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Everything posted by Aurion_Emblem

  1. w00+ double post! nice, I would not have noticed that...of couse I swear Smash Bros. did not update at 11 (PST) as it was supposed to...oh well, yay for Sheik! and the most important discovery is that Ike has counter...clearly, you cannot mess with the powers of t3# counter! but is/will it be a specific # of % like Marth's, or a multiplier like Roy's? or, better yet, will it do random ammounts of damage ranging from 1% to 50% or 99% or 150%?
  2. why isn't Hanz jumping on this like Cheese Wizz? oh wait, he's sleeping! Time Zones are FUN!!! very nice Lex, very nice...
  3. ...but I like abnormally lengthed Q's...
  4. dude, once they get like 40%, then you could use Pichu's downsmash and they go flying! anything 64% is death if you know what you are doing...Pikachu's doesn't get as good of recoil... besides, Pichu flops around cutely! I really prefer the way Pichu plays as opposed to Pikachu... the only moves you should use that damage you are your smash attack, thunder (if they are in the air), quick attack (to survive), and skull bash (in 4P matches, when foes are distracted, good charge, deadly knockback)...your down smash doesn't hurt you, and back throw doesn't either...his aerials are ok, but they hurt you...
  5. nice, I'll look into that very soonly! thanks for the tip!
  6. ahh, I see... is Q short for QWERTY?
  7. yup! too bad I can't quote poll options, no? oh well...I'm not too concerned...
  8. Pichu is infinitely more useful than Pikachu...I cite Down Smash and Side B as primary evidence... I like Pichu's aerials more too
  9. is this Q from James Bond? *votes Q*
  10. Hah, ha! you forgot Karla! oh and Geitz...Geitz has an awesome personality...and he supports Dart, who is one of my fav char's...and do note my sig! ^.^
  11. yeah...true, forgot about that...still clones have different moves, they are just mostly the same... heck, Bowser and Peach are clones...their Aerial moves are VERY similar, down throws are similar, upsmash and downsmash are identical... where as Ganon's and Falcon's moves have very different affects (Ganon's go vertical, Falcon's horizontal)...ugh I don't like people who complain about clones...clones aren't the same down to the molecular level, so why complain? 200 posts!
  12. yeah sorry, I know it'd be a lot of work...just when I was reading through new posts this evening, and there were a bunch of new users, and I was annoyed I couldn't remember them by any other thing than Rafiel...and I was skimming quickly, and Rafiel kept catching my eye... sorry, I just had to vent my complaints, pay me no heed in this matter... I can smell 200 posts! (cause this makes 199)
  13. what? glitchy? how so? wave dashing is cool! glitchy sure, but cool...desyncing could have been programmed around, but it's not bad glitchy... the Black Hole is awesome, you can't throw it down... AI Kirby's \/B on Temple (or any slanted surface next to an edge) and plummet to their doom...glitchy? sure! look, I can't think of a negative glitch, they are all useful when you master them or fun to laugh at, don't give me crap about Melee being glitchy...
  14. besides, it has Vyse who is part of the gamecube awesome sword user trio Ike, Vyse, Lloyd (ToS) that's all, no more! Link is overrated!
  15. just because the AI hax and can see infinitely far into the fog, doesn't mean that yes, Lloyd is that awesome
  16. well I've got 2 mountain chains on 2 sides of me! I live in a valley (w00+ Silicon!) and uhh yeah!
  17. It kinda bothers me though, because as I read posts, I'm starting to associate everyone with Rafiel instead of their avatars/names...it bothers me because I'm starting to develop a nervous breakdown..."Oh crap, Rafiel posted here too! WHAT! Now Rafiel is replying to himself? Aw crap, Rafiel is gonna have the most posts in no time. Rafiel you are one annoying spammer (unlike Meteor, who is cool). What? I'm part of the Rafiel crew too?" it upsets me a little...sure it's fine and well, but could we make them different colors for egg/hatchling/nestling/ect.?
  18. yay for history! I think it looks awesome.
  19. This morning was wacked...pretty heavy fog, couldn't see more than a hundred yards or so, and that was lights...and then after school, it was bright and sunny, not a hint of the fog! that is California for you...only state where you can go skateboarding, snowboarding, and surfing in the same day...heck, you could do all of them within a few miles... the fog was a bad weather condition, so I decided to share!
  20. do you mean 20% of HP? (30%, 50%) yeah, otherwise, those skills would almost always be activated at the beginning of the game
  21. 1-Why do we care?...He painted the hands of his assistant (who was a dude), that's all I ever care to know 2-What does this have to do with FE/video games/life?...if you are an art fanatic, cool, but most people don't care all that much sorry to be the rain cloud on your parade...
  22. West Coast baby! only 10:20 PM at the time...you posted at 3:20 AM my time...just saying... forums are fun for this reason
  23. yeah, 2's in most stats, 5 or so in res, and luck/HP are however much you got, but really, there's not much to gain
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