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Everything posted by Irony

  1. Irony

    Ensemble Mafia - N5

    Ok, then I won't do it. :)
  2. Irony

    Ensemble Mafia - N5

    Thank you for your answer. I appreciate it. :)
  3. Irony

    Ensemble Mafia - N5

    I will also say that I trust Blitz to an extent. He's already said what his role is (or he has claimed what his role is) so he's not hiding anything. Spinel and I take a similar attitude to the game, basically. He's not bandwagoning, or basing his votes on gut feelings. My feeling is that, if he were a member of the Mafia, he would have already done so by now, so as not to draw any suspicion? With Ryker, it's that he keeps on trying to paint people as being members of the Mafia (I think he's done that to at least three people by now, including myself?) and, when I asked him to prove his alignment he didn't give me any evidence. I really hope that I'm not a horrible judge of character Also, I kinda want to claim what my role is, but I'm nervous that will make me a target of the Mafia. Is there any way that I can safely do so?
  4. Irony

    Ensemble Mafia - N5

    Ah, Ok, so: At the moment there's only one people that I kinda trust and one person that I'm thinking is a member of the Mafia. I trust Spinal. His reasoning makes sense IMO and he at least is trying to defend himself? I don't trust Ryker at all. I personally think that he's deflecting, and I don't see why his alignment is obvious. Apart from that, I don't have much. I have read every single comment at least 6 times, but I will need more time and more sleep to determine stuff.
  5. Irony

    Ensemble Mafia - N5

    Also, Ryker: But then you haven't given me any data from which to determine your alignment. Therefore, you are being slightly hypocritical. As I've said, my strategy isn't to push people. My strategy is to watch people being pushed and see how they react. Only then will I vote on who to lynch.
  6. Irony

    Ensemble Mafia - N5

    What information are you looking for that will determine my alignment? If you ask, I can try and provide that information (though I'll need to make sure that I don't accidently break the rules in the process.)
  7. Irony

    Ensemble Mafia - N5

    As I said, I am only going to take this stance on the first day. After all, I do not want to do something foolhardy and lynch a person who will help us in the long run. I read up on the roles in Mafia games and, I don't know what roles there are in this game, but what if we accidently kill the Doctor or something? That could give the Mafia a huge advantage. An advantage that I do not want to give them. (And yes, I don't want to call them scum. They are bad people, but I do have a sense of manners. ). The edit was because I accidently clicked the post button and realised that I forgot to put my reasoning in. I then added it, forgetting the no editing rule. My mistake, and I will not do so again. Yes, I am new to Mafia. I have played Werewolf, but never Mafia. I am not buddying up with anyone, and my words are my own. I have made mistakes, but I will learn from them and hopefully become a better Mafia player in the process. As I said, my strategy is to observe and think, before deciding who to lynch.
  8. Irony

    Ensemble Mafia - N5

    Oh, I plan to abstain for the whole of the first day. I have little to no information on who is a member of the Mafia and who is a member of the Ensemble. Therefore, I am going to wait for some more information to appear, before deciding on who to lynch.
  9. Irony

    Ensemble Mafia - N5

    I personally think that it's too early to lynch anyone, so ##Vote: No Lynch
  10. I'm confirming that I got my Role PM. :)
  11. Ewan ... Wait, this is the most edgy character thread, huh... I guess Ryoma? After all, he did stick the edge of a sword into his bowels, and he is a Lord, so...
  12. The Ambassador Titles were amazing! :) It's actually how I got into the Fire Emblem series actually. :) I am just getting into console gaming (I got a Wii a few months back, and I love my Wii) but I'm more of a handheld person. Which is why I love the Switch so much. It gives you the best of both worlds. :) Yeah, I just played DS games and Nintendo Dogs and Cats until all of the good games came out. That, and the demos in the eshop. :) And the Ambassador titles. :)
  13. I actually got my 3DS on day 1, and yeah, it sucked for a little while, but the 3DS ended up being amazing. Plus Zelda as a launch day title....? I'm sold. I'm seriously sold. (Yeah, I might be *slightly* fangirling over this console.)
  14. Me: *sees trailer* Me: *drools* This is a day 1 purchase. If Nintendo delivers, this might be the best console ever made. I'm joining the cult of Switch and can it be 2017 already?
  15. Don't overuse the Promoted Units during part 1 (I.e. Sothe, Zihark, Taurneo, Tormod & Crew and Volug and Nailah). I'd disagree with Anacybele actually. Yes, some of the Mercanries are better units. However, I've watched an LP of Radiant Dawn (don't own the game myself) and the LP-ear made that mistake- which made certain maps in Part 3 very difficult. I'd say- there are a couple of members in the Brigade that are hard to train (Meg, Giona and arguably Leonardo). You can bench them if you'd like, but I'm not going to force you. But yeah, train up as many members of the Brigade as you are able to. Also, do you own FE9? Edit: I guess you do, as you said that you wanted to beat that first. Advice- Get Ilyana and Jill to level 20/20. It will make Part 1 of Radiant Dawn more manageable. :)
  16. Relating to that- I don't get why PewDiePie is so popular? I'll admit that he seems like a nice guy, but his videos are too loud and obnoxious in my opinion. I haven't watched the Game Grumps, but they don't seem like my cup of tea either.
  17. Oh, right. :) I guess if Gatrie doesn't need it at some point, another unit can benefit from it? :) I agree with you on the "Mist over killing Wyverns front". It's so much fun. :)
  18. Yeah, I stayed clear of the Derail, as I didn't know what was even going on? All I know is that my Mist can use Sonic Swords now, and that she's cool. :) Anyways: I'm on Chapter 21, and I've begun the Level Grind. I don't have exact stats on me but: 1) Gatrie now has the Knight's Ward. He now has 10 speed! :) I also forged him a uber light and powerful iron lance (The Final Breath) so he won't have weight issues? 2) Ilyana did gain some more magic, but her speed is still higher than her magic. One small problem is that only one of her tomes can damage Ena.... And that has 20~ish uses left. :/ 3) Mist is my highest level unit, and Sothe and her combined have roughly 120~ish uses of the Mend staff left. Perfect for level grinding! :) I also forged her a uber powerful iron sword (The Raging Blitz) that complements her 9-10 strength nicely. 4) I think Ike has gained strength on every single level up since. Plus I got all the treasure in Chapter 19, so I should have an Energy Drop to give to him. 5) Mia and Neph are my lowest level units I think? 6) I'm on Normal yes. :) 7) Next people who are getting forges: Mia, Neph and Ilyana (I think you can forge Tomes?) 8) Astrid is the Horsewoman of Death.
  19. ... I just used both Arm Scrolls on her.... She's become my most reliable Wyvern Lord killer as a result.
  20. That probably explains it. I don't know any other Fire Emblem forums apart from this one, so I guess my spectrum of opinion is limited.
  21. ... Oh. I watched an LP of Radiant Dawn, and a lot of the comments kinda hated on the Dawn Brigade so I thought it was uncool and unpopular to like them. The other thing that made me think that they were unpopular was that Tvtropes called them Scrappies?
  22. Probably because I am writing Radiant Dawn Fanfic & I'm playing Path of Radiance, so I'm in a Tellius-mood at the moment, but: The Dawn Brigade could have been good characters. I say could have (I acknowledge that the game doesn't treat them very well), but in the game themselves are pretty bland. Say, for example, Meg. Meg in game is obsessed with Zihark (making her a Proto-Tharja?) and that's... Basically it. But think about it: Meg is a pretty brave young woman who heads off into a country that she's probably never been to to find a man who she's never met, and even if Zihark defects to the Laguz Alliance during Part 3, she decides to stick by Daein. Could that be because she wants to help Daein after Crimea abandoned the country? Is it because she likes living in Daein? How did she react to the rebellion in her home country during Part 2? Was she scared for her father? Worried? Did she think about going back home? If so, why did she decide to stay in Daein? MEG COULD HAVE BEEN A REALLY COMPLEX AND INTERESTING CHARACTER, IF THE GAME HAD BEEN MORE WILLING TO DEVELOP HER (either through support conversations or giving the Dawn Brigade more screen time) And it's not just Meg either. We have Aran. A Daein man who is in the Begnion Occupational Alliance who defects to the Dawn Brigade. What horrors has he seen whilst working for the Occupational Army? Has he been scarred by these events? How does he view himself, and does that affect the relationship he has with his childhood friend Laura? Or we could discuss Laura. Why did she decide to stick with the Dawn Brigade after Daein is liberated? How does the events of Part Four affect her belief in Ashera? ... I could go on, but I won't. In a nutshell, whilst I do recognise the Dawn Brigade is not that fleshed out in game, I think that they could have been really interesting characters (maybe even more interesting than the Griel Mercanries) if they had support conversations and more screen time.
  23. I am indeed. Not brave enough to try out Hard Mode. I do have some strategies for level grinding (mainly involving Ena and Chapter 21) so hopefully they'll all reach max level and have the stats transferred into Radiant Dawn. The rankings are for the "what if that isn't possible" scenario. (And before you ask, I love level grinding and so it wouldn't be tedious for me?) And Rhys just fell behind... By six levels. Kinda knew it would be difficult to get him back up there, so I gave up.
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