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Batter the Beast

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Posts posted by Batter the Beast

  1. My opinion on this:

    • Duck Hunt should be lower, his difficulty at securing stocks against competent players really holds him back
    • Mii Brawler and Gunner haven't been explored nearly enough and there are some matches here and there that show potential. Sword forever sucks though
    • Palutena is not bottom tier material with those dthrow followups come on
    • Dk should be higher since hes like one of the few characters who can break shields easily which usually leads to a stock
    • Rosalina and ZSS are good but not Diddy/Sheik good
    • Falco should be lower due to his atrocious neutral game. At least people below him have some options there
    • People are sleeping on the dorf
    • Zard has a good kill throw and grab game, and flare blitz is a good move though people give it a bad name by spamming it

    I'm either fine with the other placements or don't know enough about them

  2. FE5, using Robert because I was bad, one hit with the Brave Bow can KO this wyvern guy that needs to die or he'll kill one of my weakened units. He misses 4 times with 99% hit. I had to restart. Best thing is one of my siblings was there and they saw that and I just said, "Yup, that's Thracia for you" amongst random screaming for one hit.

  3. True, I could have added some enemy prf weapons (my god do I love Valflame and Helswath and would have totally chosen those) but in all honesty they probably wouldn't get enough votes to really matter but then again neither did like half the swords. I suppose with my future "best prf weapon overall" poll I'll also make a "best enemy prf weapon" category and probably staves too.

  4. When I started FE7, my first game, I spammed Marcus and Harken. Things haven't changed much since

    All jokes aside I wasn't part of the "prepromotes are bad" starting crowd but I still had no tactical ability whatsoever and actually let two people stay dead in FE7's second to last chapter so I was kinda bad. Also I never used the lords at first because I thought they were frail and had to be protected because they couldn't fight.

  5. the hunting horn is fucking great don't worry. the specific one in the demo is pretty weak compared to the other weapons though. the charge blade that's available in the demo is particularly strong for example

    Oh makes sense, I was hoping that hunting horns weren't weak overall due to how slow they completed missions compared to my second favorite wep which happens to be the charge blade

  6. I don't think it's correct to group all Rapiers, all Falchions, etc together? I mean, even Elincia's Amiti varies from meh to amazing from FE9 to FE10; there's much more variance for the first two.

    Yeah but the poll for swords hit the cap with what I had there and the question cap was just enough to fit all weapon types. Otherwise yeah I would have done the weapons by game since I know that, for example, the rapier is far more useful in FE11 than FE6. Anywho since I forgot to share my opinion when I voted

    Sword - Mystletainn: It's been a while since I've played FE4 but you get this weapon for 4 and a half chapters on a mounted unit for free and its an offensive juggernaut of a weapon with 20 skl + crit and 30 might

    Axe - Pugi: It was between this and Tarvos but Orsin gets to wreck several indoor chapters with this thing while Nolan doesn't really wreck anything in DB chapters though he does the best out of the non-promoted DB units except maybe boosted Jill

    Lance - Wing Spear: Thank god this thing exists to make FE11 H5 that much less difficult

    Bow - Yewfelle: All the options suck but Briggid/Faval are more usable than Rolf and Leonard

    Magic - Grafcalibur: The bane of FE5 bosses pre chapter 24 where Forseti bumps it out. Still, being extremely useful for almost the entire game is a huge plus

  7. We certainly need a poll for best prfs. They have the edge in availability and such compared to the legendary weapons.

    Because someone suggested it in the "Best Lord's person weapon" thread and I don't see it anywhere. No real rating criteria just pick which one you like the best or which you think is objectively the best. I'll probably do another poll in like a week or something using this poll's results for best overall prf weapon. To prevent any arguments, a prf weapon is defined as a weapon that can only be used by a certain group of units or one unit as per the FE wiki's definition

    Shout-outs to FE5 and FE10 for having way too many prf weapons like holy crap

    Also Misstletainn isn't included cause I hit the option cap for swords but who likes this weapon besides Owain am I right (please don't actually like this weapon)

    EDIT: New polls have been added! Here are the results of the previous poll:


    Tyrfing: 19/73 (26.03%)

    Binding Blade: 10/73 (13.70%)

    Balmung: 9/73 (12.33%)

    Ragnell: 8/73 (10.96%)

    Mystletainn: 6/73 (8.22%)

    Amiti: 5/73 (6.85%)

    Rapier/Noble Rapier: 3/73 (4.11%)

    Light Sword: 3/73 (4.11%)
    Earth Sword: 3/73 (4.11%)
    Falchion/Exalted Falchion: 2/73 (2.74%)
    Mareeta's Sword 1/73 (1.37%)
    Durandal: 1/73 (1.37%)
    Sol Katti: 1/73 (1.37%)
    Sieglinde: 1/73 (1.37%)
    Regal Sword: 1/73 (1.37%)
    Holy Sword: 0/73 (0.00%)
    Beo Sword: 0/73 (0.00%)
    Blaggi Sword: 0/73 (0.00%)
    Caladbolg: 0/73 (0.00%)
    Florette: 0/73 (0.00%)
    Pugi: 39/73 (53.42%)
    Wolf Beil: 15/73 (20.55%)
    Armads: 13/73 (17.81%)
    Tarvos: 3/73 (4.11%)
    Wolf Berg: 3/73 (4.11%)
    Wing Spear: 35/73 (47.95%)
    Brave Lance: 12/73 (16.44%)
    Reginleif 11/73 (15.07%)
    Gáe Bolg: 8/73 (10.96%)
    Siegmund: 6/73 (8.22%)
    Dragon Lance: 1/73 (1.37%)
    Yewfelle: 56/73 (76.71%)
    Lughnasadh: 14/73 (19.18%)
    Rolf's Bow: 3/73 (4.11%)
    Forseti 38/73 (52.05%)
    Book of Naga: 11/73 (15.07%)
    Grafcalibur: 7/73 (9.59%)
    Thani: 6/73 (8.22%)
    Excalibur: 4/73 (5.48%)
    Forblaze: 4/73 (5.48%)
    Aura: 1/73 (1.37%)
    Dime Thunder: 1/73 (1.37%)

    Cymbeline: 1/73 (1.37%)

  8. Forseti is the best, but I'm going to go with Tyrfing because of the poll. 30 might and other stat boosts are ridiculous, and on top of a good unit it is even more ridiculous. Ragnell is good too, but Forseti is still the best.

    Forseti's kind of an odd case cause its technically prf in FE4 Gen 1 but in FE4 Gen 2 there is more than one available user so I wouldn't call it prf there. It's prf in FE5 though.

    Still, in terms of overall prf legendaries I don't think Forseti makes it though it comes damn close since in Gen 1, you get it then Lewyn might hit a unit or two then Sigurd mops up with his Tyrfing gotten a few turns later. In FE5 it helps with 24x/Endgame a lot by letting Ced solo some stuff you don't want to deal with but even then there are other prf weapons in FE5 I'd consider better overall like Grafcalibur or the Brave Lance. For overall best prf legendary weapon, I'd go with Mystletainn due to its huge availability (4 and a half chapters!!), letting Aless join Selph on his endgame staff hunting spree, and being on a mounted unit in a game that loves mounted units

    Okay the FE wiki's definition of prf is "unit or group of units that can use this weapon" so FE4 Gen 2 Forseti technically counts but I still think Mystletainn wins due to Forseti's user not having a mount ever or having to hit 20 to get a mount whereas the Mystletainn user has it from the get go

  9. Got the code for the demo and I decided that I absolutely love monster hunter. Kinda getting into the hunting horn, is this a wise choice? Also if anyone wants to go for some hunts online just sent me a message or something

  10. Leaf doesnt get a personal legendary wep what the hell

    Not taking the specific wielder's usefulness into account I would say the binding blade due to that 1-2 range 18 might 95 acc(!) +5 def/res wep that doubles as a super vulnerary but 20 uses really kills it for me

    Tyrfing has no 1-2 range but it makes up for it with that 30 might, 10 spd 20 res with 50 repairable uses. The 10 skl and prayer is just overkill

    Shoutouts to FE1 Falchion for making Marth literally invincible to all non-dragons, lol.

    Also this

  11. Killing off the jeigan would created greater incentive not to use them that's for sure. Seth and Marcus stomps wouldn't be a thing if, y'know, they died.

    Sorta like the paladin guy in FE8 that joins you for like the only gaiden chapter then vanishes (he really didn't die but he still leaves for the rest of the game). I agree with the whole less incentive to use them thing since all the people I know that have played FE8 never touched the guy after their first playthrough

    Of course, people who care about turn counts will still use them but the casual crowd will use that as less of a reason to use jeigans

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