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Everything posted by Vince777

  1. Finn couldn't have anything more canon than a Brave Lance and I had no unit with one yet so I personally see no reason to be disappointed. (except he looks much too young in his art, in my opinion)
  2. I still have no good blue tome resistance tank so if he can do it, he might very well join the team. Plus I like his art a lot.
  3. Blessed based? Uh oh. That is going to make it difficult for me to find guides to beat them. ._.' I wonder if they'll ever make game based quests.
  4. So, does Saias have anything that references the ridiculous amount of boosts he gives his allies in Thracia?
  5. That's a very pretty map. Really resembles the one it's based on. So many chokepoints. It'll play weird.
  6. Cool, I'm all for adding variety and allowing new characters to get their own niche.
  7. I assume that's some nordic language name (or german??) for "master sword"? O_o
  8. This looks really involving. I don't know what to think yet. My concern is that I did not like Rival Domains at all.
  9. Lots of confidence in Thracia there when half the characters are repeats. O_o
  10. I always thought that Haar in Radiant Dawn was ridiculously overpowered. There are a lot of OP units in that game but Haar is just made more available, from what I recall.
  11. Why are these things a given considering they've all been spoiled before, aren't news, and generally do not warrant a Feh channel?
  12. I suppose. However what I think is most probable is : "here's Owain, forget about Odin".
  13. Would be surprised if Odin ever gets weapon refinement. He's rather difficult to fix and it's a character bound to get an alternate in the coming year. Most popular Awakening character not yet in the game according to CYL2. 5th overall, behind only 2 Heroes exclusive, Leif who is coming next week and a Fates shapeshifter.
  14. I have, yeah. Pretty stoked about it. Although I don't really have a clue how serious it is and how advanced in the project they are. If you say they're actively working on it, then that's really encouraging. TRS may be my favourite Fire Emblem game. ;D
  15. Yeah I've always wanted to play Berwick Saga because it's system looks great to me. Just still waiting for a translation. :(
  16. The time concern was an issue brought up by someone for Rival Domains's 10 units format if that is to be PvP because that's just a lot of units to move. The real problem is that PvP just does not work with Fire Emblem from my understanding and you will generally just have both players camping on their positions until one of them makes a move and that player just generally loses. Fates wasn't the only Fire Emblem with PvP, there also a simulator I remember playing called Fire Emblem Tactics Online that was plagued with the same problem.
  17. Who knows but I'll be crossing my fingers hard for it not to happen. It's hard enough to make it into Fire Emblem Heroes as a Fire Emblem character. :) It totally will happen at some point though.
  18. But is it reasonable to expect all characters to be competitive in a game with more than 200 of them? You're asking of free units to compete with top tiers. They could have value in small niches and as fodder instead.
  19. I don't see that as a problem. I accept that easy to pull characters shouldn't be as good or imaginative as banner characters. I just want to feel excited about summoning again and new faces will do that for me.
  20. Yeah I remember one being only 9 minutes long so there's got to be something really interesting in this one. :) Doubt it's new modes again and it seems much too early for CYL2.
  21. That would be a dream. :) However, I've stopped believing it would happen when it didn't on the one year anniversary.
  22. Fates scored higher than any other game in CYL and the first four characters from that game that received the most votes in CY2, that were not already in the game are the 4 beast units. All of them, and Panne, scored better than Tibarn, the highest rated laguz. So it's not just Tellius shapeshifters that would be profitable.
  23. I understand Ice Dragon would like variety in movement types but it looks a little weird to me. I would be really surprised if they implemented them this way.
  24. The herons could have daggers instead of 'strike' to reflect the only manner by which they could attack in the Tellius games, using cards. Is is really better to seperate them in colours based on the tribes (beast/bird/dragon) considering there are three kinds for each as well (+wolves)? I feel you'd be then kind of stuck putting the taguels/werewolves/kitsunes along with the beasts and that will just crowd one colour. Ravens could be green, for instance, and reflect Naesala's ability to use wind magic. Dragons already exist in three colours and I just don't see Nasir as a red unit. What about: Cats & Wolves: Red Tigers: Blue Lions: Green Hawks: Blue Ravens: Green Herons: Colourless Red Dragons: Red White Dragons: Blue Black Dragons: Green Taguels: Blue Kitsunes: Red Werewolves: Green
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