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Posts posted by WyvernSageLord

  1. Oh hey I bet this isn't a brand new handheld at all and without reading anything am going to assume it's just another update >8[ GRR NINTENDO

    Hahaha. 'Fraid so I my part. Though I didn't really not read it, rather just scanned through the damn thread.

    Big oops indeed. =D;;;;;

  2. I was simply speaking out of paranoia that there'd be games exclusively for the 3DS like there were downloadable games for the DSi... you get what I mean by this right?

    But knowing that it's simply time for a new console... yeah. I think I stand corrected here.

  3. Exactly. If you don't get it, don't expect to be playing any new DS games.

    And thus my worst fears of reading this topic have come true... and it pisses the hell outta me! I've still got plenty of games to enjoy on the old DS and now they're pulling this?

    ...Though in all honesty, maybe I'm just ill-informed but... is it really time for a new console? Someone please gimme an accurate number on just how many years the DS LITE or DSigh for that matter has been out. :/

  4. Hello all, it's been a while since I've posted here hasn't it? And I just thought I'd bring this issue I found up...

    You see it happens in Chapter 9, a Grim Reunion. At the end of the Chapter's introduction, normally the Unit Selection begins right after Kent says "It looks like we have one more obstacle to pass" right? Well, see here's the thing. I saved the game in the Battle Preparations screen so I could keep the units I selected and their positions. However, when I restarted the chapter with these settings? I noticed something interesting. During the introduction, right after Kent says "It looks like we have one more obstacle to pass," Lyn suddenly has more dialogue before going to the BP screen.

    I can't remember the exact words of what she says, but it's something regarding being careful through the fog while advancing to Eagler's estate or something in the like... does anyone know anything about this? Is this some sort of dialogue bug like Michaiah's missing dialogue regarding the death of Zelgius/Black Knight? Or is this just added text after beating the game once?

    To clarify, I'm not playing on hard mode either. Forgive me if this has already been addressed...

  5. A military psychiatrist going on a crazy rampage and shooting people? What in the world is going on here!? Dammit, just when I had hoped that things couldn't be worse in the US too...

    And what's more, I can feel it in the air: The WBC is gonna have a fucking field day with this one. -_-

  6. Yeah, like I said in the subtitle, call me stupid but have I seriously missed something going on that I wasn't active for?

    Would someone mind explaining to me why THIS fountainbymarcelduchamp.jpg, always pops up when I type his previous and well-known name?

    I'm honestly not trying to start drama, I just wanna know what the fuck the deal is. ._.;

  7. This skin ...


    It is beautiful!

    Although I agree with Fia. Either do what she said or make the banner fade out on the right side.

    XD Win. Absolute win, Ike-Mike!

    As soon as I saw this the first thing that came to mind was Gurren Lagann's "Miracle" BGM. Awesome job bringing it back! <3

  8. Actually, regarding the badges, Jyosua? I have a proposal to make, and I've had it ever since Popo decided to quit.

    How about we make a contest poll in the Site Content, calling all those who have Photoshop and the necessary artwork of Fire Emblem to make the badges? Each time someone adds them to the thread, you add that badge to the poll. Or... maybe the poll system doesn't support images? In that case how about keeping some record of what the votes are?

    Just thought I'd throw this idea out there.

  9. Okay, spoiler time.

    It turns out that the one stabbing Starrk in the back is Shunsui after all. And his zanpakuto's true ability is... quite bizarre. X_x

    "Turns child's play into reality."

  10. I know, right? Heck furthermore on what I said, playing the current version of Persona 3 with its drawbacks only increases the enjoyments of Persona 4.

    And... who the hell added THAT to my poll!? o_o

  11. According to sources, Persona 3 is being remade for PSP being released in Japan on November 11, with quite a few new features.

    Gender selection with the Main Character (Orpheus' appearance changes along with it), and battle system updated with the "guard" option that's available for Persona 4 along with the friends' helping the MC out in various ways that were ALSO present in Persona 4, and as I read there will be only a few things adjusted in the female MC's story - I wouldn't be surprised if one could become intimate with the guys unless Atlus decides to go yuri on us).

    Oh, and should you pick to be female, Igor's assistant will be some guy named "Theodore."

    As for me? It's a nay; a few months ago I was luckily able to get my hands on Persona 3 FES and I can safely say that I'm quite content with it even if there are improvements for the PSP version's battle system - heck I intend to enjoy THOSE upgrades in Persona 4 if anything.


  12. And it's like a whole freaking truck hitting you once you learn of the negativity at the last minute. I should know.

    For me, High School was fun. Very fun. It had it's good times, and it's bad times. Hell, there are times when I almost wish I was back at it. But like Bus said, it is what you make it out to be. But my advice, don't take for granted the time or years you've got there.

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