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Posts posted by hinode

  1. I got a 4* Sophia from the gacha, and she is the glassiest of cannons.

    It's almost hilarious how lopsided these stats are, but after getting repeatedly ORKO'd in arena matches it's clear that she's not viable without having more meatshields than this game allows you to deploy.



    File Feb 03, 9 47 52 PM.png


  2. I doubt the diehard FE purists who disliked having a world map and random encounters in Sacred Stones and Awakening are going to appreciate them any more in this game. It's more a game for people interested in a hybrid of Fire Emblem with traditional RPGs rather than a return to classic FE gameplay.

    On the other hand, support range is seemingly back to 3 tiles away like it was pre-Pair up, so that's probably out. And I doubt that marriage/kids are going to be added in a game with multiple canon-locked couples and the Whitewings who have established love-lives or unrequited crushes in Archanea. So people who just hate those specific parts of Awakening/Fates might be happy enough with Echoes even if the game is very different in other ways.

    The best case scenario would probably be for the fandom to collectively get past a rigid binary of old school vs new school upon seeing a new release that's significantlly different from both FE6-10 and FE13/14. I don't think this game can bridge the divides within the fanbase, but maybe it can at least broaden the discourse a little.

  3. Falcon Knights in Gaiden got effective damage on all monsters, similar to the Bishop's slayer skill in FE8... except that the FE2 version tripled their attack power instead of just weapon mt. I think they coded it this way so it wasn't useless if a FK was using the default 0 mt weapon, but it resulted in some crazy damage if you had something like Gradivus or one of the rare drop lances equipped.

  4. Drop rates for everything need to be either boosted to something non-ridiculous, or just removed entirely for duplicate items like Hero Sword. Something like the 0.014% rate for Shooting Star/Astra lances should never appear in a video game again.

    A bunch of items like Draco Shield, Speed Ring, and Angel Ring could take massive nerfs and still be pretty good. How good exactly depends on how they handle the equipment system (i.e. can you can equip both a weapon and a ring simultaneously).

    Enemy summoners and bigles could really use a cap on how many can spawn in one turn, they could get completely out of hand in Gaiden. The last battle took me over an hour in real time due to the endless swarm of bigles.

  5. Beat it back in 2005 on the ancient buggy J2E patch. I actually managed to find my old save files/savestates on my HD, still working once I redownloaded a newer version of FCE Ultra.

    Gaiden had a lot of weird/novel ideas that were interesting to play around with, but the lack of UI/mechanics polish got really bad at times. A couple of maps with summoners or bigles took me ridiculous amounts of time to finish. I'd never replay Gaiden from scratch, but I am hopeful that a remake can fix all of its serious issues while keeping the quirky elements like personalized spell lists.

    Oh yeah, I also managed to get TWO rare drops, an Astra Lance and a Dracoshield. The latter completely broke the game when I equipped it on Dyute, IIRC the final boss was the only enemy that did more than one damage to her.

  6. 9 hours ago, CappnRob said:

    Yeah, like I said I figured it was a mythical thing. But.... how did they decide to use THAT when in Japanese Holyn is.... well, Holyn. Or Horin. It's not like Delmud/Diarmid or Deirdre/Diadora where you can see the root name being used. If anything I'd think Chulainn would've been given to Cuan :Y

    This is how Cuchulainn is meant to be pronounced. Cut off the first syllable and it's actually fairly close to Holyn.

  7. I don't think the cast is large enough to make Pair Up really work well. Checking Serenes, there were just 16 PCs for each team in Gaiden, with a fair amount of class overlap (i.e. triple Peg Knight on Celica's team). Even with Villagers around that doesn't give you the sort of teambuilding options that Awakening and Fates had.

    Now I can certainly imagine some new characters getting adding for each team, but not enough to outright overwhelm the prexisting roster. With a smallish cast on each team (since you're essentially training two of them for endgame) and potentially a bunch of weird gameplay systems depending on how much of Gaiden they're carrying over leaving Pair Up out of this remake would make a lot of sense to me.

  8. Wait, I thought it was only the first wave of 7 enemies that you had to finish within 2 turns to get the alternate set??

    *doublechecks site*

    Ha, you're right. Someone implied it on another site and I never doublechecked my impression closely enough. Yeah, sorry about that. :/

    Passing down Galeforce still seems like a no-brainer for Lissa/Olivia/Maribelle, since you need to grind a ton to setup for Strongest One's Name anyhow and none of their other female-only options are worth anything. This means the value of Peg Knight on Noire/Kjelle/Nah has been pretty overblown in the past though, you don't need it on every single PC so optimizing caps is really more useful, especially for Nah who is better as a tank than an offensive unit.

  9. Checking the jp wiki, there are 7+10+15+20+25 enemies to kill in only two turns to fully complete the final DLC. I'm certainly not presumptuous enough to say it's impossible without Galeforce, but it sure looks a magnitude harder on paper. Every single non-boss looks to have either Pavise+ or Aegis+ (but never both, thankfully) and a bunch of them have Dragonskin on top of it, having to ORKO almost all of them on enemy phase while actually surviving seems like it's both harder and much more dependent on stuff like Aether procing constantly than Galeforce spam strategies where you can cut down on their numbers greatly on player phase while hitting the right defensive stat as much as possible.

    If you're going to just ignore the second phase entirely than sure, Galeforce is hardly needed, but I don't see why anyone min/maxing kids for Ultimate Training stages would ignore the actual hardest part of the final DLC.

  10. So do you have actual, empirical evidence that Galeforce is not all-important for beating the first 5 waves on Strongest One's Name in 2 turns to access the second one? I can only theoryemblem it myself, but the one guy I've heard with actual experience placed a ton of stress on it, and it sure as heck looks pretty much essential on paper, with all the Dragonskin-toting enemies who aren't going to just get mass ORKO'd on enemy phase like Lunatic endgame foes vs Nosferatu.

    It also sounds insanely valuable for Ultimate Training 2, although I vaguely remember hearing it's not quite as necessary on that one. Still, 5 Annas to protect and Rescue disabled and probably a variant of the Tiki paralogue AI means that you need to do most, if not all your work on player phase, and Galeforce is the single biggest boost to your player phase of any skill in the game.

  11. c) it's not going to be one of your five best skills for final DLC, where all of this breeding actually comes into play.

    Do you have any personal experience backing this up? The one person I've seen who's actually cleared the final DLC considers Galeforce all-important for even getting to the second, harder wave of enemies. "Just kill everything on enemy phase" is not a valid answer when you've only got two turns to clear five waves of cap-smashing enemies loaded with good skills.

  12. FE8 Trainees had huge exp bonuses due to their low class power, whereas Donnel gains exp at the same rate as any other unpromoted PC. As a consequence, it takes Donnel a lot longer than Ross to dig out of his initial hole of suck.

    Conversely Donnel's growths are actually really good, unlike the FE8 Trainees, so his endgame stats are way better than theirs. I seriously doubt he's worth the trouble on an efficient playthrough, but I've never actually tried to raise him in one so I can't say for sure.

  13. I would imagine that any My Unit/Avatar in an FE4 remake would resemble FE12's version more than FE13's, to avoid messing with the plot too much. Having House Chalphy take in a wandering traveller who works his or her way up into becoming captain of Sigurd's personal guard would be a good way to justify customizable minor Holy blood. Plotwise, you could either have Sigurd order MU to take care of baby Seliph along with Oifaye and Shanan or have MU die defending Sigurd at the Battle of Belhalla/Valhalla, either way would be plausible.

    Not sure how to handle kids for MU, though. Would a female get two kids associated with her like all the gen 1 females? Would a male get to add a Morgan-equivalent as a third child (or even a fourth, if two kids are tied to the Avatar) in the family, or is he no different any other father? Would it be okay for one gender to yield more kids than the other in gen 2?

  14. Pair Up+Dual Strike means you can actually utilize bows on enemy phase in this game as the support character, which is great for building up weapon rank or just doing tons of damage to swarms of fliers. This mainly feels useful for the hybrid bow classes like Warrior and Assassin, though, since they can switch to a melee weapon to counter things themselves when they take point, and a unit who never spends any time as the primary unit will fall behind in levels pretty severely after a while.

    Extensive Pair Up use also means that you are likely dealing a larger percentage of your damage on enemy phase than ever, which feels like a huge problem for bow-locked Archers and Snipers on paper. Still, I'm reluctant to completely dismiss them when I've yet to make any serious attempt at training one. It's too bad Spotpass Jamke can't get any supports, Galeforce is a greating starting skill for an Archer. I'll probably try him out anyways on some run or another after the FE4 Spotpass teams get released.

  15. Astra is also better for any opponent for whom 2.5x damage is enough to net the kill, which is the vast majority of them, optimized Streetpass teams excluded.

    Also, attacking a Warrior with Counter at melee range is dumb no matter which of Astra/Lethality you have equipped, or both. At the very least, use your Assassin's bow instead; same activation rate for Lethality, and you won't kill yourself if the low chance of activating doesn't succeed.

  16. Dual Strike is a big difference between Awakening and other games with weakish range 1-2 weapons: even if your javs/hand axes aren't doing a lot of damage, they have a 70%+ chance of activating an additional attack from an S-rank partner that should be quite strong, assuming you're optimizing your pairings effectively. Chrom makes for especially good backup thanks to Dual Strike+, or you can feed him an Arms Scroll after promoting to make good use of Javs if his partner isn't a weak damage dealer like Sumia. Lucina is even better with her free infinite use 12 MT weapon and sky-high skill stat assuming she has an S rank partner who can hold his own in combat.

    Being able to hit the alternate defensive stat with a Dual Strike is also nice when tanking mixed mobs of enemies. Mages with a speed or defense boosting partner might have some trouble reliably one-rounding enemies mages normally, but you'll generally get two shots at activating Dual Strike and one physical attack is enough for the ORKO. Magical backup is similarly helpful for physical attackers against high defense targets if you don't have a weakness-hitting weapon handy or can't afford to equip one while facing a tough mixed mob.

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