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Posts posted by Lenh

  1. The monster battlers seem very style-specific so I'm not sure if anyone but the original can really help on new works there.

    Might be able to pull an overworld sprite or two for you, depending on the difficulty. RMXP-esque isn't one of my strengths but I'd be up for giving it a shot.

    I'm also a little curious, do you have a following or is this on a low-key level? Good luck with it in any case, maybe try rpgmaker.net's forums as well.

  2. sr134_rosesAreRed_zpsk6pbgwdm.png
    Sain, Rose, Forde, Heath
    Theme: Roses Are Red

    • The contest theme is optional. The theme is provided as an additional option and is not mandatory.
    • No large "full custom" (made from scratch) areas, parts, or pieces. The final result should be made of and identifiable to areas from the source mugs. If you feel like your entry may be considered "questionable" to others, you are allowed to post work-in-progress screenshots or other visual proof of your process.
    • Only use the given set of mugs; other mugs are not allowed. You may, however, elect to use fewer than the amount of given mugs. (Ex: 4 mugs are given, but you only use 3.)
    • Recommended color limit: 16 (15 on your mug +1 for background). This is rule is flexible, but being cautious with your color count as a general rule of thumb for good pixel art. You are allowed to deviate from the standard FE color choices if you wish to do so, as well.
    • Don't vote for yourself, or I will cry sad tears devoid of mod power. Seriously, if you think none of the other entries are worth a vote, please select the "abstain vote" option.
    • Hosts may enter contests. As a public poll is used as the voting platform, hosts receive no benefits or unfair advantages from running the contest.
    • Only 1 entry per member. However, you may edit your entry while the contest is still active. Please edit your first post, or quote the most recent entry you wish you submit for clarification, or the wrong entry may be submitted for voting.

    A public poll (users can view voted results) will be put up once the entry period has ended.
    Voting consists of 2 categories: 'Best in Theme' (single choice) and 'Favorites' (multiple choice).

    'Winner' is the popular vote for 'Best in Theme' and the runners-up are taken from the most popular two from both voting categories. If there is overlap (e.g. 2nd place is the same participant for both categories), a weighted average of the total votes will determine the remaining runner-ups.

    The winner of the contest will choose the next theme and a mug, and runners-up will choose the remaining mugs once the theme has been decided. If you have been selected to choose a mug for the next set, please try to limit choices to actual portraits and not shopkeepers, blank/placeholders, or dragon Idoun.

    In the past, there has been a lot of conflict surrounding what does and doesn't constitute proper splicing techniques. This is not the venue to repeat that argument (if you're interested in it, please look at old rounds between 50 and 65). Please remember to allow participants the freedom to experiment and find their comfort zone in splicing. Give them votes when you believe they're successful, but do not use their entry as a platform to tell the world what you don't like.
    If you have any questions or concerns, please PM the current host.

    Deadline: Monday, February 15, 2016

  3. splice113_blackknight_flat_zps01kglm8b.p

    wins with 14/21 votes and also tops Popular Choice with 85% favorability (followed closely by Toa's knight at 81%)!

    I'll chose next theme and a mug; runner's up Toa, HoshiHearts, and CobyTheKid will also get to choose a mug. Small but good turnout this round. ^^

  4. Ahhh man that's really awesome work! Particularly the detail in those full bodies and your palettes <3

    (just in case) Have you heard of the Scribbles contest SF is running? (plug) This stuff would look great there and they've got prizes~ :D

  5. Was debating making a thread for this idea since the request subject bounced around, but I'm not certain about it entirely. So....

    I'm open for pixel requests/challenges! A couple of stipulations, which are:

    - Only one request per member.

    - Don't expect anything larger than the hackbox (96x80px), or over 32 colors. I'll work smaller if I can get away with it.

    - Nothing that I'd feel uncomfortable showing or searching references for. For me that would be anything I couldn't display on SF or work on in a public room, or any direct real-life people pixelizing (self-imposed higher-standard of that stresses me out). If you're uncertain, feel free to PM me and I'll let you know.

    And random notes:

    - I'll try to have one request completed each 2~3 weeks, just in order of my own preference. If I have a really small queue I'll probably work on the oldest first.

    - If you specifically want something from me in a particular style (or any particulars), please specify that when you request! (Information/reference is my preference!) I won't assume that you want a FE-styled mug and am hoping to get some requests that aren't FE or portrait focused.

    - Don't expect it to be a quality render returned in a timely manner. It's very dependent on what you're asking, my experience with it, and the amount of free time I have. (I'll try my best, still, this is more for fun and getting out of the usual comfort zone of subjects.)

    That's all!

  6. I'd be up for it too~ (Tentatively, because my internet and free schedule (and muse) isn't the most reliable. If you're okay with it I'd try to at least have a timelapse of a (requested?) particular character/item pixellation or something.)

  7. At least for me, I'd heard the story was formulaic, the aesthetics could've come at a better time (they ran it in parallel to Kirby's Rainbow Curse, which had its own flaws), and at least from previews it felt like they went for a 'trying too hard to be easy' approach. Following up after New Yoshi's Island (another mixed-bag game) probably wasn't good either.

    No one really sang praises of level design or anything particularly unique about it aside from the yarn so I haven't tried it yet despite it looking interesting.

  8. I'll be derping around for a while with saifor's sprite, open to suggestions/requests and maybe some other things. http://www.twitch.tv/lenhhh

    mute my music I don't have a playlist so I hop around a lot sry

    Edit: Done for now, thanks for anyone that hopped on. Sorry about the random disconnects, not sure what was going on there and didn't notice it was happening until after the broadcast.

  9. Messy hair is fine, just a ton more work than straight, smooth hair. 2nd edit looks better in some aspects (shading darker/depth on OPV left behind the face) and worse in others (lost shading/depth on OPV right and the new clumps around the shoulders aren't as credible at the first. Hair shouldn't increase in volume the further down you go.).

    I think you have a grasp on the idea and just need to shade/alias cleaner and finer lines to get it to look better on v1. Might provide an edit if I find time tonight.


    rIhj1qo.png -> md5NP.png / mdhTT.png

    An alternate comparison for you that's heavy on shading. Certain clumps here you certainly could make the lightest color instead of putting stranding (and some you could probably take out entirely with darkest color, if you didn't want that much volume). (Also noticed you have 14 colors, you could use two to liven the cloak or change the trim color.)

  10. haarTraceflat2_zps9ijbdcbx.png

    Karel's palette, cribbed off of RD rip, if you wanna use it go ahead have fun~

    [spoiler=it's not Christmas anymore]

    Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas and happy Haarlidays!


  11. Curious as to what you'd estimate on a price to ship to Canada, instead?

    It looks like it costs $20 for Priority (6~10 business days) and $13ish for First Class (no time estimate there).

    [Edit: So bottom line $65 or $57 to get it, depending on what speed you wanted.]

  12. I got two booster-pak boxes of Series 3 and was satisfied with my pull from the first box (got the ones I wanted to collect), so am offering up sealed box#2 for sale. Asking $50 (which'll include priority shipping within the states), willing to negotiate price and/or work with cards from box#1 for it.

    (Edit: Sale pending. Thanks all who showed interest!)

    Haven't gotten around to inventory but photographed the pull of my box#1 here.

  13. The style reminds me a lot of where a lot of Flash animation* went, NCH85's old work comes to mind in particular. It basically is creating the pieces, attaching them/assembling them onto a skeleton, and tweening the pieces around (sometimes redrawing/replacing pieces as necessary). Flash isn't officially supported anymore, so I'm not sure how much mileage you could get out of his tutorial.

    Spine is the buzzword tool/suite for that style of animation nowadays (if you want to overkill and easymode it, still costs money and you still have to draw in the assets as far as I know).

  14. Looked at the vanilla sniper in comparison to yours, looks like the lower body is frozen on both, but you get shoulder motion in the vanilla and don't yet have it here (I'd go for some torso motion as well, since yours is reaching over the shoulder for it). Also timing was different for pretty much the same action.


    (New<-original. Minor quick edit with two shifts and different timing and one tween on the far arm. Far arm still seems fairly stiff, but idk if that's an issue for you.)

    Don't think it's too choppy at all, and a pretty good start. ^^

  15. (super late) idk, between him and Clive (with his sidequest), tough decisions~

    Some older things:



    I'll be (test) streaming on twitch at http://www.twitch.tv/lenhhh, so feel free to check it out and drop a request if you're awake at this hour. I'll be dipping around with the current splice round or a battlesprite if nothing else. Done streaming! Nothing exciting.

  16. Oh lol, sounds somewhat fun and straightforward, guess it'd need the whole set of frames then. If you can show me that you can replace an animation and do the palette swaps for your intents I'll do the full repaint. ^^

    One small step for Topless Emblem

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