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Posts posted by Sw3Et

  1. I think the characters in this game are very 1 dimensional and not very fleshed out at all. The Tellius characters, on the other hand, were brilliant. In this game I gave up reading the support convos as they were predictable and it's hard to really care about what they have to say when they are so shallow.

  2. The European DLC pricing was announced.

    Not sure about the North American Direct.

    Are you sure?

    You're not referring to Earthbound on the Wii Virtual Console, are you?

    Probably, the way people were carrying on I just assumed it was a new game.

  3. One of the best tomes in the game, arguably *the* best for a Sorceror that's with Armsthrift.

    Unfortunately, it's stupidly rare, and there's no good way to obtain more of them. And in the demo, not only can you not save it for later, but nobody can ever use any Aversa's Nights obtained, period, because nobody has the Tome rank to use it or the Sorceror class that's required.

    Basically, getting an Aversa's Night in the demo is a milder form of finding a shiny Pokemon before you obtain Pokeballs.

    Nice analogy, just seems like a slap in the face doesn't it.

  4. I find it odd that they at first only announced release dates for Europe and Japan, but then announced that the North America release date is earlier than the Europe date.

    I find it annoying that I'm not going to play it until a whole year after the Japanese release. Sort your shit out nintendo

  5. Regardless if you guys think its "nothing special/not much of an achievment", that doesnt change the fact that the OP found it interesting enough to post it here.

    I feel like its bashing on the poor guy for just finding something he likes, and putting forth the effort to put it on here. This is a "supportive community", right?

    If you don't think its great, then fine. Just dont demoralize this thread (for lack of a better word).

    Whew...not trying to start shit, don't get me wrong. Just wanted to put that out there.

    Agree 100%, I've found those types of comments are very common on these boards and it definitely stops me from posting as much as I would like to.

  6. Bit ripped off to only get 10 uses, but I doubt I will need any more than that. There's only so many times you can play the same 2 levels over and over. Already played them twice in one "use". after 10 uses I think I would be happy to stop until the full game comes out.

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