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Posts posted by YokaiKnight

  1. I've seen all the anime, and while I have the OVA and the Movie, I've not seen them.

    Please don't tell me you hate it :(

    No, I don't. I think I enjoyed it more than I really should--this series went above my head a lot, but for some reason entertainment that does that sticks. It's amazingly complex, and despite some Wikipedia-ing afterwards I'm still lost on some points, but I definitely enjoyed it. Planning on seeing the movie soon--it sounds like some of the points it covers that the series missed would make me be all "theeeeere we go."

    Also, I loved the "side story" episode about the young...superkids, or whatever they were, but any sympathy I had for Isshiki disappeared soon after, when he stopped being mysterious and just became a douche. It was ironic that he took the same style of dress as the old master, though.

    Quon: Hot mysterious girl or hottest mysterious girl?

    In other news, I started reading Bleach for like the third time, but this time it stuck. I'm on volume 12. It's pretty entertaining.

  2. And I hate how people say "throwing someone shoe's is a sign of disrespect in arab culture" as though throwing your shoes at people is a sign of respect in other cultures >_>
    Not a bad point. >__>
    And the person who threw the shoe is now facing a 15 year jail sentence, there are also claims that he was beaten in custody. Maybe not worth it.
    My heart goes out to the poor fellow. He didn't even hit, lulz.
  3. That will be because Americans are history-illiterate morons, not because Bush was a competent president.

    I wasn't trying to imply he was, just what people might think. :3

  4. Relax, Ragnell. He's a wartime president: Lincoln and FDR were pretty unpopular in their time, too, but see how most people look at them now. 50 or 60 years down the road there's a good chance Bush will be thought of as a pretty cool guy.

  5. Gay Dragon? It was you who made that topic, not me. To be honest the gay part was never in the dare, so you just did that yourself.

    And yes, I is very gay, as in happy.

    Yeah...uh, what's your point? >__>

    That you are an assclown, that's my point.

    I prefer "asshat," but both are better than "asshole."

    Its the same thing. ^^

    Rather out of content, but apparently you got pissed off because I made a joke topic, like you asked me to. How does that make me an ass[noun]?

    EDIT: Also, I'm not posting anymoar in this thread because tantalizing bait is tantalizing and I don't wanna get myself in trouble.

    EDIT2: Does this count as posting? D:

    Oh wow, he got offended by the word assclown.
    I wasn't offended, good sir, but it seems you were hostile.
    He called me a gay dragon, so he should learn that by calling people something you most likely will get something in return as well.
    Read the thread. First person to find where I called him anything other than "Extreme Void" gets manpoints.
  6. To be honest you care too much about what we all think... Thus you make numerous topics like this...

    Seconded. Really, next time you think everyone has criticism about you, take a step back and see what people said the last dozen times you asked for feedback instead of posting again.

  7. Considering they didn't win the war in Germany, he didn't use them to win the war.

    hoooooooooly SHIT what a way to be a bitch about choice of words, especially when you know his goddamn point. 8/10, I am not happy at all.

  8. True. There are plenty of bad things in there too. It's just too bad that people decided to pick the worst things to follow... Divorce is more looked down upon in the bible than homosexuality, yet what country has the highest divorce rate?

    The Maldives? awesome.gif

  9. If we're going to be calling Presidents dictators, and we're talking about bad ones, can we get some AFRICA UP IN THIS BITCH?

    The OP
    ...needs to clarify if worst is supposed to mean "most tyrannical" or "most incompetent."
    And yes, I understand that a dictator is a guy who holds absolute power in a nation; I just have a broader definition of the word that includes any world leader who abuses their position in office and makes the lives of others abject hell.
    If you're going to use "shirts" to mean "clothes," isn't it only courteous to let people know beforehand?
    Also, I wonder; if Bush doesn't have absolute power, why did he act like he did when he declared 'Mission Accomplished'?
    I know you said it was rhetorical, but I couldn't resist the bait. Making sweeping proclamations and posturing=/=absolute power.
  10. I think Christianity could be good if they didn't selectively choose what they wanted to believe in from the Bible and lived by what it actually says, not warped versions.
    It's a little hard to do that, considering the volume of contradictory, outdated, and morally questionable content in the Bible.
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