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    Loyal Zihark Fanboy.

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  1. Happy birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late.

  3. Happy Birthday!!! (again)

  4. My resolution is to be more social.
  5. ..........Wow I actually liked that episode...........I thought I was gonna hate it since I knew it was gonna be about Applejack but I really enjoyed it. And that song at the end was really catchy. I think I'm even starting to like A.J. a little. What did y'all think of it?
  6. Like what? She nearly hurt some ponies then didn't even care what could have happended to them. They could have been seriously injured or worse; died.
  7. Ya, I got a little freaked after the balloon got destroyed as well. I was relieved when Dashie rescued them. And her giving Twilight a hug was so cute. ^_^ Anyways I think Lighting Dust's punishment was fine. I mean it was her idea to make the tornado and then afterward she didn't even care Dashies friends could have been hurt. She should have taken responsibility for her actions.
  8. I like that episode too. The Fluttershy being a tree scene on the train is so cute. ^_^ Anyways, What did you think of this week's episode? I myself thought it was great. The only thing I didn't like about it was how everypony forgot that Celestia herself said Rainbow Dash is the best flier in Equestria. But besides that this episode was awesome! It really showed how far Rainbow Dash will go for her friends and how loyal she is to them. I really hope the creators don't forgot about these past two episodes. I'm looking forward to seeing Rainbow and Scootaloo hanging out togather and more episodes at the Wonderbolts Academy. At the moment this and last week's episode are tied for the best this season IMO. And I'm glad these last two episodes have been mostly about Rainbow Dash, since I probably won't like the next two episodes that much. :/
  9. Another question, what's your favorite episode so far? Mine is still Sonic Rainboom. But I think tomorrows episode has a chance to top it.
  10. I too love Pinkie Pie's random moments. And she has the best singing voice IMO. I agree Rarity is very cute. And I think her and Spike look adorable together. Out of the mane six Applejack is the only one I dislike. One of the only things I like about her is her southern accent. I don't like Fluttershy when she's a jerk either. She's much cuter when she's being sweet and kind. I like Twilight for being a perfectionist, mainly because I'm one myself and I can relate to her the most. But what's wrong with her mane? I think it's pretty. I think Dashie's cute when she acts all cocky and her mane is by far the best out of all the ponies. I mean it's naturally Rainbow colored, it's just so gorgeous.
  11. Are there weapon Rank bonuses in this game? (Like in SD.)
  12. I actually like Dashie's cocky tomboy attitude. It's my favorite thing about her. But I got a question for you though, in what order do you like the ponies from your favorite to least favorite?
  13. Rainbow Dash isn't stubborn, she's brash and competitive there's a difference. At some points, yes, she can be stubborn. But it's really just her cocky tomboy attitude and her not wanting to admit somepony else is better then her. S1 Ep.4 is a good example of A.J. stubbornness and why I don't like her. Applejack sitting by some statue lying was boring and I wouldn't really say that's doing much. Pinkie Pie kinda didn't do anything either. The others did do a few things I guess but I still found it boring. Maybe Celestia could have payed a little more attention but she was busy keeping watch during the day. I admit Chrysalis is a bad villain and I can understand why you would find that a problem. Agreed, Rarity whining is hilarious.
  14. -They did even less in A Crystle Empire. And Even though the fight at the end was a failure I still found it entertaining. -I agree she was stupid at that point. -Everybody thought she was stressed out with all the wedding planning. Twilight knew it was something else cause she was the closest to her after Shining; who was being controlled. -I know she didn't have depth but not many of the villains in this show do. I don't even like her that much anyway, Discord is still my favorite. Not for me. Rainbow Dash>Twilight>Pinkie Pie>Fluttershy>Rarity>Applejack. Applejack's stubborn. I don't like stubborn ponies.
  15. What else didn't you like about it? Rainbow Dash is my favorite too. But I can't stand Applejack.
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