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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Ah, so that's what that thingy was referring to. Wonder what they'll do different from regular shops.
  2. Now that you mention it, I'm not quite sure. Regardless, as I said in my edit, we don't have enough information to say anything about your conclusions.
  3. Wrong. I didn't address that point, because I didn't have anything to say about it. We don't have the information to determine anything about that: we don't know how fast she'll level up after promotion, and we don't know her total promoted Str growth.
  4. FE11/12 didn't just change growths on promotions. They changed growths in response to any class change. In FE11/12, promoted classes generally had stats along the same lines as their unpromoted counterparts, so promotions had little to no growth changes. In FE13, this is not the case. Classes change their stats radically on certain promotions, having huge increases in some stats and sometimes losses in others, therefore the absence of reclassing is no reason why the growth-adjustment system would be removed. Certainly, with both Mage and Cleric promoting to Sage, then unless Mage and Cleric have the same base growths (very unlikely), then Sage would have to have different growths compared to one of the two and therefore justify a growth adjustment. tl;dr: Growth adjustments don't need to be added. They just need to be retained, just like how stat adjustments are retained.
  5. I've never heard any such considerations. Shit mobility and shit cap for her best stat while having basically no advantage over other options doesn't add up to a good choice at all. Great Shield essentially gives up to +20% Avoid. Better to have a character that can dodge or just avoid putting characters into situations where they need that 20% (at most) chance to survive. I would rather have Armor Knights get a promotion option that vastly changes how they play compared to Generals. Great Knights could do that. Halberdiers might not. You wouldn't just need the class to lack a Def promotion gain; it would likely need a negative promotion gain as well as a considerable loss of Def growth in exchange for a lot of Spd growth in order to work. It would require rewriting the character's playstyle entirely. Don't set yourself up for disappointment. Cavalier --> Great Knight has a negative Spd promotion gain because it has a lower Spd base than Cavalier. It has this lower base because it promotes from a different class with an even lower Spd base. Mark my words: Every promoted class in FE13 with a negative promotion gain from one unpromoted class has a different unpromoted class that can also promote into it with a positive promotion gain. For Great Knights, that unpromoted class is Knight. Green Soldiers show up all the time. They mean nothing.
  6. Don't say "we". You don't; I would. Athos is my favorite example of the problems with these lists. You look at a typical FE7 tier list, and Athos is ranked low. It sounds like that means "don't use Athos". But that's ridiculous; of course you should use Athos. He doesn't need training; he doesn't need (contested) weapons; he doesn't even need a unit slot. Actually, I would rank units based on their ability to compete for a unit slot throughout their availability, so because of that last point, there's no need to even rank Athos, same with most Lords. If they're going to be forcibly deployed in every mission, then there's no question of whether or not to use them, so what is there to rate?
  7. Nothing to misunderstand, because that's false. Perfection, in all things. Accept nothing less. I always seek the truth, the right answer, however much it may go against existing conventions. Anyone who refuses to consider alternatives is an obstacle that must be worked around or removed.
  8. Hm, I wonder if they'll work in like FE10's generics. Could be interesting.
  9. ... Amelia is the worst unit in FE8. She's terrible no matter what you do with her, but General and Super Recruit are probably her worst options. I don't know of any strategic reason why anyone would make her either class, and preferences are far too volatile to expect the designers to account for. Personally, I like the possibility of having six Great Knights if I wanted to. I should try that sometime. If I were to use Gilliam, I'd make him a Great Knight. Great Shield is next to useless; it's better than shit like Sure Shot and maybe Pierce, but its activation rate is way too low for an ability that won't matter most of the time anyway.
  10. It seems to have a chance element, so hopefully he'll have a way to get the chances high enough to be meaningful.
  11. Hah. Call me when there's a Shining Force section on the site. I think that's worth at least a minor favor, right Vincent?
  12. Was kind of in a rush checking this and missed the context of your remark. Never mind; my bad.
  13. The fact that this place tends to have tier lists that focus overly on availability does not change the fact that that is wrong. Renee's lack of availability earlier does not change that she is a fantastic choice for the time she's available, and should be used for that reason, and the tier list should reflect the advantages of using her while she's available. I was disputing Kriess being penalized for existing. If recruitment cost isn't being considered (it should be), then the small cost of keeping Kriess alive must similarly not be considered.
  14. Identical skills for each character aren't useful for differentiating characters; neither are ineffective skills. For skills to be useful for differentiating characters and for encouraging new strategies, they need to be activated at will or be more situational in their usefulness, while being useful. The two are not mutually exclusive; do not claim that they are just because FE9 failed to have useful skills. I linked to a list of perfectly viable, strategic, varied skills that serves as an excellent example of a skill system done right; both TRS and BS did this well.
  15. Yes, this is the case. Crimea = White Daein = Black Begnion = Red Order = Gold I liked the chaos of people winding up with unwanted badges, personally, but this is fun, too. Now we just need the Saga games added to the "Favorite FE game" field.
  16. That's really just an issue of "if Armor Knights are bad then they'll be bad".
  17. It would definitely be a hassle to update, I'm sure. Given how little actually happened there, I think sticking with this thread is probably best for now.
  18. If you're talking about it as a Soldier promotion, yes.
  19. Yeah, that's what I mean. A Halberdier path, combined with an FE2-style armored path. Shedding armor, however, doesn't seem to fit. Would Knight --> Halberdier have a negative Def promotion gain, or would Halberdiers just already be that defensive? It just seems odd to me, either way.
  20. Yeah, that does seem like the most logical possibility. He's at least as well armored as Duessel, but standards seem higher now. Halberdier could make sense as an alternate Soldier promotion, but not for a Knight. Also, Impale would need to be radically changed in order to matter. It might make more sense simply being replaced with a critical bonus like with Swordmasters, since that's about all it equates to.
  21. Halberdier sounds unlikely. Great Knight could make sense, but 4 --> 7 Move is kind of a big jump, and it's not clear whether or not Great Knights are armored again. Great Knight Sol looks armored, but Frederick seems more lightly armored than I would expect for an armored unit, much lighter than Callum's armor and even lighter than Sol's. The one big thing I see pointing to it is that Cavalier --> Great Knight has a Speed loss due to Great Knights' lower Spd base. Presumably, that's to put their base closer to that of a slower class also promoting to them. All that in mind, though, I have to wonder about how Generals will be able to compete with Great Knights, especially with the likelihood that Knights will promote to them. GKs have +2 Move now and possibly console-style Canto, as well as three weapon types and 14 base Def, which appears to be the highest base. Great Shield isn't likely to cut it. Maybe Generals will get bows again?
  22. Yeah, you couldn't have 3-10 without seeing Elincia do stuff as Queen of Crimea before that. It just wouldn't work.
  23. At the end of FE9, Elincia takes over as Queen of Crimea. We needed to see that sometime before she showed up in the middle of Part 3. Show, don't tell: It would not have been enough to just mention that she had been ruling the country, but her actions as ruled needed to be seen in action. That was necessary to conclude the previous story and continue on to where this one wound up. Similarly, the game could have potentially skipped over Part 1 and simply told the player that Micaiah freed Daein from Begnion. Would that be enough? Of course not. We needed to see the story ourselves.
  24. He also hasn't been online in over a month and a half. No point in bumping a tier list that can't be updated.
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