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Posts posted by Hisui

  1. Ever heard of Black Knight's house in Path of Radiance? He suddenly walked out of an ordinary house in Chapter 9, and since no one at the time could stand his attacks, a lot of unknowing players had to reset at least once at the sight of him.

    AH, okay, now that makes sense. I forgot about that completely. Thanks for clarifying that for me or else I would've gone on being oblivious for ages lol.

    And, here's the Gaia/Liz support as promised.

    [spoiler=Gaia/Liz][spoiler=Support C]Liz: Ummm... Here you do this... Ow!

    Gaia: Liz? What's wrong?

    Liz: I'm trying embroidery but I got pricked by the needle...

    Gaia: That's not good. You should hurry and get it treated.

    Liz: It isn't that bad. The bleeding has already stopped anyway.

    Gaia: It might be a small wound but it could turn into something worse if you leave it alone. Plus you're of Iris royalty. It'll be tough if anything goes wrong. I'll help you out.

    Liz: Ye, yeah... Thank you. But, you know, Mr. Gaia. It's okay to not treat me special just because I'm royalty.

    Gaia: Even if you say that... It'll still be on my mind.

    Liz: But, Brother is also royalty but he fights on the front despite that, right? I don't think one's social status matters.

    Gaia: Hmmm, if Liz says so then I'll be careful about it.

    Liz: Yup, yup. It's fine so let's not make a fuss about this. Besides it's normal to get pricked by a needle while doing embroidery.

    Gaia: ... Embroidery. It shouldn't hurt you that often, though.

    Liz: Tha, that's not true? It's really difficult!

    Gaia: Difficult, huh... It's true that you'll run into difficulty depending on how complex the pattern is. Is it of folklore or a monster?

    Liz: Um... It's a cat.

    Gaia: Ca, cat!? This?

    Liz: Uu... It's still a work in progress.

    Gaia: If it's a cat then if you do it this way here...

    Liz: Ah, it became more cat like. Mr. Gaia, you're really skillful, aren't you.

    Gaia: ... If you don't mind then I can help out. Making things by hand is one of my pecialties.

    Liz: Really? Thank you veeeeery much!

    Gaia: Well, if you get injured doing embroidery then I won't be able to have peace of mind...

    [spoiler=Support B]Liz: Next is... Here you do this...

    Gaia: No, not like that. Let me see this for a bit. Here you...

    Liz: Ah, so it's like that? Fufu, with this it's done!

    Gaia: Eventually, I get the feeling you'll be able to do this on your own without me around.

    Liz: Ahaha... Thank you very much, Mr. Gaia. At this rate I'll be no good, though... I need to practice sewing more or...

    Gaia: Liz, you shouldn't think like that. Shouldn't it be fine to just leave things like sewing to servants.

    Liz: I don't want that. I want to be able to do it myself. I'm not good at cooking and even washing so that's why...

    Gaia: Aren't you just over thinking it.

    Liz: You think so? Well, but, rather than not being able to I want to be able.

    Gaia: Don't worry about what you haven't done yet. Someday you'll be able to do it. There are a bunch of guys in the world like me that are good at housework. It just requires practice.

    Liz: I see, practice, is it.

    Gaia: That's right.

    Liz: Somehow, I feel like I can keep doing my best! Mr. Gaia. Thank you! Um, I hope you can teach me a bunch about housework.

    Gaia: Eh? No, I'm not exactly someone who can teach...

    Liz: It's okay, it's okay. I already said it! Right?

    Gaia: Sigh... I get it. If it's Liz asking then I can't refuse, huh.

    [spoiler=Support A]Gaia: ... Liz. You put too much salt in.

    Liz: Uu... I'm sorry. I'm just not learning at all, am I?

    Gaia: ... We, well. Eventually, you'll be able to do washing, cooking, and baking well.

    Liz: It's fine. You don't need to comfort me. If it wasn't for Mr. Gaia I wouldn't be able to do any of this...

    Gaia: Ahhh... Well... That might be the case.

    Liz: Haa. Like this, I'll be worried about what will happen... Hey, Mr. Gaia, you would prefer a girl that can cook and do housework, right?

    Gaia: Eh? Well, that's... I guess.

    Liz: Alriiiiight! I have to learn more and more from you, Mr. Gaia!

    Gaia: Ha, haha... But, you shouldn't be with me that much, I think.

    Liz: Eh? Why?

    Gaia: I'm a thief. I'm also a branded sinner. Liz, you're royalty, being seen with a guy like me will get people talking badly about you.

    Liz: Mr. Gaia... Don't say things like that!

    Gaia: Li, Liz?

    Liz: I already told you not treat my differently just because I'm royalty! I said I want to be together with you so it's fine!

    Gaia: ... I got it.

    Liz: Yeah! So special treatment is therefore banned, okay?

    Gaia: I just can't win...

    [spoiler=Support S]Liz: Mr. Ga~ i~ a~.

    Gaia: Ahhh... Hey.

    Liz: Huh? It seemed like you hide something away...

    Gaia: It's just your imagination.

    Liz: Eeeeh? Well, I guess it's fine.

    Gaia: I'm just trying to not get involved in anything weird.

    Liz: Fufu, yep, yep. You're finally get used to things, huh?

    Gaia: You're pretty weird princess.

    Liz: Ahh, geez! If you get hurt then I won't give you treatment! Today, I have a gift for you, Mr. Gaia. Here!

    Gaia: ... Embroidery, huh. Liz, could it be that you?

    Liz: Ehehe... I've been practicing diligently ever since then.

    Gaia: There's been progress. You can see the cat in this pattern.

    Liz: With this, I'll be able to become a good wife, right?

    Gaia: Yeah, of course.

    Liz: ... Fufu, that makes me really happy. If Mr. Gaia says it then that makes me the happiest...

    Gaia: ... You shouldn't show guys a face like that. You'll make them misunderstand...

    Liz: ... It's not a misunderstanding.

    Gaia: …………

    Gaia: Liz... Maybe, if you're fine with me, then this... Would you take it? I made it for you. I was going to give it to you later but...

    Liz: This is a ring... Then... Mr. Gaia!

    Gaia: ... You don't need to call me that anymore. Just Gaia is fine.

    Liz: Gaia... I'm really happy!

  2. Annnd Cynthia+Gaia (Father) support since it doesn't look like anyone's done any of her parent supports yet.

    [spoiler=Cynthia/Gaia][spoiler=Support C]Cynthia: Hmmm... Which~ one~ should~ I~ pick~! Pluck!

    Gaia: Cynthia. What's with all these petals?

    Cynthia: Ah, dad! Good timing! Which one do you think would be good, dad? I was thinking of using a flower fortune telling to decide on the entrance for the battle next time but... Maybe I should just choose one on my own...

    Gaia: ... You aren't doing a flower fortune? Well, whatever. What kind of entrances have you thought up so far?

    Cynthia: Choice 1, appearing in in a bunch of smoke and amidst a bright light.

    Gaia: Heeeh...

    Cynthia: Choice 2, appearing in the middle of scattered, falling flower petals.

    Gaia: Oooh...

    Cynthia: Choice 3, a surprise appearance from a private house.

    (I tried doing research on this and nope I still don't know what she means in this part.)

    Gaia: ........

    Cynthia: Hey, dad! Which one do you like?

    Gaia: Eh!? Uhhhh... Isn't the flower petal one fine?

    Cynthia: Choice 2, then! Roger! Then, I'll make sure to gather a bunch of flower petals for you, dad! Ah, should I do the flower fortune later then?

    Gaia: Whaaat!? ... Cynthia, it can't be that this battlefield entrance thing was for me?

    Cynthia: Yes, it is! Since you showed up at just the perfect timing! Fufufu, it was surprising that you would choose choice 2. Look forward to it, okay, dad!

    [Cynthia, exits.]

    Gaia: He... Hey, Cynthia! ... This suddenly became troublesome.

    [spoiler=Support B]Cynthia: I'm... I'm really sorry, dad.

    Gaia: What was with all those flower petals! I thought I was going to be buried alive!

    Cynthia: Weeell~... Since mom helped me out too before I knew it we had a bunch of them...

    Gaia: Even Sumia helped out...

    Cynthia: That's right. Your beloved wife and daughter did their best all for you, dad! Getting covered in your family's love while in battle, isn't that kind of hero-ish? Well, even though.... I couldn't really see you under all those petals.... Ehehe.

    Gaia: Haa.. I wish I could've been buried in pastries instead... Listen up, don't do something like that again, understand?

    Cynthia: Eeeh!? It's not okay to decide on dad's entrance anymore!? I understand! Then, next time, how about we decide on a really cool entrance speech instead!?

    Gaia: ... Hey, Cynthia. The battlefield isn't a playground.

    Cynthia: ............ ... I'm sorry... But if that isn't okay talk about, then what would be okay to talk about with dad? It doesn't look like I can talk to dad about the things you like. For me... it seems like I can't understand what normal parents and their kids talk about.

    Gaia: Cynthia... Geez, you're really an idiot. You don't need to force yourself into thinking about something to talk about. Just being like this with you, Cynthia, makes me very happy already.

    Cynthia: ... Really? Just me being here makes you happy?

    Gaia: Yeah.

    Cynthia: Gosh! Dad saying such sweet things! That's how you won mom over, right!? But but, I'm also really happy! Dad, I loooooooveeeeeeee you!

    Gaia: Guh...! Cynthia...! You're hugging me too strongly... I, I can't breathe....!

    [spoiler=Support A]Cynthia: Hey, hey, dad, can you pat my head?

    Gaia: Ye, yeah... What's wrong, Cynthia. You've wanted to be spoiled a lot recently...

    Cynthia: That's because dad said just by being together with me makes you happy! I know, next time let's go out together. A day to be with me.

    Gaia: ...? O... Okay...

    Cynthia: While we're in town, we can spend the whole time walking while holding hands~ And we can shop for delicious food to eat~ And at night we can sleep together!

    (I think she meant sleep in the same bed together like a kid would with their parents when they're scared at night. Even then, though, Cynthia is way too old for that...)

    Gaia: !? Sleep together...! You know, Cynthia. We're parent and child so that's a bit...

    Cynthia: It'll be a completely unforgettable day! Right, dad!!

    Gaia: Hey, listen to me...

    Cynthia: ... You won't forget, right, dad. Even though you're actually another person's dad...

    Gaia: .......!!

    Cynthia: Ehehe~! You can relax, dad. Even I can understand that you aren't my real dad. When the me in this time is born, I'll stop having you to spoil me. It's fine... to be together until then. That'll be enough... you know. Dad.

    Gaia: ....... Cynthia...

    Cynthia: I'm really grateful to you dad, you know? Like a dad, you did whatever you could for me. You've spoiled me lots. But, the truth is that that shouldn't be meant for me...

    Gaia: ..........

    Cynthia: ... Dad? Are you crying? Geez, I guess it can't be helped. There, there. Don't cry, dad. Since you're a hero, it'll make you look uncool? ... It'll bother me. If dad isn't there to be a cool hero. If you don't... I'll worry, and it'll make me want to always stay with you...

    Also, I did a rough translation of Gaia and Liz's support so if no one's claimed/done that one yet then I'll work on cleaning it up.

    (... yes, Gaia is my favorite. Haha, sob.)

  3. Sumia was definitely cute in this support convo, yup. At least, for me, it was the first convo with her involved that I liked. Her and Gaia's starting relationship wasn't that good but it evolved into something cute in the end. Then again, with Gaia involved, anything would be sweet. (Pun intended.)

    I think you did pretty good! I like the

    I want you to be the one to make me baked goods from now on.

    In Japanese, there's an old cliche marriage proposal that's something along the lines of "Make me miso soup from now on." In the old days, breakfast was usually just miso soup, so it's indirectly saying "we're going to be together every morning," which implies marriage.

    Gaia must have bad teeth.

    Haha, yup. Even when I first read it in Japanese my first thought was, "It's still all about the candy for you, Gaia!?" Also, thanks!

  4. Hello, hello. I'm new here and I've been following this thread for a while. Then, I discovered the Japanese support convos so I thought I'd contribute a bit.

    So, it's Gaia/Sumia! Er, I'm sorry if someone already claimed this one or translated it somewhere. I didn't see it anywhere so I thought no one has done it yet.

    [spoiler=Gaia/Sumia][spoiler=C Support]Sumia: Good day, Mr. Gaia.

    Gaia: ………… The sweet!

    Sumia: Mr. Gaia...? Mr. Gaiiiaaa!

    Gaia: Gaaah! Can't you be quiet for a sec!?

    Sumia: Ah...! I'm, I'm sorry!

    Gaia: Ahhhh... I can't see it anymore...

    Sumia: Can't see it...? Ah... Um, was there something here?

    Gaia: ... I was watching out for bees.

    Sumia: Watching out for... bees? I see, Mr. Gaia likes bees!

    Gaia: Haa? It's not that I like bees. I was going to follow it back to its home...

    Sumia: The bee's home... You mean, its beehive? Mr. Gaia, could it be...

    Gaia: Wha... What.

    Sumia: You like the bees larvae, don't you!

    Gaia: Whaaaat?!

    Sumia: I heard that it's a rare food in some cultures! It's even considered a gourmet food in some places as well. As expected of Mr. Gaia, nothing can get pass your eyes!

    Gaia: Haa... What is she even...

    Sumia: I know, please let me help you look for them as well! It's my fault that you lost sight of the bee so I'd like to be able to make it up to you...

    Gaia: No... I appreciate the thought but... I'm already going back so...

    Sumia: I understand. Then, okay, at another time I'll help out. Now, I'll be on my way...

    Gaia: He, hey...! What is up with that girl... Haa... All I wanted was to get some honey but it turned into something troublesome instead...

    [spoiler=B Support]Gaia: Alright... If it's in this garden then there's no way that strange girl will be able to find me... I'll definitely make sure to get honey today...

    Sumia: Good day, Mr. Gaia.

    Gaia: WHOA!? Wh, wh, wh, why are you...!?

    Sumia: Ehehe, it's such a wonderful garden so that's why I thought I would do some flower fortune telling... Are you going to look for bees larvae again today? Then, I'll help you too.

    Gaia: No... Instead of you helping out, I'd rather you not...

    Sumia: Hmmmmm... What kind of flowers do bees like, I wonder?

    Gaia: Did you just ignore me!

    Sumia: Ah... Mr. Gaia! There it is! A bee!

    Gaia: What!?

    Sumia: It went into the forest...

    Gaia: So, a nest is in there...! Finally, the time has come. I'm going to chase after the bee so you can just go continue your flower fortune-- Wait. ... Where did that girl go off to!?

    Sumia: Mr. Gaiaaaaa! Over here! It's here! The beehive! Should I bring it over to you?

    Gaia: Haa!? What the hell are you saying! If you move it then the bees will...!

    Sumia: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! The bees! A bunch of bees suddenly came out!

    Gaia: Of course, obviously!! …… Hey, don't come this way? Don't come this way, you hear?

    Sumia: Mr. Gaia... Here, the beehive!

    Gaia: …… Yoooouuuuu! You don't just freakin' dump a beehive onto someone and run away right after! Gaaaaaaaah! The bees!!!!!!!

    [spoiler=A Support]Gaia: Haa... The stings still hurt...

    Sumia: ... I'm sorry, Mr. Gaia. It's my fault for messing with the nest...

    Gaia: Aaah... Stop apologizing already. Thanks to you I was able to get what I wanted, anyway.

    Sumia: Ah, the bees larvae?

    Gaia: Wrong! What I wanted is this. The honey. Aah, this color, and sweetness... I can't get enough of it, you know~ ...

    Sumia: So that was the case. Either way, I'm glad you were able to get what you wanted. It's true that this honey has a very beautiful color to it. Can I see it a bit... Ow!

    Gaia: ...! You, let me see that wrist!

    Sumia: Ye, yes...

    Gaia: This... Isn't this swollen way worse than mine. Why didn't you say anything up until now.

    Sumia: ... Because, if I said I got hurt then Mr. Gaia would feel bad, right? You were finally able to get what you want so you should be able to enjoy it.

    Gaia: !! ... I thought you were just a weird girl but that wasn't the case, huh...

    Sumia: Did you... say something?

    Gaia: No... You, do you like things that are sweet?

    Sumia: Eh? Ye, yes...

    Gaia: ... Sigh. Then, you can have this.

    Sumia: Eh! But, this is Mr. Gaia's honey...!

    Gaia: Think about it carefully, the one who was able to find the bee and the hive was you, right? ... So, this is yours.

    Sumia: Mr. Gaia...

    Gaia: One more thing. You know, I thought you were a weirdo but... ... From now on, I wouldn't mind becoming friends.

    Sumia: Ah...! Thank you very much! Being friends with Mr. Gaia... Hehe, that sounds very nice! How about we go find honey together again?

    Gaia: Ugh...! That... Let's not.

    [spoiler=S Support]Sumia: Good day, Mr. Gaia!

    Gaia: Sumia. Good timing. There's something I wanted to give you...

    Sumia: I... Mr. Gaia, there's something I wanted to give you.

    Gaia: Huh?

    Sumia: This... I baked this with the honey from last time. I don't know if it's something Mr. Gaia would like but...

    Gaia: Ba... Baked sweets!? From the honey!? Thank you, Sumia! I'm really happy! ... Wait, as soon as the sweets and colors were before my eyes I got distracted. Sumia, I wanted to give you today...!

    Sumia: I wanted to tell you something today, Mr. Gaia.

    Gaia: Again...! Hey, Sumia, listen to what I have to...!

    Sumia: I... Mr. Gaia, I like you!

    Gaia: !! Hey...

    Sumia: I'm sorry for saying this out of the blue... U, um... If this troubles you then I'll stop bothering you...

    Gaia: Haaaaaa... Why did you say it before me...

    Sumia: Huh?

    Gaia: I kept saying earlier that I wanted to give you something, didn't I? You, listen when people talk to you. This... I want you to have this.

    Sumia: A... ring? The, then... Mr. Gaia, you also...?

    Gaia: Yeah, sorry for taking so long to say it. I also like you. This is a bit cliche but... That is, I want you to be the one to make me baked goods from now on.

    Sumia: Mr. Gaia...! Yes, I'd be happy to... Even though I failed nine times making it, I was finally able to successfully bake one. So if you're fine with baked goods then...

    Gaia: ... Ye, yeah. Next time, I'll help you out too...

    Sumia: I'm so happy... I love you, Mr. Gaia. I'll go find honey for you again, okay...

    Gaia: Yeah, I love you too... Sumia. Next time let's get rid of the bees first before getting the honey, though...

    Also, this was my first time translating Japanese for others to see by myself. So, apologies if there's a mess up anywhere as well.

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