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Everything posted by MJThom_2009

  1. Marth WCWY like to see his/her execution and please describe it and give it a name?
  2. isnt red suppose to get his last pick?
  3. Chapter 23 is 6 turns after checking Chapter 29 – 9/146 Lowen goes down the path to get to Linus while everybody else just attack the center Chapter 30 – 8/154 Chapter 31 – 11/165 Chapter 31x – 5/170 Chapter 32 – 8/178 Chapter 32x – 5/183 Final – 7+2/192 Results Matthew – B: 109 W: 43 Lowen – B: 337 W: 198 Erk – B: 96 W: 65 Hawkeye – B: 110 W: 82 Farina – B: 161 W: 94 Louise – B: 71 W: 39 Nino – B: 52 W: 34 Hector – B: 156 W: 91
  4. Am I allowed to reuse the same question, cause I think we can ask any question I choose Walhart cause he's wants to conquer almost everything WCWY think has a hidden knife?
  5. The fourth spoiler pic: if only they have the characters that represent FE in the SMTxFE with their cut-ins I would make it as a keeper, at least it would shed some light on to me or something
  6. Ilyana of course WCWY like to see breakdown and please describe?
  7. [FE 11] Shadow Draft Gradivus - Caeda, Jake, Castor, Xane, Vyland, Horace, Beck, Etzel, Roger, Samson Zhaoyunfan - Abel, Sedgar, Merric, Julian, Athena, Catria, Darros, Tiki, Minerva, Jeorge Jedi - Cain, Wolf, Wendell, Cord, Roshea, Midia, Astram, Est, Macellan, Bantu Eclipse - Barst, Draug, Navarre, Gordin, Radd, Matthis, Boah, Tomas, Elice, Lorenz SB - Ogma, Hardin, Bord, Wrys, Caesar, Lena, Dolph, Rickard, Ymir, Palla
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