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Posts posted by Rei

  1. Here is my CnC, you said be harsh

    The isn't any depht and its very plain, it could be a nice vector sig with the right brushes, my say is to find better cloud effects(I think thats what you did) and intensify it while blending the render with the BG with vector brushes

    I thank you for your CnC. I do see your point about depth, I agree. The only problem with some of your suggestions is that I never use downloadable brushes. I either make my own, etc. I can do vector work just fine (just takes a long ass time -_-; ), though I don't see how it would make a vector sig o_O;, as for the cloud effect, it's just a white to transparent gradient from bottom to mid which I smudged around to give it some shape. I probably could have given it more opacity to bring out the effect.

    And really, I'm one of those guys who don't like to really use downloadable brushes, I just feel that I cheat to make the piece when I do, especially when they pretty much MAKE the effect so easily. As I said, I could make vectors, just too lazy.

    Thank you for your CnC Doom, I greatly appreciate it.

  2. They're not supposed to mix, but they end up mixing anyway. I don't believe in God and the such, but I'm of course not going to try to make you not believe in him either.

    I myself voted AGAINST prop 8. Because seriously, what harm does gay marriage do? None at all, it's just offensive to people who believe otherwise, but other than that, it does literally NO harm.



    Raine:*super raine kicks zagi*


    Imagine If rita was in this. Good god her and raine would talk about archeology till Yuri and Lloyd cut themselves

    They already don't cut themselves?

  4. Debate tournaments are bound to fail unless there's a huge want for it. Back when debating was actually alive at FEF, I would say only 30% of the matches were played out completely. I'm not exeggerating in the least. Imagine trying to start up a tournament now, in a community that seems to have a lot of members downright opposed to debate standards, in an age where Fire Emblem hype is much more down, and where 90% of the people who debated back then are completely gone.

    Those forums are less active than SF though. Especially FEFF...no one ever posts FE related stuff there anymore.

    Well, I think FEP is technically MORE active than SF, but it has less Fire Emblem related activity. FEFF doesn't have nearly as much activity as either of them :/, and a lot of members have lost interest in FE if you look at one of those topics in the Shadow Dragon forum.

    I can also vouch that Mekkah isn't over exaggerating. Most debate matches aren't really even finished anyway. Hell, I haven't finished like half of mine I think. I think FE debates should be more open, and if there is a subforum for them, then people should just make a topic of "character vs character" or whatever.

  5. well, there were different versions of melee. Some of them could do certain glitches and whatnot, some of them had different physics (like in the PAL version, Zelda was better). And they released newer versions of melee with glitches fixed (funny how people call wavedashing a glitch, yet they never 'fixed' it. Cause it would screw up the physics engine with momentum landing so crouch cancelling constantly would cause you to live forever unless you were grabbed or something)

  6. It has been pointed out recently that some signatures seem to be way too high, and after some discussion all of the moderating team have agreed that there should a limit to the whole signature height (whole signature meaning text/quotes/image).

    Therefore now, your signature must be no higher than 400 pixels ("guidelines" also apply here, so it doesn't matter if it's ~20 pixels off). The rule for image size remains the same (about 550 x 300 px).

    We will wait until a week passes for everyone to fix their signatures, however after that we'll just start to shorten people's sigs for them (but a mod will PM you with your original signature in case you wanted to keep something).


    * A suggestion for people with many quotes:

    Remove the quote boxes and just have the quotes inside speech marks.

    * A suggestion for people with large images:

    Resize them down or cut part of it out. If you don't have programs to do good resizes, then just post here (stating your desired image height) and I or someone else will do it for you.


    You may post questions etc.

    ty staff for deciding this.

    Just a quick suggestion, after that week, maybe you could put a physical size on signatures where they literally can't be more than 400 pixels tall.

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