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Everything posted by Irony

  1. Least favourite thing about your favourite seasons? @Sylveonzoroark- A lot. I also nearly forgot the question you asked me then- I've been under the weather for the last couple of days (though I'm a lot better now) and I've slept a lot (42 hours of sleep in 3 days) so I have been really out of it.
  2. Wow, I missed these games... Being ill sucks ;( Lettuce, you were so close though! :D You can do it! /in for Lettuce to win please? :)
  3. Name a game that you want to play on a console you don't own. Sylveonzoroark- I'm loving Japanese, so that one is probably my favourite non-English language. You rang?
  4. Same question. @Sylveonzoroark- I haven't played Xenoblade X yet- I don't own a Wii U. What I do know about the game though sounds really cool. :)
  5. Have you seen Cecil Harvey on the Moon? @SSbardock84- I don't know if you are kidding or being serious, but Mechonis is a location in Xenoblade Chronicles and the home of the Mechon.
  6. Wow.... XD Well done Carmine for predicting that! /in for Lettuce to /win!
  7. Are you considering playing Fire Emblem: Fates illegally? :o @SSbardock84- Movie: There's an amazing quote in Kingsmen: The Secret Service, which I cannot write because of spoilers, but it's beautiful. (It's said by a character called Harry Hart/Galahad btw) Show: This is from a rather obscure Radio show called Old Harry's game, which is about Satan or Lucifer, the King of Hell- "Hatred is a futile emotion". Video Game- Stocke from Radiant Historia- "Maybe you should tell better jokes" Book- No idea.
  8. What subject would you like to study, but cannot? @Sylveonzoroark- Because I was terrible at it. Like, really, really bad.
  9. Why History? In the past, probably PE... But currently, I don't have one, because I love the subjects that I do study. :)
  10. WYR hear a harsh truth bluntly or hear a slightly prettied up version of the truth? @Sylveonzoroark- no. I've only bought one present thus far (for a really close friend/crush) but apart from that, not yet.
  11. Favourite thing about Christmas? @Tristei- A lot of things. Christmas, my Birthday, potentially seeing some of my old school friends again, hanging out with my sibling, etc. Etc.
  12. Least favourite Eevelution? @Tristei- I WANTS IT SO BAD!!! It looks awesome, but I don't own the Wii U...... :(
  13. Same question. @Al (I think it was you)- Ribbons.
  14. Favourite colour? I cannot remember the last question I was asked... Yeah...
  15. WHY DID I ATTACK MY OWN DISTRICT PARTNER?! :( Koneko and Lettuce didn't win :( (Though I deserved to be stabbed in the back with a trident) /in for Lettuce or my other District partner to /win
  16. What are you doing tomorrow? @Sylveonzoroark- The funny thing about this question is that I was originally writing it for today, but because it's midnight now, I have to write it for tomorrow. University lectures and seminars, I guess? :) Also prepping and writing a couple of university essays which don't have to be in for two weeks.
  17. Same question. @Soledai- Passive, easily. I'm not like "I want this, please get me this!" I'm like "So there's this thing that I like, please can you get it for me?" *Insert puppy dog eyes*
  18. Least favourite thing about being Ninja'd? ;) I don't think "fuck" is a legitimate question ;) (Sorry, I couldn't resist) @Sylveonzoroak- I discovered Serenes Forest forums through the Fire Emblem Wiki, and have been here ever since!
  19. One thing that you wouldn't change about yourself? @Sylveonzoroark... I already answered that question? :) Chuggaaconroy, Olizandri, ProtonJon, MasaeAnela, Lucahjin and StephenPlays with the Runaway Guys being my favourite collab.
  20. One thing that you wouldn't change about yourself? @Shinpichu- There's 6 in particular that I really, really enjoy, so I guess that they're my equal favourites? They are: Chuggaaconroy, Olizandri, Masae Anela, Proton Jon, Lucahjin and StephenPlays. I'm also a huge fan of the Runaway Guys, but they're a collab, and I don't know of that counts?
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