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Everything posted by Gorgar

  1. I'll hold you to that, and will possibly concede if that's the case. Gotta start somewhere, but I look forward to seeing it Thanks man
  2. It's a cutlass, but I do see how you could get that vibe from it.
  3. So, if we're bring swords/other weapons into this. http://i.imgur.com/6phk8ZR.jpg http://i.imgur.com/up3kDks.jpg
  4. It's been a while since I posted anything here, and I meant to post something from when I had grown my hair out. I forgot to take a picture before I got it cut today, though. http://i.imgur.com/5OnhKlG.jpg http://i.imgur.com/V4zicyN.jpg
  5. While I don't have many games for my PS4, there IS a game that comes to mind that is PS4 exclusive, and not on the PS3. Bloodborne says hi.
  6. I didn't stick with what I was given, but I'm a Totodile with a Cyndaquil partner.
  7. 87, 6 100, 27, 28, 64, 30, 14 34 RNG tried to give me 87 twice.
  8. Assuming that all the links are working, it's not nearly as thick as it was, and not nearly as long as it was in the front, either.
  9. I got my hair cut about a week ago, but I haven't posted anything here in a while, so This isn't right before I got it cut, but a little while before it, at least http://i.imgur.com/g5S7hOQ.jpg?1 This would've been probably a couple days before it was cut http://i.imgur.com/IQ1fjIc.jpg http://i.imgur.com/KniszhJ.jpg And here's after most of it got chopped off http://i.imgur.com/MWkNSQS.jpg?1
  10. 8+4+96 = 108 L = 12, so 108-12 = 96 N = 14 so, 110, since my last name has 8 letters, that'd end up too big. So subtracting 8 = 102 Then subtract 8 more from my middle name, and you get 94... which is Gengar. Which is all too fitting, all things considered.
  11. Wanted to get a pea coat last fall/winter but wasn't able to, found one the other day. (But I don't get it till Christmas.) http://imgur.com/xyph50s
  12. I'd like to have red, because theming and shenanigans.
  13. While I have been only 18 for a few months or so, and don't really consider myself entirely an "adult" until I'm 20 or 21. (Drinking age here is 21, not sure if it varies in other states.) I'm at least "of age" to sell tobacco and alcohol, so close enough I guess? Even though I don't really have much intention on drinking, or at the least not very often. All that aside though, thanks.
  14. I'm among the living, I swear. I just do that lurking thing all the time. (Except namely on skype, because I only check around here a couple times a day, if that.)
  15. For anyone who might've been curious as to how I looked when I actually stuck around/went into IPC. (Since I didn't really ever post in threads.) http://imgur.com/d19D6cj Given, I don't normally comb my hair like that... unless that's how it always is and it's just flipped because mirrors and such. My finger is slightly over the phone camera, which isn't super high quality anyway. (You can clearly tell I take pictures of myself all the time by my professionalism.) And now anyone who might look at that picture will know my real name. Even though it's on my profile so it isn't exactly a big deal.
  16. My Mii name/NNID is Gorgar My 3DS Friend Code is: 1891-1160-3201 (if I somehow goofed up anything, it's also on my profile.)
  17. I do have to say, that I might honestly like this one the best. Staying inside your range really seems to have helped out quite a bit. I'm getting more and more tempted to try and do a cover, but I'm not so sure..
  18. I FINALLY GOT A GOOD RECORDING EVERYONE!!! Check it out here! ^_^ Voices (Cover) by Saosin (Download) || (Possibly Broken Stream Link Here?) Voices (Cover - My Voice Only/No Music) by Saosin (Download) || (Possibly Broken Stream Link Here?) Lyrics right here Forgive me at the end, this is only a warmup still, and I had something in my throat at the end... T_T (edit) That setup seemed to work out better than the first time around, and the cover was pretty good. Like I mentioned (on skype) I'm sure took quite a bit of practice to maintain that pitch the whole time. It seemed to get slightly more muffled when you get into the really high ranges, but that would probably just be because of not having a super high quality mic or something.
  19. Happy birthday, Specta!

    1. Specta


      thanks gorgar!!

  20. I'm fairly certain that if memory serves me correctly, this is normal. I'm pretty sure most (if not all) Legend of Zelda games tend to do this, though there might be some exceptions.
  21. My middle name is Nicholas. (I think that's how it's spelled) Either that, or it's spelled Nickolas... I'd have to check. Never really went by it.
  22. Welp. Gorgar has black hair and violet eyes. She is 4 feet and 6 inches tall. Gorgar's weight is somewhere between 200 and 250. She wants fluffy baloons, or maybe intestines.
  23. Church's Chicken master race. That is all.
  24. I'm pretty sure, but I'm not 100%. As per most people, I like/am okay with most of the redesigns, but Knuckles will take some getting used to. From the looks of things, it won't be another Sonic 06... but only time can tell.
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