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Everything posted by Aurion_Emblem

  1. and his fear of 4 chan is what instilled my fear of 4 chan...mindless conformist or no, we think alike (mostly) and I'm not going to do my own personal investigation... *edit* his means Amarao's though that should be fairly obvious...
  2. yeah, but your previous post also sounded like we were inside his mind...which would be weird... I was just more exact, is all
  3. cookies are yummy... you should try to be the 4th person to learn tackle sorry, I am OCD about making names into recognizable words...where in (and don't hate me) I'd associate you with firefox...it's red and a fox...sorry...most people would think of me as a stupid person with no creativity, because I have Emblem in my name...hey, it's th SN I use everywhere, why can't I use it here? la la la...ok, from now on you are Redfoxoffire!
  4. that's why we stay away from 4chan...it's a scary place...
  5. are the eggs like Gogon eggs? can we tackle them and gain EXP? these are valid questions oh and Meteor, your actions will determine our possible movesets...what we can learn and when
  6. Aurion_Emblem

    Be honest

    I hook up the nunchuk properly I have a conspiracy theory that if you don't hook it up, it destroys the strap with vigor, because it doesn't hook up right
  7. there is wisdom in silence... *edit* RedFoxofFire, you could just ad-block his avatar...that's what I did to Rafiel...heh, forgot that most people see hordes of Rafiels...
  8. wallow in your shame Amarao! RedFoxofFire gets a cookie...and congrats, this was the first time I noticed he passed 200 posts I suppose I didn't specifically mention how it worked...but well, it was fairly obvious
  9. I swear it isn't...hmm...doesn't matter to me though... I almost had the disc...I should have had the disc, had bought Mario Kart on sale before Christmas, and in hindsight, it had the thing that said it had the promo disc...my grandfather gave me Mario Kart inbetween when Mario Kart (1) was bought and Christmas, when I could open MK(1)...and Mario Kart (2) did not have the disc...so I opened MK(2) and returned MK(1)...I was mad when I found out about the promo disc and realized I could have had it...if only I was older at the time...
  10. what do you mean? those are PS3 quality graphics right there! any blue-ray disc worth it's rays would die to look that good
  11. but Ike has a heart protector over his heart...he will survive... what you think the snipers would be smart enough to target heads?
  12. It IS Saturday night...hmm...decisions decisions... how are we going to party? Masquerade? Shakespearean? Roman? I need to know before I commit myself to anything...
  13. yes, I'm not the only one anymore!!!!!! I'm glad I'm not a psychotic loser! you have made my day, kind fellow! I had put a bunch of time into my FE7, 5 playthroughs, and was working my way through HHM, I was on like chapter 23 and going strong...my friend made me play his Final Fantasy Tactics Advance...so I was switching between the two games...few days later, my data was gone...frantically I tried everything I knew...I asked the Nsider forums for their advice, all I got was "try turning it off then on really quickly"...well it worked, I got the data back...next time I turned the game on, the data was gone...all of it...it wouldn't come back this time...I was very mad at it...I put the game away and didn't touch it for 2 1/2 years...I was so mad at it for deleting my data...started playing through it again in september (07) (however I've been sidetracked a lot, haven't finished yet)...I have blamed FFTA for causing this grief all this time... but to find someone else to suffer my fate...ah, wonderful day... the cart works fine now BTW I am happy...though it sucks to lose data...even though you hadn't beaten the game yet *glares at* but still, I'm not alone!
  14. dag...wonder if it will tell if a message has been deleted... it's part of not having secrets and revealing people who cheat...it's probably a good thing...makes you think out your posts before you post!
  15. it wasn't spamming, it was a well-thought out post... if I get in trouble...hmm...is this slap on the wrist trouble or IP address blockage trouble? look, 1 Meteor praising post every other day or so is not a crime...this was more thought out than some of my others... and besides, you and Amarao would get in trouble quicker than me...seriously, you have multiple 5+ post chains that are off topic in post increasing boards...I am more concerned about quality right now...as opposed to a week ago...just look at my average length of post (you can't do that BTW) it is pretty good today...I am like within sight of Wist's average post length (oh noez, I'm talking about someone in a thread! I'm going to die now!)
  16. if Struggle = Suicide/2 then does Struggle > Tackle? if so, should we go to the move deleter and have all our lv 2 pokemon struggle to death? well as long as Something (is not)> Tackle I think the universe will continue but in the other thread, shift key = communist, Communist > Tackle?
  17. well how else do you think branded come about? well the rest of us may think so, but we don't say so...
  18. 6 GK's...Gilliam... you only counted Duessel/Seth, Amelia, Franz, Forde, Kyle I win, Meteor, I win!
  19. well duh, Paris is like "Come here to make your treaty or we'll charge even more for our overpriced wines and cheeses" and the free world could not pay any more for France's overpriced wines and cheeses, so they complied...then the Parisians put a clause in the treaties that said that all further treaties must be made in France, for the same reasons, and further treaties must have a clause that says all further treaties must be made in France for the same reasons... the French knew what they were doing, because while the delegates decide on the treaty, they must eat and drink and pay for the overpriced wine and cheese...
  20. except this time, no one had negative post counts...
  21. no, the silver card is 99% not obtainable in EHM...1% is the Mario Kart Promo disc...because in FE8 I was like "Silver Card? Wut? Woah! HAX!" I didn't play HHM before FE8...I did play EHM though...oh and as my memory serves, I've seen 2 places online since FE7 came out that claimed EHM had the silver card and many more that say EHM does not have the silver card...and my memory is very good...when I want it to be...
  22. but wikipedia lies! that's what my teachers said and I'm a mindless conformist I mean they would never lie to me err, they went to college, they know what they are talking about... besides, wikipedia gave me a disambiguation page when I typed in forum...it's trying to kill me, I can tell...there are soo many choices, I--I don't think I can figure it out...
  23. you are right, Metoer uses post spamming when available you are wrong, Meteor has a min range of inches...also worth noting he has an "assumed" max range of 12,756.2 km, the earth's diameter...of course this is not figuring in satellites...and we never know if he can attack other planets/star systems/galaxies/universes/dimensions... if you attack him with a Longbow, he'd probably be mad...yes, I imagine he'd be very animated...and he would probably get retribution...if you killed him, then he would not be animated, because he would be dead...but you can't kill Meteor, he is too awesome...
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