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Posts posted by YokaiKnight

  1. Anyone who says the N word is a douche.

    Anyone and everyone I don't care if your White, Black, Mexican, Chinese or the most mixed man alive anyone who says it is a douche.

    Holy fucking shit, I hope you're kidding. You're going to judge people by their use of a word?

    Do you even know what that word means, or how it was used?
    Yes, I paid attention in history/watch the news/do my own research.
  2. And most of all, what will either candidate do to help struggling working-class families like ours so that we too can realize the American Dream? I believe that no American should be denied the right to America's promise, including the Dream itself.
    Never, ever, ever look at a political figure to change your life. There have always been more people who struggle to get by in the world than those who are comfortable, and if that's going to change it's not going to come from a politician. Sorry to shoot you down, but no candidate is going to fix that. Look to yourself, your family, your friends, and if you think it'll work for you higher education.
    Barack Obama is for the middle class, it's always been his message. He wants to lower your taxes (so that's less money to add to your expenses), John McCain wants to reduce taxation on the big industries that already have 100x more than you do. Obama invest money in finding renewable energy sources so you don't have to overpay for gas, McCain wants to try to drill our way out of the problem (which even the top oil experts say we cannot do) and heavily rely on nuclear energy which (as we know) can be very dangerous (nuclear meltdowns), plus once the energy is spent it's radioactive waste, where is that going to go?
    Nuclear power plants are far, FAR more efficient than coal or oil, produce minimal amounts of waste compared to fossil fuels (especially in atmospheric release), and nuclear accidents are very, very rare with modern technology and even more rarely have disastrous results.
  3. We're not as scary as we seem at first. Don't be scared away if people spam your intro topic.

    We have our own sitcom.

    You can pay the Fireman to do whatever for 10,000 gold.

    We like foxes, and valkyries.

    Feel free to burn the forest down.

    If you need a Fireman, just look for the biggest fire.

    Fourth Fox was elected queen.

    You missed the Great Serenes Civil War.

    Ilyana ate the king that never existed.

    Don't crash through glass windows.

    Here in the forest, it is a Vincentocracy.

    Don't change your username to God.

    Bianchi, Hikarusa, and Metal Rabbit are the myths of Serenes. Apparently Haruhi is now too. And Hikari. And Arc.

    You can get sued for having a heart attack here.

    If you're nice to me and have a lot of patience, I might make you a character art.

    This is the generic greeting for all newcomers!


    Read it already

    also, hot damn you guys respond fast.

  4. Here is how transfer of supports works from FE9 to FE10, as Serenes Forest has it:

    "Support conversations, unlocked in FE9, can be viewed in a support library. Only support conversations attached to a transferred file can be viewed."

    I had a few clarifying questions, though.

    1) Does the second part mean that if you delete the transferred data, you will no longer be able to see those supports in the support library?

    2) Does the game transfer supports based on current support levels, or does it "record" if you've seen a support, even if you didn't save it (as could be done in FE7)?


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