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Posts posted by Nick

  1. Then here's a present, fresh from 4chan.


    C Support

    MU: Hey Sairi, do you have a moment?

    Sairi: Sir MU, what is it?

    MU: Your armor has quite an unusual shape to it.

    Sairi: This? …Yes, it does. In the country I was born in, all the soldiers wore this armor.

    MU: I see. Its shape is polished and refined, and it looks sturdy.

    Sairi: Yes, the armor's strength is its light weight as well as its thickness. Many in my country fought lightly equipped like this. They also do not use shields, as they wield either katanas or dual wield blades in each hand.

    MU: So that's how it is. It feels like a very unique practice to me. …Are there other differences from us as well?

    Sairi: It's not just our equipment, but our food, clothing, culture…much would be strange to most here.

    MU: Could you tell me more about those next time?

    Sairi: Yes, I am not against talking about my hometown. I'll be more than happy to tell you more.

    B Support

    MU: Sairi, could you tell me more about your country?

    Sairi: Ah, the request from the day before. Feel free to ask anything.

    MU: The food over there is also different from the food here?

    Sairi: Yes, traditionally our main diet consisted of rice. It wasn't until recently that we started to eat bread and cheese.

    MU: Ooh, so that's why.

    Sairi: And we also traditionally eat raw fish.

    MU: R-raw fish? …Does it taste good?

    Sairi: Yes. It is extremely delicious especially when fresh.

    MU: I see. Even the food culture is different. Though, isn't it hard for you to get used to the customs here when you have your own culture?

    Sairi: Not at all. However…there are times when I yearn for the flavors of home.

    MU: I also want to try out the food there.

    Sairi: Of course. When we have a chance, I'll treat you to a feast.

    A Support

    MU: Sairi.

    Sairi: …

    MU: D-did she hear me? She's awfully quiet and seems to be concentrating on something…what is she doing? Ah, she's drawing something. …Sairi!

    Sairi: Wha!! Wa-Wha!!

    MU: Ah, I-I'm sorry. Did I scare you?

    Sairi: Ah, it was Sir MU!! N-no, I should be apologizing for suddenly shouting like that! T-this is just…!!

    MU: Uh, y-you know, you don't have to cover up your drawing. Don't be so embarrassed, I think it's well done.

    Sairi: …I-I see. Since you have already seen it, it can't be helped…

    MU: …Is this a drawing of a tree? Though the leaves color are…

    Sairi: This is called a plum blossom tree. The pink that you see are not the color of its leaves, but its flowers.

    MU: I see…That's unusual.

    Sairi: These flowers bloom only during a set period of time during the year…you can only find these in my hometown.

    MU: …I guess the sight of real tree would be beautiful,

    Sairi: Yes. Even though they left their home, the countrymen still love these trees. Where I was raised, the trees were bathed in river water and rose in countless numbers. Once the flowers bloom, it truly was a magnificent view…Lately, I have been reminiscing about that more and more…

    MU: Sairi…

    Sairi: Ah…Forgive me. I went and said too much. And…it was a solemn conversation to begin with. Even though I'm not the type to usually do this…

    MU: I'm not bothered by it, I'm glad you told me.

    Sairi: I-I see…That's a relief…

    S Support

    Sairi: …

    MU: Sairi, you seem a bit tired…Are you alright?

    Sairi: …Sir MU. S-sorry. Recently, I have been reminiscing a lot about my home. …Is this what we call "homesickness"?

    MU: Is it possibly…! Is it because I kept asking you about it? …If it is, I-I'm very sorry!

    Sairi: No, that is not the reason…Perhaps I reminisce about the past…because I am walking towards the future…

    MU: Future…?

    Sairi: Yes, that's right. Even though I have left my home, I do not feel lonely. That's because now…I found a precious person who becomes the pillars of my heart. Because of that…I am fine.

    MU: Sairi…

    Sairi: That precious person…is you, MU.

    MU: …!

    Sairi: Because of you, I can continue to live strongly no matter where I am. I want you…to stay by my side from now on.

    MU: Alright, I will… I also want to live together with you.

    Sairi: I-I see. I thank you.

    MU: I'm also happy. But, I know...After this battle is over, I want to see your hometown. Of course, together with you.

    Sairi: Y-yes! Of course!

    MU: Then, let's go to the place you were born. The both of us.

    Sairi: Yes. And let us gaze at the cherry blossoms together.

    Sairi: Huhu. Because you made that vow with me, today is the happiest day of my life.

    smile.gifThanks, and that was a very interesting support, i think that it was probably

    based on real life japan because they eat sushi and that makes this a cool

    support, also Sairi seems to be a very interesting character

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