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Everything posted by Nimue

  1. I was hoping for some new screenshots this week! Thanks for sharing. (Still waiting for Gray and Python's portraits)
  2. My sister just got a five star Ephraim lol When we were younger we started this silly rivalry about which sibling/route was better(it was all in good fun). I guess it was meant to continue.
  3. Got a five star Eirika! I have this game on a few other phones, so hopefully I can get some of the other focus characters today.
  4. I like that the original tracks are posted for comparison. They both sound absolutely lovely.
  5. I'm not really familiar with a lot of the cast members, but I studied up on some of them after the direct. I'm trying not to learn too much about this game before release(I know its been around longer than I have, but I'd like to keep at least a few things fresh and new), but from what I researched I think supports between Clive and Mathilda and his sister would be in for sure(I also noticed that her updated sprite shows her with blonde hair instead of blue). Python and Forsyth, two characters I'm hoping to like, might also support with Clive and each other. Kumui and Jesse could talk about their plans for building a new country. Saber apparently joins them after the war, so It'd make sense for a support triangle there.
  6. My sister and I were thinking that maybe he and the new villager girl could be related (going off of the similar hair colors). Eh, who knows?
  7. Most of the characters I like that placed within the top 20 aren't going to make it to the top 3, so I stuck to voting for my favorites as well. I think my last two votes will be Guy and Wolf (or Stefan). Anyway, I'm glad Gaius did pretty well. Lute, too.
  8. I've been trying to get my small group of friends into FE since High school. So far, one of them tried out Conquest as her first game last year and loved it. I talked to her a few days ago and she seemed really excited for this game. Strangely, she didn't seem into Heroes at all until I explained the concept to her a little more.
  9. Jeorge! One of my faves! I like both his Japanese and English voices.
  10. I really, really like the Mysterious Man's design! His armor is really cool. I also like the contrast between his skin and hair color.
  11. I put this game and a couple of others on reserve a few hours ago. I'll keep checking back for the amiibos.
  12. Thanks, everyone! I probably would have spent forever trying to figure out who's who since I'm not familiar with any of the characters at all.
  13. Some character art from Gematsu: http://gematsu.com/gallery/fire-emblem-echoes-shadows-of-valentia/january-18-2017/ Maybe someone who played the original can identify these characters?
  14. I'm loving everything about this: the artwork, release window, and getting the opportunity to experience this entry for the first time. (It'll be a nice little graduation gift for myself!) I usually don't care for Amiibo, but I'm definitely picking those up as soon as I can.
  15. Voted for Guy today. I'm going to try to vote for characters from older games first.
  16. Super, super excited that Zelda is finally coming out. I'm most likely going to wait to buy a Switch until more games come out, so I'll be getting the WiiU version first. I had a feeling the Warriors game rumor was Fire Emblem related, and I'm glad it was. I've never played a game like that before, so this is a good place to start. That Mario game looked amazing as well. (Even though it hasn't been officially announced, I'm hoping and praying that THQ Nordic shows off a new Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy in the next couple of years. They recently bought the IP and stated that it would be a good fit for the console.)
  17. For me it's mainly personality/likeability. If a character grates my gears and the're not the lord/important, I won't even bother with them(even if they're a powerful unit). Examples being: Oboro, Rinkah, Cordelia, Jakob, Severa, Hana, Shinon, Lethe, Soren, Yarne, Panne, Kjelle, and Peri. There are quite a bit more on my list, but it's getting kinda long lol. Design plays a role, too. For example, I always use: Nailah, Volug, Guy, Keaton, Joshua, Takumi, Gaius, Velouria, Stahl, Geoffrey, Knoll, Zihark, Stefan,Tiki, Kaze, Jeorge, Minerva, Heath, Titania, Gerome, Lute, and Artur. I like these characters personality-wise as well. Some of the characters I dislike have decent designs, but that's not enough to give them a spot on my team. On that note, a lot of the characters I listed above are sword users, mages, flyers or wolf shapeshifters. I love these classes. I also tend to favor characters that are attractive(Volug, Gaius, Keaton, Zihark, Stefan, Joshua, etc.) I dunno, I'd say my reasons for choosing units to use are pretty simple. I try not to overthink it or plan out too much. I just sort out the interesting or tolerable characters that have some decent stats and get started on my playthrough.
  18. I like using Guy over the other myrmidons/ swordmasters. I even use him as a replacement for Lyn. I don't have a favorite lord in FE7. Eliwood and Lyn are ok-ish. Hector is great as a unit but I can't stand his personality. I actually used to like Ike when I was a kid. I thought he was cool in Brawl, but after I played FE9 and 10 I that appreciation quickly faded away lol. Ryoma and Xander are equally uninteresting to me. I can't choose which one I like/dislike more. I seem to be part of the rare group that doesn't like Oboro. Her facial expressions, voice, and sob-story get annoying rather quickly. Plus her support with Beruka made me dislike her more. Shiro and Seigbert should be more popular than their fathers. I almost never use Fighters. Axe users aren't very reliable for me. Maybe I just have bad luck? I pretty sure someone else mentioned this already, but I also prefer using characters I like over strong or popular ones. This is why I almost never use characters like Jaffar, Oboro, Owain, Cordelia, Navarre, etc.
  19. I'll go with Takumi's clique, but mostly for his interactions with Hinata. I don't care for Oboro at all. I agree with the above poster who noted that Takumi's retainers praise him too much and too often, though. Still, it's not done so much that it becomes extremely annoying and it's only natural since they pledged their loyalty to him for what they felt were good reasons. Along with Elise's group, they seem to balance being good friends with being close allies, allowing for conversations that range from heartfelt to humorous. It's a good balance.
  20. I've never been interested in playing/buying card games, but when I saw that Guy card, oh man <3 I'll be looking forward to the series 7 release just to find that specific card.
  21. Keaton and Velouria. They're such adorkable weirdos. I love them! Takumi, Hinata, and Kaze come close for males. Benny and Kiragi are faves of mine, too. Mitama, Charlotte, Orochi and Setsuna really grew on me and are among my most used units, but the fave has to go to my wolf daughter.
  22. Guy: I always imagine him with Todd Haberkorn's voice, more specifically the one he uses for Yun from SFIV. I think he could portray Guy's hot-blooded nature very well.
  23. I wish Hinata, Takumi and Benny had scored a bit higher, but I'm glad Keaton and Kaze were pretty close to the top. Most of the first gen female characters I dislike took the top spots as usual. Yawn.
  24. Keaton and Takumi are great. Argh... It's hard to choose one over the other.
  25. I don't really care for the character, but from what I've read about her she's a little more tolerable than Tharja when it comes to interacting with the other members of the army.
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