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Everything posted by Irony

  1. Thank you! I got it now! :) I haven't been screwed out of an item and a Summon! :D
  2. I've tried this multiple times, and I still cannot access the ladder?
  3. Ok, I'm in Madra at the moment, and I've just got the Cyclone Chip. I've tried to complete Madra Catacombs, and I can't because I don't have the Tremour Bit. I'm trying to get it, and apparently there is a ladder outside the city walls that allow you to get the Tremour Bit. One small problem. I don't have a ladder. Is the Tremour Bit permanently missable? Are you meant to get it earlier, and not getting it then means you cannot get it now? If so, that sucks, as I didn't know the second ladder existed. If not- how do I get the ladder to appear?
  4. I'm going to second this. Order of Ecclasia is stupidly difficult... Which is why I probably should not have played it first (I got stuck on the second boss... After spending a day or two trying to defeat the first boss). Why did I decide that this was a good idea It's fun... Just really, really difficult.
  5. Sincerity? (Actually, I'm a pretty sincere person in real life, and my username is the opposite of that... XD)
  6. There is one thing that the fandom hasn't done that suprises me. Why has no one written a "Smash Bros" verse for "Lost in Thoughts All Alone"? After all, Corrin can choose to settle it in Smash?
  7. I decided to have one more attempt at the Password thing before posting the pictures so that you guys could decipher it. The Password was accepted. Mods, please can you lock this forum.
  8. I've seems that article on a different Golden Sun wiki, and it hasn't really helped me out yet? Yeah, this is my first time doing it, which is obvious, because I'm finding the whole process annoying & complicated & hard. :(
  9. As long as Ace Attorney 6 is better than Phoenix Wright vs Professor Layton, then I'll be happy. (PWvPL is my least favourite game in the entire series thus far)
  10. I still own the original Golden Sun for GBA, yes. I have done & I took photos of it, though I will say that pages 1 and 4 were slightly blurry? Maybe that's what I've done wrong, idk? Though can I ask- does the same password for Golden Sun work a limited amount of times in The Lost Age or not?
  11. Backlog: http://www.backloggery.com/historiamonado2 See all unfinished and Unplayed games on this list. I could easily recommend most of them, easily.
  12. So, I finally defeated Golden Sun on a legit copy this time. I'm trying to do the Passowrd Transfer bit. I've typed in the Password twice and both times it's been invalid? The first time I wrote the down, the second time I took pictures of the password. Help? Why isn't it working?
  13. This. "This might sound corny, but I think you're my soul mate" I CAN STILL HEAR THIS LINE IN MY HEAD NEARLY A MONTH AFTER I BEAT BIRTHRIGHT. Subaki, I ised to like you, but my Naga is that line annoying. :(
  14. I married Mozu and Saizo in my Birthright run, and I think I started shipping them from the B support. I dunno why, but it was really well written, plausible and just adorable. :) In my Conquest run, I paired up Mozu and Niles... I don't really remember their support conversation that much.
  15. The animation for Knights being healed makes me laugh so hard. :)
  16. "Smile! You're dead." For me. Kinda similar to Forrest's "I'm stunning, you're dead" One of the many reasons why I ship the two together. :)
  17. One thing I was thinking about is that we should combine S and A+ supports in a way. Ok, that probably doesn't make sense at the moment, but hear me out. Ok, so every single character should support with at least 10-15 other characters (including the avatar, and who (s)he can support with depends on the personality you pick for him/her). That means that there would be no Corrinsexuals, Robinsexuals, Avatarsexuals etc. Etc. Every character can S support roughly 5-8 of the other characters. But not all of these S supports lead to marriage, but they all lead to a paired ending. For example: Character A is an assassin hired by the Main character (who may or may not be the Avatar, and preferably I'd prefer it if it wasn't the Avatar) to commit some of the Main Character's Dirty Work. She is quite shy and quiet, and doesn't fully enjoy the life of an assassin, but she has a reason for being one. Character B, Character A's younger sister, has an S support with Character A. In their support conversations, Character B and Character A discuss Character A's career as an assassin, which eventually leads to Character B deciding that she would also like to become an assassin. Their shared ending involves Character A training Character B to become an assassin, before detailing all of the missions that they go on. Character C, on the other hand, is a priest who is appalled by Character A's decision to become an Assassin. In their support conversations, Character A explains why she became an assassin to Character C, whilst a Character C tries to dissuade her from continuing her career. In their shared ending, Character A eventually decides that, whilst she doesn't really want to be an assassin anymore, she still needs money in order to look after herself and Character B. So, she eventually becomes a hired guard who is employed by the Church to protect priests, such as Character C.
  18. I haven't yet heard the line yet, but "I'm stunning, you're dead" is a brilliant Bond One-Liner. Forrest, why you no say this yet? :(
  19. Would Peri like some Peri Peri sauce with the servant she has just killed?
  20. Name: Tomoko Gender: Female Starting Class: Diviner Class Set: Diviner, Dark Mage, Troblador (did I spell the last one right?) Growth Rates: 30% HP, 15% Strength, 50% Magic, 50% Skill, 25% Speed, 35% Luck, 30% Defence, 35% Resistence (Plus class modifiers. If these stat growths don't work in Fates, I'll edit them later) Modifiers: -4 Strength, +4 Magic, +2 Skill, - 2 Speed, +1 Luck. Personal Skill: Observation- +4 Damage if her supporting partner uses the same weapon. Route: All Three Routes Recruitment: Chapter 7 Birthright. I haven't played Conquest or Revelations yet, but I guess chapter 10 in Conquest and Chapter 17 in Revelations for now? Supports: Female supports: Corrin, Azura, Hinoka, Sakura, Camilla, Elise, Rinkah, Selena, Nyx, Selkie, Velouria, Midori, Ophelia, Rhajat, Kana, Flora, Felicia, Anna. Make Supports: Corrin, Ryoma, Takumi, Xander, Leo, Laslow, Odin, Hayato, Subaki, Keaton, Kaden, Yukimora, Izana, Shigure, Asugi, Kiragi, Dwyer, Kana, Fuga, Yukimura. (I think that's his name) Other: Parent-Child support with any child unit. Description: A bright young woman who was born and raised on the Nohr-Hoshido bourder. Likes to travel between both countries in order to expand her vast knowledge of magic. Really nice, calm, and also likes to share her knowledge with other members of the Army. The most inquisitive member of the army. Personal weapon: Tomoko's Scroll- increases damage by 2 if that unit has been fought previously (similar to Rhajat's personal skill). Might 7, Hit 80, 5 Crit, 20 Avoid, 1-2 range, lowers the enemy's Resistence by one after it has been used. Appearance: Black hair (similar to Mikoto), blue eyes, quite small in stature, with a big smile on her face. (Now I really want to draw her) Trivia: -Can support with a lot of units that other members of the army cannot support with (e.g. She can support with child units without being their mother or with the Corrinsexuals). This is because she is naturally nosy and likes learning about new cultures and experiences in order to widen her own knowledge. (e.g. Fuga and the Wind Tribe, Flora and the Ice Tribe, Kana and being a Dragon, etc. Etc.) -All of her character models have her wearing black clothing with a white sash.
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