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Posts posted by Rei

  1. I agree, I see nothing wrong with the fan base expanding. I should play Star Ocean some time.

    I'm sure how I feel about the addition of the Final Fantasy Tactics~esque movement system, but it looks like the conventional battle system persists. Is there any exploration in the game or does it primarily involve fighting on square maps?

    I'm not far, but it's primarily fighting on square maps. Though it seems that there are different routes you can take

  2. Spoiler tags don't actually make the text disappear, it just blacks it out so you need to highlight the text to view it.

    Sig limits are 550 x 300 aren't they? That means the max height should be 300.

    nono, I meant a different kind of spoiler tag, where you have a bar and would have to click on it to make it appear. Lemme give you an example.


    Click the signature tab and then if you look towards the bottom it says "Rock 'n Roll Club: Click Here To Show/Hide This Text" and "Click to level up Mah Card!: Click Here To Show/Hide This Text". Instead of the images making this already large sig even larger, it reduces the size unless you want to look at the stuff in his sig.

  3. ... It's Mugen. A customizable fighting game where you can add your own themes, characters, etc. You can basically edit everything in it. Though of course it's a pain in the butt, especially since most characters are terribly made and are extremely unbalanced.

    The only good characters on MUGEN are Hatsune Miku and Juggernaut Bitch

  4. The game hasn't been out for a year, there is no best player yet

    That really makes no sense... Of course there's going to be a best player. And wow really, it's been out since March 10th. (it's almost been 8 months since it came out in the US, It's been out for a little over 9 months if you include the Japanese version which a lot of people imported to begin looking for ATs and the such.)

    And really, M2K is currently the best brawl player... He has proved hit mettle against a ton of the top players who travel and play the game. It's not so hard to get...

  5. So generally people will leave as the tourney continues?

    Well, I meant you can do friendlies later in the tournament since there will be more TVs open since tourney matches aren't going to be played on them. The reason why is because people get knocked out of the tourney so there are less priority matches that need to be played, therefore you can start doing friendlies later in the tournament when there are more free TVs. But mind you a lot of people will use em for friendlies as well.

  6. Snake > MK in the matchup

    The game hasn't been out for a year, there is no out placing, half of the time it's been out was experimenting and the other half which isn't even finished yet is still experimenting, but with competition, there hasn't been many big tourneys yet so you can't say who is the best, and Ken was out for a while due to being on survivor so yea

    The air dodging thing only applies to MK

    Wow no johns? Ken still doesn't even play nearly as well as M2K nor has made as much of an outstanding tournament record in brawl as M2K. Also, there HAVE been huge tournaments. The ECRC tourneys are big, there have already been some tourneys in Texas with like 200 people in them. As well M2K frequenting tourneys that have around 50+ entrants and winning most of them. I myself have been to several 100 man tourneys. And even when one of West Coast's best players, DieSuperFly came to east coast, he got rocked and didn't even make top 10 at one of the larger tourneys.

    Ninjalink doesn't really beat M2K all that much... Azen agrees that M2K is the best brawler if he's using Metaknight. M2K has definitely established that he is the best brawler right now.

    Ken + EVO = amazing

    ... lol @ EVO's ruleset. The game is random enough with tripping... Now they add items lulz.

    Pretty sure this about sums up Brawl right now.

    lol yeah, it does.

  7. When does friendly stuff generally happen, after the serious stuff or before? The venue itself opens pretty early anyway.

    Before and far into the tourney bracket. Though for the first 1-3 hours of a tourney, you shouldn't try to find too many friendlies. When you start getting towards the end there will be more tv's available. But you wont be playing pros since they got tourney matches lol

  8. Yea, MK has super pressure. I'd be completely fine with MK if almost ALL of his attacks weren't lagless. Only attacks he has with lag are Fsmash and DownB. The rest are easily are lagless/have such little lag that it cannot be exploited. The speed of his attacks is so great that most all the moves you miss are perfect openings to strike, where as he has very few. Also, he has edge shenanigans, chasing you off the screen, and that insanely overpowered UpB that outprioritizes most of anybody's attacks.

    Up-Smash, Up-tilt can be punished as well as D-Smash only if you shield the first hit.

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