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Posts posted by Thomaswzy

  1. Hi Zoran,

    I stumbled onto this as I was reading the SA Forum on your Conquest LP and I read that you think the stat inheritance formula can be inconsistent and then found this. There are two things that might be wrong in this version of stat inheritance calculations (that you might have fixed later and still see inconsistencies). The first is that the child personal bases should be rounded once at level 20 and then another time after gaining levels with the offspring seal. The second is that after chapter 18, the child actually only levels up once to level 2. I think these address the error you see in your example with Nina (from the stats it seems to be Nyx!Nina). Nina's personal base HP will be 8 from auto-level up to 20, and then leveling up once in any of her promotions will net her less than 0.5, which doesn't round up, and her personal magic will round to 10 after auto-leveling to level 20, and then if the one level was gained in adventurer, the magic would round up to 11, which is no longer more than 4 below Niles's personal magic in this experiment. I don't know if this could account for all the discrepancies you found, but if it does that'd be great since I'm also trying to figure this out myself.


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