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Posts posted by Rei

  1. What does it mean to "lead the fire emblem community?" What was it FESS did that affected stuff? What more was it than a big forum?

    I'm pretty sure most of the popular Fire Emblem boards branched off of there from some point. I know FEP and FEFF did.

    Um, how is this a forum-threatening matter? FESS closed. The members are now here. Big whoop. The only thing I can think of that's even remotly questionable would be the promotions of Lord Glenn and Musashi, both of which I have the utmost confidence in. I think everyone needs to calm down.


  2. hmm...

    Thomas the Tank Engine (my first favorite show)

    Transformers(GEN 1 of course... nothing else but the original, the movie, and post movie.)

    Rurouni Kenshin (when it was just coming out)

    Hokuto No Ken (I love my Grandpa for introducing me to the most violent show I've seen as 7 year old with people exploding and the such in full Japanese with no subtitles <3)

    Tom and Jerry (classic, how can't you love it?)

    Pokemon (I was one of the many elementary school kids addicted to it for like 2-3 years)

    eh, there are more, but I'll leave it at this.

  3. When I'm making fun of somebody, you'll know.

    EDIT: Here's an example, if you need clarification.

    LMAO, wow that completely changed my opinion about you. That was funny.

    I should have just said picked on / singled out. but w/e. That's too funny.

  4. No problem, and I really like your sigs rei, if I ever get SOTW up you will be the one to beat

    Haha, thanks. I'm not nearly as good as I want to be though. I still consider myself pretty averagish.

  5. Yay, egos are getting thrown back and forth.

    Though it really doesn't help for the older members to be fighting with the newer ones right now.

    Oh and Blacken, you really shouldn't make fun of people for the ages either, especially since Nintendo and Fire Emblem are generally intended for younger audiences, also as Chris is showing as well. And really, how much are the old members bitching at new ones? I think you're over-exaggerating it. People only questioned the auto-adminship, which was hushed by Vincent and Jyosua since they are the two most powerful members on the board with executive decisions.

    But either way, does this discussion really need to continue? It's kinda repeating itself now.

  6. Man, it's hard to believe how long ago that was... we're talking years.

    I wish we didn't have to go through it, but the way all of us reacted to it was phenomenal.

    Yeah I agree. But let's just continue on :P. Nice to see you here man.

  7. I'm Superbus.

    I likely need no introduction, but if I do... I'll let others do the talking. I have no interest in slapping my own back.

    oshit it's superbus, hey 'sup man. Haven't talked to you since that one issue we had with spike edge.

    Welcome to SF.

  8. No, lack of supports and...I have a whole post....I'll quote it later.

    FE4 didn't have supports (just a lover system which they gave items to each other and they had sex to make GODLY babies.) yes it is considered as the best FE by several of the well known members of the FE community.

  9. Lawl. That is by far the stupidest reason to not want to play KH. Anyone with 10% of a brain knows that characters from Disney classics = awesome. I just didn't like what the game did with them (and FF characters). And its combat system is simple for an RPG. RPG combat systems are expected to be complex to some extent.

    lawl. RPG combat systems "complex". hahaha wow.

    Most RPGs use the following in their menus.




    And it's really not that complex.

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