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Ernivus of Celephaïs

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Posts posted by Ernivus of Celephaïs

  1. As a shiny and mark hunter I really want to get the mark charm in Paldea and the shiny charm in Galar but damn version exclusives don't make it easy. So I'm looking for ppl that have Violet, Shield and Shining Pearl for dex completion purposes to help me and I'm willing to help in return. I've done a far bit of leg work myself and while I still need to renew my online subscription (will do so in the next few days) I'm pretty much nearing completion so I don't need that much and a fair amount of it is going to be tradebacks. Here's what I require and offer:


    Tradebacks of Iron Crown and Iron Boulder for my Gouging Fire and Raging Bolt simply to fill their dex data and two bonus tradebacks of a shiny Graveler and Seadra with Dragon Scale that I came across and I want to use in teams. Also all of my rewards for anyone helping me are in these file in the form of half a box of shinies (Fire Emblem themed) for anyone wanting them. If you need any pokémon exclusive to Scarlet I can catch it for you also, like the prehistoric paradox forms, Cranidos, alolan Vulpix, fire form Paldean Tauros...


    Need Drampa, I'll give you Turtonator; Zamazenta too, I've got two Zacian in Scarlet so you can keep the sword doggo I just need the shield canine; Spritzee with Fragrant Sack or straight up an Aromatisse and I'll breed it, I can give you a Swirlix with it's evo item or a Slurpuff whatever you prefer; and finally a Lunatone for my Solrock. SwSh fossils are stupid and tedious to get and a pure RNG fest so besides them I can also get you any Sword exclusive you require but I won't evolve a Galarian Farfetch'd, I'll leave that riveting experience to you so you appreciate the silly duck knight. Are the Kanto fossils also version exclusive in the Crown Tundra? If so, those also so I can forget about version exclusives as a whole.


    Glameow and Weedle for Stinky skunk and green caterpillar because BDSP exclusives are super silly and if you can throw in a Mismagius I can get you a Murkrow just to speed things up. Let's be real, BDSP is just unnecesary since it's shiny charm is broken and only works with Masuda method so consider this just a silly bonus, we can all live without a fat cat and an aggresive bee.


    Besides that, anyone willing to add me on Switch for future trades or Pokémon battling is appreciated, but for now I mostly want the Scarlet and Sword trades. Anyone interested in helping me and getting a bunch of shinies in return message me so we can trade Discord info and so our pokedexes get filled before the year's over, I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

  2. This banner made me throw up in my mouth and I'm probably gonna start drinking heavily. FEH truly is my favorite 3H spinoff game and it's neat we get to see other characters from other games in the franchise cameo every now and then god bless (One or two Fódlan characters would've been fine but man, 4 out of 5 is kinda too much them greedy dastards). Yunaka's only half of a silver lining, hope I can pull her with free orbs, any other summon of the overused foursome is going to the fodder meatgrinder I'm sick of them little Three Hoors (read in Frank Reynold's voice) pricks. I warned everyone about Winter Edeltard and mark my words, next year we won't be able to escape easter bunny Edeltard and Spooky Edeltard and it's gonna make anyone with good taste and integrity want to take a big sippy of hemlock and arsenic, it truly is a Christmas Miracle just like the skill because I want to die but I can't, gotta live with 1HP. So perhaps they wanted to make everyone channel their inner Grinch with the most dogwater banner possible? At least I can rest easy knowing I can spend a few days not touching the gacha hell and can focus entirely on the Indigo Disk. We might not have Santa Brom or anything worthwile like that for the season but Flygon, Toucannon, Golurk and Cinccino are back so unlike FEH I get old faces I wanted to see in the SV DLC. Truly one of the banners of all time. This character selection is gonna make everyone's Christmas presents look good by comparisson so when grandma gets you gift socks yet again you can be like "phew, at least it's not those four exploited goblins from FE Hogwarts". So unexpected win in that very specific sense? Meh, all I know is that I might need the hardest, loudest metal possible to not rage at what I predict will be the most vile and insufferable holiday maps we've had so far. Getting those seasonal orbs won't be very pretty. I doubt Wind Tribe Claude cheese will make it much bearable.

  3. I've been writing some ideal custom FEH support conversations in my free time so while they still need some work as per the limiting format I'll drop some ideas I conjured:

    Pelleas with Diamant/Alcryst

    Mostly to make up for the amount of wasted potential that Pelleas as a whole has and how bad a certain RD plot point is, we know that the true-but-not orphan of Ashnard has had quite the rough life and thus comes across as far too shy, reserved and timid, yet because of Izuka he's pretty much thrust into the role of a ruler while not being prepared for it. Once you play RD again you finally get to recruit him and he's quite capable of fighting, so lore-wise he's a tad meek and not battle-hardened at all yet despite not being a fighter he joins being able to cast powerful magic lending credibility to the idea that, had Pelleas trained hard early in his life he'd be an insanely powerful spellcaster as even without a prior background in combat he's still a formidable oponent with lots of magical power. Thus, his personality and history would make it very neat if he could talk with Diamant and Alcryst from Engage as the Brodian sibilings represent the both halves of Pelleas: Alcryst has his uglier traits and all the self-doubt while Diamant is a young ruler that heeds the call of duty and is likely how Pelleas wishes he could be. So I see Pelleas admiring Diamant and seeing him lead Brodia only strengthens his own resolve only for him to then approach Alcryst to reassure him and did for him what Diamant did for the Daein prince.

    Sylvain and Inigo

    Pretty much a no-brainer, right? Two dudes that like to flirt so it can't be that deep right? Well yeah, Fire Emblem has had it's fair share of lady-seekers from Saul and Sain to Gatrie, Virion and everything in between but both Sylvain and Inigo usually rank high among fans for being a bit more that horndogs as it's pretty much stated or implied that their womanizing behaviour stems from personal, tragic flaws of who they are. I'm foggy on Inigo since it's been a long time of not playing Awakening but for him I believe the flirting stems from a fear of being left alone after his mother Olivia dies in his messed up future and her teaching him to always smile no matter what. Heart-wrenching stuff and it's cute how he's actually shy despite his direct flirting. Sylvain though has a bit darker reason with the whole crest babies thing and I've made it no secret that Sylvain's my fave guy from the 3H trainwreck, specially because in a world like that it is 100% guaranteed that most noble women wouldn't give a fuck about who Sylvain is were it not for his crest so he likely thinks that, no matter what, no woman will ever truly love him, so why waste time pretending to be a good guy that isn't just trying to have some steamy fun? So maybe Sylvain and Inigo start as enemies as they try and take the ladies that the other is wooing but in their little competition they realize that they share a sad reason as to why they are the way that they are and end up as best buddies, and in a very Nina twist, the women could see their budding friendship and only start chasing after them because of that, but at that point the two bros no longer care so much for the ladies. I've also had a Saul and Pandreo one that was pretty much this but replacing the flirtation stuff with how they both are unconventional priests.


    Cain and Sully

    I don't know, I'd think that Sully finally meeting the knight she idolized and finding out that Cain is just some dude that wanted to protect Marth and Altea just like how she wants to protect Chrom and Ylisse would be funny. Like a Leonie and Jeralt situation but the idolization slowly pewters down into just "yeah, we're just two pals in the same army".


    L'Arachel and Arthur

    It has to happen. The princess of extreme beauty and justice needs another friend of justice to smite down the evil monsters that crawl the world. Maybe Rennac bolts on L'Arachel (yet again) and she needs a new bodyguard so Dozla searches for one, ignores Arthur for being too unlucky yet once L'Arachel is made aware of Arthur's entire persona she goes out of her wait to recruit him herself. And now she has two big axeman to do heroics with.

    Nailah and Merrin

    Merrin sees a rare cool wolf and tries to ride it into battle but the wolf turns out to be Nailah. Hilarity ensues.

    Soren and Azama

    A bit shallow but how funny would it be an entire support line that's just two dudes hurling insults at one another? One looks amused by the tactician's wit, the other shows no joy in the monk's behavior other than to having to come up with good comebacks.

    Dice and Balthus

    Two muscular men with crippling gambling addiction get into crazy situations because of said gambling addiction. Honestly just afun spin on a plot I made once about Balthus falling for Malice and, seeing how her dad acts as irresponsible as he is with money, he does his best to clean his act, stops developing debt and bows to be a better man for Malice so they can together focus on making up for any amount of coin that Dice gambles away. So in my mind, dude that becomes best friends with his future wife's dad.

    Kempf and Petrine

    Am I the only one who thinks that put together, Kempf and Petrine look extremely close to Jessie and James from Pokémon? (Or at least Cassidy and Butch) So ever since I noticed the visual similarities I can't stop picturing them as a cartoony villain duo that take part in all kinds of mischief while also leaving room for maybe romance. Maybe if Kempf wasn't so goofy, because Petrine's too much of a baddie to be with Mr. "ReinhardtEnvy2000".

    Tsubasa and Manuela

    Finishing in a more wholesome note, honestly this support could happen between any singer of the franchise but I'd imagine a very happy Tsubasa learning about Manuela from Dorothea or something and wanting to be tutored by her. Manuela might disregard this as Tsubasa is very pure and innocent while she herself is very sleazy and sloppy (the drinking and the men) but she gets a change of heart when she realises that Tsubasa doesn't care for her reputation and she just sees the songstress as a mentor figure that she can learn a lot from. This could make Manuela want to be a better role model for adorable little Tsubasa as she is beaming from all the lessons she can learn in singing. And you could replace Manuela with Azura, Leanne... maybe they all should join together for a great concert. Or make a band. Lyrical Ladies. That'd be the ultimate fanservice.

  4. "For the blood is running still, through the roots of Yggdrasil" guess at least it gives us an excuse to re-listen to the best Brothers of Metal song to date. Again, absolutely terrible how FEH keeps spitting on anyone with a Y chromosome and has pretty much established a 1 to 6 male to female OC ratio. If there's any positives to be found is that we can look forward to more R34 and oh my god I love Jörmungandr as a creepy gyaru type, so might also need to re-listen to Powersnake. Even more awful though is the Awakening children banner: Pants-less Lucina, Ratatoskr and Severa as the premium 5 stars (Severa also has Godlike Reflexes for some god forsaken reason I dunno so maybe premium GLR fodder) while Laurent is memed into a colorless tome demote so barely any inheritance possible unless they for some release an Arcane colorless tome (also yet another silly french pronunciation lol); Íñigo straight to the demote pool also maybe ZeShado will be happy and Vallidar as a red infantry mage just before the Iago refine. Something does feel strange and incorrect in some ways. I hope I can at least get Lucina, perhaps Sylvain or Vyland would like to use Arcane Prima. In short, we've started the new book on almost the worst foot possible.

  5. Wishful thinking: Warren, Arlen, Nomah, Jesse, Athos, Legendary Pelleas, Yukimura, Percy, Timeskip Sylvain (Mage Cav or burst), Boucheron, Pandreo, Madeline, Mauvier, Griss and Nel are all added at some point, we finally get reaver weapons that invert the weapon triangle, godswords and canto get nuked to oblivion but it results in the uprise of godaxes and archers with a new wave of cheap A skills that give an insane boost in Atk/Spd while also adding Close Counter but only for archers, we see a new mode that no one ever asked for just to prepare us for a very much not-happening dream game of mine of a FE Rhythm game sorta like Theatrhythm and they bombard us with a new plot line of alternate versions of Heroes OCs that are un-genderbent so actually dudes Thórr and Loki for example and we return to the tech world of Fafnir because honestly it was the coolest one with the gears just add the insane music that Embla and Elm brought with them and maybe like one or two of my picks actually win CYL in any sort of capacity so far only Marth made it in from my picks so maybe I could get behind a CYL with not a single protag or Heroes OC for a change. Like, could we unite forces and just vote for silly characters with barely any lines? Gatekeeper was fun and I'm a known 3H hater. Also, another TMS banner I beg.

    Actual expectations: the story over indulges in time-travel shenanigans, Alfonse keeps getting hyped as the protagonist yet not a single new version of him shows up that is remotely good or viable while Sharena cries in the corner and Anna gathers the council of Annas to scam every single player out of their money for orbs in wave after wave that pretty much undermines the previous wave of powercreep units to the point where the powercreep stops even being real as everyone has resigned to the fate that Lucia is the only viable unit anymore and every month or two she gets fed the new crazy skill that comes around and that doesn't interfere with her playstyle. Now that it's mid spring 2024 we see Duo Easter Bunny Edelgard with Lyn who breaks the meta for like six or seven weeks at most causing a bunch of FEHtubers to almost quit until a random chapter villain with barely any background makes it into the game as a F2P that surpasses the aforementioned duo. Now everybody loves this random boss character guy most couldn't even name and regret not picking him for CYL as the creeping realization sets in that in August 2024 we're going to get Brave Batta the Beast, Brave Gheb, Brave Nuibaba and Brave Yunaka. Once the dust settles on the most chaotic CYL of all time at around september, a new FE game is announced but it's just a rushjob of remaking Genealogy using 3H tech that we thought would never come back only to then, at around december next year hit us with a Binding Blade remake using instead the bones of Engage. To everybody's surprise, people hate the Genealogy remake but love the one about Binding Blade. War ensues on the fandom like ones from the 3H debate era or the bittersweet days of the 3DS and while we barely get anything we actually want, we can at least rejoice because perhaps, before the year is over, we do get one good thing: Summer Fargus in a mankini. And the 3-13 Archer also finally does make it in.


    Honestly I'm happy with anything that isn't a FEH Pass+ and maybe it's time for like... guest characters? I know FEH is a celebration of Fire Emblem in general but from what I've seen, pretty much every relatively big gacha games does, at some point, fall into guest character hell. Lara Croft is in one Final Fantasy gacha, Hololive has cameos in a ton of other gachas, 2B was added to Nikke, Joker from hit underground game Persona 5 Royal has pretty much touched every single gacha game he could and sometimes accompanied by Makoto so all I'm saying is... Demi-fiend SMT banner before they announce TMS 2? That'd be kino in my book and I'd forgive every transgression ever comitted not only by IntSys but by Nintendo as a whole.

  6. I couldn't care less about the Heroes OCs but Thórr and Dagr are hot so maybe them if I could pick, love me a woman I can wrestle with. Ideally I hope we can get our first male OC as a free unit but ever since the game released it's been a lady as the free-per-book, so it's probably going to be a new flavor-of-the-month waifu. Let's see we've had the prim and proper princess with Fjorm; the spunky energetic shortie that has a positive attitude with Reginn, the caring motherly woman that would look great in a cowkini but ours is actually a cow in Ash; the gloomy depressed chick in Eir;  the flower-power cheerful girl with Peony; whatever Seidr is meant to be I skipped the story mostly since I hate time travel too much to care I just know her from the "have a child with me" meme.

    So for me: a new male OC that we get for free at 5* and is very good without being a sword infantry would be my preferred choice. Below that, if it has to be a previous character, Thórr or Dagr. And finally, if it ends up being a previous character something tells me Veronica. Watch it be the menhera goth gf everyone's been craving for or a straight up mommy. If they decide to do anything with the world of steel stuff, perhaps a robot thing like Ginnungagap would be pretty neat. A giant centaur-like robot man rushing into battle with a massive axe, now THAT would be peak.

  7. Hard to decide but I'd probably pick one of those videogame fandoms that are less of a group of people who actually enjoy said game and more of a brainwashed cult that are high on copium for their perceived false idol. Zelda, MGS, BioShock... Trolling any of them would be fun, in fact, it IS fun as I've done so before but you can imagine how mad they get when you attack their sacred cow, which only makes me appreciate more and more the feeling of not having a media sacred cow. I mean I had them but mine are treated like battered wives by their IP holders so I can take the heat as I live in constant dread and misery for the things I love while everyone else gets to see their favorite stuff coddled and spoiled rotten.

    Out of the three I mentioned if I'd were to target Zelda fans I'd use two accounts to start a civil war within the fandom between detractors of modern 3D Zelda and detractors of the hard topdown classic Zelda games. Either that or argue that the only good Zelda games were the side-scrolling ones so Adventure of Link and the CD-i games. MGS fans are really easy to troll on account of their mental simplicity thanks to good old reverse psychology. BioShock fans though are harder to poke fun of on account of most of them ending themselves after Ken Levine left the company, and those that are still alive and well are way too busy re-reading the Communist Manifesto. They've read it, sure, but they don't understand a single word written in it but think it's cool and stuff.


    However, my final target are fans of anything MiHoYo. Those guys deserve the trolling, not because they're bad people or anything but imagine simping for chinese spyware just becase it has a bootlegged gacha-fied Breath of the Wild game on top. I'd say let Darwinism do it's thing but I'd rather do my own thing and laugh at the goofy Genshin Goons. I'd understand the same reasoning for anyone wanting to troll/bully anyone who plays Fortnite or that has allowed the hive of scum and villany that is Epic into their lives.

  8. Bro just cold opened a conversation talking about the intimate parts of a fictional dragon-god child. Don't know if I should show respect or fear. I'll stick to concern as to what might've caused you to think so intently about Sothis in that way. Now, I'm not saying that you are on a list or anything, I'm just saying that perhaps you should watch out for police near you.

  9. Good morning indeed! Welcome to the forums

    10 hours ago, MagmaRam said:

    It's been a good while since I was active on a forum, and I kinda miss it.

    You also got that early 2000s online forums nostalgia?


    10 hours ago, MagmaRam said:

    Outside the world of gaming, I'm into science fiction and I like reading about history.

    Ah, a rare sci-fi nerd, I approve. Any favorite historical period?

  10. 32 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

    Once? Once?

    Truly, you are the fakest of DSFE fans. Play FE12 and have Warren and Tomas duo kill every boss in the game or lose your DS privileges.

    Forgive me father, for I have sinned. I wish I could play New Mystery more ofter but my PC doesn't handle "becoming a DS" so good. The curse of bad specs. But I do still remember the first time I played both of those games for the first time. It did help shut down the voices. I even smiled!

  11. Oh boy, I didn't expect to be opening the SoV pot this morning. The best way to describe SoV I can think of: it's like a very pretty dress from the olden days. It looks fantastic and it will make you the prettiest girl in the ball, but the thing's got a damn corset that will take all the air out of your lungs as you beg for the sweet release of death with each step that you take. Okay maybe not that painfully extreme but it does feel like they only prettied up the presentation while leaving all of those rusty nails just as rusty as they were before. Thing is, I feel more inclined to revisit Gaiden than I do SoV, maybe because I'm old and nostalgic for dusty games, maybe Gaiden is just more lovable as a crusty Famicom underdog. It does have some great characters imo (Luthier my beloved, Saber, Valbar's gang, the comedic duo of Python and Forsyth and, of course, Mathilda makes me wish for more finely built hags in the games instead of the usual loli cringe that has always riddled the franchise). Without quoting some of your particular issues: if you think Deen is bad then pal have you even met Jesse? he's even worse and I may like ironically like him as a joke unit; plot's whatever, people who just play for the plot are silly when gameplay is king and I'm fine with the simplicity of heroic dude uses magic sword to kill evil dragon, SoV just fumbles it by wanting to have this Yin Yang balance thing / romance soap opera tension with Alm and Celica that bogs it down; maps quickly devolve into memes like downright the stuff some people would come up with if FE Maker was a thing and it had little Timmy levels; going back to Deen again, devoid of personality but makes for a good Dreadfighter next to Saber and Kamui yet nothing will ever compare to the beauty that is Dreadfighter Valbar, because again, gameplay is king; but hey, since you've played 3H and now SoV you have seen some of the lowest lows of the franchise in terms map design. It can only go up from here! An by that I mean play the DS Marth duology goddangit they're the opposite of SoV: not lookers but oh man they feel nice to replay once per year. 

    And I hope you're joking about the killing evil dragon thing. You better get used to it, dude. Simply put, I believe there's a higher percentage of FE games that involving stopping an evil dragon and his cult than there are percentage of Zelda games that feature the Triforce, Ganondorf or even Zelda herself. And I'm pretty sure I'm not wrong on that end. In fact, the Fire Emblem isn't that important of a thing in some Fire Emblem games, sometimes it's just something metaphorical, sometimes it's a shield or a morphing sword. So if all you want is a good story, read a book, but thank you, I always enjoy seeing people open their eyes on games that aren't as good as everyone claims. Sorry you had to go through 3H and SoV buddy, if I could I'd buy you a beer out of pity.

  12. Wooohoo another Nino alt, I really like Nino she's like the only character that matters in FE7, I love how she's the three main lords all at once and the only character you get to recruit I think her inability to read is a really good and unique character trait I really do love stupid children, they make for wonderful candidates to be sent to war, it's just a shame that she also plays the role of every single villain in the game but it's refreshing that every single unit you recruit in that game is also Nino, it really hammers home how much growths are superior to bases I wish Nino was my mom, dad, sister, retainer and wedding planner, perhaps if we're lucky they release a FEH patch that replaces every unit with Nino, Edelgard, Lyn, Camilla and Lucina, we all know they the only characters that matter don't send hate my way you know I speak the truth. My favorite part of Blazing Blade was definetly when Nino said "It's Ninoing time!" and ninoed all over the place.


    Disclaimer: you've just witnessed a random act of violence I mean seething sarcasm. In truth I do not hate Nino at all (I do despise the Adrestian hypocrite though), it just infurates me that we always get alt after alt of the same four characters instead of new faces. I'm sure Nino Emblem fans will be happy but every time something like this happens I can't help but feel bad for people who wanted someone like Vaida to make it in as it just elongates the wait needlessly. I know the feeling, my boy Warren probably won't even make it in before FEH shuts down, I should be lucky they even bothered to put Malice in. If anything I think we shall all unite to provide psychological support to Jaffar fans who are gonna have to live vicariously through a Nino that took Jaffars place as a fast assassin as they wonder where did Jaffar's attack stat go. I propose we set up a gofundme to give every Jaffar fan a warm blanket for emotional comfort in these trying times.


    Getting a new old man and a hairy one at that with Fargus... well, that does put a smile on my face. I'll take all the fathers, grandads and middle-aged men IntSys is willing to give because I ain't playing with no kids like I'm some sort of birthday clown. So in conclussion... how many years until Nergal finally drops, boys?

  13. 21 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    If you'd said Berwick, people would have gladly volunteered and you could've started your own FE-villain cult.

    Aw shucks, guess I picked the wrong game then.

    21 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    Neato. What are your languages?

    Spanish. Makes it easier to convey flowery stuff and gross detail in scenes of blood and gore.


    17 hours ago, indigoasis said:

    This was probably one of the single greatest introductions I have ever read. Welcome to the forest!

    Thank you! I'd be shameful for a writer to have a sad and brief one-liner as an introduction.


    17 hours ago, indigoasis said:

    Old? This site is only about as old as Radiant Dawn, so it has it's driver's license!

    Yes, but I was referring to other forums I used to lurk in when I was a youngling, it's just my first time making it to the heron forest.


    6 hours ago, Jotari said:

    I fully expect to see Arlen within the next two Archanea banners....but Warren...he's...uh...better hope one he performed really well for one of the staff working on the game or something.

    I hope so, brother. I want Arlen to have his own exclusive Thoron so I can have pretty much a male version of Miriel in my barracks. And I mean... if they gave us a good Fir (even if it's an alt), a Lucia that isn't just a meme (Parity do be silly on the player's side) and a Citrinne with an actual speed stat then maybe we can get a semi-functional Warren that longs for the forest. My precious blonde loner horse bow man needs to make it in, been voting for him in almost every CYL.


    3 hours ago, LadyGrima said:

    Nice you meet you! hope your weekend is going well

    Thanks! Been going fine so far thanks to recent musical discoveries!

  14. Alright, hear me out: Luthier and Delthea as an emblem ring just so they can relate to Pandreo and Panette. Call it Emblem of the Magical Siblings or something. I'm just a sucker for realistic sibling relations being portrayed and Luthier is my fave from Gaiden/SoV. I'd think it'd be heartwarming to see the valentian siblings reflect on how they treat eachother after seeing the solmic siblings be more wholesome and then decide to strive treat eachother better so Luthier doesn't push Delthea to just train her magic if she doesn't want to and Delthea in turn decides to start listening to her older brother a bit. 


    Mauvier would've been great with any Camus type character for obvious reasons but most of all I'd like to see him interact with an Emblem Bantu, seeing how they're both older men tasked with protecting a young dragon girl. It could either be very deep or end up in a terrible Frederick-Jakob situation where they compete over who deserves being admired the most between Veyle and Tiki.


    And if we had villain emblems I think a cool idea would be to have en Emblem Ashard corrupting Diamant's mind into making the most blood-thirsty Brodia possible. Imagine Diamant riding Ivy's wyvern after having conquered Elusia or even better, he subjugates Sombron and turns the powerful Fell Dragon into his huge flying mount. It could have some interesting but dark story parallels like having Alcryst play a Pelleas-like role.

  15. Hey there, how you doin'? I'm Ernivus, and I'm definetly not here just to gather TMS fans to perform a blood ritual so we may get a sequel, nope, definetly not. When I'm not comitting arsen until Warren and Arlen make it to FEH I like to blast metal on my headphones until I can no longer hear my own thoughts and sometimes I do like reading. I'm an Awakening child but since I played DS Archanea I like to meme on the 3DS era of Awakatechoes blandness. Before the Switch days I rewrote the plot of Fates because I was so mad with it, it was unreal and having played 3H I might do the same for it because damn shorty, four campaigns (+ the DLC  one) and only one is half decent? That's rough buddy. Maybe I'll even redo my own Fates redo if I'm in the mood but I've got my own novels to write and stuff to translate. I've got scorching hot takes but I won't risk a ban so soon, so for now just know that Engage is peak and saved my interest in the franchise. God bless Colgate dragon, the ATLUS RPG with a faint scent of FE thrown in and the english fan translation of New Mystery of the Emblem for holding me up as a fan. Right now the only FEtubers I can stand are BigKlingy and the crop of FEHtubers that make life easy as a former whale turned F2P peasant, so ask me about my heavily-invested old units that spit on the meta (pls don't I just like to build my faves and use characters I hate as sacrificial skill fodder). Nobody likes my mental pairings, I'm very comfy since I moved into the vtuber rabbithole and it's very cozy over here but I swear I'm not a weeb I just like big anime chests, I was dangerously close to calling this account WarrenGaming/LuthierSuperiority/ChurchOfPandreo/BoucheronSweep and one day I might have a Nel dakimakura.


    So if anyone wants a shady uncle figure or someone to discuss metal, old books, horror movies, 80's testosterone-filled action movies, the alternative japanese rock/metal scene, strange games or lovecraftian eldritch horrors beyond our understanding I'm yer dude, dude. Just please be gentle with the frail old man, my bones are not very strong, but my muscles do want extreme violence. More posts coming from me once I figure out what the hell to post here since I'm nostalgic of very old internet forums.

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