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Posts posted by Gaitou

  1. Personally, I just use NM1. NM2 is built in Java so sometimes it has problems finding paths and files and stuff. NM1 is just a .exe file, so it's simpler :P

    Also, I haven't yet figured out why NM2 is at all better than NM1.

    I like your avatar's hair colour, btw. It's... vivid. :3

    Ah, Thanks for the info, I can work readily with NM1 super simple, yet still hard to hack lol. XD.

    Also thanks for the comment on my avatar, its the mug shot for the main character of my hack.

    His hair color is actually the hero team blue. I thought it would work for hair. >w<

  2. Okay so I'm very new to the FE Hacking scene (for lack of a better phrase) and found the Nightmare 2 program on multiple sites, and with each one I cannot use the file. It keeps telling me it can't locate something called "main class: nightmare2.App." I've googled it like 3 or 4 times and it gives me nothing no matter how I phrase it, maybe someone here can tell me what's wrong or if I should use Nightmare 2 at all? Any advice you can give would help too, but if you don't want to that's okay too. Thanks in advanced for reading this.

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