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Everything posted by Vince777

  1. It makes sense to release new and better versions of the most popular and important characters considering it would be silly to have their original selves being powercrept to no end by other less important characters in the original games. Otherwise, would we see the day where the game's most powerful characters will be Ralph & Vyland and amongst the weakest will be most of the lord characters? My only grip is they should space these alternate releases more and still have them remain canon. Kinshi Hinoka is fine. Legendary Ephraim is fine. Both cavalry Chrom and tome Eirika (especially) are stupid.
  2. Darn. I like Hinoka but I already have her other version (and think this new one kind of looks stupid) and don't like Kana or Shigure as characters at all. Especially Kana. I feel like I'll probably aim to get Ayra instead.
  3. I hope they feel the need to advance the story enough that we can get Veronica before the CYL2 banner. Could even be 3 story chapters in a row considering the next banner also is a New Heroes one, in early may.
  4. Not enough that she'd even get a Cipher card. :( She may be too similar to Minerva/Altenna/Jill who are all more popular.
  5. If it's Binding Blade, I'm going to bet on Rutger, Gonzales and Guinevere.
  6. Darn wouldn't that be sweet. (I'd like Zeke though)
  7. Isn't it Echoes's anniversary, sort of? Could be another banner of that.
  8. Doesn't it have ballistas all over the place as well? The one thing that always scared me the most about Reinhardt is the fact that he moves and has movement stars which may entirely ruin a defensive strategy.
  9. Finn won't be boring to me as I still have no Brave Lance+ user since one thing I insist to handicap myself with in Heroes is by not changing a character's weapon (I'm fine with changing all other skills, unless they are personal skills like the Recover Ring or Radiant Aether). My Effie has a refined Silver Spear, my Summer Corrin still rocks her shitty (yet refined) Sea tome, my Fae won't ever get Lightning Breath, etc. I want to preserve individuality in weapon despite probably making them less effective units than they could be. So yeah, he'll bring something new to the team.
  10. I don't know. Samus does always lose every single power-ups before the beginning of each game.
  11. Well hopefully this guy doesn't get sued.
  12. I've cleared all challenges as a f2p player but I won't kid myself here: a lot of it I did by copying strategies. It IS hard, it just isn't impossible.
  13. Just pulled Spring Alfonse, which makes it my 100th 5* unit. :o!
  14. Nvm. Post doesn't mean anything. Read Zelgius as Zephiel and forums don't let me delete posts, of course.
  15. Yeah I get a constant 960 on Hard just leaving it on auto-battle. So I probably won't jump to harder modes if the additional gain is that small and will demand actual involvement.
  16. How much points do you get for that? Is that better than playing on Hard and capturing everything instead?
  17. I wonder if I would mind it so much if they just made it so you couldn't teleport AND attack on the same turn.
  18. Good lord, this is bad. I hated Rival Domains enough already. I don't quite understand the mechanics here. Can I get a maximum of rewards by just auto-battling through the whole thing?
  19. Wow, why don't I remember that? I played the original nes game at least three times and I forgot so many things about it because of the sequels. I was arguing like a dumbass the other day that Mercurius wasn't locked to Marth and could swear I used it with another unit in the nes game. I was wrong.
  20. So essentially until Genealogy remains pretty much the same in gameplay with a minor tweak or two and updated 3d graphics? The only thing I believe they'll change is the trade item system. I don't know. Genealogy is nothing like Gaiden, which is arguable now unplayable for most. It is actually, in my view a blast to play and I feel it looks better than the GBA games (minus the portraits). Seems a shame to willingly pass on the experience.
  21. No one turn charge. No non-effectiveness against fliers.
  22. I feel like such a Debbie Downer considering so many people wanted this but.... I was disappointed that no 5* exclusives were demoted. All of the units that were demoted I already own so it gives me no real access to new units to play with. :( (also, Soleil is the only 4* I don't have and she was amongst the few not to drop)
  23. Used them all of course. I felt it was SPs wasted not to. :)
  24. Well you will need to have the available blessings and it may sting to give it to units you have already given other kinds of blessings to. It is in that sense that it is going to be very annoying. Perhaps I'll try to actually figure stuff out on my own for a change..
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