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The Iron Rose

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Everything posted by The Iron Rose

  1. It's perfectly clear if you're over the age of twelve, so I'm really not sure where the criticism is coming from.
  2. The line is perfectly fine as is. "Were a captain" breaks up the flow of the sentence as a whole and lessens its impact.
  3. Wait wait wait, you can change the colour of the weapons? Does that apply during combat animations or just the icon?
  4. It`s not really slightly edited when it`s essentially the exact same story with the exact same names.
  5. I loved playing the Lagdou Ruins and Tower after I already beat the game. I really enjoy that kind of post-game content, and the fact that you got secret characters out of it all, I thought was fantastic. I totally abused the dark magic glitch, and/or just gave everyone iron weapons up until floor ten. It was a lot of fun for me, especially since when SS came out I played it with several other friends on the original GBA. I had a great time earning enough money to max out all my characters with the secret shops. They were a trial and a half to get through, especially since one fuckup meant you had to repeat the entire thing, but I liked it well enough and had a lot of fun with it. One of the best moments that I can recall is wiping my best friend's team with a fully maxed out Lyon. Was hell to get there in the first place, but a lot of fun for postgame content. Just my opinion though, and I voted yes on the poll.
  6. Nah I`m pretty sure you`re just a bad writer and Gringe was letting you down nicely. OT seriously though excellent work with this translation. I'm in the mood to play FE6 again anyway.
  7. I've no problem with resetting if you learn something from it, and merely because crits don't happen often but screw you over when they do doesn't mean they're badly designed. The thing I feel is good about resetting or dying is if you learn something from it and improve next time. If you get hit in Mario, you know where the next enemy is and can account for it on your next life. In, say, Dark Souls, it's brutally hard but every time you die you learn something from it. If it's the same principle here I've no objection. If it's just removing chance... eh, I'm less of a fan.
  8. Why do people use the word "waifu." Seriously why, I do not understand it.
  9. That'd be creepy as fuck, so let's hope that isn't possible. In all sincerity though this is promising!
  10. On the other hand, how much does the historical accuracy matter?
  11. Uh, since when have GBAFEs had individual graphics for each weapon? I can't imagine it'd be any different here.
  12. Al mode perhaps? Al, alternative. It works.
  13. Wanna tell us what the balance changes are?
  14. A silver bow doing four damage to a knight? Aieeee.
  15. Because I think his reasoning is poor? I would have thought that to be painfully obvious.
  16. I don't believe anyone suggested they were obliged to make their product exactly according to my specifications? Seriously it's like y'all don't, in fact, understand the point of criticism.
  17. Except I'm not talking about the original game. The original game is fine, I like the original game. I find Chaos mode to be underplanned, underdeveloped, overhyped and dumb. Not because it throws bullshit at you, that's fine. But because it's stupid about it. Shit like the ??? instead of the item or attack button is utterly pointless, temporarily inconveniencing, and doesn't allow the player to creatively use the toolkit given to solve challenges. Unfair crap is fine. Stupid crap isn't. There's a reason why some ragefest hacks are terrible and others aren't. That metric is not how much irrelevant, random crap you can throw at the screen.
  18. So is literally every other patch on this site, does that mean they are immune from criticism?
  19. The Iron Rose

    Fun Emblem

    lol good luck with 69 chapters and 100 recruitable characters. I think you're overestimating your ability and diligence and I have absolutely no confidence that anything at all will come from either your 'promises' or your hack as a whole. If you did want to do this, pull a Yeti and don't romhack at all.
  20. Miacis hit it on the head. I get what you're going for, a stupid, ragefest, bullshit hard mode. And that's fine. I get that, I'm just saying that there are good ways to do it and bad ways to do it. Matthew's Nightmare is an excellent example, though likely not applicable to Chaos Mode in particular. Let me rephrase. Bullshit difficulty is fine. Random deaths are fine. Stupid shit that will confuse you for a few minutes and doesn't let you use the tools you have, creatively, to solve the challenges you're giving people? That's just dumb. I get the hack, I like the idea. I'm just saying you made a dumb decision. Which is fine, we all do it, I'm just saying it's dumb. Also fuck GhebFE.
  21. Also, frankly, making the commands ??? is kinda dumb, especially if they're in the same order as before. If you're planning on changing them, that's also dumb and just creates fake difficulty where there doesn't need to be any.
  22. IIRC, there's a patch in the resources section that allows thieves to steal weapons. If it's for personal use, you could just, uh, not steal weapons with greater weight than strength. If it's for your own hack, well, you could probably download it anyway and work back from there? Though I don't know if the source is available.
  23. Specifics this is not, a changelist this is not.
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