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Posts posted by Exaccuss


    Doop doop.

    [spoiler=Viole X Soiree]

    [spoiler= C ]Soiree: Ya! Ha ha ha!

    Viole: Ooh, if it isn't my beautiful Soiree.

    To make a comparison to the exquisite movements,

    it's like the dance of the butterflies and the charging of the bees.

    Soiree: ... What are you doing?

    Viole: Doing? Obviously, I'm always-

    Soiree: If there's nothing, then get out of my way.

    I'm still training.

    Viole: Ooh, that's cold. Don't speak such words,

    why not tell me how you really feel.

    You both shout and train like a man, and it doesn't really suit you.

    Soiree: Even though you may say that,

    I've always been like this.

    If you're not diligent in training,

    you're sure to lose your life someday.

    Viole: Even without training, for someone as beautiful as you,

    there are many men whom would be willing to be your guard.

    Soiree: Guard me?

    Where can I find this sort of man?

    Viole: Right in front of you.

    Soiree: Ah... Ah ha ha ha! Don't joke anymore.

    You really are quite funny.

    Viole: ... I never said I was joking.

    Soiree: Besides, an incompetent man can't hope to protect me.

    To find a hero who can really isn't easy.

    Viole: And, as I've said before,

    That man is right in front of your eyes.

    Soiree: This isn't a game. Without even looking at other people I can tell you aren't fit.

    Viole: Well, I won't be regretful in the future.

    The next time we are on the battlefield,

    The true majesty of my battling skills will be carved into your eyes.

    Soiree: Alright then, I'll be looking forward to it.

    [spoiler= B ]Soiree: Ah, Viole.

    I saw the way you fought in our previous battle.

    Viole: Now that you can appreciate my true battling spirit,

    you should be able to understand –

    I am the hero whom will protect you.

    Soiree: As if! Didn't you just refuse a duel!

    Viole: I did, because there was no reason to accept.

    Soiree: Didn't you say you were a hero?

    Is refusing a duel the mark of one?

    Viole: Since when.

    Being able to avoid unnecessary conflict is also a skill a hero should have.

    Soiree: Well then, let me ask Mr Knight.

    Under what conditions would you accept a duel?

    Viole: If it were to protect you,

    then no matter what, I would accept.

    Soiree: Aiyaya, such unreasonable words…

    You still have such a fast tongue.

    Viole: This is only for the sake of discussion.

    Whether you believe it or not is up to you.

    Soiree: In that case, I don't believe you.

    Viole: Ooh… Didn't you at least hesitate before saying that?

    Soiree: Hahaha… I'm only joking.

    Even though you didn't accept the duel,

    your other behaviour has made up for it.

    For the time being, I will withhold my own opinion.

    I look forward to your future behaviour, Mr Knight.

    Viole: Ah, leave it to me!

    [spoiler= A ]Viole: Ah, Miss Soiree. What is it?

    Is there something on my face?

    Soiree: … I'm having some trouble believing my eyes.

    Viole: Eh? My beautiful Miss Soiree,

    I've never seen you so shocked before.

    What happened?

    Soiree: What do you mean 'What happened'!

    It's about your duel!

    I didn't think you would accept it, let alone win.

    Moreover, your opponent was someone our other comrades found difficult to defeat…!

    Viole: Oh, that.

    Of course I would accept.

    As I said before,

    if there is a suitable reason, I will accept a duel.

    Soiree: Reason?

    Was there any reason this time?

    Viole: Yes, if I were to ignore him,

    that challenger would have marched into the nearby village to find an opponent.

    Soiree: Oh… Then…

    Viole: Protecting the weak from war is one of the noblest missions a noble can undertake.

    Using their strength to bully the weak just for amusement and showing off their military prowess, this isn't different from wild beasts. This is terrible. Really terrible.

    Soiree: Then what you said about wanting to protect me was because of a similar reason?

    Viole: Of course. To me,

    you are a beautiful and gorgeous lady.

    Protecting a lady is a duty no gentleman can shirk away from.

    Soiree: How dare you call me weak!

    … Having said that, it doesn't seem bad to be regarded as a lady.

    Especially after witnessing your bravery.

    Viole: Does that mean you approve?

    I can be the hero to protect you!

    Soiree: Regardless of whether or not you can protect me,

    for now, a hero like you is enough.

    At the very least, I know I can trust you.

    Viole: Of course you can!

    Soiree: Aiyaya, your vigour seems so awkward, as if you're old.

    That's enough, from today onwards, do give me more advice, Mr Hero.

    [spoiler= S ]Soiree: Viole.

    Viole: Ah, Miss Soiree.

    Today is another beautiful day.


    Viole: Wow… You really seem enthusiastic.

    Any man would find it difficult to withstand your stare.


    Viole: Ah, Miss Soiree. If possible, could you at least show a little response?


    Viole: This… Never mind.

    I really don't know what to do when a woman keeps silent…

    Soiree: Hmm… Ahahaha…

    I expected as much.

    You're accustomed to your counterparts replying to whatever you say,

    but you are no expert in dealing with their silence.

    Viole: You were testing me?

    You aren't usually so sour to people.

    Soiree: Every time we talk,

    You are the one taking the initiative.

    So I had to think of a way to stop you from doing that.

    Viole: Haha, you felt you needed to find an area I'm not comfortable with?

    What for? Once you have found it,

    will our wedding day become closer?

    Soiree: Yes.

    Viole: Ah, if this weren't the case, it would be possible…

    E-Eh, what! I-Is that right?

    Soiree: Yes.

    Viole: No, t-t-this is a glorious occasion.

    B-But, I haven't done any preparation…

    Soiree: Aiya, it seems as though you aren't used to things happening suddenly as well?

    Viole: Ah, t-that is true…

    Soiree: Look at you, where did your vigour run off to?

    This sort of occasion shouldn't need word of it to be spread around to be successful.

    I can act as an elegant and gorgeous lady, correct?

    Don't let this lady be shamed.

    Viole: No, that… I swear on my soul,

    the response my lady looks forward to will be in its usual style.

    I am pleased to accept your proposal.

    Soiree: … Eh, you barely passed the test.

    Hmm? You couldn't think of any other similar lines to say?

    Viole: Haha…

    Soiree: Then go and buy our wedding rings.

    I've already thought of which shop to go to, so follow me.

    Viole: Ah haha…

    Soiree: Didn't you hear me? Respond!

    Viole: Y-Yes!

    Viole gets so damn whipped. Holy shit.

    I think we all know who the man in that relationship is haha.

  2. I was going to cross reference with the Japanese script, but it seems Pegasus Knight only has the C conversation up. The conversations seem fairly straightforward, so I think everything should be okay.

    My Unit x Nn

    C support

    Nn: Wow! There are so many fruits growing over here!

    Rufure: Nn, are those fruits edible?

    Nn: Of course, they're very sweet.

    Rufure: Oh, I see. Then we should pick a few.

    Nn: Okay! We should pick these tree leaves as well; they're a bit bitter, but still very tasty!

    Rufure: ...Tr-tree leaves?

    Nn: And these tree roots, if you keep chewing on them, juices will squeeze out, and you'll never be hungry when you're chewing, so they're awfully convenient.

    Rufure: Tree roots...

    Nn: But still, this is the first time I've seen so much fruit. I'm so happy! Woow! There's even more growing over here!

    Rufure: Nn... what kind of foods have you been eating...?

    B support

    Rufure: Nn, can I ask you something?

    Nn: What is it Rufure?

    Rufure: Last time, you were saying how you ate tree roots...

    Nn: That's right, I've eaten some. Back then, having tree roots to eat was a real privilege.

    Rufure: Is-is that so...

    Nn: Not just roots, but the leaves over there are perfectly edible as well. See. *munch*

    Rufure: Those are weeds, Nn!

    Nn: Not~a~problem. They don't seem poisonous. I guess you could consider them an unexpected delicacy? Do you want to try some, Rufure?

    Rufure: Nn... there are plenty of things in this world that taste better than these.

    Nn: Really? Aren't all things tasty if they're edible? Oh, I guess the fruits over there are bit bitter, but you get used to it.

    Rufure: Nn... I've got to help you somehow.

    A support

    Rufure: Nn, do you have some spare time?

    Nn: I do, what's the occasion?

    Rufure: Actually, I've recently started learning how to cook. Could you help me taste this?

    Nn: Huh!? You made this for me!? I'm so happy!

    Rufure: Right, but I still need to know if you like it.

    Nn: Okay, then I'll tuck in! *munch*

    Rufure: .....

    Nn: Wa-waaah!!! Wh-what is this!? Never before have I tasted something as delicious as this! Mmmm! It's sooo tasty...!

    Rufure: Phew, that's good to hear...!

    Nn: But... Rufure, you lost all of your memory, right? How comes you're still able to cook?

    Rufure: Hmm, ah. I studied cooking a bit. It's not as if I made perfect dishes from the get go, but at least I've finally reached the stage where my dishes are edible, so I thought I'd let you have a bite.

    Nn: You did all this for me, Rufure... Thank you so much. It makes me so happy!

    Rufure: Haha, as long as you're satisfied, then I'm happy!

    S support

    Rufure: Nn, I've made a new dish today! Want to try some?

    Nn: Certainly!

    Rufure: Great. Then, please tell me what you think.

    Nn: *munch* This is soooo tasty! Well, your food is always delicious, but today's dish is the tastiest of them all!!

    Rufure: Really, you flatter me!

    Nn: ...Er, Rufure... wh-why... are you so nice to me?

    Rufure: ...Eh?

    Nn: You cooking food for me means an awfully big deal to me. When I think back to the future, where it's desperately hard to find food and where finding food is the only thing that matters... What you've done... truly... makes me feel happy... Adding to the fact that I'm a Manakete; if I don't eat a lot, I'd die of starvation... So, you making all these tasty foods for me... it honestly makes me so happy.

    Rufure: Nn...

    Nn: Not to mention you've completely lost your memory... You can't even fully take care of yourself, so why are you taking such good care of me?

    Rufure: I see... At the beginning, I only did all this because you didn't know what delicious food tasted like, but as the days went by, I realised that seeing you happy made me feel happy.

    Nn: Rufure...

    Rufure: Nn?

    Nn: Er... how should I say this... Rufure... When this war's over, would you like to continue cooking food for me?

    Rufure: Naturally. I'll always be ready to serve, so long as you still want me to.

    Nn: Yippee!! I love you Rufure!

    Rufure: Uh, I'm flattered. I guess I... while I was cooking, I was thinking of cooking for my beloved, and that's why I could create such delicious dishes...

    Nn: ...Yes, that's got to be the reason. Haha...!

    [spoiler=Confession image]nn_confess.jpg

    Nn: I... love you! From now on, I won't ever leave your side!

    That's actually a pretty good support :) Is there a parent/child support with MU x n_n floating around anywhere?


    Nn x Chambray is here, folks! ... So basically Chambray has become one of my favorite characters... :3:

    Nn x Chambray

    C Support

    Nn: Huh? That guy over there's Chambray, isn't it…?

    Chambray: *sigh*

    Nn: Hey, wat'cha doing? Trying to get fired up?

    Chambray: No! I was sighing! …Forget it,what – oh, Nn…

    Nn: Oh, so that's it… It was a sigh. I tried taking in a deep breath, so maybe I'll be fired up too?

    Chambray: That's still not it…Regardless, it'll help you morph into a dragon. To be honest, I envy you.

    Nn: Huh? Why do you say that?

    Chambray: You're a Dragon!! A DRAGON!! You breathe fire, you're huge, and you have claws… and where are your weak spots!?

    Nn: That's not it at all… Even though I'm a dragon, I have a lot of disadvantages. Because I'm so large, the enemy sees me as an easy target.

    Chambray: W-well, that's possibly true, but…

    Nn: Besides Chambray, you can transform too!

    Chambray: B-But, I'm just a Taguel Rabbit! Rabbits aren't fit for fighting,aren't they?

    Nn: Is that true? …But they're really fast, and they can startle enemies, right? Mr. Rabbit, I think that's your real strength.

    Chambray: First you go off with the Mr. Rabbit stuff… and I don't need to be told I'm weak… Agh! Let's stop talking about this fighting nonsense already! I'm depressed enough as it is!

    Nn: I just wanted to talk to Chambray so I could learn about him…

    B Support

    Chambray: Siiiiiiiiiigh…

    Nn: Ah! Chambray! Are you trying to get fired up this time?

    Chambray: I already told you I wasn't! …That was sighing!

    Nn: Eh…!? But that sigh just now sounded like a warrior trying to get fired up…

    Chambray: Yeah, yeah… I didn't mean to say it like that. Sorry.

    Nn: Well, that's good. But why were you sighing so deeply? We're both shapeshifters, so why don't you tell me what's wrong?

    Chambray: Hey, don't worry about it… it's just that I hate war, but I'm thinking about it a lot.

    Nn: But if you fight in your own way, maybe you can stop worrying about it?

    Chambray: To fight in my own way…?

    Nn: Yep. Originally, the Taguel were just as fearsome in battle as the Manaketes. As long as you use that to your advantage, you could get some confidence back.

    Chambray: But…I also have a duty to my family, and I can't falter on it.

    Nn: That's very important. But even if you win the war, you will still have to keep on fighting.

    Chambray: …What do you mean?

    Nn: Even if you do begin to worry, and even though it's difficult, then you'll fight on bravely like a true Taguel.

    Chambray: I guess you're right… But if it was that easy, I wouldn't be worrying about it now, would I?

    Nn: Chambray, you're pathetic! I'm much smaller than you, but at least I still fight..!

    Chambray: Oh, quit acting! You and I are different, aren't we!? You get to transform into a huge, strong dragon! And what do I get, a rabbit!? And on top of that, I'm the only Taguel left…

    No one… No one understands me!

    Nn: ……

    Chambray: …Sorry… I'll be going now.

    Nn: Uh, Chambray- *Chambray has left* …he's gone…

    A Support

    Chambray: …I want to make it up to Nn after all those horrible things I said to her. Even if it's just a little apology. I wonder if she's in this tent…Hey, Nn, are you here?

    (Enemy soldier appears)

    Soldier: …!!!

    Chambray: Tch, who're you guys!?

    Nn: Mmph… Mmmmph!!!

    Chambray: Nn!? Why I didn't hear her call me!? N-No! Her mouth's been gagged and she's hurt too!? W-why, you…You brigands! What're you doing with her!?

    Soldier: D-Don't come any closer! O-Or we'll clean your clock too!

    Chambray: Like that'll stop me!! Nn! I'll be right there, just hold on!!

    *Crash Clang Roar*

    Chambray: Huff… hah… Hey…Nn, are you okay?

    Nn: ………

    Chambray: Though… for those bandits to just barge in like that… and then try to kidnap a kid like you… those guys were the worst.

    Nn: Um… Thank you.

    Chambray: O-Oh, it was nothing. But then, how were you caught so easily? I mean, couldn't you have just morphed into a dragon and gotten them all in one shot?

    Nn: They ambushed me from behind and grabbed me… then I had to go and drop my dragon stone...

    Chambray: I-is that so… Ah well, it's not your fault.

    Nn: I was so glad when you came to save me, Chambray…

    Chambray: I see…

    Nn: I had no idea that you would be brave enough to fight all those guys off, Chambray. I honestly didn't think you could do that…

    Chambray: W-Well… I kinda surprised myself there too.

    Nn: I…was so… so scared…

    Chambray: W-well, that's likely… It must have been terrible for you, huh… Even though it was a cool to rescue someone, I think I'm getting better! What do you think? Have I improved?

    Nn: Y…Yes. Mr. Rabbit was awesome back there…

    Chambray: Oh, c-c'mon, I wasn't that good, was I? We're friends, so it's natural, isn't it? So…if you need anything from now on, you can count on me!

    Nn: Okay, I'll be counting on you!

    (Nn leaves)

    Chambray: Being praised… doesn't feel so bad after all…

    S Support

    Chambray: Nn.

    Nn: Ah!

    Chambray: Hey! It's me, Chambray. You don't have to scream so loud.

    Nn: A-ah, Cha-Chambray, it's you… Sorry about that.

    Chambray: You mean…So that time when the bandits kidnapped you, it left you really traumatized, huh…? You looked like that, from what I heard. Was it really…

    Nn: Well, to tell the truth, it was horrible. Even though I'm a descendant of Manaketes, those memories surfaced again, my body was shaking and trembling… I couldn't move…

    Chambray: S-So that's why…t-that you didn't try to get someone?

    Nn: ………

    Chambray: Well, that's reasonable… Despite you being able to become a dragon,the bandits frightened you, and you couldn't find anyone to help…But… you can rest easy now, Nn.

    From now on… I'll protect you.

    Nn: …Eh?

    Chambray: Even if you can't use your dragon stone, I won't let that kind of incident happen again. I promise that, whenever I'm around you, I'll make sure you're always safe.

    Nn: R-really?

    Chambray: Yeah! Leave it to me!

    Nn: …I'm…happy… Heehee…so happy…

    Chambray: Huh? Oh…Nn, c'mon… don't cry. Because I… Because, I love you.

    Nn: Eh?

    Chambray: A while ago, I… I realized. I don't want the person I love to suffer anymore. Back then… they wanted me to do the very best I could. The person I love… is you, Nn.

    Nn: Chambray… I'm so happy! I love you too, Chambray! When you came to help me, I fell in love with you!

    Chambray: I-I see. Then, I guess I should be grateful you got kidnapped?

    Nn: N-Now wait a minute-!

    Chambray: Still, I'm happy. From now on, I won't let anyone lay even a finger on you! …Because of you, I found what I wanted to protect. …So, let's spend our lives together, shall we?

    Nn: Yes… Thank you. …I'm so happy…

    Chambray: You have to admit that a rabbit protecting a dragon sounds weird, though. Hahaha!!

    Nn: Heehee! That it does!


    After the war, Chambray went travelling around, trying to find as safe a place as possible to settle down. Nn checked how safe places were all over the world, eventually choosing Iris as their destination.

    Maybe we will see fire breathing bunnies in the next FE game? LOL.

  4. Maybe. It's just so fun doing what he does to others to him. X3

    I just had a thought.

    What if Ronku and Florina met? Lots of adorably nervous stuttering would occur among other things.

    I doubt they would even talk to each other considering how scared of men Florina is, and how terrible with ladies Ronku is haha.

  5. And then he names his daughter Mark.

    Those kids just got no luck.

    That reminds me, when Sumia lands Krom do you think Tiamo goes to their wedding? Think she cries? Do you think she's angry that, for all her hard work, the bumbling girl snatches her man away? Do you think that she spends the rest of the game depressed? Do you think that MU catches her crying to herself one night, and they start spending some time together? Do you think she starts to get feelings for him, and just when they're about to reach S support, he goes and marries something else?

    Because for some reason, making Tiamo a loveless spinster is kind of appealing to me.

    I sure hope they give the boy and girl different names in the US/EUR versions.. because mark for a girl is a little.. odd.

  6. Yeah. NoA (I'm looking at you, NoA. Better localise this or NoE's getting my money) has some really good writers so I'd love to see their take on the translations. Much better than me, at least. I can't English right XD

    I doubt NOA would pass this game up.

  7. [spoiler=My Lolicon S]Nono: MU, thanks for the other day!

    MU: Ah, you mean about the dragonstone? No worries, it was easy to find. But, more importantly... Nono.

    Nono: What is it, MU?

    MU: Nono, you used to treasure a shiny stone, didn't you?

    Nono: Yes, but since I gave it to you, I'm looking for a new one.

    MU: I figured you would. Then... would you accept this?

    Nono: Whoa, it's so shiny and pretty... but, this isn't a stone, you know?

    MU: Indeed, it's a silver ring, not a stone. But it's shiny... it's good enough, right?

    Nono: MU.

    MU: Eh, what?

    Nono: Actually... I know the meaning behind a ring. It means a promise of staying together forever, right?

    MU: So you knew... and here I thought I'd have to explain.

    Nono: I'm smart, am I not?

    MU: Haha, yes you are. Then... since you know its meaning, will you accept it?

    Nono: Yes! Of course! I want to stay with you forever, MU!

    MU: As do I, Nono. Let's stay together... forever.

    Nono: Yes! Thank you, MU!


    Nono: I love you! I'm reeeeally happy! Never leave my side, okay?

    Ronku is superior

    I rather liked this S support actually.. She sounds alot more serious compared to her other supports.

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