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Posts posted by Rei

  1. I use Badguy Sol. I'm meh at the game, not all that great, but at least I can do Dustloop, FRC Gunflame, and several other things. I know what I'm doing, but I'm not that great. This game is probably the most complex fighter I've played. It's a really good game.

  2. I may be a terrible player at fighting games but BB has definitely gotten my attention.

    Planning on using Rachel, Taokaka, and Noel. Wait... That's three girls... Guess I'll play as Arakune too! What an awesome laugh he has! To be honest though I want to use everyone... Mostly Rachel though...

    Of course Touhou fan uses the loli :P. Though she reminds of me of tatara kogasa

  3. Yeah Lee Evans is fucking amazing. I forgot to mention him. Also Lewis Black, Dave Chapelle, Jeff Dunham, and George Carlin. Craig Ferguson is another one of my faves when he's doing standup.

  4. Yeah, my brother plays FFXI, and he says "it teaches you how to be patient," also that it takes quite a lot of time. Like he's been at it for around 3-4 years now and it's become a routine for him. He still likes it, I can't stand the music ugh lol. But yeah, I really hope you can at least do more solo stuff in FFXIV, though I'm going to be playing with some of my buddies, which should make it more enjoyable. That's the thing about MMOs, you need to interact with people and try to have people around so you can make parties n shit. You know they don't make a Final Fantasy just so one character goes through and solos the whole damn thing.

  5. And Aran has a shitton of defense too even though he's got really crappy speed. He'll get doubled in Chapter 3, but he doesn't take TOO much damage, and definitely works well as a wall that Micaiah or Laura can heal for some EXP / Staff EXP.

  6. lolwut, Vika/Tormod in bottom 10?

    The units in the bottom 10 are the idiots like Astrid and Kyza who are awful the entire game. At least Tormod/Vika are useful for a few chapters.

    useful for a few chapters >>>>>> suckingmassively forever

    Sanaki isn't completely useless the entire game, even though she comes late with shitty HP.

    Renning can at least go into combat without dying instantly and still fight a few chapters late game.

    Well, you're right that bottom 10 is pushing it since they all suck. Though the fact that Tormod is > Ilyana and Nasir who is super useful at making people double the endgame. I don't care if it's just one chapter. In that one tough chapter that he's extremely useful, while Tormod and Vika are alright for 3 chapters where you don't need that much help. And the more kills they get, the more exp that's taken from your DB units that really need it to make surviving CH3 easier.

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