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Posts posted by Sanngriðr

  1. Hiya papaya! I'm Sanngriðr, and I've been a fan of this series for, like, 7 years? Something like that? 

    My first games were Genealogy and BSFE that I somehow got to play on my tablet as a kid, but I completely forgot about these games until I downloaded Heroes on launch day. I have since played every single game in the series.

    My favorite game is Fates, and my three favorite characters all come from it, including my favorite fictional character ever! It's Camilla the princess of Nohr and Queen of slaying! 

    I have scrolled through Serenes Forest forums several times across the years, and felt like finally joining, so... Here I am!

    I apologize if I have made typos or if I ever do in the future, as I am French and as such English isn't my main language. 

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