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Posts posted by Fargo294

  1. This is probably the most depressing news I've heard all day. I loved this project to death, everything was so amazing and taking another look at it recently made me love it all the more. It was one of my favorite games to play in high school and it could very well be my favorite Fire Emblem game period. It's going to be really sad to see it go, but I hope for the best for everyone who worked on it.

  2. Also giving some feedback to this, I played this game a while ago, but leaved it in hiatus. Tbh, I was never able to fully understand the story, so in some sort I was playing blind, guess that happens when you don't read carefully the dialogues (I also skipped Renair's diary after every chapter) Leaving the story apart, the difficulty is a bit madness, maybe I'm not that good at playing carefully and not kamikazing, but whatevs. Guess I will start again the story to understand it better. Keep it up with this! :P

    I believe one of the devs mentioned they were going to nerf the enemies a bit. iirc, I believe they were going to lower the HP of grunts to dispatch them quicker.

  3. Just reached the split part (the chose path A Musain, or path B Ordurnis) What differeces do you see? (or more specifically, which one has sum/more Dragon characters (wyverns maybe a Manakete) or more stat boost items! (Power-hungary lol)


    p.s. Has anyone done a hack based on a dragon-like Lord? (Manakete/Mamkute, Wyvern rider ect)? Had a story for one in my brain.

    No manaketes as of yet; Onduris has a Wyvern Rider, though. You'll see more magic enemies in Musain and more physical units in Onduris. You'll get a Mage and an armor lord in Musain and a sword and lance wielding lord in Onduris. I don't think you get more stat boosts in one route than the other and I can't quite remember all the boosts, but I know that there's a Con boosting item in Onduris.

  4. I honestly have no idea what that "spoopy" means.

    But unless Astra is fibbing, it's not jumping to FEXNA just yet. Two pages back, I asked that very question. Astra answered with a "Nope!"

    Spoopy is what you use to describe something when it's too spooky to be described as spooky anymore.

  5. Is the patch in the OP up to date (V4.0)? I love this hack and don't want it to end only 14 chapters in D:

    Yes, it is up to date. The file from the download link says V4. As was stated recently, V5 is currently being worked on.

    I believe at some point, the creator said the total amount of chapters they would like to make is around 30, so there's plenty more to play once it's all out.

  6. I'm sorry for asking this, but when is 5.0 coming out? I've been waiting so long

    If I were to take a guess, since Summer break just started, they'll begin working on it now. Any expected releases would probably be in a few months.

  7. Oh what. When does that happen. This would pretty much confirm that IS is at least trying to troll the conspiracy theorists into thinking it's Elibe.

    Now IS is trolling? Damn it, I have enough companies teasing me with video games, now I have IS destroying me as well.

    The next thing to do is play the trailer backwards.

    Stop giving me reasons to take hours out of my day for Fire Emblem.




    So excited for this

    I hope it's more of an old school FE than awakening, but even if it's like awakening, I WANT IT.

    I wonder if the stats inflation will get even higher, though

    I wonder if this'll eventually turn into Epic Battle Fantasy where units start dealing 10,000 points of damage per hit.

    Wait a second.

    Is that a Dark Knight on the map? Since the characters only have 20-25 HP, they must be early in the game. Having a Dark Knight that early feels out of place.

    Also, you can see the commander and a Swordmaster cut off at the top.

    This actually looks really cool. I think it shows more variety in enemies early on, adding more stressors to the player in earlier levels. I'd love to see how this works in the actual game!

  9. The Paralogues are all canon. Pretending they don't exist doesn't change that.

    Damn it. Why do you have to be right?

    I really only meant the ones before the end of the game since there's no reason for Chrom and company to move away from their goal when it's right in front of them. Emmeryn's is the only one I vehemently disapprove of since it removes the effect of her death, and adds nothing to her character while the other paralogues did so.

  10. Thread progression:

    MarthxIke --> Really cool discussion about interpreting the sexuality of characters with Ike and Soren as mediums --> Ike's relevance in FE10

    FE10 Ike is easily my least favorite lord

    I'd have to play the game again to have a fair opinion, but at this point, I feel the same.

    Just because he got plenty of development in FE9 doesn't excuse neglecting that aspect in the sequel.

    Agreed. If you're adding in a character who is integral to the plot, one would expect that character to be developed upon, especially if that character is a protagonist. Otherwise, you'd have a boring main character, which is a critical writing flaw. Though, again, I'd need to replay this to have a more solid opinion.

    Elincia and Micaiah both felt like well-rounded, integral characters. Through recollection, Micaiah was an interesting character, scrounging up street urchins to fight an oppressive government to eventually building an army to overthrow it, much like Ike in a way, though still being a breath of fresh air. Elincia struggled with trying to rebuild her kingdom while stubborn nobles fought her at every turn to an eventual revolution, to fighting for her country on her own.

    Ike... Helped. He's still awesome, and playing him again in a brand new story is invigorating, but I felt let down slightly from lack of development. He functions as the strong character he is, but doesn't stand as high as he did in the previous game with the constant progression of his character.

    If I may give my two cents on Priam: I like to pretend that those Xenologues don't exist because it kinda sorta undermines Emmeryn's character and her role in the story after not dying when dying helped her resolve the first arc. But that's just me.

  11. I don't think IS may invest in another remake anytime soon, but my ideas were some sort of morph of the Jugdrali or Elibe series. Of course, the Jugdrali idea would have to go through some changes due to big differences in maps, but the Elibe series wouldn't need that. They could both implement the children system, and it would certainly make for a long game. Though, I'd prefer the FE6 side go under some renovations since I felt Roy was a little lacking in character; he was there to lead the army, but he didn't have much personal motivation like his father did.

    Nintendo actually turned a profit this quarter due to Mario Kart sales, so the WiiU isn't doing too bad anymore! They just need to keep it up, and considering Smash is coming out soon, they probably will. I don't think a WiiU venture for FE is entirely a poor economic decision, but I suppose IS wanted some insurance hence the crossover with SMT, and I think they might be taking a while to make sure that this game works well, taking into consideration both IS's and Nintendo's money crisis. I couldn't explain the absence of any news for SmtxFE, but they may just have nothing to show as of yet.

    If IS really isn't comfortable with another single FE release, then another handheld release wouldn't be that bad, pressure is probably the last thing they need right now.

  12. I'm looking around, but I can't say I know where to continue. I did something to the characters sprites because I managed to turn everyone into a Duelist and a Myrmidon once. Is there anywhere more specific I can look or is guessing and checking my best bet?

  13. Right. That unfortunately will transfer with the .sav because it's written into the RAM already. We can fix the support pointers for the future patch but what's done is done and cannot be changed through our side. You can probably look into RAM hacking to put the support back in, perhaps. I'm no expert in that field though.

    I'll see if I can manage that. Do you know anyone who is an expert in that field?

  14. What do you mean problem with supports I vaguely remember something but I don't remember the details remind me again

    But if you transfer the .sav then the supports would stick yes

    Seymour is able to support with Lia and Karen, but the support will only register with those girls and not Seymour.

  15. Chester's an odd bird - when he wants to shine, he will do so, and steal the damn spotlight.

    First montage

    Second montage

    Holy cow those Chesters. HOLY COW THOSE GARATHS. My best Garath was the one I had to drop because I used up all of my Veritas without knowing what it really did. For some reason my Ilanice decided she wanted strength real bad and forgot that she could have speed, thus I had to donate her a speed boost(16 spd on 20/1 is just shameful but it was better than Juan's). And I've always had the worst luck with Renair, her strength was always way too low and could hardly provide any damage thus Kolbane stealing the spotlight like superstar he is. I was thinking of doing another Musain run since I didn't grab the ancient blad that time, but that would mean I'd have to give up my actual good Renair and my Arcus with maxed Str and Def and 15 speed. Though I could always drop my other Onduris route seeing as how everyone there is pretty bad, 18 Spd Seymour aside.

  16. After training with Inari, I found she was quite useful. She didn’t stand out too much, but she’s earned her spot for sure. Kolbane’s still further ahead, but for some reason Chester is the one who’s standing out the most.


    I don’t know how that happened, but I’ve no reason to complain.

    I’m wondering if there are any supports for Inari that come in the next chapter since I don’t have anyone paired with her yet; I feel the same for Chester, but I think he can manage on his own. I found that Inari can support with Vixenk, Balder Seymour, but Seymour’s already taken and I haven’t trained Vixenk or Balder. Speaking of supports, will Seymour’s problem with supports be fixed if I transfer over directly to the next patch? I’ve maxed out his support with Karen and I’m a little worried about that.

  17. Any earlygame unit has a chance or being screwed other than Garath, who doesn't run on growths. I tend to get great Kolbanes. The rest of the dev team doesn't (see: Astra's 6 def Kolbane). Sometimes I think I stole everyone's Kolbanes.

    And I dunno, you can infer a lot about a character's personality from one line alone. There's also the upcoming supports, and mug design.

    Liking a character solely for their design enough to want to use them is still valid.

    The only bad Kolbane I had was my first one, but I got better Kolbanes from that point on(albeit with a little help from save states) were always stellar. I really do like the design of Inari and would like to actually give her a chance, and hopefully that will convince me to try some other units I never really gave a chance previously. I like her blue color scheme and want to see how magnificent HeroGladiator Inari is.

  18. Wait a second, Astra and Holy can proc simultaneously? You mean that Dew!Ulster and Dew!Larcei would have a chance of doing five hits of +20 damage, for a total of 100 potential bonus damage?

    Or Holyn!Ulster/Larcei would be able to use the black knight's ECLIPSE!?

    As awesome as that sounds, that also sounds ludicrously overpowered...

    I'm pretty sure the only way the non Astra abilities can be used five times in a row during Astra is for them to activate by themselves 5 times in a row.

  19. What new reveals are you referring to? If you're talking about CoroCoro, that's already out, and it had no new characters. Also not sure where you're getting reveals coming in threes, as that's only actually happened twice (E3 2014 and the Robin/Lucina/C.Falcon trailer). Pic of the day veteran reveals only reveal one at a time and Nintendo directs only have 1 newcomer aside from the Smash direct which had 1 newcomer and 4 veterans.

    I heard somewhere that the next characters are going to be revealed soon, but I don't know how much water it holds. I just assumed about the threes part. I assume often. Doesn't tend to bring great results.

    Lucina doesn't take a slot at all (from anyone else) considering she was thrown in at the last minute as a bonus because she became more of her own thing then a Marth alternate costume. Sakurai himself stated this.

    Well, that's good news. I'm glad this got cleared up.

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