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The Iron Rose

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Everything posted by The Iron Rose

  1. Those seem like fairly dramatic changes. You could definitely use more stat variation, however, and it certainly looks like you'll be ramming the stat caps incredibly quickly, so reducing bases and growths may be a good idea. Still, hard and fast changes are rarely worthwhile, and a more nuanced rebalancing may be preferable.
  2. Ah, it's fine. I'm a total idiot and forgot to repoint the events in the chapter. Works fine now. Thanks though!
  3. Actually no, since I made a typo. I inserted it at D00000, not D10000, sorry.
  4. Hey, I'm having a bit of trouble with Jubby's Regeneration hack, and I don't want to clutter up the topic there. The problem I'm having isn't with inserting the .dmp file or anything like that, but rather with the TURN event I'm using to call it. At least, I think it is. The problem I'm actually having though is that I flat out can't start the chapter. The map appears, the music keeps on playing, but nothing actually, ah, happens. I've inserted the .dmp into some free space at $D00000. I'm just trying to test it out, to make sure it works before I do anything else, so I just decided to plug it into chapter 11 ENM to make it easier on myself. I'm just trying to make it a turn event, so I put it in like so: TURN 0x0 Regen [3,5] 0x8 0x0 Regen then calls: Regen: ASMC 0xD00001 //offset of .dmp + 1 ENDA So in context: ORG $CA18F0 TurnBasedEvents: TURN 0x0 BeginningScene [1,0] 0x0 0x0 TURN 0x0 label12 [2,0] 0x0 0x0 TURN 0x0 Regen [3,5] 0x8 0x0 END_MAIN ... label12: LOU1 label33 ENUN MUS2 0x42 TEX1 0x9FF REMA MURE 0x6 ENDA Regen: ASMC 0xD00001 ENDA label13: MUSI FADI 16 HIDEMAP BACG 0x1 FADU 16 SHOWMAP TEXTIFASM 0x7A3B9 0xA03 0xA02 REMA MUNO ENDA Those are the only additions I've made to the events for the chapter, and that's where the issue arises since if I comment both additions out it runs fine. I'll copy paste the entire event in case that helps, but I've really made no other changes besides from inserting the unit the regen is meant to effect. That, sans the regeneration, works fine. I'm fairly new to event editing as a whole, I'm really just trying to spice the game up for myself, but I'd love some help. I've tried to troubleshoot the issue myself for a few hours now, and I've checked both with the tutorial Jubby gave in the actual topic, as well as the various event assembler tutorials I've been able to find. I'd appreciate any and all help, thanks!
  5. E: nevermind, I'm an idiot.
  6. The chip on your shoulder there is telling bud. The easiest way to stop people responding is to stop giving people reasons to respond. Seriously, don't respond to this. I don't care how strong your desire to get the last word in is. Don't respond, and I'm 99% sure no one else will as well, and we can get back to bitching about the (lack of) writing quality Sacred Dawn has.
  7. Do that. All the time I mean. No one wants to hear it.
  8. Clearly fanfiction.net reviews are the hallmarks of a talented author. Mindless, irrelevant praise does not equal serious critique.
  9. Well I don't actually have a computer anymore, at least, not one that's been made after 2004. When I get a new one I'll see.
  10. Hey man, I remember seeing a fully trained Lyn who literally didn't get a point of defense until 20/14. Or something around that. I don't entirely remember, it was in the FE7 SA LP.
  11. On topic, I actually think this could be a neat concept, if you balanced chapters accordingly. Because you would know to a far greater level what resources the player has (thanks to slow levelling and poor growths), it'd make balancing fun, and give you a good reason to use later units. Now, I don't think the execution of this hack succeeded in that goal. At all. But in theory it's a neat idea.
  12. Your image links be broken. additionally, I follow the SomethingAwful LP thread, and saw the original. Have to say, not bad work at all, and the updated one looks a lot more promising.
  13. oooh that's a nice armour knight palette.
  14. Did you seriously say niggass? Like, unironically?
  15. Do you know the meaning of the word "liberal democracy"? Because I don't think that you do. There's a difference in the two terms, and one with significant import. Moreover, the comparisons are faulty - the Reign of Terror would be a better comparison. Regardless, Miacis' point was accurate, and I hardly think having serious political discussion is worthwhile in the hacking section.
  16. Which changes precisely nothing? Dawson is a villain. One with good motivations, certainly, and one with the support of the people, but someone we're fighting against nevertheless. His actions are untenable, and any ruler would be obliged to put down the rebellion for the peace of the state. But Hector isn't some cackling evil lordling oppressing his subjects. He perpetuates the system in which that is possible, yes, but Dawson's reforms come at far too high a price for Hector to accept.
  17. Yes. Because you can totally have democratic elections in a feudal system. Absolutely. That's exactly why whenever people want democracy, all they have to do is ask for it.
  18. They don't even need equal decisive rights, all they need is the ability to vote for their leaders. Equitable treatment of the citizenry is a hallmark of liberal democracies, and any nebulous system in a transitory phase is likely to be more concerned with more pressing matters, such as imminent survival. Any democratic system in Elibe would like as not be akin to ancient Athens or Rome, though perhaps without the misogyny. Liberal democracies, that is to say democracies actually worth fighting for, are modern inventions that would probably not be reflected in any Elibian political reforms. n.b. liberal democracy is a term, not an ideology.
  19. Darling, you didn't sound cynical. You sounded outright misanthropic. Which I get is cool for hip young teens these days, but for those of us who live in the real world, I guarantee you that there are significant and substantive differences between (liberal - as a term, not ideology) democracies and non democracies. About the only thing you said that had a remote semblance of accuracy is your description of the would be international stage. Even then, I recommend reading Kenneth Waltz and John Mearsheimer for a more reasoned and better analysis. The Tragedy of Great Power Politics is a seminal piece, and one that would accurately fit the international stage of a future Elibe. Of future anything for that matter. Tl;dr: Don't try that inane "Humanity is inevitably screwed, why bother democracy is pointless" crap against someone who actually knows what they're talking about. On topic, I think pitting the player against democracy is a fantastic idea and I approve wholeheartedly.
  20. All perfectly true, and completely unconnected to what this hack is trying to do, which can be easily summed up as "bigger numbers."
  21. I'm confused as to why you'd a) need to make FE6 easier in the first place, and b) why on earth you made changes that don't necessarily work to that goal at all. You haven't changed the dynamic of the game at all, merely taken a giant piss over axe users, buffed people who don't need to be buffed and ignored those who really do.
  22. The armour is nice, the face rather less so.
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