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About YuseiFireEmblem

  • Birthday 07/24/1994

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  • Location
    Manchester, England

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game

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  1. Happy Birthday, sorry for being a week late!!!

  2. Happy Birthday!!! (again)

  3. To be fair, a 2013 release is great for sales. It would never have competed against the Mario games, Pokemon BW 2, Luigi's Mansion and all the other big name titles in the West. Japan, it's a different story, but in the West where the series isn't as well-known, it's a good move. Better sales means rise in popularity and a greater chance of future games coming over.
  4. It least this shows it's coming over to both US and Europe. :D It's delayed but I can't wait! :D
  5. Fire Emblem confirmed for first half of 2013 in Europe. :D
  6. It's like a brief conference by Nintendo that gives away information about upcoming games of theirs, like E3 2012 was. This one is based on releases in Europe and North America. Everyone is excited because there may be a mention of 'Fire Emblem: Awakening' and a potential release date. We /hope/. XD
  7. 5AM GMT for anyone in England like me. :D At least I'll be able to get some shut-eye this time. :P
  8. I think this video of the Japanese cutscenes might give us an idea as to how the English ones will be. The video will contain spoilers so I will advise not to watch if you don't want to be spoilt. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=1MWegx7dJXI
  9. Brilliant to hear it's officially confirmed! :D :D FIRE EMBLEM LIVES AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D I can't wait now. :D
  10. I am delighted for Amercian Fire Emblem fans. This means it'll be coming out for sure in Europe as well. :D I can sleep easy now... (3:27am here! :O ) Goodnight everyone! :D
  11. Luckily I am from Europe but I do have doubts about this European release date now.... We've heard '2012' and well, nothing else....
  12. Disappointing for Fire Emblem fans. He did say more to come, but nothing specific so you never know.
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