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The Soldier

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Posts posted by The Soldier

  1. The final update!*

    Ch 31x: 5/197

    Karla has less speed than Bartre.

    Ch 32: 9/206

    Hawkeye goes thru middle, Warriors + SM-types go north to get Renault's stuff, the rest go east. Priscilla first warps Eliwood (carrying Hector) over the mountains, then UberErk. Limstella has absolutely absurd durability, but Erk bolting + Eliwood silver was enough to kill fairly quickly. More people capped their level.

    Ch 32x: 1/207

    Warp Lyn into the square directly in front of Kishuna, reinforcements arrive. She crits with silver sword. Refresh Priscilla with Nils, warp in Geitz, he finishes with longbow. Hector got to twiddle his thumbs a little bit.

    Final Pt. 1: 4/211

    Lowen is relegated to door key duty. Athos got Body Ring. Lunablicking abounds. The Reed bros. are huge pains.

    Final Pt. 2: 1/212

    BodyRing!Athos demolishes the dragon with Luna.

    Final Turncount: 212 Turns

    Final Stats:

    Unit		Lvl	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WLv
    Hector 		06.79 	44 	20 	15 	18 	11      21 	14 	A Axe, D Swd
    Matthew    	01.00 	30 	06 	09 	18 	11 	09 	04 	B Swd
    Eliwood   	14.06 	55 	22 	23 	22 	24 	15 	10 	A Swd, C Lnc
    Bartre   	20.00 	60 	27 	17 	22 	19 	13 	07 	S Axe, D Bow
    Lowen    	17.23 	50 	14 	10 	19 	18 	21 	08 	C Swd, S Lnc, C Axe
    Erk        	20.00 	49 	26 	23 	26 	16 	12 	25 	S Anima, C Staves
    Priscilla  	20.00 	38 	25 	24 	24 	26 	12 	25 	S Staves, C Anima
    Lyn        	11.12 	38 	20 	28  	27 	21  	11  	13 	S Swd, D Bow
    Nils      	13.31 	22 	00 	00 	18 	20 	08  	13 	--
    Hawkeye   	20.00 	54 	23 	20 	16 	20 	21 	16 	S Axe
    Geitz      	20.00 	53 	27 	20 	19 	20 	12 	10 	S Axe, B Bow
    Karla      	07.54 	30 	14 	22 	20  	17 	12 	13 	A Swd
    Athos      	20.00 	40 	30 	24 	20 	25 	20 	28 	S Everything

    *Summary and thoughts coming soon

  2. Even closer to the end...

    Ch 29: 10/173

    Uber Erk got the boots and a wing to double Lloyd. He easily capped level this chapter, with excellent final stats. Capped Speed and Res! Anyway, I also got the warp staff and some silver weapons. I could have shaved a turn or two (I forgot about the large number of wyvern reinforcements from the southeast), but I'm lazy and this is almost done so I didn't bother.

    Ch 30: 8/181

    Brought the 3 lords. Hector is finally promoted! Hector and Eliwood boss it up while Lyn helps out. Hector finally got a B-Support with Eliwood just before killing Kaim on EP.

    Ch 31: 11/192

    This game has so many defend chapters. Everything was dead by turn 6 or so... built staff rank on Erk, so he can now use restore. Geitz is level 20 now. Got all the stuff. Body Ring is being saved for Athos to lunablick things in Final, Dracoshield I haven't decided on yet. I have over 72,000 gold right now, and that's before selling excess Iron weapons. 31x will be much appreciated...


    Unit		Lvl	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WLv
    Hector 		05.07 	43 	20 	15 	18 	11      20 	12 	A Axe, D Swd
    Matthew    	01.00 	30 	06 	09 	18 	11 	09 	04 	B Swd
    Eliwood   	11.29 	52 	22 	22 	22 	24 	13 	09 	A Swd, C Lnc
    Bartre   	16.95 	57 	26 	15 	19 	15 	12 	06 	S Axe, D Bow
    Lowen    	16.13 	49 	14 	10 	19 	18 	21 	07 	C Swd, S Lnc, C Axe
    Erk        	20.00 	49 	26 	23 	26 	16 	12 	25 	S Anima, C Staves
    Priscilla  	14.77 	36 	21 	21 	19 	20 	12 	22 	S Staves, C Anima
    Lyn        	08.00 	36 	19 	26  	24 	19  	11  	12 	S Swd, D Bow
    Ninian    	11.41 	20 	00 	00 	17 	18 	07  	12 	--
    Hawkeye   	17.37 	54 	22 	20 	16 	18 	18 	15 	S Axe
    Geitz      	20.00 	53 	27 	20 	19 	20 	12 	10 	S Axe, B Bow

  3. Getting close to the end

    Ch 27: 10/132

    Hooray, my least favorite chapter, at least when it's Jerme's version. I got Kenneth's version, which is much less painful. Anyway, Geitz acts as the rear guard while everyone else goes right. Lowen, Priscilla, and Eliwood take turns carrying Hector while Erk and Bartre clean up.

    Ch 28: 15/147

    Defend chapter. I don't remember Ursula being so ridiculously fast, 22 is kind of insane for this game. Got all the chests, recruited Nino and Jaffar. Bartre killed Ursula.

    Ch 28x: 16/163

    Urgh. I take back what I said about PFoD; this is my least favorite chapter for this run, because I have no flier. The pathways take forever to show up. It would have taken even longer, but Erk was able to double crit Sonia with Elfire in addition to hitting her twice with normal hits. Promoted Matthew after the chapter because I have more money than I know what to do with. Got the Speedwings and the Robe. Erk got the Wings so he could double Lloyd, Priscilla got the Robe so she could take a few more hits.


    Unit		Lvl	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WLv
    Hector 		20.00 	36 	18 	12 	13 	09 	16   	05 	A Axe
    Matthew    	01.00 	30 	06 	09 	18 	11 	09 	04 	B Swd
    Eliwood   	07.25 	50 	19 	19 	19 	21 	11 	07 	A Swd, C Lnc
    Bartre   	11.52 	52 	23 	14 	16 	13 	12 	06 	S Axe, E Bow
    Lowen    	13.97 	46 	14 	10 	18 	16 	20 	05 	C Swd, S Lnc, C Axe
    Erk        	17.24 	46 	25 	23 	25 	14 	11 	25 	S Anima, D Staves
    Priscilla  	09.36 	33 	18 	17 	18 	19 	09 	18 	S Staves, D Anima
    Lyn        	01.40 	31 	17 	21  	19 	15  	10  	11 	A Swd, D Bow
    Ninian    	11.41 	20 	00 	00 	17 	18 	07  	12 	--
    Hawkeye   	15.35 	53 	22 	19 	14 	18 	17 	15 	S Axe
    Geitz      	15.70 	48 	24 	17 	17 	18 	11 	10 	A Axe, B Bow

  4. Another Update

    Ch 22: 5/96

    Lowen rushed Eubans. Unfortunately, he got bogged down by the 2-range guys near him, so that cost a turn. Robed Eliwood, got 10,000 G and a brave axe. Bought a ton of physic and barrier staves from the secret shop. Recruited Heath and Rath for their stuff.

    Ch 23: 3/99

    Yay Erk. Pent killed one of the bosses, so not enough experience to get 23x. Got the Ocean Seal, recruited Hawkeye.

    Ch 24: 5/104

    Lowen and Erk charged north, everyone else was the rear guard. After Geitz was recruited, he went and got the Earth Seal for me to sell. I also forgot to deploy Hawkeye, but I don't think it mattered.

    Ch 25: 7/111

    Eliwood solo'd the Verdane area, Hawkeye took on Bishop-land, and the rest took over Pascal's castle. Farina got left behind.

    Ch 26: 11/122

    Defend chapter of easiness. Bartre promoted at level 19 or so during preparations, Eliwood promoted at level 20 during the chapter. Got Priscilla to Lv 15 by spamming Physic and Barrier, and she promoted after the chapter was over. Got the Hammerne. Geitz camped wyverns using Rath's longbow. Not much else to say.


    Unit		Lvl	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WLv
    Hector 		20.00 	36 	18 	12 	13 	09 	16   	05 	A Axe
    Matthew    	14.43 	27 	05 	09 	18 	11 	07 	02 	B Swd
    Eliwood   	01.86 	46 	15 	15 	15 	17 	11 	06 	A Swd, D Lnc
    Bartre   	03.21 	45 	19 	12 	14 	10 	10 	05 	A Axe, E Bow
    Lowen    	09.45 	42 	13 	09 	15 	14 	17 	05 	C Swd, A Lnc, C Axe
    Erk        	12.02 	44 	24 	20 	22 	14 	11 	23 	S Anima, E Staves
    Priscilla  	01.00 	22 	15 	13 	13 	15 	06 	15 	A Staves, E Anima
    Lyn        	20.00 	28 	15 	19  	19 	15  	07  	06 	A Swd
    Ninian    	07.65 	17 	00 	00 	16 	16 	07  	08 	--
    Hawkeye   	08.19 	52 	21 	17 	12 	15 	14 	11 	A Axe
    Geitz      	08.06 	44 	19 	14 	15 	15 	11 	05 	B Axe, B Bow

  5. Weekends bring more frequent updates

    Ch 19x: 7/80 Attempts: 1

    Pretty simple chapter. Promoted Lowen so he could use axes, but his low strength meant that he still only 3HKOs the armors. Bartre got some valuable experience (and some speed), while Matthew went to go get the Goddess Icon. Eliwood handled the Axereaver pegasi, while Lyn was the designated Aion-killer. She ended up reaching level 20 after she crit Aion and killed a sniper.

    Ch 20: 7/87 Attempts: 1

    Hector was one square short of being next to Darin on turn 5 and couldn't double with the hammer, so I had to settle for 7 turns. On the bright side, I got to recruit Legault for his stuff. Hector maxed his level. Not much else to say.

    Ch 21: 4/91 Attempts: 1

    Stole Uleg's Hero Crest, grabbed the restore staff. Bought some tomes and steel weapons. Bartre got some more speed. Priscilla spammed the Torch staff a lot. Lowen got to D axes.


    Unit		Lvl	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WLv
    Hector 		20.00 	36 	18 	12 	13 	09 	16   	05 	A Axe
    Matthew    	14.41 	27 	05 	09 	18 	11 	07 	02 	B Swd
    Eliwood   	10.96 	25 	10 	10 	09 	13 	06 	02 	A Swd
    Bartre   	13.79 	36 	14 	08 	10 	06 	06 	01 	B Axe
    Lowen    	03.76 	36 	11 	08 	13 	11 	12 	04 	C Swd, B Lnc, D Axe
    Erk        	06.20 	40 	22 	16 	21 	13 	10 	18 	S Anima, E Staves
    Priscilla  	07.56 	17 	08 	08 	09 	09 	03 	09 	A Staves
    Lyn        	20.00 	28 	15 	19  	19 	15  	07  	06 	A Swd
    Ninian    	04.50 	15 	00 	00 	13 	13 	06  	07 	--

    [spoiler=Averages Comparisons]Hector: Close to average. Slightly below in Skl and Def, slightly above in Spd and Lck.

    Matthew: Screwed in Str and Spd. Why.

    Eliwood: A little above average in Str, Skl, and Lck, a little below in Spd, Def, and Res.

    Lowen: Lck blessed, Skl and Def screwed.

    Erk: Dear lord. -3.6 HP, +6.4 Mag, +0.4 Skl, +2 Spd, +2.8 Lck, +.2 Def, +1.4 Res. Completely insane.

    Priscilla: Almost exactly average.

    Lyn: -1.3 HP, +2 Str, +0.6 Skl, -1 Spd, -0.55 Lck, + 1.2 Def, + 0.3 Res. Not bad.

    Ninian: Probably the only speed screwed Ninian ever.

  6. More progress

    Ch 17x: 6/63 Attempts: 1

    Went through the middle. Eliwood killed the pirates in the far north and got a few levels. Lyn got an insanely lucky dodge on the swordslayer pirate (it had ~77 displayed on her). Erk capped level, and will promote after I get the first ring. Canas get, used his secret book on Hector. Not much else to say. Matthew's only contribution was stealing a vulnerary. Got the sleep staff and devil axe.

    Ch 18: 4/67 Attempts: 1

    Having two mounts is really helpful for carrying bosskillers (Hector, in this case) quickly. Everyone did something useful here; Matthew stole a pure water and speedwings, Hector killed Zoldam, Bartre killed some shamans, Priscilla and Lowen carried Matthew and Hector, Eliwood bought things and killed a pegasus, and Lyn + Erk killed the eastern sword guys.

    Ch 19: 6/73 Attempts: 1

    Promoted Erk. UberErk makes this not an annoying chapter. A thunder crit on Uhai would have made it a 5-turn, but it's such a tiny chance I didn't expect it to happen. Speedwings went to Lowen so he could double most of the enemies, including all but one nomad. Matthew spammed torches, and I got the torch staff for staffspamming later.


    Unit		Lvl	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WLv
    Hector 		17.29 	33 	17 	10 	13 	07 	14   	05 	A Axe
    Matthew    	13.70 	26 	05 	09 	18 	11 	07 	02 	B Swd
    Eliwood   	09.34 	24 	09 	09 	08 	13 	06 	02 	B Swd
    Bartre   	10.19 	35 	13 	06 	08 	04 	06 	01 	C Axe
    Lowen    	13.21 	32 	09 	07 	11 	10 	09 	03 	D Swd, C Lnc
    Erk        	02.93 	38 	20 	16 	19 	11 	10 	14 	A Anima, E Staves
    Priscilla  	05.95 	17 	08 	07 	08 	08 	03 	07 	B Staves
    Lyn        	17.92 	27 	13 	16  	17 	15  	06  	06 	A Swd

    I think I see a promotion in Lowen's near future.This is also without a doubt the best Erk I've ever had.

  7. Ch 16: 7/46 Attempts: 1

    Fast enough for me, considering no Marcus or Florina. Erk helped a ton, being able to one-round literally everything. Hector spent quite a bit of time being carried by Priscilla and Lowen. I ended up wasting some Wolf Beil uses on Bauker, since Erk was in range for next player phase but I didn't notice. Also, Matthew finally gained a point of strength!

    Ch 17: 11/57 Attempts: 2

    Ugh. Could have easily been 10, but Hector double missed. Recruited Raven and Lucius for their stuff. Got the Knight Crest and the Silver Sword. Not much else noteworthy happened, although I'm glad I have two mounted units to ferry Hector. Bartre and Lowen continue to gain shitty levels, Erk and Hector continue to gain awesome levels.


    Unit		Lvl	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WLv
    Hector 		14.97 	31 	14 	06 	12 	06 	13   	05 	B Axe
    Matthew    	13.28 	26 	05 	09 	18 	11 	07 	02 	B Swd
    Eliwood   	05.82 	20 	07 	08 	08 	10 	06 	01 	C Swd
    Bartre   	08.37 	34 	12 	06 	06 	04 	06 	00 	C Axe
    Lowen    	10.66 	30 	08 	07 	09 	09 	07 	02 	D Swd, C Lnc
    Erk        	17.28 	32 	15 	15 	18 	08 	06 	10 	A Anima
    Priscilla  	05.07 	17 	08 	07 	08 	08 	03 	07 	C Staves
    Lyn        	15.87	27 	11 	15  	16 	15  	06  	04 	A Swd

    Lowen, why are you still at base defense? Urgh. Bartre is even worse, and got two levels in a row with nothing but HP.

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