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Posts posted by Kirby1up

  1. So ran into a bit of a conundrum in my run. corrin ended up getting killed during chapter 11. (as well as back in chapter 5) and while none of the other units died in those specific chapters, I'm not sure if I should purposely play chapter 12 without the 1 turn cheese strat to compensate for how the last chapter played out. (knowing full well there's a high chance of my other units getting killed in that chapter) I'm not against turning the run into a soft iron man run...

    (if anyones wondering corrin,Gunther and Silas have gotten killed in combat in my run so far)

  2. 2 hours ago, samthedigital said:

    What games are you familiar with, and what difficulty do you want to play on? That might be important to know before answering. I chose Awakening as my first ironman since I had been playing it a lot at the time and am more familiar with that game than the others. I wouldn't suggest a game you've never finished first unless you really don't care about the story, though.

    presumably hard mode since that's the mode I general play on nowadays (maddening run attempts I've made on classic end up being abandoned early on).

    Fates and three houses are the ones I've spent the most time messing with in the early game.

    Story wise assume any of the poll options with "(example)" I never finished (figured I'd list them on the off chance their easier to manage iron man runs in)


    You put FE1 on the list that you've barely experienced and yet you didn't put peak FE with its remake being THE game for ironmaning? Its so over DS bros...

    edit: I did not catch that (kept getting distracted while typing up the topic/poll) In shadow dragon DS I made it to Chapter 21 before I ended up taking a break from the series

  3. Just had a thought, how on earth is the this the only route in three houses where Rhea doesn't get caught (or worse) by the empire & slithers combined efforts? .

    I can assume its because those who slither don't seem to be involved in the invasion chapter in the CF route but... why wouldn't they? we know thanks to the other 3 routes that they can capture Rhea easily with a couple of Demonic Beasts and a blast of magic from Thales. We already know Cornelia was working on putting the holy kingdom of faerghus under her thumb and nemesis was likely on standby. story would've gone in a different direction all together but I don't see why they wouldn't just take the risk and go for the kill regardless if edelgard was intending to capture Rhea alive or not.

  4. For whatever reason it seems every time I take a few days off from from FE games to play other stuff, whether for variety's sake or cause I was stuck on a hard map I didn't feel like tackling that day. I come back to whatever FE game I was working on last only to find my interest drained for whatever reason eventually leading to me switching to a different game or starting a fresh save which tends to help in certain cases but then when I end up switching things up again the same loop happens again. it doesn't seem to be that I don't like the games cause I've made it to about chapter 16-18 in fates several times and did a 2 unit run through silver snow up till the final map before my eventual lose of interest. but it is frustrating that outside of my first runs through the 3ds games,new mystery and TH (minus the golden deer route) I keep losing interest around the mid point, going back to the start and basicly repeating the process again.

  5. 1 hour ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

    Also, Cornelia is the GHB unit. No surprise there, given this lineup of characters.

    Gonna be honest I'd likely have been more interested in getting Miklan as GHB unit instead. could've worked him into the forging bond story, would've been an armored lance unit,


    And he did technically work alongside the kingdoms forces in three hopes.

  6. Hello, my username is kirby1up.

    I've been a fire emblem fan for about 9-10 years I'm guessing (briefly checked out radiant dawn from a library, but awakening was the game that got me interested in the series) I've dabbled with most of the games in the franchise with awakening,fates and new mystery of the emblem being my favorites.

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