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Everything posted by Lenh

  1. While I'm at it Triple Post. So any thoughts/opinions/comments/concerns? It's all about you guys now; I'm winging most of this and am pretty open to changing things around. :)
  2. Final Results: Portraits: #1. Idoun by jealousy - Avg Score 1.6 #2. Patty by Ponih - Avg Score 3.7 #3. Lakche by Lumi - Avg Score 4.0 #4. Sigurd by AstraLunaSol - Avg Score 4.5 #5. Jagen by BwdYeti - Avg Score 6.0 #6. Largo by minibladez - Avg Score 6.2 #7. Amalda by The Merc - Avg Score 6.3 #8.Lilina by AthenaWyrm - Avg Score 6.6 #9. Maria by Seph1212 - Avg Score 8.3 #10. Tormod by Kon - Avg Score 9.4 #11. Vika by Mariah the Magician - Avg Score 9.6 #12. Lyndis by Ubel Engel - Avg Score 12.0 Battle Sprites: #1. Medeus by BwdYeti - Avg Score 1.3 #2. Doma by Kitsu - Avg Score 2.6 #2. Heath by eCut - Avg Score 2.6 #4. Velvet by Lumi - Avg Score 4.2 #5. Velvet by j00 - Avg Score 4.3 #6. Idoun by Ubel Engel - Avg Score 6.0 Maps: #1. FE1 - Chapter 22 map by BwdYeti - Avg Score 1.3 #2. FE12 - Chapter 20 map by Kitty of Time - Avg Score 1.7 Le Metrics: Portraits / Battle Sprites / Maps Raffle Winners!: Kon and eCut
  3. Something extra celebratory for the US release of Awakening. :) Contest Theme: Sprite a character from your choice of any of the Fire Emblem games, including Awakening. Reinventing the character design (much like how FE3DS is presenting their cameo characters) is a plus, but not a necessity~ Categories: - Mug/Portrat - Battle Sprite - Mapping (reinvent/remap a map in GBA style from your choice of any FE game/chapter.) [spoiler=Rules] Format Requirements: - Mug/BS Designs must target either SNES(256x224) or GBA(240x160) display dimensions. Maximum image size is 256x224. - The color limit for mugs and battle sprites is 23+transparency. The color limit for maps is 256. - Maximum map size is 36x36 tiles (576x576px). Map units are allowed (unit size should not exceed 32x32px (2x2 tiles)). - If you submit a sprite that does not follow one of the traditional FE1-8 formats, it is acceptable to provide a mockup demonstrating its usability for the screen size you have targeted. The mockup will be displayed alongside your standalone sprite. - No animation. Rules: - Follow the requirements above. - No stealing, no shameless borrowing of pieces, have fun, etc. - If splicing/modding, only resources from Fire Emblem games 1 through 8 and may be used for this purpose. - Only one submission per participant per category. Submission Guidelines: To submit an entry, send me (Lenh) a PM with the following Subject title format: FE:AC! – Category Name – Subject where 'Category Name' is either 'Mug', 'Battle', or 'Map', and 'Subject' is the name of the character/source you are using. Put your submission in the PM. I will send a response when I receive it. Resubmissions will be handled on a case by case basis, and only minor edits will be allowed. All submissions will be revealed in a single post when voting opens and the ballot is made available. The character/source will be used as the identifier. If multiple entries based on a single subject exist, they will be suffixed with A, B, C...etc. [spoiler=Contest Info] Winner Selection: - A Borda count will be used to determine the winner, done via PM. For each category, voters will rank all entries from greatest to least preference, and comment on their reasons for selecting each of their top choices. Voter names will be recorded and displayed on the main post as I receive them. I will then aggregate all the votes and the one with the highest number of points for that category wins. A final post for the contest will be made with raffle winners, entry rankings, collected comments, and all that fun stuff on Jan 27th~ I will get in contact with the winners at that time to complete the prize giving. Timeline: - Dec 16, 2012->Jan 19, 2012 : Contest Open for Submissions - Jan 21 -> 25 : Secret Voting Time - Jan 27 : Results, Random Raffle Prizes!: -1st place from each category will win a copy of Fire Emblem: Awakening for the 3DS. Woo! -Non-winners will be placed into a lottery pool and two will be selected to each win a copy of the game. One draw will include all participants; one will include 'ranked' participants (up to my discretion based on submission count, most likely top 10 :<...). I will take suggestions for how to draw the raffle, and perform something appropriate when the time comes. -I plan on using Amazon wishlists to send prizes to the winners. Basic put in your wishlist->send me the link->I order it for you with 1-day/releaseDate shipping, hoping that it makes it to you as close to the release date as possible. (If anyone is interested in participating and is outside the US, I can make an effort to do international shipping or offer a similar prize for the EU edition.) Errata/Edits: - 12/17 : Rule edits (taking out excess info within Format Requirements). - 12/20-12/21: Max map dimensions defined. Map units allowed in Map category. - 12/22: Defined that mockups are allowed in Battle Sprite category. Revoked old statement that BGs were not allowed in that category (they are now allowed). - 12/22: Clarified that keeping submissions to the contest private during submission time is not required (up to the author).
  4. Yay! He's looking much better color and form-wise. I like the shield shading on 4, but think the exposed neck would need some more defining to look right. The shield seems at a reasonable angle for the arm now. Imo just marquee around the whole shield and move it away from the arm to where you think it's distinguished enough, then fill in the gap it left. The hands look differently dressed atm, probably because of the white trim on the shield-side hand. Anyways, good progress~
  5. Well then idk. :( To completely derail the thread but add onto the sprite comm, I'm willing to sponsor a FE 3DS US-release spriting extravaganza (Merry Christmas!). I'd be happy to throw money down for 5 copies of the game (3 for top rank in a category, 2 for rankedButDidn'tWinAnything lottery, +shipping). Guess my question is someone already going to/wants to host something around the release, and if it's even ok to do a prize comp (and how?).
  6. Ugly sweater contest go-go! (How hard/time-consuming can it be...)
  7. Imposter! (Heavy editing on the edges.)
  8. Take however: 1. Axe Crit: All that circular vert momentum turns into a horizontal flight path. 2. Cavalier dodge: When faced with a life-threatening situation, I too forget gravity. Everything else looks lovely.
  9. Lenh

    Some Help/Critique

    Looks like the wind is gently curling clock-wise around him once the framerate is slowed down, not bad if he's still a bard/monk. Reference-wise, all of the stock windy effects are going to be either straight up or to the right and attack ones have an uber-exaggerated lift. Depends on what you want.
  10. Ha yeah, same here (all the other fox types are pretty sweet too). < ^ . ^ >

  11. Thanks for the B-day wishes, Freohr~ (Also yay Stupid Fox <3)

  12. Lenh

    Thank you! Aaand Happy Super-Belated Birthday to you~

  13. Thanky thanky ^^

  14. Recorded the selections a while back, not the results: 1. ??? 2. Erika (8 F->M) 3. Karel (7 M->F) 4. Guy (7 M->F) 5. Neimi (8 F->M) 6. Jaffar (7 M->F) 7. Sonia (7 F->M) 8. Ninian (7 F->M) 9. Nergal (7 M->F) 10. Merlinus (7 M->F) 11. Dorothea (6 F->M) 12. Geitz (7 M->F) 13. Florina (7 F->M) 14. Isadora (7 F->M) FE7's a pretty popular option.
  15. Jaggies everywhere, esp the hair outline. Ear set pretty far into the face. Imo, strip the current painting/color part and fix lineart first. 2c on the spliceVs.Custom debate: you're probably only going to output a mug as well as you could in the pencil medium, only a lot slower. Learning by splicing gives shading, anatomy, pixeling, FE style piecemeal, so you can only make so many mistakes; customing upfront means you can make mistakes in so many places to the point of being overwhelmed and struggling to know where you went wrong/see where the problem was. (I see "Did this work?..No. Did this work?...No"x50.) If you're still sticking with customs, try parting out the process into lineart->flat colors->shading and show that.
  16. Not sure if it's too late or changes anything, but it's fine by me to rewind the contest if you've already got it ready to go and people are 'k with that. Will miss the freebie win though.
  17. Busy time of year for work too, everyone wants to keep their holiday vacation :P Anywho here's the set.
  18. Lenh

    Lenh's Locker

    Ahh Ponih, I'm not worthy ^^;... Nope~ He's still got the flying claw weapon, not sure if it'll work out (something seems wrong with it).
  19. Lenh

    Lenh's Locker

    *le bump* So yeah I haven't felt like touching that gryphon, but will keep those things in mind when it comes time to visit it again. Some new things in progress: (transposing FE5's horsie run to ) (play)
  20. Well okay beautiful lady didn't have particular core components, have an even older man instead. :|
  21. Just random thoughts on the mod: - Keep the original sprite pose 100% (sword sheathed), then reference that for a different pose (easier than going straight for the pinup's pose). - Recolor Roy's clothes to their new main colors first. The current work looks like his shoes, headband, pants, and belt weren't changed to Kakusei colors. Then strip the cape/pauldrons and add shield/belts/belts/greaves/gauntlets. Details (gold trim, extra colors e.g. blue on the tunic) would be last. - Add 2 more tones for black - Angle of the shield thing on your current mod is indeed at the wrong angle. Good luck with it; it's certainly possible.
  22. Well if abominations are OK~
  23. The only thing that bothers me is the scholar animation: all the motions where he throws his arms up in the air -> lurches forward and hangs -> slaps the book shut has weird momentum like he's being possessed/going FE:SS zombie, and his heels are glued to the ground through that whole set. The delay in there seems weird with the normal pace of the book release, return to position motions around it. But hey, magic? Rest looks good~
  24. Lenh

    Spriting Request

    Wooooaahhhh. Mind...blown. That's actually really helpful, thanks Jelly~ ^^ Zoise0: Dual hackbox, last freebie for you~
  25. Lenh

    Spriting Request

    Icarii? Never heard of 'em! (A descriptive reference would be nice though) Wings across the chest, because arm wings are an interesting alternative. [Edit: Blah pb+cache=fail]
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