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Everything posted by Othin

  1. It's unfortunate but seems kind of unavoidable in a game with reclassing, especially to the extent here where you can get literally any character into any standard class.
  2. As has been explained over and over again, being a trope is not an excuse.
  3. Who is "they"? I've never seen any reason to believe that the actual LGBT+ people in Japan are any less concerned about this shit, just that any concerns they do have get ignored by the rest of the population even more than in the West. Changing the supports helps address the problem, but the fact that the conversation even exists in the Japanese version is still an issue.
  4. So steel weapons don't actually make you easier to be double attacked? That's confusing. No wonder I haven't always been able to keep track of the thresholds.
  5. Crummiest? I haven't tried that one, but effective weapons seem really good in this game.
  6. Lack of awareness of LGBT+ issues in Japan does not excuse insulting portrayals of those issues.
  7. Strange. How does it interact with Parallel Seals?
  8. It's absolutely creepy; slipping someone a drug without their consent just isn't fucking okay. Again, I think acid is a fair comparison: you're not completely incapacitating someone but you sure are messing with their view of reality.
  9. "Hey I slipped you acid because I thought it'd make you like me. Sorry about that. Marry me anyway?"
  10. Gameplay is definitely improved. Weapons are fine; the stat boosts are generally within reason. Except on Ryouma's sword but everything about both him and his sword is just ridiculously overpowered. Awakening's gameplay wasn't grindy in the first place so I don't know what you're talking about but yes you can easily ignore it in Hoshido and of course you don't even have the option in Nohr. Don't know as much about story; it seems okay but with some issues. Weird character outfits make it hard to take things seriously and apparently there are some issues with the supports. I haven't played the Third Path and I'm avoiding info about it until I get through Nohr and tackle it myself.
  11. Yeah that staff is terrifying, especially since it seems to most often show up on Strategists.
  12. Exactly. There's more to a translation than literally conveying the exact things the characters said in the original. Sometimes things have to be changed, either because they don't translate well or other reasons. And it offers room to improve things by making changes that aren't strictly necessary but results in a better product overall. Absolute accuracy is meaningless. If someone actually cares that much about what the characters said in the original version, then anytime they're even aware of a change, it'll mean they've learned what the original said anyway. The benefit of making it a tiny bit more aesthetically pleasing to those people is nothing compared to making the game a better experience for the rest.
  13. Is there any precedent for games getting a lower age rating in the United States than in Japan without changes to the content in question? Since that's what would be required for it to stay as-is and get a T rating.
  14. The fact that this shit shows up other places doesn't make it okay. In fact, that's the whole reason it's so bad: the fact that it's so prevalent that people think it's fine due to seeing it everywhere when it's actually completely disgusting.
  15. I don't remember specifics, but I remember being confident they weren't the ones that couldn't double. I'll pay more attention for future situations like that. Yeah that staff is brutal. I just had my first encounter with it and the character that got hit was one-rounded that turn.
  16. I'm aware, that's exactly why I said what I did. I'm not sure what you think you're informing me of. There's nothing "questionable" about it. And how DARE people say they'd rather have the game turn out in a way they'd feel comfortable purchasing than a way they don't, right?
  17. It's not about ratings; it's about the fact that so much of it is just disgusting. If the English version still has a scene where the player avatar literally drugs someone to fall in love with him, I'm just flat-out not buying it. That's just not okay.
  18. What the fuck? Localization team, please just destroy this.
  19. That skill sounds powerful, but I would say it still doesn't push Guard Stance to the level of overpowered of Pair Up in Awakening just because the pair bonuses are so much lower.
  20. I don't know much about the story and characters, although from what I've seen I'm not super impressed so far. I don't think Awakening did too great in that area either, but I'm very confused by their claims of making big improvements to it. The shitty outfits don't help with taking things seriously, either. Mechanically, though, it's fantastic. Keeps all the smoothness of Awakening but with a lot more substance and meaningful tactical decisions to make. Some maps are rather easy to slip right through but overall it's very solid. I haven't tried Lunatic yet; so far I've gone through Hoshido Hard and now I'm going through Nohr Hard, but there are definitely some challenges already.
  21. Yeah, that'd fit. It's fixed; the game just lists off the stat boosts you're set to receive just like any other promotion only they're really big. I assume it's based on average gains.
  22. Oh shit, that's how debuffs work? Yikes. As for clubs, I think they actually don't have a stat modifier, strange as it is. I'm also really confused about the double attacking thing. How do they even normally work? I spent a while convinced that the double attacking threshold had been moved up to 6 because I never seemed to be able to double at 5 even with weapons that seemed like they shouldn't have been a problem, until I got doubled by a boss at 5. And based on how stuff like Steel weapons work, it seems like applying that effect to both player and enemy would cancel out.
  23. Nothing about the children mechanic makes sense. It doesn't matter how many things about a proposed fix won't make sense either. And yeah on top of the whole shitty connotations behind how you're using "homo", the fact that you're saying "they" seems to indicate that you're viewing non-straight people as this distant faction rather than actually being among the people right here arguing about this.
  24. No. Between the lower bonuses for Guard Stance and the potentially large offensive benefit of Attack Stance, it doesn't have anywhere near the universal application it had in Awakening. It's still fantastic defensively, between the stat bonuses, Dual Guards, and nullifying enemy Dual Attacks, but there's way more thought about "is this actually worth it?" and overusing it really will hurt. Still opens up just as much movement shenanigans though.
  25. It's not so much the children themselves as gameplay parity. No one would care about a lack of playable kids for same-sex pairings if the same was true for opposite-sex pairings, but it's hard for me to get as excited about the option of marrying another guy when it'd mean missing out on two playable characters. And again, even the kids that are already available only show up through 100% contrived convenient magic. It's not too much to ask for them to adopt a kid and bring them into the castle dimension to grow up, or to get help from a surrogate, maybe with some sort of spell so the kids get the genetics of both of them rather than just one. If they can do what they've already done just to bring in the playable kids feature people like, they can do that much more to extend it equally to same-sex couples.
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