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Everything posted by MJThom_2009

  1. You know what, im done, theres no way Meta Knight is gonna be in the new smash with all the new fighters coming
  2. Chapter 11 – 6/6 Chapter 12 – 5/11 I was luck for Hector to kill the last enemy with a low percentage hit. Chapter 13 – 6/17 Marcus and Hector headed to the seize point. Rebecca continued to get more experience. Chapter 13x – 7/24 Everyone is still alive and Marcus managed to get to the village on time. Chapter 14 – 5/29 Marcus took on most of the enemies to the west while everyone else went down south. Chapter 15 – 7/36 Chapter 16 – 5/41 I use Florina to carry Hector close enough to the seize point and Marcus traveled the long way to the seize point. Chapter 17 – 11/52 Hector killed the boss with a crit, Florina and Lyn support level is at C, and Oswin got powerful enough to promote. Chapter 17x – 4/56 Oswin rushed towards to Fargus. Chapter 18 – 5/67 Oswin alone headed towards the boss while everybody else defended the right side. Chapter 19 – 6/73 Oswin and Florina headed to Uhai and Oswin got the crit on the second hit. Chapter 19x – 8/81 Chapter 20 – 6/87 Rebecca got the brave bow and promote to sniper. Also got Legault and stole the member card. Chapter 21 – 4/91 Stolen hero crest for money and got the elysian whip. Chapter 22 – 7/98 Rebecca and Oswin headed to the boss and everybody else defended. Chapter 23 – 4/102 Pent got a critical on one of the boss on the four turn. Chapter 24 – 2/104 Oswin came into Lloyd’s attack range one turn one, then Rebecca attacked him twice. Chapter 25 – 5/109 Hector and Oswin headed to the northwest fortress, Lyn and Legault goes for the southwest fortress, and Florina who promoted headed to the north east fortress.
  3. 9,10,11 - Gamestop(9 was surprisingly hard to find) 6,7,8 - downloaded on Frostwire 12 - dont remember(but never played that much because the emulator was causing the game to slow down) 13 - Gamestop
  4. Legault and Nino
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