Lucina reaches level 5, but I do not have her learn the Defender skill. I have Chrom check out the right sparkly tile, which gives him useless extra weapon proficiency. Robin takes out Validar without any issues whatsoever.


    Next up, Chapter 24. Below is my plan for clearing it.


    Since Robin has 30 Resistance, switch out Tomebreaker to Slow Burn. Use HP, Mag, Spd, Luk, and Def Tonics on Robin, and HP, Spd, Luk, and Def tonics on Morgan. Deploy Robin, Lucina, and Morgan.


    Turn 1: Pair Lucina with Morgan, and have Morgan head to the upper-left Fort with Yewfelle equipped. Pair Chrom with Robin and move Robin one square north of Morgan.

    Turns 2+: Have Lucina kill any non-axe users she can at range with the Short Spear, and Morgan with Yewfelle. This is to ensure that the tanking formation is entirely surrounded by axe users to avoid any complications from the incoming reinforcements that appear from turns 2-5.


    I predict zero issues with clearing the chapter, and believe that I am in the home stretch here.

  7. Chapter 22 goes smoothly enough. Below are the dirty details:


    Before I start, I check out the Barracks as usual, which gives extra relationship points between Virion and Libra and Kellam and Lissa.


    Turn 1: I pair Chrom with Robin, Lucina with Morgan, Henry with Libra, and Frederick with Olivia. I kill Equus with Robin after equipping Chrom with the Beast Killer thanks to a Dual Strike from Chrom. After that, I move Robin to the lower edge of the Dark Knight and Warrior’s ranges. Next, I have Olivia boost Morgan, and Morgan move just within the Bow Knight’s range with the Silver Bow equipped for Morgan, since I forgot to equip the Short Axe and the Beast Killer for Lucina, thanks to a boost from Olivia. Finally, I move everyone else slightly to the right of Morgan, Robin, Olivia in preparation for any necessary heals. During the enemy phase, the Bow Knight thankfully dies to Morgan thanks to a Dual Strike from Lucina, while the Dark Knight gets killed by Robin thanks to a Dual Strike from Chrom and the Warrior gets heavily wounded by Robin.

    Turn 2: I have Morgan finish off the Warrior, move Robin 2 squares east and 4 squares north, have Olivia boost Robin, and position Robin against the middle of the 1x3 wall to lure the Valkyrie and Sniper after equipping Chrom with the Silver Lance. I move Morgan and everyone else closer to Robin. The Valk and Sniper both get killed by Robin during the enemy phase thanks to Dual Strikes from Chrom.

    Turn 3: I have Morgan get Yewfelle from the convoy, and then have him kill the Assassin and General with Lucina equipping the Silver Lance, thanks to a critical hit from Morgan when he fought the General. I then have Olivia boost Robin and have Robin move into the Sorcerer’s range with the Levin Sword equipped. The Sorcerer gets killed thanks to a critical hit from Robin.

    Turns 4-6: I have Morgan attack the War Cleric, who survives thanks to a Miracle trigger. I then have Robin finish off the War Cleric. Then I have Cordelia use Rally Speed and Olivia boost Morgan to enable Morgan to double and kill the Swordmaster. Next, I have Robin get the Sage with Katarina’s Bolt, which allows to kill him due to two Dual Strikes from Chrom. The left sparkly tile gives Chrom Aversa’s Night, while the right sparkly tile gives Cordelia a Reeking Box. After that, I have Morgan kill Aversa with Yewfelle.


    Next up is Chapter 23. Below is the plan to tackle it:


    Use the Goddess Icon on Chrom. Equip Robin with Valflame, Chrom with a Silver Sword, and Morgan with Helswath. Replace Robin’s Vengeance skill with Axebreaker. Use HP, Mag, Luk, and Def Tonics on Robin, HP, Str, Luk, and Def Tonics on Morgan, and a Str Tonic on Lucina. Send Lucina, Morgan, Cordelia, Anna, Libra, and Olivia. Place Lucina on the northwest spot at the bottom edge of the map, Morgan to the right of Lucina, and the rest anywhere.


    Turns 1-5: Pair Chrom with Robin, and have her move right to lure enemies that way after killing Validar’s first form.  Pair Basilio with Flavia, and have them move left. After pairing Lucina with Morgan, Morgan should move up and run interference from enemies from closing on Basilio. On turn 2 and 3, Robin then doubles back left using a Galeforce boost. Have Morgan aggressively clear out approaching enemies on the left side.

    Turns 6+: Have Morgan retreat and join the others, and have everyone start kiting south to clear the area. With Tomebreaker, Robin should be able to kill Validar’s second form without any problems.


    This is the last chapter where I foresee any problems, so I hope that things do not get screwy here.

  8. I manage to finish Chapter 21 with everyone in okay condition. Below is how it went:


    Turn 1: I pair Chrom to Robin, and have her kill the Zerker between the two left-side stairs in the quad set of stairs. Then I move her 1 tile down, 1 tile left from the right corner stairs of the quad to lure two Assassins into attacking at range from the stairs and also kill the Zerker to the right of her. Next, I pair Lucina with Morgan, and have Morgan take out the two enemies closest to his left. On the enemy phase, every enemy that engages with Morgan and Robin dies.

    Turn 2: After equipping Chrom with the Silver Lance, I have Robin kill the upper Swordmaster near second quad of stairs, go 2 tiles below the Assassin, and kill him. I then have Morgan equip the silver bow and move to the top left treasure room. As expected, all enemies that attack Robin at 2 range are killed.

    Turn 3: Robin kills the Swordmaster blocking the right-side gap, equips Bolganone, moves 1 tile below the non-Mire Sorc, and kills him as well. Morgan kills the Sorc in the treasure room, and gets the Secret Book. The Boss suicides himself against Robin during the enemy phase.


    So now the time has come to get through Chapter 22, which should be perfectly doable to achieve. Here is my plan to do so:


    Sell the Bullion, and buy 3 Arcthunders. Use HP, Mag, and Def Tonics on Robin, HP, Str, and Def Tonics on Morgan, a Str Tonic on Chrom, and a Str Tonic on Lucina. Make sure that Chrom and Lucina have a forged Beast Killer, Robin has the Levin Sword, Libra has Physic and Rescue staves, and Anna has Rescue staves, Frederick with a Silver Lance. Deploy Robin, Lucina, Morgan, Libra, Cordelia, Frederick, Olivia, Henry, and Anna. Put Robin on the leftmost position on the second row, Lucina on the northwest spot, Morgan on the northeast spot, Anna on the center position on the second row, Olivia on the left position on the third row, Frederick on the right position on the third row, and everyone else on the leftmost spots on the last row.


    Turn 1: Pair Chrom with Robin, Lucina with Morgan, Henry with Libra, and Frederick with Olivia. Kill Equus with Robin, with Anna using Rescue and Olivia boosting Robin if a second attack is needed. Then use Robin’s Galeforce boost to position on the lower edge of the Dark Knight and Warrior’s ranges. Have Morgan position himself just within the Bow knight’s range with the Short Axe equipped.

    Turn 2: Move Robin to where Olivia can boost Robin out of enemy range, and position Robin against the middle of the 1x3 wall to lure the Valkyrie and Sniper. Have Morgan position himself above Robin.

    Turn 3: Kill the Assassin and General with Robin and Morgan and have Olivia boost Robin and have her move into the Sorcerer’s range with the Levin Sword.

    Turns 4+: Kill the War Cleric and have Cordelia use Rally Speed to enable Robin to double and kill the Swordmaster. Then get the Sage. After that, give Yewfelle to Morgan and have him kill Aversa.


    This one could get tricky at times, but I think the chances of completing this chapter are still rather good.

  9. Chapter 20 is cleared as expected. Below is the summary:


    Before starting, the Barracks give extra relationship points between Chrom and Lissa, Robin and Olivia, and Lissa and Gregor, Eirika’s Blade, Log, and Micaiah’s Pyre. I also get a B support between Chrom and Morgan.


    Turn 1: I pair Chrom to Robin and Lucina to Morgan as usual. Then I have Morgan kill the 2 Heroes in the north with Lucina killing the left Sage in between the kills with the Parallel Falchion. Then, I have Robin kill the two Warriors north of the dead Heroes. Cervantes, a General, and 3 Sages all die to Robin in the enemy phase.

    Turns 2-3: I have Robin take out the Thief by killing a Hero while Chrom has the Falchion equipped and then going after him, and have Morgan 2 Generals to the right. Several Generals and a Sniper, get killed by Morgan, while a Sage dies to Robin. On the next turn, I have Robin kill a Warrior and get in range of a wounded General in the center hall, and Morgan kill two Generals with a Silver Bow and Silver Axe. The enemy phase sees a General die to Morgan.

    Turns 4-5: After having Morgan kill a General, I have him and Robin retreat to the right hall. Kite the reinforcements and Excellus’ group up and down the side and main halls. Morgan takes out a Sage during the enemy phase using the Silver Bow. The next turn sees Robin killing a Sage who attacked Morgan in melee from the north and a Hero from the bottom right of the map, while Morgan kills the two generals who surrounded him in the previous turn. He reaches level 15, but I do not have him learn Counter. Every enemy that goes after Robin gets killed, as well as a Sniper who went after Morgan. Robin reaches level 5, but I do not have her learn Slow Burn.

    Turns 6-16: The enemy reinforcements and Excellus and his entire crew go down, with Excellus striking a lucky hit on Morgan for 32 damage that quickly gets healed with his Sol skill. Walhart goes down to Morgan using his Short Axe and Silver Bow. The lower sparkly tile gives Robin useless extra relationship points with Chrom, while the upper sparkly tile gives Robin extra weapons proficiency. I don’t have any more Door Keys, so I don’t get the Spirit Dust from the treasure chests that I probably should have gotten for this chapter.


    The plan for chapter 21 is this:

    Equip Robin with Bolganone and Arcthunder and Lucina with a Short Spear. Switch Robin’s Veteran Skill to Vengeance, and Morgan’s Veteran Skill to Axebreaker. Have Robin use HP and Def tonics, and Morgan use HP, Def, and Luk tonics. As usual, send Morgan, Lucina, and Robin. Robin should be in the lower-left starting spot, while Morgan and Lucina can go anywhere.


    Turn 1: Pair Chrom to Robin, and have her kill the Zerker between the two left-side stairs in the quad set of stairs. Then move her 1 tile down, 1 tile left from the right corner stairs of the quad to lure two Assassins into attacking at range from the stairs. Pair Lucina and Morgan and have him take out the two enemies closest to his left.

    Turn 2: Have Robin kill the upper Swordmaster near second quad of stairs, go 2 tiles below the Assassin, and kill him. Everyone should be lured into attacking Robin from range and dying during the enemy phase.

    Turns 3: Robin should kill the Swordmaster who is blocking the right-side gap. Then she should equip Bolganone, move 1 tile below the non-Mire Sorc, and kill him. The Boss should die to Robin during the enemy phase.


    The odds of completing this chapter are good, and I am hopeful that there are no surprises here.

  10. Well, I get through chapter 19, but I decide to change up my plan to make things more efficient.


    Before starting the chapter, I check the Barracks as usual, which gives extra relationship points between Lissa and Vaike, Lon’qu and Cordelia, Anna 25 EXP, and Say’ri 24 EXP. I get an A support between Lucina and Morgan, and a B support between Robin and Morgan.


    Turn 1: I pair Chrom with Robin, and Lucina with Morgan. Then I move Robin to the left fort on the right of the map and have her take out a General. Morgan next shoots another general before going to the right fort on the right of the map.

    Turns 2-10: I camp Robin and Morgan on the forts, with Robin killing two enemies on turn 2 with Hand Axes, Morgan trade-convoying them afterwards and shooting people with his bow. Starting turn 3, I decide to try to simplify things by having Robin equip her Short Axes during the Enemy Phases. After Chrom’s Armorslayer breaks, I have him equip the Beast Killer. When Robin reaches level 15, I do not have her learn Axebreaker. I convoy to get two Arcfires and a Second Seal for Robin, and change her to a Dark Knight. 

    Turns 11-21: Chrom reached level 10 at this point, so I begin to retreat from the bottom right fort by having Morgan kill two enemies adjacent the fort, Robin take out the third enemy adjacent to the fort, move Robin out of enemy range, switch to Chrom, and have him equip Falchion and use a Master Seal to promote to a Paladin. I then have Lucina equip a Steel Lance and have Morgan take out most of the remaining enemies. Next I check out the sparkly tiles with Morgan, with the right one giving him 17 EXP, and the left one giving him a Kneader. I then have Morgan take out a General, and then have him retreat to the edge of the enemies attack range, transfer Robin to Morgan, and wait. After that, I have Morgan kill a Paladins, Robin kill the second General, and Robin attack Walhart, with Morgan dealing the finishing blow.


    Below is the plan to finish up Chapter 20:


    Give Robin Katarina’s Bolt, Lucina a Silver Lance, Morgan a Silver Bow, Silver Axe, and Short Axe, and Chrom the remaining forged Armorslayer, a Silver Lance, and a Silver Sword. Use HP, Mag, and Def Tonics on Robin, HP, Def, and Luk Tonics on Morgan, and a Str Tonic on Chrom. Deploy Robin, Lucina, and Morgan once again. Put Robin to Chrom’s left, and Lucina and Morgan to Chrom’s right.


    Turn 1: Pair Chrom to Robin and Lucina to Morgan as usual. Then have Morgan kill the 2 Heroes in the north, and Robin kill the two Warriors north of them. Before Morgan makes his second kill, maybe kill a Sage with Lucina.

    Turns 2-3: Have Robin pursue the Thief while Morgan harasses the incoming Generals.

    Turn 4: Kite the reinforcements and Excellus’ group up and down the side and main halls.

    Turns 5+: Kill Walhart’s healers and goons, then take Walhart out.


    This is getting close to the home stretch, so things should be smooth sailing from this point forward.

  11. Chapter 18 goes smoothly enough with Chrom gaining enough levels for me to feel better, although Morgan doesn't get as much experience as I hoped for.


    Before starting the chapter, the Barracks thankfully give Chrom 23 EXP, and I get a B support between Lucina and Chrom.


    Turn 1: I pair Chrom with Robin, and Lucina with Morgan, and then move Robin and Morgan to a thin 1×2 strip down and left from the top-right Griffon group, with Robin below Morgan. Morgan reaches level 5, and I do not have him learn Rally Strength. The enemy phase sees Robin taking a counter trigger from a Warrior while killing a Sage, and Morgan taking a hit from a Griffon Rider.

    Turns 2-10: I transfer Chrom to Morgan, and have Morgan kill the wounded Warrior. I then transfer Chrom back to Robin and have her kill the Griffon Rider. Morgan takes out most of the Griffon Riders during the enemy phase, while Lucina reaches Level 10 from Dual Strikes. On the next turn, I kill a Warrior with Robin, transfer Chrom to Morgan again and have him take out a Griffon Rider, retreat Morgan behind Robin, put Lucina back to Morgan, switch to Lucina, and have her use a Second Seal from the convoy to become a Paladin. On the next turn, I transfer Chrom to Morgan, and have Morgan kill two enemies and break the turtling position. I then transfer Chrom back to Robin and have her kill a Paladin. The rest of the turns see more enemies getting killed by Robin and Morgan without dealing any damage. A highlight is on turn 7 where Chrom manages to kill a Sage with Seliph’s blade while being on the front. The lower sparkly tile gives Morgan some extra weapons proficiency, and I manage to use Chest Keys to get the Energy Drop and a Second Seal from the chests before I have Morgan take out the Boss.


    The plan to complete chapter 19 is this:


    Use the Energy Drop and a Str Tonic on Chrom. Use Str, HP, and Def Tonics on Robin, and HP, Def, and Luk Tonics on Morgan. Sell a Dragonstone, and forge the two Beast Killers to have +1 Mt and +10 Hit each, and the two Armorslayers to have +1 Mt and +10 Hit each. Give Chrom a forged Armorslayer, a forged Beast Killer, and Falchion, and Lucina the Parallel Falchion, a forged Beast Killer, and a forged Armorslayer. Equip Lucina with the Parallel Falchion and Chrom with the forged Armorslayer. Send Morgan, Lucina, and Robin as usual, and place them all to the right map.


    Turn 1: Pair Chrom with Robin, and Lucina with Morgan. Move Robin to the left fort on the right of the map, and have her take out a General. Then move Morgan to the right fort on the right of the map.

    Turns 2+: Camp Robin and Morgan on the forts. For each turn, have Robin kill two enemies per turn with Hand Axes, with Morgan trade-convoying them afterward and shooting people with his bow. Try not to let the melee who get in range be those who have Hawkeye. Also try to save Generals without Counter for Chrom to take out. When Robin reaches level 15, change her class to a Dark Knight. Chrom should promote to a Paladin as soon as he reaches level 10 as well. To deal with Walhart, have Chrom equip a Silver Lance, and have Robin take out two Paladins. Then have Robin attack from range during the player phases.


    This chapter should be straightforward to clear, if I do not slip up along the way.

  12. On 3/19/2024 at 10:27 AM, Shadow Mir said:

    Hopefully you get Chrom some levels, because without him, you very likely ain't beating the final boss... Just warning ahead of time.

    Thanks for the tip. Chrom did gain a couple of levels, but he is currently only a level 4 Cavalier, which is certainly not what I want to see at this point in the story. Definitely going to be making more of an active effort to level him up in Chapter 18.


    Chapter 17 turns out to be easy to clear, as expected. Below is what happened:


    Before I start the chapter, I check out the barracks, which give Frederick a surge of Mag and Def, a Katarina’s Bolt, and a Balmwood Staff.


    Turn 1: I have Chrom go to Robin, with Olivia boosting him to get him paired up with her. Then I pair Lucina with Morgan, and have Robin and Morgan kill the left-side group. On the enemy phase, a War Monk dies to Robin and a Sniper dies to Morgan.

    Turns 2-7: I have Robin kill another Sniper with the Short Axe, and move Morgan to deal with the lower right enemies. The enemy phase sees Morgan kill a Hero, while Robin kills a Valkyrie, War Monk and a Sniper. On turn 3, Morgan takes out the rest of the lower right enemies except a Hero with Axebreaker, while Robin kills a Sniper, a War Monk, 2 Heroes, and Valkyrie. During this process, Robin reaches level 5, and I have her learn Sol over Hex. The next turn sees Morgan finishing off the Hero, and Robin killing a Sniper, a Thief, and a Hero. Robin then kills two Valkyries, and begins to retreat to the lower left, while Morgan kills a Valkyrie during the Turn 6’s enemy phase. Morgan then kills a War Monk on Turn 7.

    Turns 8-23: After killing a Hero, I get Robin to retreat to the lower left area to properly engage with the reinforcements that start coming up on Turn 9. Morgan picks off the reinforcements that come from the right without too many issues. The right sparkly tile gives Chrom extra weapons proficiency, while the left sparkly tile gives Chrom Gaius’s Confect. I pair Chrom with Lucina, and have her take out the Boss using a Javelin.


    Below is the plan to finish Chapter 18:


    Sell the Bullion and buy 2 Arcfires. Use the Boots on Robin, and use HP and Def Tonics on both Robin and Morgan. Give Chrom a Silver Sword, a Silver Lance, and the Levin Sword, and have him equip Seliph’s Blade, and Lucina the forged Elwind. Deploy Lucina, Morgan, and Robin, and put all of them on the right side of the map.


    Turn 1: Pair Chrom with Robin, and Lucina with Morgan, and move Robin and Morgan to a thin 1×2 strip down and left from the top-right Griffon group, with Robin below Morgan. That way Robin will face at most 1 melee and 3 ranged.

    Turns 2-10: Remain in that position until the crowd thins out, and pass Chrom around between Robin and Morgan while they attack the enemy units to get Chrom extra experience. Try to let non Hawkeye Sages get into some of those spots so that they can bodyblock other 2-range and fail to hit against Robin since she has Tomebreaker. Prioritize taking out 2-range units.

    Turns 11+: Get concoctions and Elixirs if necessary to heal from the lava damage, head towards the boss, and take him out.


    Hopefully this chapter doesn’t present too many problems for our heroes.

  13. Well, it took some careful thinking at times, but Chapter 16 is finished with everyone unscathed. Here’s how it unfolded:


    During the preparations, I find an Anna Shop selling Spirit Dust, so I buy it, and use it on Lucina. The Barracks give extra relationship points between Cherche and Ricken, Robin and Panne, Donnel and Cherche, Donnel and Sully, Tharja and Henry, Lissa 23 EXP, and a Shockstick. I also get a B support between Lucina and Morgan.


    Turns 1-3: I pair Chrom to Robin, and have her kill the Bullion Thief, and then the southeastern most Fighter. I pair Morgan with Lucina, and have her kill a Pegasus Knight, while I have Morgan kill the two remaining Thieves. The enemy phase sees Robin and Morgan kill everything that comes their way, although the Warrior that comes after Morgan hits him with a Counter trigger before dying. Chrom reaches level 2 in the process, so I unequip him move Robin up the right side after that, while I pair Morgan with Lucina and have them pick apart the left side with Morgan on the front during the enemy phases. Morgan reaches Level 15 in the process and declines to learn the Axebreaker skill.

    Turn 4: I get everyone back toward the center of the map, with Lucina taking out a Warrior, Morgan killing a Warrior and with Robin luring the Warrior reinforcement into fighting at 2 range by putting her one tile north and two tiles east from the lower sparkly tile.

    Turns 5-16: I move the party to the middle right of the map. After clearing most of the enemies, I have Robin check out the lower sparkly tile, which gives her extra weapons proficiency, and the upper sparkly tile, which gives her a Glass Sword. I then have Robin, who end up being a little underlevelled to my liking, to kill the boss.


    Below is Chapter 17’s game plan:


    Sell the 2 Bullions, and buy 23 HP Tonics, 4 Second Seals, and a Bronze Bow. Forge the Bronze Bow to +5 Mt. Use one of the Second Seals to reclass Morgan to a Warrior. Give Morgan the forged Bronze Bow, make sure Robin has the Killer Axe, give Lucina Katarina’s Bolt, make sure Libra has Mend and Rescue staves, Cordelia a Mend staff, and Anna Rescue and Mend staves. Have Robin and Morgan each use Def and HP Tonics. Deploy Lucina, Robin, Morgan, Olivia, Anna, Frederick, Cordelia, and Libra. Place Morgan, Lucina, Frederick, Robin, and Olivia in the left group, and Cordelia, Anna, and Libra in the group with Chrom.


    Turn 1: Have Chrom go to Robin, with Olivia boosting him to get him paired up with her. Robin, Morgan, and Lucina kills or at least severely shrinks the left-side group, prioritizing any enemies that have Counter.

    Turns 2-7: Have Robin work her way up, killing what she can until about Turn 6. Then she should start heading back toward the lower left to avoid getting swarmed by reinforcements.

    Turns 8+: Get Robin out of range from most of the reinforcements that start turning up on Turn 9. Lucina pairs with Morgan, who picks off the enemies coming in from the lower-right area.


    This chapter should be within the winnable realm, provided I don’t get too careless when it comes to dealing with enemies with Counter.

  14. Chapter 15 goes smoothly as well. Below is the summary:


    Before starting the chapter, I check out the Barracks, which give Libra 13 EXP, extra relationship points between Robin and Olivia, Gaius and Sully, and a Superior Axe. I also get a C support between Robin and Olivia.


    Turn 1: I pair Henry to Anna, and Chrom to Robin. I then have Anna rescue Say’ri, move Robin over to Say’ri, swap to Chrom to Recruit Say’ri, switch back to Robin, and unequip her. Next, I position Cordelia and Cherche next to Anna, and pair Say’ri to Sumia. I pair Morgan with Lucina, have her move west, and kill a Cavalier with Elfire. Then, I move her two squares to a Cavalier, switch to Morgan, and kill him with the Bronze Axe. Finally, I have Morgan kill a General with the Levin Sword with the aid of a Lucina Dual strike. The enemy phase sees Morgan killing a Knight.

    Turns 2-8: I transfer and pair Anna and Henry to the other fliers, and then move the fliers to the Sea for safety. I have Morgan and Lucina clear the left side of beach, and have Chrom get the Levin Sword from Morgan. I then pair Chrom with Morgan, and have Morgan kill the enemy units until Chrom reaches level 17. I then transfer Lucina back to Morgan, give Morgan back the Levin Sword, and have Chrom use a Second Seal and change him to a Cavalier.

    Turns 9-18: I transfer Chrom to Lucina, and have him take out a Silver Sword Cavalier with the Forged Bronze Lance during Turn 9’s ending phase. I have Robin obtain the Second Seal, and use it to change her to a Hero.  I then have Lucina go to the lower sparkly tile, which gives her extra weapons proficiency, I also have Robin get and use the Arms Scroll, and equip her with a Hand Axe. After pairing Lucina with Robin, I have Robin check out the upper sparkly tile to give Robin extra weapons proficiency. I then have Robin finish off the Boss with the Hand Axe.


    Below is the plan to take on Chapter 16:


    Sell the Bullion and buy 3 Hand Axes. Give the Iron Axe to Robin, the Steel Axe to Morgan, and a fresh Elfire and the forged Elwind to Lucina. Use Def Tonics on Robin and Morgan, and a Mag Tonic on Lucina. Send Lucina, Morgan, and Robin. Put Robin on the rightmost starting point, and Lucina and Morgan at the leftmost starting points.


    Turns 1-3: Pair Chrom to Robin, and have her kill the Bullion Thief, and then the southeastern most Fighter. Send Robin up the right side after that, while Lucina should pair with morgan and pick apart the left side.

    Turn 4: Get everyone back toward the center of the map. Have someone who needs the experience the most (Robin or Morgan) lure the Warrior reinforcement into fighting at 2 range by putting the unit one tile north and two tiles east from lowest sparkly tile.

    Turns 5+: Move the party to the far right Falcos if getting pressed for space, since both of the reinforcements there should spawn with 2-range weapons. As soon as Morgan gets to Level 18, use a Second Seal and reclass him to a Warrior.


    Because there is a truckload of reinforcements that the group will need to face in this chapter, things could get super ugly, so I am hoping for the best here.

  15. Chapter 14 is thankfully cleared without any problems. Below is how it went:


    I get C supports between Morgan and Chrom, Robin, and Lucina, as well as one for Robin and Sumia. The Barracks give extra relationship points between Lon’qu and Gregor, Robin and Sumia, and Tharja and Nowi. After some thinking, I have Chrom take Seliph’s Blade in case he needs to use it.


    Turn 1: I pair Chrom to Robin, Anna to Cordelia, and Morgan to Lucina. Then, I have Lucina attempt take out the Pegasus Knight to her right, which fails since Morgan did not get a Dual Strike in. So I have Robin and Cordelia in the safe spot between the right edge of the center boat and hope for the best. In the enemy phase, Lucina manages to kill the three Pegasus knights thanks to Dual Strikes from Morgan.

    Turns 2-12: I have Lucina take out a Pegasus Knight on the center boat with the Iron Lance after unequipping Morgan, and move her to her designated spot. I next have Cordelia move directly north of Lucina, and have Robin go towards Lucina after unequipping herself. After the enemy phase, I then proceed to move Robin and Lucin to their designated spots, where Lucina kills the Peg knights without any issues. I have Lucina forego learning Relief upon reaching level 10, and promote her to a Dark Flier after getting a Wind tome from Robin. The process of doing this causes Lucina to break the turtle formation, forcing Cordelia to take 10 damage before Lucina can take out the last 2 Peg Knights.

    Turns 13-31: I have Lucina kill the 2-range units with Wind, while Chrom takes out a wounded Mage, a wounded Knight, and a Cavalier. The right sparkly tile gives Chrom useless weapons training, while the left sparkly tile gives Chrom 12 EXP. I do not have Lucina learn Rally Movement when she reaches level 5. Due to a miscalculation on my part and having Morgan reequip himself when he was not supposed to, Chrom only reaches level 16 when the chapter is finished.


    It's now time to prepare for Chapter 15. Below is my designed plan to get through it in the most optimal fashion possible:


    Sell the Bullion, buy a Bronze Lance, forge it to have +5 Mt, and give it to Chrom. Equip Lucina with a Javelin, and give her a Steel Lance, Elfire, Dying Blaze, and Elixir. Equip Morgan with the Levin Sword, and make sure he has a Steel Sword and Hand Axe. Make sure Anna has Rescue and Heal staves, and make sure that Robin has a Wind tome. Use the Talisman, a Luk Tonic, and Def Tonic on Morgan, a Mag Tonic on Lucina, a Mag Tonic on Lucina, and a Def Tonic on Robin. Send Lucina, Morgan, Robin, Anna, Henry, Cordelia, Sumia, and Cherche. Place Robin one square north and one square east of Chrom, Lucina to the left of Chrom, Henry to the Right of Chrom, Morgan one square south and one square west of Chrom, Cordelia two squares east of Morgan, Anna one square east of Cordelia, Sumia two squares south of Chrom, and Cherche one square south of Anna.


    Turn 1: Pair Henry to Anna, and Chrom to Robin. Have Anna rescue Say’ri, move Robin over to Say’ri, swap to Chrom to Recruit Say’ri, switch back to Robin, and unequip her. Position Cordelia and Cherche next to Anna, and pair Say’ri to Sumia. Pair Morgan with Lucina, have her move west, and kill a Cavalier with Elfire. Then move her two squares to a Cavalier, switch to Morgan, and kill him with the Levin Sword. Finally, have Morgan attack a General with the Levin Sword.

    Turns 2+: Transfer and pair Anna and Henry to the other fliers, and then move the fliers to the Sea for safety. Have Morgan and Lucina clear the beach, with Chrom getting a couple of kills from Knights and Cavaliers. As soon as Chrom reaches level 17, use the Second Seal on Chrom and change him to a Cavalier. Obtain the Second Seal and Arms Scroll and use the Second Seal to change her class to a Hero, who should then equip herself with a Hand Axe and use the Arms Scroll.

    There might be some complications with getting Chrom the required EXP, but I am confident that this strategy can be carried out without any deaths.

  16. Well, it looks like this run will hopefully be a winning one, as I manage to clear Paralogue 12 this time without any deaths.


    Paralogue 2 was okay, with Cordelia and the Mage dealing blows in Turn 1, and Anna surviving until Turn 4’s enemy phase, giving me plenty of time to get everyone to the island in the middle of the lake. I do have a tense moment during the process of luring the 2-range units to Robin when I forget to re-pair Chrom with Robin, which causes Chrom to take a hit from an Archer. Luckily, no further enemies come in range of Chrom at the time, and I quickly correct the mistake. Once I level Cordelia up to level 10 after clearing all the 2-range units with Robin, I clear the rest of the map. The right sparkly tile gives Chrom 22 EXP, while the left sparkly tile gives Sumia 23 EXP. Overall, the paralogue takes 35 turns to complete.

    The Barracks give Robin 14 EXP. Since Lissa had 12 Mag at this point, I decide to forego giving her a Mag Tonic for Paralogue 3.

    On Paralogue 3, an Archer is diverted on Turn 2’s enemy phase as he kills a Villager. I manage to save a villager and get the Seraph Robe and Log at the end of the Paralogue. The paralogue takes 13 turns to complete, with the upper sparkly tile giving Cordelia a Glass Bow and the lower sparkly tile giving Robin and Chrom relationship points that proved to be useless.

    I get C supports between Cordelia and Robin and Frederick. The Barracks give Vaike 10 EXP.

    On Chapter 9, the soldier who didn’t die went up on Turn 1’s enemy phase. I thus move Robin 3 tiles left, drop Chrom to her right, and have Cordelia move 1 tile down and 1 tile right of Chrom. I then move Sumia to the left of Cordelia, swap to Lissa, take Ricken, and Rescue Libra. Libra recruits himself during Turn 2’s ally phase. The goons chasing Libra go down to Robin on turn 3’s enemy phase. I have no problems taking out the 6 Wyv reinforcements on Turn 5 with Robin and her forged Wind, and everyone manages to stay alive this time around. The left sparkly tile gives Robin Micaiah’s Pyre, while the right sparkly tile gives Robin useless extra weapons proficiency. The Chapter takes 13 turns to complete this time.

    The Barracks gives extra relationship points between Robin and Sumia, and I decide not to buy the Flux tome in order to save up for an early Second Seal for Chrom, if needed.

    For Paralogue 4, Turn 1’s enemy phase sees the right side Myrm bring a Barb with him. I have Anna kill the Barb in Turn 2, and manage to have Anna and Libra kite the Archer without any problems. The right sparkly tile gives Robin useless weapons proficiency, while the left sparkly tile gives Robin 27 EXP. I reclass Robin to a Dark Flier once she reaches level 15, and clear the paralogue in 22 turns.

    In addition to buying the 3 Wind tomes and the other preparations for Chapter 10, I buy a Thunder and forge it to have +3 Mt to give to Robin. The Barracks give extra relationship points between Sully and Donnel, Chrom 25 EXP, Nowi 13 EXP, Stahl 24 EXP, Seliph’s Blade, Finn’s Lance, and Tiki’s Tear.

    Chapter 10 was simple enough to finish, though I slightly mess up and kill 2 ground units meant for lance training with Wind on Turn 10’s enemy phase due to messing up Robin’s placement for taking out the last Wyv. The left sparkly tile gives Robin 20 EXP, while the right sparkly tile gives Robin a Log. The Chapter takes 19 turns to complete.

    The Barracks give extra relationship points between Panne and Cordelia, Lon’qu and Miriel, Ricken and Cordelia, and a Superior Lance.

    Chapter 11 is even easier to clear this time around since I am able to and do use Sumia in place of Maribelle this time around. I use up the Forged +12 Crit Thunder during Turn 1’s enemy phase, and use Micaiah’s Pyre to take out the Hero on Turn 3. The right sparkly tile gives Olivia extra weapons proficiency, while the left sparkly tile gives Robin 25 EXP. Due to some miscalculations when attempting to kite the remaining enemy units after killing Gangrel so that Anna can get to the chest, the chapter takes 18 turns to complete this time.

    The Barracks give Wolt’s Bow, Katarina’s Bolt, Cordelia a surge of Str and Def, and extra relationship points between Panne and Virion, Maribelle and Gregor, and Libra and Tharja.

    Chapter 12 goes smoothly, although I end up having to use a Bronze Lance for turn 2 due to still having E rank in Lances at the time, although I get D rank after taking out a Cavalier with it. The left sparkly tile gives Robin 18 EXP, while the right sparkly tile gives Robin 24 EXP. The chapter takes 12 turns to complete this time.

    The Barracks give extra relationship points between Lissa and Chrom, Gaius and Chrom, Maribelle and Frederick, Panne and Kellam, Panne and Vaike, Ricken and Cordelia, Robin and Donnel, Frederick and Chrom, Maribelle and Lon’qu, Frederick 15 EXP, a Kneader, and a Shockstick. I also get a C support between Chrom and Lissa.

    Chapter 13 was completed in 1 turn as expected, with Cordelia killing a Risen Archer in the process. After getting C supports between Lucina and Chrom and Robin, I make the necessary purchases and carry the necessary items, and begin Paralogue 12 with a determination to finish it without getting anyone killed this time.


    Turn 1: I move Anna 1 tile up and right from Chrom and Rescue Morgan. After recruiting Morgan with Chrom, I pair Chrom with Robin. I move Morgan right above Olivia, get the Second Seal, a Goddess Icon, the Levin Sword, and a Defense Tonic from Olivia, and change his class to a Mercenary. I boost Morgan with Olivia, and pair Lucina with Morgan. Since neither Morgan or Lucina has the necessary speed to take out the Myrm with the Levin Sword, I have Robin kill the Myrm with a Javelin, and move 2 squares right. I then have Libra heal Morgan, Morgan move 2 squares west of Robin and use a Goddess Icon. Because Libra leveled up, I have Cordelia heal Libra just for the experience. The enemy phase sees the two Mages getting killed by Morgan thanks to Dual Strikes from Lucina in both battles.

    Turn 2: Robin kills the Bullion Thief, then unequip lures the two incoming rightside Wyvs close to Morgan and Lucina. I position Lucina on the top-middle tile of the lowest-left platform, have Olivia boost her, and have her move into the water. During the enemy phase, the Wyv gets killed by Lucina.

    Turn 3: I heal Lucina with Anna, and have Morgan kill the Silver Axe wielding Wyv that attacked the unequipped Robin last turn. After having Libra heal Morgan, I have Morgan kill the Myrm. I heal Morgan with Cordelia, pair Frederick to Olivia, move Olivia west of Morgan, and boost Morgan after giving him the second Goddess Icon. I then have Morgan kill the other Wyv, who does it without taking damage. I then decide to have Robin move one square west and one square south of Morgan. The enemy phase sees Morgan taking out another Wyv.

    Turn 4: I have Robin visit the left sparkly tile, which gives her a Sweet Tincture. I then have Morgan move north just within range of the closest Mage and use a Goddess Icon. After boosting him with Olivia, I have Morgan use a Defense Tonic and Cordelia heal him. I then have Henry give the Speedwing, Bronze Axe, and Master Seal to Olivia, and have Anna heal a just leveled-up Cordelia to level Anna up as well. During the enemy phase, Morgan wounds but does not kill the Mage and Swordmaster.

    Turn 5: I move Robin to the left edge of the map in an attempt to head off the Thief with the Fortify staff. Next, I have Morgan finish off the Swordmaster and the Mage, Henry trade the Luck Tonic for the Speedwing to Olivia, and Olivia give the Luck Tonic, Bronze Axe, and Master Seal to Morgan as well as boosting him from the left. I then have Morgan kill a Myrm using the Levin Sword, and end the turn. On the enemy phase, another Mage goes down to Morgan and Lucina’s Dual strike, putting him to level 10.

    Turn 6: I have Robin kill the Thief with the Fortify staff, and then move her to the left of the pillar and then unequip her. I have Henry move out of range of the upcoming reinforcements, move Morgan south and use the Master Seal to promote him to a Hero. I then have Olivia boost him again, move Anna all the way 2 squares south of the bottom left and Rescue Olivia, and move Morgan 9 tiles left and 1 tile down from the SE stairs to safely lure the Griffon reinforcement. I then have Libra heal Morgan, and Cordelia move out of enemy range. The enemy phase sees the Griffon reinforcement with a Tomahawk dying to Morgan, while the rest of the map converges towards Robin’s position.

    Turns 7-22: Morgan takes out most of the fliers, and then goes to kill the ground units in a gradual manner. When Morgan reaches level 5, I have him learn Sol over Solidarity. With the exception of a couple of ground units and the Boss that I give to Lucina, Morgan clears the rest of the level and checks out the right sparkly tile, which gives him extra weapons proficiency.


    So the time has come to get into Chapter 14. Below is the plan to do so:

    Since Lucina is at level 15, use a Second Seal to reclass her to a Pegasus Knight. Then use an Arms Scroll on Lucina, the Naga’s Tear, Goddess Icon, and a Luk Tonic on Morgan, and a Def tonic on Robin. Next sell the Bullion and buy 3 Elixirs. Equip Lucina with an Iron Lance and two Javelins, and a Master Seal, and Cordelia with a Mend Staff. Send Robin, Lucina, Morgan, Cordelia, and Anna. Put Lucina on the southeast starting spot, Cordelia on the east edge of the boat, Robin on the far south of the boat, with Chrom and Anna within reach of Robin and Cordelia.


    Turn 1: Pair Chrom to Robin, Anna to Cordelia, and Morgan to Lucina. Have Lucina take out the Pegasus Knight to her right, and have her move one square south and one square east of the right boat southeast edge. Move Robin and Cordelia in the safe spot between the center and right boats.

    Turns 2+: Have Cordelia move directly north of Lucina, while Robin should unequip herself and go south of Lucina. Have Lucina kill the Peg knights. Once that is done, haver her kill the 2-range units. When she reaches level 10, Lucina should promote to a Dark Flier and get a Wind tome from Robin. If possible, have Chrom take out any weak enemies to reach level 17. Once that happens, he should use a Second Seal and reclass to a Cavalier.


    The plan seems to be straightforward enough, and it should be smooth sailing from here on in.

  17. On 2/25/2024 at 8:29 AM, Shadow Mir said:

    Doh, I missed!! So ein mist! OH MY GOD!


    That's rough, buddy...

    Thanks a lot for the condolences. 

    After that serious embarrassment that was the Paralogue 12 failure, I get another run going after 11 failed attempts in the following chapters caused by the following sources, with many of them being perfectly avoidable and downright embarrassing to commit:



    • The Mage kills Robin with a Critical hit during the rope-a-dope.
    • I accidentally select “Wait” for Chrom instead of moving him on Turn 1.

    Chapter 2:

    • Virion/Robin misses the shot against the Merc on Turn 1.
    • Robin/Chrom misses one of two attacks against the Barb on Turn 1 from using a Wilderwind that Robin found from the bottom sparkly tile in the Prologue.
    • The boss kills Robin with a Critical hit due to my stupidity in not having Lissa adjacent with Robin.
    • A soldier kills Virion due to a placement miscalculation on my part when trying to improvise surviving the first wave.
    • When trying a defensive strategy, I screw up my movements in Chapter 2 in the first wave and get cornered due to the wounded enemy units causing too many complications.
    • After killing the boss, I massively screw up the river crossing with Frederick and Chrom and get Chrom killed due to crossing the river one turn too late.
    • I accidentally pair Robin to Chrom due to my fat fingers on Turn 1.
    • I move Stahl and Sully to the wrong place on Turn 1 and get Sully killed by the barbs.

    Chapter 3:

    • I stupidly place Robin in range of the Merc and Archer at the same time after I unlock the left door, and the Merc and Archer have their way with her.

    Below are the salient details from the run that did work.


    On turn 1 of the Prologue, Robin does not hit the Myrm to get the extra EXP. The Barb goes north of the Myrm on turn 3, making the chapter slightly faster to complete. Before beginning the rope-a-dope, I check out the bottom sparkly tile with Robin and get 24 EXP. The second sparkly tile gave Robin Wilderwind. Completing the Prologue took 71 turns this time. At the end of the chapter, Robin is at level 8, and has 14 Spd and 7 Mag with a C in Tomes, which gives decent odds of passing Chapter 1.

    In Chapter 1, I have Frederick use Robin’s Bronze Sword to take out the Fighter in Turn 1. The sparkly tile on the south Fort gives Frederick 28 EXP. The boss went north on turn 3, so I follow the usual plan to finish the chapter, but the Archer gets out of formation at the end of Turn 3. After having Frederick use a Vulnerary on turn 4, I have Chrom move one tile left to lure the Archer. On turn 5, I pair Virion to Frederick and Chrom to Lissa as usual. I then have Frederick take out the risen Chief from the top, Robin move one square below him, and Lissa heal Robin from the left after transferring Chrom to Robin. The Archer and Robin deal blows during the enemy phase. On turn 6, I have Robin move 3 squares down, Lissa heal Robin from below, and Frederick move one square down and one square left of Lissa and separate Virion below. Turn 7 sees me moving Robin 2 squares east and equipping the Bronze Sword, Lissa healing Robin from below, and Frederick and Virion each moving one step below. Turn 8 has Robin go to the sparkly tile and finish off the Hammer-wielding Fighter, with the sparkly tile giving her 11 EXP, Virion pairing with Frederick to finish off another Fighter, and Lissa moving out of enemy range. The last fighter suicides itself on Robin during the enemy phase.

    After chapter 1, I get C supports between Robin and Chrom, Lissa, and Frederick, as well as one for Frederick and Virion. Robin is at level 8 at 8 Mag and 14 Spd, which makes her chances of clearing Chapter 2 good, thanks to having Wilderwind.

    On Chapter 2’s turn 1, Virion thankfully hits the Merc, with Fred mercifully killing it. I proceed to move Chom below southwest of the Barbarian, get the Bronze Sword from Robin, get Robin, and have Robin attack the Barbarian with Wilderwind. The Barbarian thankfully goes down to a critical hit from Robin’s second attack followed by a Dual Strike from Chrom. The rest of the first wave goes down with some careful thinking on my part. The lower sparkly tile gives Robin extra weapons training. The second wave gets addressed without any deaths, although I did have a tense spot where I am forced to unequip Frederick in the rope a dope in order to survive an onslaught of wounded enemies due to the enemies moving in exactly the wrong configuration. The second sparkly tile gives Robin 14 EXP. I complete the chapter in 21 turns.

    At the conclusion of Chapter 2, I get C supports between Chrom and Frederick, and Robin and Sully. Robin is at level 13 with 15 Speed, which means that I can take an aggressive approach to clearing the next chapter.

    To start out chapter 3, I make sure Frederick is placed in the second spot on the right. On turns 1-2, I recruit and pair up with Kellam with Chrom, and move him away to the left of Frederick, where I trade the Javelin and Vulnerary to him, switch to Chrom, transfer Kellam to Frederick, and pair with Sully below. I then move Frederick to the middle row just outside of the enemy range, pair Mirel to Sumia, and move Sumia to the bottom edge of the map outside of the enemy range. Next, I move Sully along the fort wall and drop Chrom down below. I then pair Robin to Sully, move Lissa to the right of Sumia, Vaike to the right of Lissa, and Virion to the right of Vaike. Turn 2 has me move Sully 1 tile up, 1 right from the Soldier, swap to Robin and attack the Soldier. I then have Frederick move to the right of the Soldier and finish him off with the Javelin. Finally, I have Chrom and Lissa occupy the top and middle tiles just outside of the enemy range, and Vaike move to the right of Sumia and Virion move to the right of Vaike. On the enemy phase, the Archers fight Robin and get killed, with one from a Critical hit from Robin, and another from Dual Strikes from Sully. Since the Knight is body blocked from Robin by Frederick, he fights Frederick instead. On turn 3, I pair Lissa to Chrom, move Chrom to the right of Robin, switch and transfer Chrom to Robin, and heal Robin. I then have Robin finish off the Knight with Robin, move Frederick right one tile, and move everyone else as far left as possible. The second wave of enemies come from the right, and I manage to deal with them using the upper corridor and Frederick as an effective blocker. The bottom sparkly tile gives Robin Finn’s Lance, and I manage to get Robin to attack the Merc 2 squares from the left to avoid a repeat of a humiliating death by placing her in the wrong area to be attacked by a Fighter as well. The upper sparkly tile gave Robin 22 EXP, and I clear the chapter in 30 turns.

    Before I start Chapter 4, I buy a Flux, Wind, and Thunder, as well as a Strength and Defense Tonic to prepare for paralogue 1 and get a B support between Robin and Chrom and a C support between Lissa and Frederick.

    Chapter 4’s first turn starts out well enough, as a critical Dual Strike from Frederick’s Iron Sword allows Robin to kill the east Fighter. I manage to kill another fighter with Robin and the Mage with Frederick on the second turn. The lower sparkly tile gives Sully Hector’s Axe. The rest of the enemies go down easily to Robin, and the upper sparkly tile gives Fred a Superior Jolt. I finish the chapter in 6 turns.

    I wait a very long while for an Anna shop to generate with a Second Seal. During this time, I check out the Barracks, which gives the following:

    • Relationship points between Robin and Sully, Robin and Sumia, Chrom and Lissa, Chrom and Sully, Frederick and Sumia, Robin and Frederick, Robin and Lon’qu, Sumia and Sully, Lon’qu and Sully, Virion and Lissa, Virion and Sully, Vaike and Miriel, Lissa and Kellam, Vaike and Lon’qu, and Vaike and Sully
    • Frederick 52 EXP
    • Chrom 28 EXP and a surge of Mag and Res
    • Miriel 21 EXP
    • Lon’qu 20 EXP
    • Robin 19 EXP and a surge of Skill and Spd
    • Lissa 12 EXP and a surge of Mag and Def
    • Stahl 41 EXP
    • Sumia 19 EXP
    • Sully 40 EXP and a surge of Skill and Def
    • Tiki’s Tear
    • Glass Bow
    • Reeking Box
    • Superior Bow
    • Superior Edge
    • Kris’s Confect
    • Ladle
    • Sigurd’s Lance
    • Miniature Lance
    • Imposing Axe
    • Gaius’s Confect

    In the process, I sell the Reeking Box, Ladle, Sigurd’s Lance, Finn’s Lance, Hector’s Axe, Glass Bow, Superior Bow, and Superior Edge to get funds for Flux forging, which I forge to have +4 Mt and +5 Hit. I also get a B support conversation between Robin and Frederick. Eventually, an Anna shop does generate with a Second Seal, and I buy it. I equip Robin with Superior Jolt, Forged Flux and Wilderwind, Chrom with the Iron Sword and the Killing Edge, and use a Str Tonic on Chrom and a Def Tonic on Robin before I begin Paralogue 1.

    Paralogue 1 begins okay, where Robin takes out the nearby Barb two squares from the left with Superior Joltand Frederick kills the Thief with the Silver Lance on Turn 1, with the Archer and other Barb dying to Robin on the enemy phase. On turn 2, I have Lissa heal Robin, and Robin move to the right of the Barb nearest her and use the Second Seal to reclass her to a Dark Mage. After moving everyone else out of the way, I end the turn with bated breath. Thankfully, Robin only receives one hit from a Barb, while 3 Barbs and an Archer suicides to her with Superior Jolt equipped. Three of the first enemies of the second wave fall to Robin and the forged Flux, while the Chest Key thief and the rest of the enemies fall to Robin’s Thunder. The lower sparkly tile gives Robin a Rift Door, while the upper sparkly tile gives Robin 14 EXP. I manage to level Donnel up and clear the paralogue in 19 turns. Robin is now a level 5 Dark Mage with 17 Mag and 14 Def.

    I get an A support between Robin and Chrom, B supports between Robin and Lissa as well as Frederick and Virion, and a C support between Stahl and Donnell. The Barracks give Donnel 20 EXP. I proceed to sell the Killer Lance, Kellam’s Iron Lance, Door Key, Imposing Axe, Miniature Lance, Lissa’s Vulnerary, Donnel’s Vulnerary, and Stahl’s Bronze Sword to get enough gold to forge Robin’s Wind to have +4 Mt. I then use Kris’s Confect on Robin and Frederick and Gaius’s Confect on Chrom instead of the Tonics for Chapter 5.

    Chapter 5's Turn 1 goes smoothly, with nobody thankfully dying from the attacks this time around, and Robin taking out a Barb, Myrm, and Dark Mage in the process. I take out the rest of the first wave without too much tension, and manage to have everybody alive by the time the first wave is cleared. The lower sparkly tile gives Robin extra weapons proficiency that was useless, while the upper sparkly tile gave Frederick 23 EXP. I finish the chapter in 17 turns. Robin now has 19 Mag and is at level 11.

    The barracks give Chrom a surge of Spd and Def and Osirin’s Hatchet, which I give to Frederick. I forge a Thunder for Robin to have +12 Crit and give her Kris’s Confect before I start Chapter 6.

    Chapter 6 turns out to be easy to clear, with the sparkly tile inside Emmeryn’s room giving Maribelle 22 EXP, while the other sparkly tile giving Frederick extra weapons training. I complete the chapter in 8 turns.

    I get an S support between Chrom and Robin and again have Robin use a Kris’s Confect in place of a Def Tonic. The Barracks give relationship points between Frederick and Sumia, Lissa and Stahl, Maribelle and Kellam, and Chrom and Lissa.

    As expected, Chapter 7 was easy to clear, and I do it in 4 turns this time without running into the reinforcements. The right sparkly tile gave Robin extra weapons proficiency, which had no effect. The store selling the Flux got blocked by Risen, so I decide to go without it for Chapter 8.

    Chapter 8 goes smoothly enough, with the Cavalier dying in Turn 1’s enemy phase, and Cordelia killing 3 enemy units this time around. The upper sparkly tile gives Robin useless extra weapons proficiency, while the lower sparkly tile gives Robin a Tree Branch. The chapter takes 17 turns to complete this time.

    Checking the Barracks yields a Dying Blaze.


    I will hopefully provide the second half of this character’s run up to Paralogue 12 soon.

  18. Well, as expected, I screw up Morgan’s paralogue and get Olivia killed. Below are the dirty details:

    The Barracks gives Nowi 20 EXP and Chrom 24 EXP before I begin the chapters.

    Chapter 13:

    Turn 1: After pairing Chrom to Robin, I go all the way north and kill a Risen warrior to slingshot her off it. After killing a Risen archer with Cordelia and Henry, I have Robin move to the boss and kill it without any complications.

    Chrom is at level 20 after the chapter, so I buy a Second Seal from an Anna shop for 2500 G and use it to reclass him to a Cavalier. The Barracks give Titania’s Axe, Stahl 12 EXP, Donnel 19 EXP, Kellam 10 EXP, Tharja a boost of Str and Mag, Henry a surge of Str and Skill, Olivia a surge of Mag and Res, and Robin a surge of Spd and Def.

    Paralogue 12:

    Turn 1: I move Anna 1 tile up and right from Chrom and Rescue Morgan. After recruiting Morgan with Chrom, I pair Chrom with Robin. I move Morgan right above Olivia, get the Second Seal, a Goddess Icon, the Levin Sword, and a defense Tonic from Olivia, and change his class to a Mercenary. I boost Morgan with Olivia, and pair Lucina with Morgan. Since Morgan doesn’t have the necessary speed to take out the Myrm with the Levin Sword, I move him two squares south, switch to Lucina, get the Levin Sword from Morgan, and attack the Myrm, which doesn’t kill him. Because of that, I have Robin kill the Mages. In the enemy phase, the Myrm gets killed by Lucina after Morgan blocks its attack.

    Turn 2: Robin kills the Bullion Thief, then unequip lures the two incoming rightside Wyvs close to Morgan and Lucina once Cordelia gets out of the way. I position Lucina on the top-middle tile of the lowest-left platform, have Olivia boost her, and haver her move into the water. During the enemy phase, the Wyv gets killed by Lucina

    Turn 3: I heal Lucina with Anna, and have Morgan kill one of the Wyvs that attacked the unequipped Robin last turn and the Myrm. I heal Morgan with Cordelia, pair Frederick to Olivia, and boost Morgan again. I then have Morgan kill the other Wyv, and have the unequipped Robin lure in the next Wyv.

    Turn 4: I kill the Wyv with Morgan, and have him use the Goddess Icon. I have Olivia boost Morgan and forget to give him the other Goddess Icon, so I have Morgan use the Def Tonic that he didn’t get to use in the first turn and move him in range of the Swordmaster and Mage. I have Cordelia heal Morgan again and Robin move to the left to prepare to kill the Thief that stole the Fortify staff next turn. I then have Henry give the Speedwing, Bronze Axe, and Master Seal to Olivia. I have Anna move to the left sparkly tile, which gives her 11 EXP, and heal Olivia. During the enemy phase, Morgan and Lucina take out a Mage, and Morgan deals 15 damage to a Swordmaster, who deals 18 damage to Morgan.

    Turn 5: I have Robin kill the Thief that stole the Fortify staff, and move back south out of range of the enemies. Then, I have Morgan attack the Swordmaster two squares west of it, boost him with Olivia, and have Morgan finish off the Swordmaster with the Steel Sword, although its vantage deals 15 more damage to him in the process. I have Anna and Cordelia heal Morgan, and have Morgan take out another Myrm. A Mage gets killed by Morgan after dealing 18 damage to him during the enemy phase.

    Turn 6: I unequip and position Robin at the large pillar to lure the enemy reinforcements and position Morgan 9 tiles left and 1 tile down from the southeast stairs with the Levin Sword equipped to lure the Griffon to be killed the next turn. I have Olivia give Morgan the Goddess Icon, Bronze Axe, and Master Seal, and boost him. I then heal Morgan with Cordelia, and have Morgan use the Goddess Icon. The enemy phase sees Morgan killing the Griffon with the help of Lucina, but Olivia getting killed due to me not seeing another Griffon with a Tomahawk coming her way. With Olivia’s death, I declare the run over. Hopefully it won’t be too long before I get another viable run going.

  19. As expected, chapter 12 goes without a hitch. Below is how it went:


    The Barracks gives me another Sigurd’s Lance, Donnel 18 EXP, and Miriel 17 EXP. I also get a C support between Cordelia and Libra before I start the chapter, and sell the Bullion acquired from the last chapter. In addition to the preparations, I have Chrom equip the Rapier and Cordelia get a Mend Staff.


    Turn 1: After pairing Chrom to Robin, I move Robin 2 tiles below the Beast Killer Knight and kill him. I then move Cordelia 1 tile up and 1 tile right and pair Cherche to Cordelia. Robin takes no damage from the enemy units that die to her in the enemy phase.

    Turn 2: I move Robin 4 tiles up, 3 tiles left, equip her with a Javelin, and take out a Cavalier right below her. Then, I move Cordelia 5 tiles up and 3 tiles right with a Javelin equipped. Robin manages to take out every unit against her thanks to Chrom’s Dual Strikes, while Cordelia deals 24 damage to the Knight during the enemy phase with the help of a Cherche Dual Strike while taking 13 damage herself.

    Turn 3: First, I move Robin 7 tiles up and 1 tile right with a Wind equipped. Then, I move Cordelia up 8 tiles and use a Vulnerary. All units that go after Robin, including Dalton, die without damaging her.

    Turns 4-11: With the bridge clear I have Robin head all the way right, and take out the remaining units with a Javelin equipped, with the exception of a lone Valmese Knight that Cordelia kills with the help of Cherche’s Dual Strikes. I have Robin learn Galeforce over Solidarity upon reaching level 15 and have her use the Bronze Lance after all the 2-range units are killed. The left sparkly tile gives Robin 26 EXP, while the right sparkly tile gives a Soothing Sword.


    Next up is Chapter 13, which should be easy to do, and Paralogue 12, which is also doable. Due to the short length of Chapter 13, I will post plans to finish both maps.


    For Chapter 13:


    Sell the Bullion, and buy 2 Rescue Staves, 7 Hand Axes, and 3 Javelins. Make sure Robin has Galeforce at the bottom and has a Wind tome equipped, and that Chrom has a Killing Edge equipped. Send Robin and Cordelia, and put Robin in the northernmost spot.


    Turn 1: After pairing Chrom to Robin, go all the way north and kill a Risen warrior to slingshot her off it. Then move above the boss to kill it from there.


    For Paralogue 12:


    Use the Secret Book on Chrom and equip him with a Steel Sword. Give Lucina an Elixir. Also get C supports for Lucina and Chrom and Robin. Buy 2 Elwinds, forge 1 Elwind for +5 Mt, and the other Elwind for +1 Mt. Make sure that Robin has Galeforce on the bottom, and use Mag and Def Tonics on Robin, a Mag Tonic on Anna, and Str and Def Tonics on Lucina. Provide Olivia with a Second Seal, 2 Goddess Icons, a Def Tonic, and a Levin Sword. Provide Henry with an Elwind, Luk Tonic, Bronze Axe, Master Seal, and Speedwing. Give Tharja the +1 Mt Elwind and Robin the +5 Elwind. Finally, Give Anna and Libra with a Rescue Staff each. Send Robin, Lucina, Anna, Libra, Henry, Tharja, Olivia, and Cordelia. Place Robin above Chrom, and on then row below Chrom from left to right, Libra, Lucina, Cordelia, and Anna. Place Frederick and Olivia on the next row below from left to right, and Tharja and Henry from left to right.


    Turn 1: Move Anna 1 tile up and right from Chrom and Rescue Morgan. Recruit Morgan with Chrom, then pair Chrom with Robin. Move Morgan right above Olivia, get the Second Seal, a Goddess Icon, the Levin Sword, and a defense Tonic from Olivia, and change his class to a Mercenary. Boost Morgan with Olivia, and pair Lucina with Morgan. Have Morgan take out the Myrm from two squares south of him with the Levin Sword, and then move 3 squares south and use the Goddess Icon. Have Cordelia heal Morgan, and Robin kill the center Mage. In the enemy phase, the Mage should be lured in to attack Morgan and get killed in the process.

    Turn 2: Robin should kill the Bullion Thief, then unequip lure the two incoming rightside Wyvs close to Morgan. Position Lucina on top-middle tile of the lowest-left platform. Have Olivia boost her so she can move into the water.

    Turn 3: Kill the Wyv with Lucina if it didn’t die in the previous enemy phase. Heal her with Anna if needed. Snag whatever EXP for Morgan and Lucina that is available. Have Robin kill anything dangerous or use the unequipped Robin to lure in the next Wyv.

    Turn 4: Kill the Wyv with Morgan and have him use the Defense Tonic. Have Olivia boost Morgan and give him the other Goddess Icon, which Morgan should use.

    Turn 5: The unequipped Robin should position up against the large pillar along the main pathway to attract almost all reinforcements for Morgan and Lucina to peel them off. Have Henry give the Speedwing, Bronze Axe, and the Master Seal to Olivia.

    Turn 6: Position Morgan 9 tiles left and 1 tile down from the southeast stairs with the Levin Sword equipped to lure the Griffon to be killed the next turn.

    Turns 7+: Have Robin keep the enemy busy, and Anna or Libra Rescue and heal Morgan and Lucina if needed. Have Olivia give Morgan the Bronze Axe and Master Seal. Do not have Morgan learn Patience when the opportunity comes up, but promote him to the Hero class when he has the chance to do so and have him equip the Bronze Axe. After that, take out the rest of the flyers with Lucina, and have Morgan hunt down the ground units when the flyers are gone.


    The second part of the plan could go awry, so I am hoping for the best there.

  20. I manage to complete the chapter in an almost perfect fashion. Below are the gory details:


    In addition to the preparations, the Barracks provides Fred with a surge of Mag and Lck. I also decide to give Cordelia Sigurd’s Lance in case she needs it.

    Turn 1: I pair Chrom to Robin and have her wait two squares down. I then pair Olivia to Cordelia, move Cordelia to one square north of Robin, swap to Olivia and dance to Robin. I move Robin down to kill the Sage and move everyone else north and west of Olivia. All the Mages die to Robin without any complications during the enemy phase.

    Turn 2: I move Robin three squares and use the Spirit Dust. The 2 Wyvs get killed during the enemy phase.

    Turn 3: Since Robin took no damage from the enemy units, I decide to take out the Hero from one tile up and one tile right. Robin takes out every enemy unit headed her way during the enemy phase without taking any damage.

    Turn 4: I sweep Robin right to get the Mages and position the group to handle a pit stop.

    Turn 5: I move Robin back up toward the group for an Olivia boost and a heal from Anna, then hit the new Merc spawn from 1 tile down and 1 tile right, since I cannot get to the Hero due to moving too far to the right last turn.

    Turn 6: I move Robin to the pit stop to get Olivia boosted, then move south to get in range of Wyvs and Forts and take out a Fighter in the process. The 2 Wyvs and the rest of the units that go over Robin die in the enemy phase without any incident.

    Turn 7: I move Robin to the Merc near the pit stop and kill him. Then I have Olivia bounces Robin down toward the Thief and take out the left Mage. The other Mage dies to Robin in the enemy phase.

    Turn 8: I have Robin snipe the Thief from 2 tiles above. Retreat the others so Mages will target Robin. Move the rest of the team right to get out of enemy range.

    Turns 9-12: I have Robin clean up the remaining goons, with the exception of one Fighter that I leave for Libra to get, before going after Gangrel. The right sparkly tile gives Anna additional weapons proficiency, while the left sparkly tile gives Robin additional weapons proficiency.

    Turns 13-15: I pull Gangrel and his mages from the fort with Robin and have Robin kite the rest so that Anna can get to the chest.


    So now the time has come to do Chapter 12. Below is my plan to do so:


    Buy 30 Defense Tonics, 10 Strength Tonics, 10 Mag Tonics, 4 Speed Tonics, 4 Skill Tonics, and 14 Luck Tonics. Then use Def and Mag Tonics on Robin, and make sure she has a Bronze Lance, a Javelin, and an Elixir. Send Robin and Cordelia. Put Robin at the top left spot, and Cordelia at the far right spot.

    Turn 1: After pairing Chrom to Robin, move Robin 2 tiles below the Beast Killer Knight and kill him. Move Cordelia 1 tile up and 1 tile right, and pair Cherche to Cordelia.

    Turn 2: Move Robin 4 tiles up, 3 tiles left, and then equip her with a Javelin, using an Elixir if necessary. Move Cordelia 5 tiles up and 3 tiles right.

    Turn 3: Move Robin 7 tiles up and 1 tile right. If necessary, use an Elixir again. Move Cordelia up 8 tiles.

    Turns 4+: Once the right bridge is clear head all the way right and take out all of the 2-range units, retreating to the right to heal as necessary. Lure enemies up to the gangplanks, then back up and kill them until Robin gets Galeforce. Once Galeforce is acquired, Robin should kite or slowly pick enemies off one at a time without needing to lure.


    The plan should be okay to follow, but I could be required to deviate from it to prevent losses. The hard part of this adventure should be over, though.

  21. Chapter 10 turns out to be easy, which is a thankful change from the previous chapters. Below is how it went:


    Checking out the Barracks gives Gregor 21 EXP, and a Sigurd’s Lance. After I finish checking it out, I reclass Robin to a Dark Flier with the Second Seal. Then, I sell the Bullion, buy 3 Wind tomes, then equip her with a Wind, Bronze Lance, and Katarina’s Bolt. After I make sure Chrom has a Steel Sword equipped, I use a Mag and Def Tonic on Robin. Finally, I send just Robin, and place her two tiles west of Chrom to begin the chapter.


    Turns 1-2: I pair Chrom to Robin and kill the Master Seal Thief from the northeast. Then, I take out the Seraph Robe Thief on the next turn. 

    Turns 3-5: I use the Seraph Robe on Robin, and head up toward Mustafa by flying over the Bones tiles. I take out both Thieves as they pass by the top of it.

    Turns 6-19: I hang out over the Bones tiles until all the 2-range units and all but one of the Wyverns are dead. Then, I take out the rest of the units with the Bronze Lance. I do not have Robin learn Rally Movement in the process. The bottom sparkly tile gave useless relationship points, while the top sparkly tile gave Robin weapons proficiency.


    With Chapter 10 done, it is now time to prepare for Chapter 11. Below is how I plan to tackle it.


    Sell the Bullion and Beaststone, and buy 3 Javelins. Use a Kris’s Confect and a Mag Tonic on Robin. Use the Master Seal on Cordelia to promote her to the Falcon Knight class, and make sure she has a Steel Lance, Javelin, and Heal staves in her inventory. Make sure that Anna has Rescue and Mend staves and give Frederick a Concoction. Finally, equip Chrom with a Killing Edge. Bring in Robin, Maribelle, Cordelia, Frederick, Libra, and Anna. Place Robin in the southeastern-most spot and equip her with Wind.


    Turn 1: Pair Chrom to Robin and have her wait two squares down. Pair Olivia to Cordelia, move Cordelia to one square north of Robin, swap to Olivia and dance to Robin. Move Robin down to kill the Sage. Move everyone else north and west of Olivia. 

    Turn 2: Move Robin within range of two right Wyvs but also so the Hero can be hit next turn. Use Spirit Dust on Robin.

    Turn 3: Move Robin outside Hero’s range in the top Fighter’s range.

    Turn 4: Sweep Robin right to get all of the Mages and position the group to handle a pit stop to divert Robin toward the northwest reinforcements next turn.

    Turn 5: Move Robin back up toward the group for healing and an Olivia boost, then hit the new Hero spawn from 1 tile down and 1 tile right.

    Turn 6: Move Robin to the pit stop to get healed and Olivia boosted, then move south and kill the hero with Katarina’s Bolt.

    Turn 7: Move Robin to the pit stop and get a kill at the same time if possible. Olivia should bounce Robin down toward the Thief while remaining in Mage range, but outside of Gangrel’s Merc’s range.

    Turn 8: Have Robin snipe the Thief from 2 tiles above. Retreat the others so Mages will target Robin. Move the rest of the team right to get out of enemy range, but make sure to be at least 1 tile above the clump of Woods near the Fort to avoid the Mages going after somebody else.

    Turns 9+: Have Robin clean up the remaining goons before going after Gangrel. Pull Gangrel’s of mages from the fort. Have Robin kite the rest so that Anna can get to the chest.


    The plan could seriously go wrong, and I am prepared to kick myself if I lose any more units in the process. Let’s see if I can successfully pull this game plan off.

  22. Paralogue 4 ends up working with a couple of minor hiccups. Below is how it played out:


    I prepare by using Mag and Def tonics on Robin, and a Mag tonic on Libra. Then, I use the Dracoshield on Robin, make sure she has the Forged Flux (as equipping it will give her 42 Attack), give the remaining Rescue staff to Libra and also trade out his Ward staff for a Hand Axe, provide Tharja with Dying Blaze, and exchange his Bronze Sword with a Killing Edge. I send Robin, Tharja, Frederick, and Libra. Finally, I place Robin in the starting spot closest to the middle-most Myrm’s left, Frederick 2 tiles right of Chrom, Libra 1 tile up and 1 tile right of Frederick, and Tharja in any spot that can reach Libra.

    Turn 1: I pair Tharja to Libra, and have Libra go to the right of Chrom and Rescue Anna. I recruit Anna with Chrom, then pair Chrom to Robin. Next, I have Robin blow up central Myrm with the forged Flux. I pair Fred to Anna, and move Anna to the unreachable tile below Robin. In the enemy phase, the right side Myrm brings a Barb and moves out Robin’s attack range if she goes against the wall of the door.

    Turn 2: I have Anna kill the Barb, which she does thanks to a dual attack from Frederick. I then place Robin against the wall with the door and kill the Myrm as planned.

    Turn 3: I send Robin to kill the rest of the goons, put Anna within reach of the mid right door so she can unlock it next turn, and position Libra so he can go beside Anna, but still Rescue Robin. A stray Barb breaks off from the group that attacks Robin and attacks Libra instead, who takes no damage thanks to Tharja and deals 13 damage from it.

    Turn 4: I pick the door with Anna, have Libra Rescue Robin, and move Robin above Anna and take out the Archer. During the enemy phase, the Archer and stray Barb miss Anna.

    Turn 5: I kill the northernmost Barb with Robin, have Anna kill the stray Barb, and move Libra out of range

    Turns 6-20: I cut off the Thief’s exit with Robin and kill him, and decide to have Anna kill the Archer to simplify things since things got dicey in the previous turns. The lower sparkly tile gives Anna additional weapons proficiency, while the upper sparkly tile gives Libra and Tharja improved relationship. I clean up the left side treasures, then have Robin pull Boss and gang from NW treasure room while Anna hides well out of range (but within movement of the chest) on the right. Robin reaches level 15, and I decide to unequip Vengeance in the process to make room for Tomebreaker.


    So now it’s time to plan for Chapter 10. Below is a procedure that I think has a decent chance of success. 

    First of all, Reclass Robin to a Dark Flier with the Second Seal. Sell the Bullion that I got in the paralogue, buy 3 Wind tomes, then equip Robin with a Wind, Bronze Lance, and Katarina’s Bolt. Make sure Chrom has a Steel Sword equipped. Use a Mag and Def Tonic on Robin. Send just Robin, and place her two tiles west of Chrom.

    Turns 1-2: Pair Chrom to Robin, and kill the Master Seal Thief from the northeast. Then, take out the Seraph Robe Thief on the next turn.

    Turn 3: Use the Seraph Robe on Robin, and head up toward Mustafa by flying over the Bones tiles. Both Thieves will probably go down they pass by the top of it.

    Turns 4+: Hang out over the Bones tiles until all the Wyverns and 2-range units are dead. Take out the ground melee with the Bronze Lance. Pick each enemy off one-by-one during the enemy phases by luring them in, and use the Bones Forts to heal any lost HP. Do not have Robin learn Rally Movement in the process.


    The plan should be simple enough to carry out without any problems, assuming that I don't get stupid while carrying it out.

  23. After a very long break, I am back and ready to continue where I left off. I manage to pass chapter 9, but boy did it turn out to be very messy, as I took my largest loss yet and barely managed to keep this run viable.


    Before I commence with the preparations, I get an A support between Frederick and Virion, and check out the Barracks, which give Stahl a surge of Mag and Def, Miriel a surge of Mag and Res and 29 EXP, and a Volant Axe, a Dying Blaze, another Glass Sword, and Katarina’s Bolt. I buy a Bronze Axe and Bronze Bow, and forge the Flux to have +3 Mt. Next, I use Mag and Def tonics on Robin, and a Mag tonic on Lissa. Then I send Robin, Lissa, Ricken, Cordelia, and Sumia, where I place Cordelia in the southwest-most starting spot, and Robin in the southeast-most starting spot.


    Turn 1: I pair Chrom to Robin, move 4 tiles down and 1 tile left, and kill the soldier from 2 tiles away with Wind. I pair Lissa to Cordelia, and pair Ricken to Sumia and move her to right above Cordelia. The Soldier who didn’t attack Robin goes right.

    Turn 2: I move Robin below the Soldier and kill him. Next, I move Sumia 1 square from the enemy range on Libra’s column, move Cordelia below her, switch to Lissa, transfer Ricken to Lissa, and Rescue Libra. Lissa survives the assault of the Dark Mage, while Libra kills the Dark Mage during the Ally Phase.

    Turns 3-8: I clean up the goons chasing Libra, who gets recruited at turn 4. I don’t manage to get Robin above the top 2×2 set of Bones by the time turn 5 rolls around, so I end up only taking out the 3 Wyvs that appear on that turn. I end up losing Sumia and Ricken to the Wyv reinforcements that I fail to kill in the process. However, I manage to stabilize the top area before I take any more significant losses, although I have Lissa fully expend one of my Rescue staves in the process.

    Turns 9-13: I get Chrom to recruit Tharja, and have Lissa go to the left sparkly tile after clearing the enemies, which gives her a Volant Axe. I have Libra head to the right sparkly tile, which gives him some extra weapon proficiency, and have Robin kill Campari with the forged Wind.

    Before I conclude the part, I get a Soothing Sword from the barracks. I then proceed to set up a plan for completing Paralogue 4, which looks like this:


    Use Mag and Def tonics on Robin, and a Mag tonic on Libra. Use the Dracoshield on Robin, make sure she has the Forged Flux (as equipping it will give her 42 Attack), and give the remaining Rescue staff on Libra. Send Robin, Tharja, Frederick, and Libra. Place Robin in starting spot closest to the middle-most Myrm’s left, Frederick 2 tiles right of Chrom, Libra 1 tile up and 1 tile right of Frederick, and Tharja in any spot that can reach Libra.


    Turn 1: Pair Tharja to Libra, and have Libra go to the right of Chrom and Rescue Anna. Recruit Anna with Chrom, then pair Chrom to Robin. Have Robin blow up central Myrm with the forged Flux. Pair Fred to Anna, and move Anna to the unreachable tile below Robin in an effort to divert as much enemy random movement down the middle as possible.

    Turn 2: Place Robin against the wall with the door and kill the Myrm. If it looks safe, have Libra and Anna try to dispatch the Barb/Mage located next to the Myrm in the lower part of the middle section, otherwise unequip them and heal through the damage. The 2-rangers should head towards Robin during the enemy phase.

    Turn 3: Send Robin to kill the rest of the goons, put Anna within reach of the mid right door so she can unlock it next turn, and position Libra so he can go beside Anna, but still Rescue Robin.

    Turn 4: Pick the door with Anna, have Libra Rescue Robin, and move Robin above Anna and take out the Archer.

    Turn 5: Kill the Barb with Robin and move Anna and Libra out of range of the Mage and kite the Archer.

    Turns 6+: Keep advancing Robin as far north as possible to kill the Thief after it gets the Arms Scroll. Have Anna and Libra kite the Archer toward Robin. Clean up the left side treasures, then have Robin pull Boss and the others from the northwest treasure room while Anna hides well out of range, but within range of the chest, on the right.


    The plan is a little more solid than the previous chapter, but there is still potential for things to go wrong here.

  24. Paralogue 3 turns out to be okay, as I manage to save a Villager and complete the chapter without any serious complications.


    In addition to the preparations, I have Robin trade in the regular Flux for the forged Wind and Sumia take Finn’s Lance.


    Turn 1: I pair Chrom with Robin, and move her south into the Pegs’ range with the forged Wind equipped. Then, I pair Frederick to Cordelia and move Cordelia south and one square right of Robin. Next, I pair Lissa to Sumia, move into the forest with Sumia, and drop Lissa such that after the Villagers all move 2 tiles left, she can reach the topmost one. During the enemy phase, the two Knights hit the Villagers, Robin kills the 2 Pegs without taking damage.

    Turn 2: I have Lissa heal the topmost Villager with Mend, and move Robin down to kill the Knight with the regular Wind. Finally, I move Cordelia into the bottom-left safe spot and swap to Frederick. The enemy phase sees a Villager get killed by an Archer, another villager get hit by the Knight, and a Peg die to Robin.

    Turn 3: I move Robin to kill the closest Barb with Wind, and pair Lissa onto Sumia. Then, I move Sumia one square east and one square south Robin, and rescue the unharmed Villager. I have Frederick wait since there was a risk of the Barb scoring a critical hit. 2 Barbs die to Robin and the wounded Villager gets killed during the enemy phase.

    Turn 4: I have Robin kill the nearest Archer, and Lissa move west and switch to Sumia. I then switch Fred to Cordelia. The enemy phase sees another Archer dying to Robin,

    Turns 5-6: I have Cordelia attack the Barb from his northwest with the Javelin, who deals a total of 33 damage with help of a Dual Strike from Fred. I then move Robin west of Sumia, transfer Chrom to Sumia, and then have Sumia move to Barb. I then switch to Chrom to finish off the Barb with Falchion. 2 Mercs die to Robin during the enemy phase. On the next turn, I have Chrom talk to the villager, switch to Sumia, transfer Chrom to Cordelia, and have Cordelia move to Robin to transfer Chrom back to Robin. I then switch to Lissa to heal Robin. Finally, I have Robin take out a Knight. In the enemy phase, two Knights die to Robin.

    Turns 7-13: I have Sumia head to the village to get the Blessed Bow, while I have Cordelia and Lissa separate and Robin wipe out the group of 4 Barbs, a Merc and 2 Archers. I then have Sumia check out the right sparkly tile, which gives her extra weapons proficiency, and Robin look at the left sparkly tile, which gave her 19 EXP. Robin then takes out the Risen Chief in one go. I send the Elixir to the convoy and end the chapter after obtaining the Seraph Robe and Log.


    After finishing the paralogue, I get C supports between Frederick and Cordelia and Maribelle, as well as one for Chrom and Sumia. The Barracks give Maribelle a surge of Mag and Res.


    So now it is time to plan out chapter 9, which could still lead to complications since Lissa is still at 8 Mag. The plan to clear it looks like this:


    Buy a Bronze Axe and Bronze Bow, and forge the Flux to have +3 Mt. Use Mag and Def tonics on Robin, and a Mag tonic on Lissa. Send Robin, Lissa, Ricken, Cordelia, and Sumia. Place Sumia in southwest-most starting spot, and Robin in the southeast-most starting spot.


    Turn 1: Pair Chrom to Robin. Move 4 tiles down. Kill Soldier from 2 tiles away with either Wind or the +2 Mt Flux. Pair Lissa to Sumia. Pair Ricken to Cordelia and move her to right above Sumia.

    Turn 2: If the Soldier goes up, move Robin 4 tiles left, and drop Chrom to her right. Move Cordelia 1 tile below Chrom, then possibly 1 tile to the right of that (depending on Dark Mage movement) and wait. Move Sumia below or left of Cordelia (depending on Dark Mage movement), swap to Lissa and take Ricken. Rescue Libra. If the Soldier goes right instead, move Robin below the Soldier and kill him. Move Cordelia 2 squares from the enemy range on Libra’s column, move Sumia below her, switch to Lissa, transfer Ricken to Lissa, and Rescue Libra. Libra should recruit himself after the enemy phase.

    Turn 3+: Pair Chrom back to Robin if Robin is paired with somebody else and clean up the goons chasing Libra. Move a forged Wind/Flux-equipped Robin to be above the top 2×2 set of Bones to get six Wyvs reinforcements that appear on turn 5 in one turn. All other characters should be 2 or more tiles below that same set of Bones. Recruiting Tharja is a low priority, and I think an unequippped Robin will probably be the meatshield necessary for the recruitment to be achieved.


    So the plan is simple enough, but improvisation will be needed to make up for Lissa’s low Mag stat.

  25. Paralogue 2 ends up being a cinch, as expected. Below is how it went:

    Before I make my preparations, I check out the barracks, which gives Alm’s Blade, Aversa’s Night, Leif’s Blade, a Reeking Box, Finn’s Lance, a Superior Bow, a Catharsis, Micaiah’s Pyre, Chrom a boost in Def and Res, Nowi 14 EXP, and Vaike 27 EXP. In addition to the preparations I listed, I deposit the Rescue staff and Hector’s Axe that Cordelia and Nowi got from the last chapter, trade in Chrom’s Iron Sword with Leif’s Blade, give Cordelia the Shockstick, and give Sumia Frederick’s Javelin.


    Turn 1: I pair Robin to Cordelia, move Cordelia 2 tiles to the left of the Mage, and deal 24 damage to him without the Mage hitting her. Next, I pair Chrom to Sumia, move Sumia to the right of Cordelia, swap to Chrom and transfer for Robin. I then swap to Robin and kill the Mage with Wind. During the ally phase, Anna kills a Barb.

    Turn 2: I have Robin picking off the nearby Silver Axe wielding Barb. I separate Cordelia and Sumia, and keep them out of enemy range. As expected, Vincent’s team dies to Robin during the enemy phase. I put the Goddess Icon that Vincent drops in the convoy. The ally phase sees Anna killing another Barb.

    Turns 3-15: I head to the island in the middle of the lake with the group while taking out a Barb with Robin along the way. I then transfer-pair Robin and Chrom to Cordelia and Sumia, and fly them up to the island in the middle of the lake. During that process, a Barb destroys the village. I then rearrange to get Robin/Chrom into the bottom 2 tiles of the island and hide the fliers at the top two tiles. I keep ending the turns until all the 2-range units are dead.

    Turns 16-39: I lure a Barb to Cordelia and give Cordelia Sumia’s Javelin. I then proceed to Javelin four Barbs to death with Cordelia over the next batch of turns to get her to level 10.

    Turns 40-43: I have Chrom pair with Sumia and have Sumia go to the right sparkly tile, which gives Sumia extra weapons proficiency. I then have Robin pair with Cordelia and move to Chrom’s position, where I transfer Robin to Chrom. Next, I have Sumia check out the left sparkly tile, which gives her 11 EXP. Finally, I have Sumia and Cordelia move out of range, and Robin/Chrom kill the rest of the enemies, with Chrom killing three Barbs from the group, and Cordelia attacking one of the Barbs in the process.


    After completing the paralogue, I get a C support for Cordelia and Sumia and Lissa and Virion. The Barracks gives Finn’s Lance, another 2 Kris’s Confects, a Slack Bow, Titania’s Axe, a third Glass Sword, Superior Jolt, a Glass Lance, a Soothing Sword, Lissa a surge of Skill and Def, Sumia a surge of Lck and Def, and Sully a surge of Spd and Def.

    The next paralogue will be hard since Lissa only has a base of 8 Mag, which makes using Rescue staves with her rather difficult when it comes to trying to save a single Villager.


    Preparations: Use a Def tonic on Robin and a Mag Tonic on Lissa. Send Robin, Frederick, Lissa, Cordelia, and Sumia. Put Robin in the spot closest to the bridge, Cordelia and Sumia in spots close to the river, and bring on Frederick a Bronze Sword, Hand Axe, Silver Lance, Vulnerary, and a Concoction.


    Turn 1: Move Robin south into the Pegs’ range and equip the forged Wind. Pair Frederick to Cordelia and move Cordelia south and close to Robin as possible without getting into enemy range. Pair Lissa to Sumia. Move into the forest and drop Lissa such that after the Villagers all move 2 tiles left, she can reach the topmost one.

    Turn 2: Lissa heals the topmost Villager, which will divert either a Merc or an Archer in the Enemy Phase. Position Sumia 3 tiles away from Lissa, somewhere toward Robin. Move Robin down to kill the Knight. Move Cordelia into the bottom-left safe spot and swap to Frederick.

    Turn 3: Move Robin to kill the closest Barb. Pair Lissa onto Sumia. Move Sumia below Robin. Rescue surviving Villager. If Frederick can safely engage the bottom-left corner Barb, go into melee with a sword equipped. Otherwise, wait or go in unequipped.

    Turn 4: Robin should kill the nearest Barb. If Fred engaged the Barb, move 1 tile right and heal if necessary. If not, move to 2 tiles right of the Barb. Tank unequipped if necessary. Lissa should move all the way down and Rescue Villager into just the Archer’s range, if the Villager is not out of enemy range. She can heal him over and over and the Archer will ignore her if she can’t be one-rounded.

    Turn 5+: Robin finishes off Fred’s Barb. Lissa heals the Villager until he’s in the far corner. Try to have Robin engage as many melee and 2-range as possible to thin out the crowd. If turtling, try to leave the melee Knight alive and get into the corner with unequipped Robin in front, Lissa in the back and Frederick on the Mountain (Knights will body block 2-range from targeting Lissa). Robin can then kill stuff at range with Lissa trade-convoying as necessary. Once all the 2-rangers are dead, use transfer shenanigans to get Sumia out above Fred while keeping Cordelia on him. Sumia should then head to the village to get the Blessed Bow.


    Hopefully I can save one villager with this strategy.

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