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Posts posted by Lenh

  1. Trying give an image update when I post, so apologies if I don't get back right away with a response.

    Thanks for the edit Sphal~ (Still haven't gotten around to it, will make use of it though ^^ ).

    @Hoshi: The shading is meant to be on the light side, but the retouch of the grey one is missing a few shades since I did a quick paintover edit to check the lightness.

    The five-Porposkin lineup:


    Some space for rework, especially on the last two. Still haven't decided whether to keep with the preset colors and cohesive challenge or not, but gonna give them a rest for now.

  2. If I decided to enter, that would be great, actually! Thanks for offering!

    Sweet! And cool sub! ^^ I'd say the ideas were there, but the hair could probably be arranged to curve with the head a bit more (unless you're going for a furry hat). Still see a lot of Wallace in there so you'd definitely be improving it by changing up the armor or some base colors..

    I'll PM you the blink/talk when the contest deadline is done (or in 2~3 weeks, whichever is first), just in case you make any more edits before then. (Same will go for anyone else who opts in~)

  3. I think for the purposes of everyone feeling like they're in the same thing together, just portraits would be best. That's just my thought though~ ^^;

    Excited to try this out, great first prompt~

    Would people be interested in free blink/talk service (as an opt-in) on their entries? (As half-incentive, half- for people that enjoy making mugs for their projects but not doing some extra hackbox steps.) It's something I'm interested in offering (within limits, and this seems like a good opportunity to try it out).

  4. The green guy's hair was pretty adequate, even if it was a splice(?), it doesn't ring up to a specific character right away so I don't see any reason to have it changed.

    Issues with Nickt's edit (I'm in the boat that Toa's edit is adequate, Nickt's is Nickt's for the sake of being Nickt's, why he wanted to touch something a few people had already touched, who knows):

    -The cheekbone is usually on really gaunt characters, it doesn't look right here as everything else points towards a standard physique (other side of the face, the neck is filled out, the chin is strong, eyes aren't sunken, cheekbone isn't affected on nose-side).

    - The hair doesn't have any attention to lighting nor any sense of depth (all the spikes are lit like they're on the same plane). It also lacks a hair whorl or just any sort of starting point, which is unrealistic and gives off the look it's a pasted on wig. With the way the spikes are arranged (lacking direction), it just comes off as a bed-head paired with an uneven hair cut.

    - Wall-eye was put in, and just random little issues (confused lighting and design direction) that would stand out once someone pointed them out.

  5. kAA58.png -> vyw96v.pngkAA2z.png

    For analyis' sake. I think right now, with Nickt's design, you'll draw parallels/associations with one of the more unique looking villains, on top of shifting the personality look to an anime-level Camus stereotype. It is really neat but the trim, faceplate, and hair ignore the original character personality and game's current designs a bit much imo. That sweet pauldron is the only thing I'd keep.

  6. The subject of organizing something for streaming has come up a couple of times, so here's a public thread for it. Chime in if you'd like to see something, are able to stream (and would like the excuse to), have some input that could help someone start streaming, or whatever!

    Personally I use OpenBroadcaster (x) configured for livestream and am fine with spur of the moment broadcasts. (I'm pretty novice at it, but it works for me and hopefully anyone viewing atm.) A bit curious to know what other people's setups are as well~

  7. Yeah, I'm using a particular palette. The straight values available for warm grey aren't that flexible (I think?), and just straight using the ramp meant losing some smoothing options (v) or making it lighter(^). Might be looking at the near-black grey wrong and'll try it again later.


    I'll continue with Nemne (who has color snags too), line them all up together and try and fix Nomno and inconsistencies then.

  8. Gonna sprite for about an hour since I have nothing better to do (but I do have to go to something afterwards). If you're interested in something quick I'll have chat open for small requests or cleanup.


    Done for today. (Nearly done with the Porposkin troop, hooray!)


    Thanks again to everyone who tuned in!

  9. That's definitely better~ ^^ Couldn't resist splicing your previous work into your newer version to address a crit, sorry.

    I think it's gone past the assassin standard by having all the armor/steel-color in there (particularly when they're supposed to be nimble and flexible types). Although, if it's the strongest unit, I really see and like the King of Thieves vibe going on there.

  10. Anything in the Suikoden vein would be great! hype more hope for a revival game~


    3/5 and


    A little mixed on how certain parts are coming out, not sure if they're glaring or I've just worked them over too long.

  11. Thanks all!


    2/5~ (Been sneaking the source in the image.) These are reduced trace/layovers of Suikoden Tierkreis characters using an RMVX character palette (just because I like the game and want to work with that particular color set~). Fairly straightforward, but still managing to fuddle the conversion~ ^^;

    *shuffles back into hiding with hopes of getting the other Porpoise-kin done*

  12. I am in support for nomination with random final selection. I feel like there's too much opportunity for favoritism unless you incorporate some random element into the process. So imo: take nominations, from the nominations randomly select one and go from there.

    Voting for (in no particular order, for no particular reason (maybe just as an example)): Ana, Aeo, Merc, Mewiyev, Vagrant, Serif, Char, Ghast, MarioKirby, GabrielKnight, Nickt, Levi64, singularity, deranger, Lt. Smirks, shinypichu, Skitty, Pi, Dei, Agro, Ragnarok, Yeti, AthenaWyrm.

    [Edit: Prime and Bly as well, since mapping is in this section.]

  13. kfXbG.gif

    Pretty good for blindly animating them (they read and go up and down). They're missing some realistic aspects, e.g. mouth doesn't draw in when open, and the eyelids are squinty magic-eyelids on the last two, Ike has some upper-lip lift (snarl level) going. Think it's very much just a thing you have to compare them on top of each other for.

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