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Posts posted by Dandragon

  1. 16 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

    How about Ena. Set her up right and she can take Ashnard down, so you don't necessarily need Ike for endgame.

    Ena depends entirely on whether Ike beats BK or not, and i think your dragon laguz option is forced anyways, so im not counting her for this. Should’ve probably mentioned that.

  2. ^

    Path of Radiance has a full cast of characters, plenty of whom I've never used before, so let's be interesting about this

    I'm gonna do a PMU run of this game, but with a limit to which characters can be chosen. Essentially prioritizing units I've never really used til endgame before. With the last chapter having a deploy limit of 12, I think 12 is a safe number to go for. With that being said, my 'banlist' consists of the following:

    Oscar, Boyd, Gatrie, Soren, Ilyana, Mist, Rolf, Marcia, Kieran, Nephenee, Zihark, Jill, Astrid, Calill and Largo.

    Give em to me straight, lads.

    1. Makalov

    2. Mia

    3. Ranulf

    4. Brom

    5. Lethe

    6. Bastian

    7. Tormod (from Kon on sfcord)

    8. Geoffrey

    9. Sothe

    10. Rhys

    11. Devdan (from CrimeanRoyalKnight on sfcord)

    12. Stefan (from Zetsubo on sfcord)


    Looks like thats it. Time to start.

  3. Firstly, as someone who seems to hoard fe8 rebalance hacks and the like


    Now onto the matter at hand. Much like how I enjoyed the old Mad Mode patch, this has been a fun replaying of fe8 and I’m already thinking of a second playthrough at chapter 15. A few things to report, however.



    Are soldiers supposed to have no skills? Otherwise I think soldier Amelia might not be working properly. 


    Queen of the White Dunes secret shop seems to be a little funky still. All the other items in the shop appear to be working properly, but it seems like these items got added on at the end, for some reason.


    Other than a few graphical glitches as well (read: both Natasha promoting to bishop and L’arachel to Valkyrie made the screen get taken up by some black squares and the promotion animation skipped completely) I’m still enjoying my time very much and cannot wait for the ruins to be finished.

  4. Well, it's certainly been like several days since my last update. I'd have an excuse, but I don't. So, rather than dwell on my failures for non-existant scheduling, let's get right back into the swing of things.



    Thank you Narrator as always you've been a huge help



    I'll be the passive aggressive judge of that you shitlord




    Let's be fair to the guy. If pulling out a weapon won't make Eliwood jump, what will?



    The answer is quite a lot, actually.



    Oooh. Edgy. Bet this guy is gonna be a threat.



    "Not even this shiny shiv I have in my back pocket?"



    "Good talk."




    Nothing escapes Hector's perception!



    Oh shit, maybe nothing can escape his perception.



    Or, y'know, the guy in heavy armor decided it was a good idea to perform a stealth mission.

    Like a fucking idiot.



    And before we can get anything out of him, he coughs out a lung as he runs away.

    Probably just some shitter boss.





    Ain't that a fuckin mood. The tale of the working class at it's finest.




    If these forged documents are to be believed.



    Haha you're right I don't even have any documents.

    Because I'm a fucking idiot who gets shit tactics ratings.




    Nothing too spectacular about this map so far.



    But hold the phone here. Looks like we got some






    Now hold on a second, I hear yourself asking. Why the fuck does Guy have usable swords bows and lances?

    The answer is because all armor knights have all 4 physical weapons in this game, because years ago someone made animations for it.

    Which is fine. It's not like the boss is some-



    S-some huge fuck off wall that-






    Ooooooh nooooooo...

    Let's get back to guy for a second.



    You go through all the trouble of giving each weapon these unique descriptions and then you just give up at the killing edge? Okay.

    I see how it is.

    Also more lightning infused swords.




    Very descriptive. Great help. Much appreciated.

    Fuck you.



    Right this motherfucker is weighed down by 'weapon balance' so let's just hit him outside of his range and double him with near perfect hit rate.



    You know exactly what happens.



    Lowen decides it's a good idea to go over to the left all by his lonesome.

    I, being the great tactician that I am, dare him to do so.



    I then hear him call for gank at top lane so Oswin goes to chop a tree down.


    The first enemy phase begins, and the PSS is already on their way.



    Both the bandit and Lowen proceed to miss their attacks and thus my time is thoroughly wasted.



    Except I learn that Lowen fucking doubles them. The absolute mad lad is proving more and more successful by the minute.



    This extra defense means that javelin dave actually can't hurt him anymore.

    Get fucked nerd.



    Meanwhile on the western side, Rebecca is left open to far too many attacks for my liking.



    I have the distinct feeling that these 10 use Iron Weapons are far more dangerous in the hands of the enemy than in my own. And I think that was deliberate.

    Regardless, I get lucky, and I won't complain about getting lucky in this notluckbasedgametm



    I always said Myrmidons were the best axe users.



    This dave failed to look at my previous statement and tries anyways, because he doesn't immediately die in retaliation.




    Solid. Endgame. Potential.

    Jesus fuck I'm not looking forward to this.



    Pretty sure Serra still keeps the legs of horses she kills as well as people. I still don't know why.



    No HP or Defense is concerning, cause she's still made of paper and has the potential to get one-shot still.



    Can you guess what happens next?

    That's right! I get hit in the face by the steel bow!



    And yet Oswin shows he can hit twice with less. This has to be single RNG and I refuse to believe otherwise.

    Because that's more difficult. But it's not luck based. Don't forget.



    Enemy Phase number 2 rolls around and it seems more PSS units are trying their luck. This is going to be a running theme.

    Except they don't even do anything but move this turn.



    Oh and also bandits keep spawning from that fort. Time to collect.



    Yeah sure what is it



    I'm probably required to use this somewhere. Regardless, I'm saving it until that very moment.



    Oswin keeps proving himself to be the only one capable of using these Iron Swords. Somehow.




    "I would like to Yes a weapon, please."

    Money is gonna be a huge problem I suspect, but I buy a javelin just so Dorcas has something other than an Iron Lance.


    Enemy Phase round 3


    And here we get Eliwood narrowly dodging something that probably wouldn't have killed-



    gr8 w8 m8 i r8 fucking awful/8



    I'm not even sure why if I should keep mentioning when the Enemy phase starts because these screen shots are so erratic. Let me know if I should keep doing that as I truck through this mess.



    Much as I would usually have Hector and Eliwood get that C support, I hold off just in case. Who knows what other support bonuses he might need.



    Oswin steals from the elderly off screen.

    Torch run all bosses SGDQ when



    However, Matthew is left open on Enemy Phase Round 4,



    And I laugh in the face of whatever shitty hitrate that's supposed to






    Jesus fucking christ why do they hit so FUCKING HARD





    Shit growths he said. That's the thing about growths. They can be whatever the fuck they want.



    Oh also Serra finally attacks at a range again.

    These shaky hit rates are not helping my trust issues.



    And now I'd like to point out that Fire is the more reliably weapon despite weighing a whole 18 units, and if he misses, then that's a reset.

    Fucking peachy.



    Looking at his skill reminds that I have yet to give him the secret book. And it's still on Lowen.



    And with that nearly remedied, Rebecca once again off screen flexes on daves outside her range.



    And Dorcas picks up Serra, who is in constant danger of being one shot. Thankfully, Bartre has just enough con to take her and put her back down.









    Reset number 5. Fuck me.






    It's only chapter 13 and I'm already feeling burnt out on it

  5. 22 hours ago, Darros said:

    Christ maybe I was wrong about Matthew. Looks like midgame is going to be fucking hell if he didn't change the enemy weapons and there are steel swords everywhere. They don't hit res, do they?

    Weapons have been changed especially in later chapters. And I'm pretty sure that swords still hit defense unless it's the light brand and rune sword?

    22 hours ago, Integrity said:

    there's a lot of getting oneshot potential here


    Yes there is

    And it gives me more anxiety about using Lowen than I probably should have over a 2014 fe7 hack




    Hector gets sick gainz



    Oswin flexes on nerds

    And most importantly



    Serra threatens politely reminds me that she can attack bandits outside of their range.

    Thank you Serra



    Dorcas, meanwhile, is quite content with nuking bandits across many fields. As zombies usually do.

    While I fail to get a screencap of Bartre walking up to Dorcas and swapping swords with him.



    I do, however, catch a shot of Eliwood consuming the Dracoshield

    Because he needs it



    And with that, the usual suspects show up

    You know 'em, you love 'em: The Pegasus Suicide Squad!



    And they are looking for some MEAT today



    Thankfully, Bartre isn't 2 shot by these fellows, and thief tanking suddenly becomes a strategy



    And you know where this is going



    Serra whispers sweet nothings into the ears of her enemies

    Before cutting their fucking legs off



    FE4 has once again haunted me with it's distrust of <50 hit rates, proven here as Hector can't see a flying disk of an axe through the beautiful forest



    Lowen, however, is able to dodge the natural occurrence of litning. Looks like things are finally looking up for this-






    Resets: 5




    At the risk of Dorcas getting absolutely shit on, I decide to have Bartre trade his Iron sword to Dorcas OUTSIDE OF THE DANGER ZONE

    All other moves have been mimicked from the previous attempt



    Bafflingly, rather than attack the completely open guy with a sword equipped, the PSS (pronounced 'piss' with a silent i) decide to go for the chunky barbarian tomboy



    And fucking miss



    However this asshole still lands a hit on Hector, who fails to retaliate. Because flying death disks > The God Bow apparently



    Matthew's unfortunate lack of speed gains have resulted in being unable to kill this dickhead over 'ere

    Of course, even with doubles he would have to crit

    So Darros was right with his second assessment

    Thanks Darros



    And he can't even do that right



    Surprisingly, or perhaps unsurprisingly, Dorcas is able to double both of these nerds with an Iron Sword.

    Maybe it's because the iron axe has fe4 weight in this game that was supposed to do away with *useless weapons*



    Rebecca plays a quick game of Yugioh

    This proves fatal for the female bandit that is pure of heart enough to ride a pegasus

    ...FE lore is bullshit



    Much as it's a terrible idea to rely on critical hits in this not luck based hack...






    I do it anyway



    And I finally out the GBA mage animation for being a nazi



    And Eliwood for being a war criminal

    Napalm is illegal folks!



    Lowen visits the local village for words of wisdom.

    He is told to read a fucking book.



    And here in this scrapbook of close calls you can see the exact moment where I feel my bowels loosen and my blood vessels barely manage to not pop from the mere idea of having to redo this chapter AGAIN





    Yeah you get the fucking picture.

    After the initial hurdles we finally get a breather. And Hector finally gets to sell that gem he stole from his brother.



    ...The fuck are some of these prices?

    Also, it took me until now that I had the options of 'Yes' and 'Sell'

    I have no god damn idea why


    I buy a spare Iron sword for Bartre


    I can't tell if I like this palette or not. So I will just choose to say 'I have no strong opinions one way or the other'

    Which is a lie



    Okay let's take a look at this boss and see what he has



    Great banter



    As KnightofNohr pointed out coincidentally while I was typing this update, 'boys' has been replaced with 'bros'

    ...Yeah. Okay. Whatever.



    Well, seeing as I have quite a number of units with ranged swords I believe it's time to pelt him-



    HAHA Just kidding xD le epic ruse trololol fucking die



    "Your severed legs will be a fine edition to my collection"






    I don't get the apprehension to speed, but I'll gladly accept everything else.



    Eliwood is feeling oddly philosophical after watching a man die.



    Hector isn't enlightened enough for that kind of discourse, yet.

    This displeases Eliwood.



    Do you know what that means Klok? Because I don't think you did back in 2014




    You aren't even trying anymore





    Serra silently plots how Hector is going to die a horrible and embarrassing death




    The fuck are you asking me for? Not like I haven't been voicing my opinions this entire time



    And as usual, I am ignored



    The guy who is stressing about how I'm going to keep up this 'comedy' for another 12+ chapters



    You are literally 16 in this game. Fuck off.



    And YOU can shove your shit right back up your asshole

    Next time we get a new chapter! I hate it!

  6. 20 hours ago, Darros said:

    If Matthew's levelling is indicative, you're going to have a beast unit down the line. Hopefully his strength cooperates. Something I kind of forgot earlier was that when you mentioned weapon changes, I didn't clue in that they were also changed for the enemy, not just you. That really changes this shit a lot.

    Matthew may or may not be useful in these coming chapters depending on how much skill and speed he gets. Then again, there might also be something that just ruins that entirely.

    18 hours ago, epilepsyduck said:

    Given what I remember of some of the later parts of this hack, I'm wishing you a lot of luck. Especially for your beefy archer boy there, since my misfortune with his levels is part of what caused me to drop Chaos Mode entirely.

    Don't worry, the game is luck based at all. Klok said so. Especially when your lord gets screwed over.

    Yeah if this keeps up the first sign of afa's drops i get go straight to him.

    LAST TIME: Hector and Matthew went on a merry little adventure in which we discovered swords are made of lightning and everything that's made of iron is practically garbage.



    Thank you narrator as always you've been a huge help


    Matthew proving once again that he is useful.



    While Hector simply follows his footprints like any sane person.



    The two are interrupted in their game of Eliwood Hunter by the sound of pink hair and self entitlement. And she's not even a gamer girl.



    You're right, it isn't. LP over let's get the fuck out of here.




    Seems ssssseeeeeeeenpaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiii has gone behind our backs. Much like Hector probably wants, deep down.


    ...I'm disgusted at myself for typing that, let's move on.



    Matthew, as always, pointing where the rest of the game is going to be. Sure hope nothing bad happens to you.




    Well, sir, if you'll come closer and see my ID



    You'll see that I'm an illegal immigrant. And now you have to die.




    Right you are. SKIP



    So like I said, we have some new blood.



    A lot of new blood, which is half of why this update is going to be split across multiple parts.

    Let's take a look at them all~!




    Yeah, I'll be the judge of that, thanks. Mad lad looks pretty stacked, and good thing too, considering how heavy the basic ass iron sword is.



    Because why not, I guess. We have ourselves a siege weapon and it's only the second map. This bodes both well and terribly for the future.




    'Possibly' he says. Just in case luck in this not luck based hack of not luck decides to unluck you.

    There are three units in this game that have taken up the class of 'lord', and as such will have weapons unique and specific to them alone. As such, I am required to use them.



    And look at that. An infinite use weapon. And a sword that can actually hit at a range of 1.

    When I think of infantry, I'm pretty sure I'm thinking of foot units, but maybe this is just a hold over from the base game? Again, I cannot recall. Also she has a vulnerary.


    And now for Eliwood's goon squad!



    "Hey guys let's make hacks that make the lord an absolute slog to use all the way up til the final chapters!"

    Nothing new for Eliwood on my end, but at least he had more than 2 skill in the base game.



    Jesus fuck what is that weight and why



    I'm not sure what the philosophy is behind these weapons, other than balancing out randomly generated weapon stats.

    The only thing that hurts is that he is my only god damn magic user, and I have to use him.




    Pretty sure a thief's utility is useful far beyond 'midgame' klok, but then when you take away a thief's speed, then he can't exactly steal much, can he?

    Made all the worse because I'm pretty sure I still need to get him promoted in order to recruit Karla. As a plus side, he starts with a C rank, so he can use the Armorslayer out the gate.

    Comes with an Iron Sword




    That's twice he's pointed out res in particular. I'm sensing a pattern and it's not one I like.

    Plenty of con to use Iron swords, though.

    Steel Sword and Iron Lance, nothing new.




    Nice to know that effective damage will be the thing that breaks Lowen and thus arguably makes him less usable until I get a full guard.

    Also, effective damage is 3x damage in this hack, like the japanese version of FE7. Which means his defense means jack shit once a bow comes his way.






    Congratulations. You've capitalized on a problem that Shadow Dragon had. Javelins being outright better than Iron Lances in most cases.




    Is Res the god stat in this? Is that what you are hinting at? Because if it is, then I think you need to reevaluate your assessments.





    How the fuck can I even take you seriously?




    I'm honestly not against having a healer Jagen. Provides utility.

    Problem here is that while he's supposed to be a pre-promote, as identified with his 6 Luck instead of 10, he isn't. Because I guess I wasn't allowed to have a Valkyrie this early.



    Staves weren't changed, thank fuck. And hey, a free dracoshield to slap on somebody. Like Eliwood. Who will need it. Desperately.



    And so we begin this rip roaring anal adventure-



    By watching Oswin Thanos snap this guy out of existence.



    Hector walks up to a lady with his pimp hand ready.

    Spoiler alert: she fucking dies



    And you all watch as my heart skips a beat when I realize these bandits have exactly enough attack to one shot Serra if they hit.



    Because that's what I need at this age. Of course, this was me being dumb and attacking at a range to begin with.



    It's here that I'm still trying to figure out in Lowen can tank all of these units in his range, particularly the bow man that's standing a few feet away.

    Eliwood's group is actually worse off than it is in vanilla down at the bottom. Especially with all these fucking horsebird bitches.



    ...Dorcas are...Are you alright? You ain't looking so hot.

    I'm pretty sure he's a god damn zombie, but I can't prove anything. Also, as expected, he misses one of his shots.



    Meanwhile I finally buck up and have Lowen kill this bandit.

    It was the wrong move.



    But before that can come to fruition, let's take a look and see what the vendor has. Cause no one can reach the village this turn.



    Hahahahahahaha no money loser.

    Oh wait, that's me.



    Back to are regularly scheduled trials and tribulations, the pegasus suicide squad has already started rolling in with their massive chips.



    Or they can just miss.



    Pretty sure Bartre's palette didn't transfer well, but it's better than zombo dorcas.



    And you all know where this is going




    Okay. THIS time I'm going to have them come to ME.



    And this bandit shows why that's a horrible idea. Because Eliwood is weighed down by the burders of his ancestors.

    And paper.

    A lot of paper.



    You know what, fuck you.

    With our fourth reset, I'll have to call it here, seeing as I've already thrown enough images at you.

    Maybe next time I'll actually find a way to get through to the next god damn turn.

  7. 14 hours ago, Darros said:

    RIP, off to a great start. These palettes are really clean though, I'm a fan honestly. Though I'm surprised it was Matthew that took the L rather than THREE SPEED Hector. That's gonna be rough.

    3 speed, yet 9 defense and 22 hp. surprisingly bulky, but that's hector in the base game too.

    LAST TIME ON FE7 CHAOS MODE: several cringe worthy moments, including myself

    THIS TIME: actual gameplay!


    So because I now know that placing Matthew at the door and hector on the pillar leads to death, and that GBA RNG is determinate and thus the exact same moves will result in the exact same outcomes



    I choose to do the only logical thing and put Hector right in front of Matt instead of on the pillar. Genius.



    He proceeds to take a bit of a beating for his troubles.



    Luckily, even with his whopping 3 speed, he doesn't get doubled by any of these fuckers.



    Unfortunately Hector can't even two shot these soldiers, so I have to just-



    Even here, the dice proceed to laugh at me



    Featuring Matthew, standing in the choke point as Hector cries over his pathetic attempts to kill a single enemy soldier.



    Most swords in this alternative timeline are electrically charged sticks that attack from a range. Matthew uses this to mild efficiency.



    And now we finally have a source of healing! Hallelujah!



    Hector, like the jock he is, immediately takes this to heal himself up from his previous wounds.



    Of course, in my infinite wisdom, I place Hector back into the danger zone, immediately getting slapped in the face by a soldier, which he promptly kills in retaliation.

    ...Only for a second soldier to come up to him!



    In my time playing fe4, i've come to live for these lucky moments. Perhaps this chapter shall not be a waste-



    Reset 2

    An added inconvenience for this opening chapter is that I have to skip through the opening scenes and re-edit the options to make things faster. Not exactly rage inducing, just another little tick that piles up against this. Luckily, once I get past this chapter, that won't be too much of a problem.



    I neglected to mention this soldier and an archer off to the far right in his own little room. Both have door keys that are droppable, yet they immediately go to open the doors, which makes their weapons drop instead.



    But if I kill them before they can do that, then I get the key to open the door! ...That they would open anyway.



    Despite needless bloodshed, Matthew happily electrocutes this poor man via Critical Attack



    'No overpowered weapons.'



    A vulnerary for our troubles, and far less damage taken than before.



    I however realize my mistake far too late

    And proceed to not care as I toss a door key I don't need... I swear going this way is the optimal strat.



    With Hector's starting door key, hey opens to way to treasure while Matthew gives his wounds a licking.



    No one but the thief makes any movement, but opening that door could lead to a clusterfuck I do not feel like dealing with.



    I showcase the chest containing a red gem like in vanilla fe7



    Only to use the rewind function of emulator Visualboyadvancetm because I realize I need to do some trading to make room for items.

    I'm not exactly inclined to play fair if this hack contains some hilarious trolling moments. Besides, it recommends I use save states every turn, so I might as well flex every tool I have. because fuck you, Klok.



    And fuck you in particular, you no good piece of shit hellspawn.

    Spoilers, it fucking dies.



    Our first level of the game, and it's pretty decent! No speed, though.

    Also, something to point out about Luck. No one has any growths in luck, and it remains at 10 for all unpromoted units, and at 6 for all promoted units. There are those, however, who are the exception to this rule. We will see them later.



    Matt and this archer compete in this awkward pose off that I managed to capture before he slays him for his petty crimes.



    More healing potential!



    It is immediately used up as I bring these two back to from the brink of death.



    Hector makes the decision to open this door, which causes four daves to make a beeline for him while I pull my hair out.



    Fuck it

    Hector calls their bait and provides his own



    The dice are on my side as Hector does a sick ass dodge




    And mop up commences.



    Until this dickhead shows up and smacks Matt in the face.



    So I retreat my units to properly heal themselves some more.

    S T R A T E G Y

    Now featuring an enemy phase level up



    Solid Endgame Potential intensifies



    The proper way is to leave no man alive, thus I demonstrate the fact that the armorslayer still has it's effective damage.

    Press F for Armored Dave






    Alright, time to clean up this mess.



    Hector's review of these daves so far; he is impressed.



    Wire Dave Esq refuses to give contact information. Thus, he has to die.



    A big fucking mood from the blue corner, and we begin our onslaught of arrows pelting his fucking unarmored head.



    It's always a tense guessing game of whether or not bosses move in these difficulty hacks. As you can see, the poor bastard doesn't have any idea to use his fucking legs.



    Luckily for him, Hector forgets how to use his arms.



    Holy shit he does move

    To heal

    I obviously use this time to expend uses of these 10 use Iron bows and grab Hec some exp



    ...Better? Honestly I can't tell if this is acceptable or not, anymore. He got speed, I'm happy.



    Hector quickly gets sick of waiting and kills off the boss with another Critical Attack



    Yes. Because choosing the reality where you live means I have more bodies to use. Count yourself lucky.




    Oh forget it


    Next time on Chaos Mode Z!


    MORE S T R A T E G E R Y

  8. LUll7y6y_o.png

    Oh boy! It's time for another rousing let's play of Fire Emblem: The Blazing Bla-


    Except it isn't. Back in July of 2014, a hack was released to the general public by known unknown user 'Klokinator', titled simply as 'FE7 Chaos Mode'. Advertised as a difficulty hack, but with a twist; randomized classes, stats, and weapon properties. To quote the thread, 'The difference is no longer a measly 2 might and 10 hitrate per weapon tier, its now any combination between 1-3 range, 0-20 might, effective bonuses, weapon uses, WEXP, and a host of other things.' And that's just weapons, alone.

    Which is probably why I don't see anyone talk about this hack, anymore. On top of several other reasons, which all pile up to create a pretty telling example of what some have thought of difficulty in Fire Emblem, assuming that this hacks difficulty is at all comprehensible in TYOOL 2019. On top of all this, Klokinator advertised several other key features of this hack, such as ' hilarious trolling moments and wicked surprises to piss just about everyone off ' and ' ridiculous difficulty that is not based on being boring like increasing enemy stats ' while stating that ' savestates are almost required, I'm fairly certain that RNG abuse is NOT.' I could go on a whole gagglefuck of a tirade on that alone, but instead, let's take a look at this time capsule of a product.


    Oh, should I now?



    Well, at least you're being honest instead of waiting til that point in the game and then just laughing at me. I'll give you that.

    Come to think of it, I've never seen what happens in vanilla fe7 where you straight up don't have a tactician. Can you even have a tacticianless run?



    Not that original, nor am I trying to be.



    Because all wacky difficulty hacks had to have these clever titles that basically shout out 'do not play this' to all but the most hardened players. Also, we start on Hector mode. Right, let's get this show on the r-






    Quality comedy. I'm going to be keeping a count of things in this hack that just leave me absolutely speechless, most likely out of sheer anger or disbelief. Because I expect a lot.




    Nothing good, from what I remember. Hector wants to go look for Eliwood's dad, name and occupation: Eliwood's dad.



    And Uther has to tell Hector once again 'no'.



    But we've seen all this before. So we do the proper thing and press the START button.



    And now we see our first class difference; Hector is now an archer.



    And Matthew teleports behind u despite being on a fucking horse. The limitations of reskins.

    Hector has bade Matthew come and help him sneak out the back of the castle.



    And now we're really getting into some old levels of humor. Top quality there Klok my man. No wonder you're such a source of inspiration for many others.




    I'm however not counting this one because I've come to accept that Uther is no longer just Hector's brother, and we've degraded Hector to being incestuous. Or something. I really don't care.



    ...That however I refuse to accept. Literally why? Now you're just replacing nouns with other god damn japanese meme honorifics to make yourself seem funny. And Matthew even says milord, I'm pretty damn sure! Fuck off.




    However, before Hector can get himself killed, he smells the presence of a sneaky boy that ISN'T riding a horse.



    And so he appears.

    And I'm too slow to get a screen of Hector walking up to the guy and throwing him to the wall.

    Also Matthew shows up, again.



    And you couldn't even keep that slur as a one off, could you?




    Right, fuck this. Let's get to the map.



    As revealed before, Hector is in fact an archer. And a somewhat beefy one at that. And speaking of the concept of 'somewhat', Klok decided to change character descriptions of his own personal evaluation of the unit, being 'somewhat' helpful! Somewhat!



    I should fucking hope so, considering he's forced in every god damn chapter. Then again, I've come to realize growth rates are only as good as the dice allow them.

    And since we're talking about random rolls, let's take a look at those new weapon stats, shall we?



    The weapons have been randomize yes, but Klok then went and 'balanced' everything. Also, everyone weapon has their own little description. Some helpful, others not so much. Much like certain weapons, themselves.



    I once saw someone suggest that with the new way weapons work, that no weapon is particularly overpowered. And then we look at this description. Granted, 60 hit.



    As always, Matt isn't an amazing combat unit, but without his thief utility, he has to rely on actually being a combat unit.



    I can't tell if the elipses here is meant to be edgy, or if it's just unimpressed with it's stats. Like it's just really tired.



    I've just started and I'm already sick of your shit, disembodied voice.



    'No overpowered weapons'. 2-3 range, yes, but there seems to be a pattern. Such as Swords now being a far more ranged weapon class.



    With Matthew using a door key and Hector having only 3 speed, better just use the bow that does more damage to start things off.



    Not the worst palette I have to look at, but going from Hector's detailed armor to these very simple colors are still disappointing.



    Matthew looking like a darker Kent over here, and also incredibly open to attack by this lone soldier.

    However, I fail to realize a crucial detail.




    That's reset number one.

    Next time, we're going to see how far I can actually get in this opening chapter.

  9. Elaine opened up her locker, again, and took out her phone, headphones and all. She put back on her button-up shirt, placed the device back in the breast-pocket, and looked back towards Aliza, and called out to her. But there was no response. Aliza seemed off in her own little world, and left Elaine to just stand there, silent and awkward. The entire social mood of the beach had been ruined, thanks to two Apotheosis Lieutenants crashing the party. No one had been hurt, save for Elaine getting pinged in the head by Tarquin, but this already made the entire base unsafe to stay in. What was meant to be a place to get a breather now felt dangerous, unsafe, and it left Elaine tense. And angry.

    Elaine slammed her fist into the locker door. She had just gotten herself to calm down, to relax after the many days of anxiety that had been slowly driving her insane, and just when there was a chance to relax during this war against insane cyborgs and psychic aliens,to swim at a beach, fake or otherwise, to have some iota of god damn fun, that little snake had to come in and just...just ruin everything! It was all back, all the stress, all the anger, all the fear that she had begun to move past, all of it was back and in full force, and even her own music was failing to keep it under wraps. She ripped her earbuds out and aggressively stuffed them into her pocket, not even bothering to pause the tunes or lower the volume.

    'My name is Louise Park. I'm the second Lieutenant for Apotheosis... And I would like to offer you a place in an organization that isn't about to stifle your feelings towards helping the world.'

    'Ahhhh, there's that anger again~ It's rather becoming. Do they let you use that? Or do they tell you to shut up, and force your hand?'

    'Then tell me, Elaine, tell me~ What do you believe in? Because I'm sure it's not far from our goals...'

    Get out of my head. If only she had never looked her up in that database. Then she wouldn't have this image of her in her mind, her face twisting into a grin that taunted and infuriated, but also scared her. If only she had left her room that fateful day, then there would be nothing that woman could have said to her to rile her up. If only she had just said no, and her words wouldn't continue to echo and haunt her.

    'that's what I like in a pilot.'

    Get out...

    'that's what I like in a pilot.'

    Get out.

    'that's what I like in a pilot.'

    Get. Out.

    'that's what I like in a pilot. that's what I like in a pilot.  'thát̴'s͜ ͏wha̸t͢ ̨I ̀l̨ik͘e i̛n͘ ͘a pi͏lo̶t̀.' '̶̡t̶̴h͏̵̧a͢t̛'̸̛s w̴͝h̨̀a̕t͟ ̶I ͞l҉̛҉i͜ke͘͝ i͡ń̸ ̡̧a p̀͟i̢͢l͘͟o̶̧t.̷̡'͝ '҉t̵ḩ̷̢͝à͏̡̧t̛'̢̀͘͡s҉҉́͘ ̴̴̨w̨̕h̕͝҉a̵t̶̶̀͟ ͜͏̷̴̛I͟͠ ̛́l̸̨͜͞҉i͘͏͡ķ̵͢ȩ͏ ̴̡̢̨͞i̷̸n̵̢̧͜͡ ̡̀ą̸̷͝͡ ͡͝҉҉p̨͏͢͠i͘l̸͝͏ò̷͟͞t̵̢.̶͏'̨҉̸͏͘ t̕͝h̛͏a̴̵t̵̢̢̧'̴̵s̷͟͢͜w͏̶̵͠h̛͏a̡̕͞t̶͢i͏͏̨͘l̡̨̀i̡͜͜͝k͢͜e̶͜͡į̧̡͞ń̢͟͠͡a̧͢͜҉́p̨i̶̵̵̧͡l̢͞o̷͜͡t̵҉ t̕͝h̛͏a̴̵t̵̢̢̧'̴̵s̷͟͢͜w͏̶̵͠h̛͏a̡̕͞t̶͢i͏͏̨͘l̡̨̀i̡͜͜͝k͢͜e̶͜͡į̧̡͞ń̢͟͠͡a̧͢͜҉́p̨i̶̵̵̧͡l̢͞o̷͜͡t̵҉ t̕͝h̛͏a̴̵t̵̢̢̧'̴̵s̷͟͢͜w͏̶̵͠h̛͏a̡̕͞t̶͢i͏͏̨͘l̡̨̀i̡͜͜͝k͢͜e̶͜͡į̧̡͞ń̢͟͠͡a̧͢͜҉́p̨i̶̵̵̧͡l̢͞o̷͜͡t̵҉ t̕͝h̛͏a̴̵t̵̢̢̧'̴̵s̷͟͢͜w͏̶̵͠h̛͏a̡̕͞t̶͢i͏͏̨͘l̡̨̀i̡͜͜͝k͢͜e̶͜͡į̧̡͞ń̢͟͠͡a̧͢͜҉́p̨i̶̵̵̧͡l̢͞o̷͜͡t̵҉ t̕͝h̛͏a̴̵t̵̢̢̧'̴̵s̷͟͢͜w͏̶̵͠h̛͏a̡̕͞t̶͢i͏͏̨͘l̡̨̀i̡͜͜͝k͢͜e̶͜͡į̧̡͞ń̢͟͠͡a̧͢͜҉́p̨i̶̵̵̧͡l̢͞o̷͜͡t̵҉ t̕͝h̛͏a̴̵t̵̢̢̧'̴̵s̷͟͢͜w͏̶̵͠h̛͏a̡̕͞t̶͢i͏͏̨͘l̡̨̀i̡͜͜͝k͢͜e̶͜͡į̧̡͞ń̢͟͠͡a̧͢͜҉́p̨i̶̵̵̧͡l̢͞o̷͜͡t̵҉ t̕͝h̛͏a̴̵t̵̢̢̧'̴̵s̷͟͢͜w͏̶̵͠h̛͏a̡̕͞t̶͢i͏͏̨͘l̡̨̀i̡͜͜͝k͢͜e̶͜͡į̧̡͞ń̢͟͠͡a̧͢͜҉́p̨i̶̵̵̧͡l̢͞o̷͜͡t̵҉


  10. With an unsatisfactory answer, and Thorvald accepting Esther into the care of the Riese, Vera disappeared in the same flash of light that Louise had. Everyone was told to prepare to leave, and all Elaine was left with was more questions. 

    Why would Louise even care, if what Vera said was true? If her next fight was going to be her last, did Louise even care about Apotheosis’s goal? Was she just using this as a way to get revenge? Then why try to mess with her? Why try to recruit her?

    ’I’m not very good at lying Elaine. Whether you believe that or not is up to you, but that headstrong tendency you have towards everything, that’s what I like in a pilot.’

    Not good at lying, huh? Elaine thought. Could’ve fooled me. Maybe if she asked Chris about it in greater detail, she might find out more. Or maybe she wouldn’t. Trying to look for sense in an insane woman was never going to get results. 

    “Some day off...huh Aliza?” Elaine didn’t even look in her direction. She just walked off back to the changing rooms. “Didn’t even get to swim.”

  11. More and more people were leaving the court. Now, all that remained were her, Thorvald, Aliza, Makoto, Christina, and Bill, plus Vera, Esther, and the third spectator. That was still a number of people that weren’t privy to Elaine’s situation, but...this was, by and large, the best chance she had. So, like always, Elaine was going to do something rash and stupid.

    ”If you’re gonna ask this of us, then lemme ask something of you, right back.” Elaine said to Vera, stepping forward. “I have questions, and right now, you’re the one who can answer them.” She took a deep breath, steeling herself more for the probable suspicion and ridicule than anything else. And in that split second moment, she thought of a possible way to phrase this question. “Recently, I was speaking to Chris, and she told me...she told me that...” Oh boy. “She told me that Louise has been talking about me. Told me that she would come back from missions, get drunk, and talk alot about me. Why? What the hell does she want with me? How much has she said about me? How much does everyone know about me? ...How much does everyone know about all of us?” In hindsight, her phrasing would do absolutely nothing to take suspicion off her, but it was too late to take anything back now. And Elaine had spent far too long being quiet, and needed to get these questions heard. She only hoped she wouldn’t break down from the accusations.

  12. Astin's suspicions were voiced, and upon quick reflection, Elaine began to reconsider her choices. Thorvald had yet to make a decision, or even respond, and Tarquin was simply walking away from the conversation entirely. Elaine looked back to Vera, visibly concerned. Vera was standing here, giving out several bits of information to the group at the court, and Elaine wondered how much they...rather, how much she could press her for. Louise was gone from the beach, and Vera seemed willing to discuss some matters about Louise's agenda. This was an opportune time for Elaine, for she could easily ask her several questions pertaining to Louise, how much she knew about her, and how much she talked about her to the rest of Apotheosis. She desperately wanted to ask her. But, she was surrounded by people who didn't know anything about Louise, or, more specifically, about her calls to Elaine. She was already considered one of the least trustworthy members on board the entire Riese, and people were already aware that moles were part of the crew. On the other hand, would she ever get a better chance than this to figure out why Louise, why this broken, insane woman, was interested in her. Why she was the 'Snake Toy'. But how could she ever ask? ...Could she even ask?

  13. She had only taken a few steps from the court, so she could hear just about everything Vera was saying, to Thorvald and to the rest of the group. And...it calmed her. It took away the fear to hear what she said. It made her feel sympathy towards a woman that slaughtered many, more so than from anything Louise had ever said to her over that built in communicator. Vera had enough of a heart to ask them to take in someone. To take them away from Apotheosis, from fighting, from killing. And it made her fear subside in a way that might have concerned her, in another time.

    ”We can do that.” It took Elaine a full five seconds to realize that she had responded to the lieutenant, even if it hadn’t been directed at her. And now that she had spoken up, she might as well continue. “W-we can definitely do that. I’m...I’m definitely sure the captain would agree to that if we asked.” Why was she even listening to Vera? It was Apotheosis that had declared war against the entire world. It was Apotheosis that had slaughtered many at Corona Ten. And it was a lieutenant of Apotheosis that was blackmailing her and emotionally tearing her apart. Perhaps, once again, it was the difference in tone between the lieutenants. Even if it was just one conversation, the differences between Louise and Vera were abundantly clear. Besides...how many had Elaine murdered during this entire war. How many like Chris? Or Christina and Nikolai? Could she really judge Vera for the blood on her hands when hers were just as dirty? “I’m sure we can ask her. Right, Thorvald?”

  14. “Huh?!” Elaine jumped as she heard Aliza whisper, and only calmed herself after several seconds of staring back. Though her words offered little comfort. Yes, Vera was by herself, save for the girl in the hoodie, but Vera alone was enough to take out an entire base full of armed, trained guards. That much had been proven, already. Still, even in Elaine’s state of fear, the sentiment was appreciated. She looked back at the group, then back to Aliza. “I hope you’re right.” Said Elaine, deciding not to tell Aliza what Vera had done on her own, and deciding not to tell Aliza that she was far more fearful of Louise than anybody else. Vera would offer a quick death, if anything. Louise would ruin her before death was even a possibility. “I really do hope, Aliza...”

  15. In a flash of light, the wheelchair she had spotted amongst the crowd had vanished. Was she gone? Without a single word to her? Perhaps Louise had forgotten all about her. Either way, Elaine felt only slight relief, as there was still a dangerous terrorist just a few feet away from her. She turned towards Vera, trying to find words to speak, but only able to stare, a look of fear still plastered on her face. In the end, she said nothing, and turned away, walking only a few steps outside the court, and then looked down to A2, still attached to her wrist after Brant gave it to her. She typed up a quick message to send to Brant’s communicator, and hoped he would reply. 

    Is she gone?

  16. If the reveal of Vera’s identity hadn’t been enough, the mention of a single name made Elaine freeze completely. Louise. Louise was here.

    ‘The next time we talk, it’ll be in person. That’s the plan, anyway~‘

    Over the day and a half that she had spent here, spending time with the rest of the crew, Elaine had managed to push everything about Louise to the back of her mind. She hadn’t thought about her or her threats, she hadn’t worried about whatever she had said, and she didn’t even think on how she was going to handle herself when they next spoke.

    ‘What’s got you so hung up on saving the world? Surely it’s not the killing... You’ve already killed so many people.’

    But now, faced with her presence in a moment of vulnerability, everything now resurfaced, all at once. Everything that she had been feeling up to now, whatever fun she had from the game, whatever pain she felt from the ball, whatever she had was now gone, replaced a single, solitary emotion that consumed her entire being: fear. Fear had taken over, completely, and left her standing in the middle of the beach, eyes wide, staring back at the volleyball now plopped down onto the sand, unable to move. 

    Oh god. Oh god, she’s here. Why? Why is she HERE? How is she here?! How much does she know, now? No. No no no no dear god NO. Please. Please don’t come near me. Not here. Not now. Please just leave me alone. PLEASE.

    Elaine finally found the strength to move her head, scanning, searching for her. All she could spot, however, was a wherlchair, amongst a crowd of people standing far away from the volleyball court. But, that was enough to identify her, even without seeing her physically. And it made her shudder. 

  17. Elaine was still recovering from the hit, and didn’t immediately register who it was that had called to her. “Yeah, I’m...okay. Head is feeling pretty rattled, though-“ The gears in her head had begun to turn, and Elaine, still holding her head with one hand, turned towards the purple haired spectator, and looked...confused.

    ”I’m sorry, Do uh...Do I know you?” Maybe her name had been shouted before, and that was why this woman had used it, but Elaine couldn’t recall hearing her name specifically during the game. Then again, it was difficult to recall details like that seconds after a volleyball to the head. And speaking of the volleyball, around this time was when it landed back on the sand. “Elaine turned back to see it. “Ah, damn... Okay, that’s a point to their side!” Elaine called, wincing. 

  18. "Tarquin! It's going towards you!" Elaine called out as the ball flew through the air. Tarquin was the closest player to the ball, and it would be disastrous if someone tried to jump in the way, leading not only to two people crashing into each other, but also the ball landing on their side of the court. All anyone could do without getting in the way was let Tarquin receive. One of their spectators had called out to spike the ball, and as Tarquin jumped, it was clear he was intending to, at the very least, try. All eyes were on the young boy, including Elaine's, and his hand struck the ball, fiercely, sending in flying...right into Elaine's face.

    "Pfuh!" If there was one thing Elaine could commend, it was that Tarquin had a strong arm for someone so young, or maybe it was the fact that, this time, the ball that hit her face wasn't some lightweight of beach ball, but rather an actual volleyball, something with an actual bit of density to it. So when the ball had sped towards her, Elaine had...not been brace herself for the impact. It stung, sure, and she stumbled a little, but Elaine was able to keep her balance. The ball had flown back up into the air and was still on their side of the net. Any one of them could time their jump and try for another spike. Except Elaine. Even if she had stayed upright, it left her discombobulated. So, the best she could do was regain composure and hope someone else could follow up.

  19. "Shit, that wasn't half bad... I got it!" Elaine backed herself up as the ball passed over the net. She hadn't expected a first timer to hit it as well as he did. She supposed it was just a lucky shot, or a natural talent. There was little time for proper positioning, but Elaine was able to get right in the path of the ball, and gave it a good bump into the air with her forearms. Though, it wasn't straight, and curved right over to one of her teammates. "Aliza! To you!"

  20. Elaine took one last look back at Brant, who seemingly hadn’t moved from the beach chairs Chris had brought him over to. She wasn’t a TK, so the best she could do is guess that everything was alright, for now. She turned back around just as Chrissy was giving Makoto the ok for the serve.

    ”Come on, Makoto! Give us all you got!” Elaine called, encouragingly. It was just a game between friends and the like, no need to be a bad sport about anything. Besides, she wasn’t gonna trash talk Makoto. What kind of person would she be to do that? It was then that Elaine spotted a new spectator, and wondered if they could draw a crowd for their game. Probably not, but the thought amused her. 

  21. "Competitive? I never thought you were the type." She said, watching Aliza stretch and warm-up. "But yeah, I feel ya. Nobody likes to lose." The wink, however, caught Elaine off guard, slightly. She blinked, unsure how to respond. Eventually, she shook it off, instead smiling as Aliza announced that she was ready and waiting for the game to start. If nothing else, the constant energy that Aliza had brought her spirits up, tremendously. Even just being around her was enough to brighten up the day that Brant's downer attitude had nearly ruined. "Yeah, I'm ready, too. Let's have some fun."

  22. Elaine wasn’t able to catch Aliza messing with her notebook, but she did see her coming over to greet her with the same, big old smile that Aliza always wore. 

    “Hey there.” She said in response to the shoulder pat. A rather physical approach, but it was between friends, so that made it okay. Right? “Yeah, I’ve played a couple times, before. It’s been a while, but I think I can spike a few onto their side. They won’t know what hit ‘em.” Elaine returned Aliza’s confident chuckle and grin. It had been plenty of years since playing, but it was like riding a bike! The motions never leave the body. At least, that’s what she thought. What could possibly go wrong?

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