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Posts posted by YokaiKnight

  1. God getting nailed by the Dai Gurren Brigade
    tee hee hee

    It was pretty much on the scale of God-killing, though. For some reason I find God-killing fiction highly entertaining, but not necessarily for the ROW ROW KILL THE BEST GAME GOD aspect.

    That last battle was seriously mind-shatteringly epic. Like, the most epic battle in anime.
    Now this is the one truth of the universe.
  2. 3. I think he meant when someone just spouts out "God doesn't exist." That can be offensive to Christians.
    My point still stands, though. Take another look.
    3 (again). Ass. :(
    Cursing is bad. You're setting a horrible example for the memberbase! Shame on you. :angry:
    Well they shouldn't be offended?
    Taking offense to something is an emotional response. You generally can't just stop someone's emotional response to something, especially if it deals with something close to home.
  3. 1. Yes! But they dont ask for ppl to throw trash at them.

    2. It's useless if nobody listen to others.

    3. What if you call a Black is an Idiot Africa Monkey? That is just the same when you say God is not real to a Catholic or Christian.

    3. Oh yes, I am rather angry. Okay. and to tell...I am also an atheist XD

    1. And no one should. It's possible to respectfully disagree.

    2. Of course.

    3. I'll make sure to call my black friends Idiot Africa Monkeys more often. :lol: (no, seriously, I will.) But it's not necessarily the same as telling Christians God doesn't exist. You can have a perceived insult, meaning that the person thinks they're being insulted. You can also have an intended insult, meaning that the person is trying to insult the other person. So if someone says "I don't think God exists," and another person says "dont fuk wit me bitch lets fight you god damn punk azz muthafucka," there is a perceived insult, but no intended insult. The first person wasn't trying to piss anyone off.

    3 (again). Cool dude. Reminds me of this video of a bunch of atheists

    some hardcore Christians really nicely.
  4. It's a personal problem
    If something's personal, it's likely important to that person. People generally like to speak for beliefs important to them.
    It's useless to talk about god with a non-believer or trying to tell a Christian that Jesu is not real. Evolution and God, is that important? What will you gain when you break someone's believe?
    I think you can learn a lot from talking with people who disagree with you.
    Who are you thinking you are? Who give you the right to say someone is ignorance?
    We all have the right to say what we want. As far as forum rules go, anyway. >__>
    You (I dont mean you, Red fox, I mean ValaReVan)! You are no difference to the missionaries, who apply their god to African!

    All I can say is to keep your way of life for yourself. Dont force ppl to live like you.

    He's not forcing anyone to do anything. Missionaries used violence and other methods to force people to convert. The "atheist gang" here is just speaking against what they think is wrong--they aren't forcing anyone to listen.

    EDIT: Sorry for the double post. The way this topic was going, I was expecting a reply to come before I typed up my second.

  5. As an example of how atheism can be anything but the fearful option, some agnostics and even some religious people believe/leave open the possibility of the ideas of God, Heaven, and Hell because they are afraid of what will happen to them if they don't believe. It's intellectually dishonest if you think Islam (because everyone's talking about Christianity, hurrrr) is ridiculous, but you follow the religion anyway because you are afraid of being punished in the afterlife if you admit to yourself you don't believe it.

    A little extreme, don't you think? I've always believed that if someone is fine with who they are and are happy with how they live, they have a good life and shouldn't have to change. If that includes religion, more power to them.
    No, they don't really have to, but why not shoot even higher?
    "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Sorry if you aren't American, but it's right there. In my honest opinion, happiness is the ultimate goal in life. There are wrong ways to be happy, like if you enjoy killing, but if you aren't happy with how you live your life, what are you doing?
    And if you enjoy killing, and you are happy with your life? Better not let someone stop you from achieving your ultimate goal in life. :B
  6. If that's what being an Atheist means, screw Atheism. I'd rather be at peace knowing what's going to happen to me, not living in fear.
    What ZXValaRevan described is not "living in fear." It could be argued that it's the exact opposite, but I shouldn't speak for him.
    Speaking of that, couldn't the Anti-Spirals be partially referred to as God? Eh? Eh? You know you want to.
    Of the universe they created, I guess. Are you still God if your amazing, frame-by-frame scribble drawing self only has total dominance over one dimension? :awesome:
  7. A mastery that never activates is a wasted mastery.
    10%=/=Never. One in five enemies, assuming Volke is double attacking them all, which he almost always does. Plus, his skill passes 20 pretty early, so it'll be a little higher.

    Frequent? No. Worth it? Debatable. A wasted Occult? Nah, especially since most Mastery skills suck.

    As for Gamble, bleh. I was always in the camp where trading hit for critical was generally a bad idea.
    It is generally a bad idea, but Snipers and Swordmasters both are high accuracy, high critical classes, so it can prove useful against enemies like Generals. The best part is it's a choice skill, and my Snipers rarely get anything else to fill up their capacity so it's no loss to me.
  8. I have no reason to believe Adam and Eve weren't real since I've never been told who the first humans were otherwise.
    It's tough to know who the first were, but a study I'm too lazy to link to concluded that the genes of everyone living can be traced to six people.
    Didn't I pretty much say I don't know what to believe? Christianity has been drilled into me all my life. When I turned away from it, I got my ass handed to me, like a slap in the face from God saying "What's wrong with you!?" Ever since then, I've attempted to take a middle road and it generally works out quite nicely.
    One ass-handing was all it took to make you give up? ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWAH
  9. I don't know. I think if there really existed substantial evidence that proved there was zero possibility of any God possibly existing, people would have been sensible enough to stop believing. That's my opinion anywho.

    There isn't. Gods as defined by some specific religions, though, can be logically shown nonexistent.

  10. Lethality is useless. It's activation rate is probably in the single digits. What use is an occult skill that never activates (other than wasting your precious occult on one of the worst mastery skills)?
    They aren't really all that precious.
    ^ That helps.

    And though Lethality won't get a much higher activation rate than 10%, it's still helpful if you use Volke to fight. Likely to instant kill one in five enemies isn't horrible for a unit that often can't one-round.

    I usually give Deadeye to Rolf since that's a good skill. Also, Ike and Aether is a given. As for the other two Occult scrolls, I have a bad habit of missing them... :(

    Do you know them? Which ones do you get?

    Also, Deadeye is cool but...a pretty big waste of 20 skill points. :( I like to put Gamble on Rolf. Works well with his personal bow.

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