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Everything posted by Othin

  1. That's the sort of thing I'd expect, yeah. I haven't looked at FE6's script well enough to know how it fits. If the Japanese text contains language for bandits and mercenaries that can be translated in similar ways, I would say they should do so. If not, then you're right; Alan's language does seem a bit harsh. We can start looking into this if you want. Do you have any examples in mind?
  2. I think the first part refers to FE1 and the last sentence refers to the first few chapters of FE3, with no mention of the rest of FE3.
  3. If two letters and a slash are the best response you can give for my demonstration of why there is a difference, I'll take that to say that your answer to my first question is "no".
  4. Ah, but FE11/12 didn't just change growths when characters promoted; they changed stats as well, in accordance with the difference between the promoted and unpromoted classes' base stats. FE13 does the same. Now, there have been other games where promotion gains were determined in this way. But for the others, characters had a fixed class progression; there would be no point to having their growths change as well, since it wouldn't offer any control over growths. However, in FE13, it would. FE13 is the second FE game to have a full branched class system, and of the two, it's the first to have promotion gains determined based on class stats. So it all makes sense that it would have the growth changes as well. There's also the simple fact that it's a good and logical idea. It wasn't applied in FE8, but there had never been a system for adjusting character growths based on class in such a way, and promotion gains were being treated in a different, less connected manner. Now that the series has such a system, and promotion gains are back to applying the difference between the two classes, there's no reason why they wouldn't do it. Looking at base stats, the Str stat changes from being shit to being about as good at the other stats. For that, a difference of 20% or even more seems reasonable; to look at changes that have already happened, it's the same as the Cleric --> Myrmidon Str growth change in FE12. (Looking at enemy growths, since separate player class growths seem less likely, but the difference is even bigger there to make up for the negative numbers.) Other class changes in this game don't seem like they'll involve the same leaping around in focus as to have the huge growth changes that Reclassing can entail, but this is a big enough shift in focus that Cleric --> Battle Cleric's Str is likely to have one of the largest changes the system will offer.
  5. Or an impact on important characters. The finale doesn't have to take on every little thing that's happened throughout a story.
  6. Her stats do seem low. Might just be a demonstration of a promotion from LV10, which opens up more room for increases later. What seems more significant with regard to her Strength is any growth bonus she might get after promotion. I think it's quite likely promotion choices will impact growths, so she'll get some bonus in that area.
  7. Part 2 being a side story does not make it filler.
  8. I can't see that as a possibility, knowing that IS isn't entirely composed of idiots.
  9. This is a good point. I forgot about that specific example, but that does seem to be the most likely possibility.
  10. Mario is comical, Link is mute, Samus usually doesn't talk. Is that comparison supposed to do anything other than make you look foolish? FE's characters are portrayed in situations with a serious atmosphere, where they talk much like how you would expect people to talk. They don't all need to curse, but especially for the cruder of the characters, it's perfectly reasonable for them to swear sometimes, especially at this sort of time.
  11. It seems to me like a bit of a side story, a prologue for other characters that become important later but would seem awkward just jumping in when they do in Part 3/4.
  12. It should be jarring. It's a damn death quote.
  13. Sol appears to have defenses Armor Knights would envy, so I damn well hope Soiree has less defenses. On the other hand, these were Sol's stats before promoting, according to the image: HP: 40 Str: 19 Mag: 2 Skl: 14 Spd: 19 Luck: 13 Def: 20 Res: 4 If those stats are meant to be both accurate (with relatively typical stats he might have at some point before promotion) and on the same 0-30 scale as most of the series, there isn't much room for improvement in terms of Speed, either. You don't see many characters capping or nearly capping Str/Spd/Def before promotion. So I think it's safe to say that either Sol won't likely get stats that high or those stats won't be as high as they look.
  14. He's in the image Vincent linked to a few pages back, with the unpromoted class stats. Same giant neck armor as Sol, but with bare shoulders. What the fuck, seriously. Also, his expression is terrible.
  15. My thoughts exactly. I mean, he's dying. Who here wouldn't let out a bit of profanity if you got a sword stuck through you and knew you weren't going to survive?
  16. http://serenesforest.net/fe13/img/070312B.jpg The battle shot from behind. Oh god. So it's not enough for him to walk around silently in all that armor; he can fly around without being noticed as well? This guy's got skills.
  17. The glitch doesn't entail using Krisheenu, does it? I never actually learned how to do it, but that's what it seems like, and if that's the case it shouldn't have any impact on her rating. Availability should never be considered for tier lists. If Renee is amazing for the whole time she's available, which she is, she belongs right near the top to indicate that she's worth using for all of her time on the team. She's also the only character with the Warp staff, unlike FE5 Warpers which are interchangeable. Lionel and Vega are monstrous. Sun and Frau do not belong ahead of them by any stretch of the imagination. Sennet and Tia can't be rated. Maerhen deserves his own tier. He's that bad. This thread does not belong here. It belongs here. If we want people to care about this game, we should show that it belongs right alongside all the rest. And indeed, the board's description explicitly permits this. --- Regarding Kriess: You say making it more difficult to recruit Leteena is a substantial point against Kriess. But you rate Leteena only one space above Rebecca, the tiniest of margins. The way I see it, there are three reasons why Leteena would be so close to Rebecca. A) Leteena really isn't that much better than Rebecca anyway B) Leteena is being (substantially) penalized for her non-Kriess recruitment requirements C) Leteena is being (substantially) penalized for her Kriess-related recruitment requirements If the reason is A, B, or some combination of the two, that means you don't get a whole lot out of sacrificing Kriess anyway, and therefore it shouldn't be much of a point against him. If the reason is C, that means Kriess must actually be good, in order for it to matter that much - probably better than Leteena. Whatever the reason, your current ratings for Kriess, Leteena, and Rebecca, when looked at together, are utterly ridiculous. Unless Leteena can be moved up, Rebecca down, or both, then move Kriess up.
  18. In the most recent games, weapon triangle early in the game is just +/-5 Hit, and rare items are almost nonexistent; the items available are easily bought. Certainly, the distinction is a bit more substantial in the other games, but it remains to be seen what the future will hold.
  19. A single profanity does not necessarily have excessive impact in America. To some, it does; to others, it loses too much impact. Changing it to a "lesser" swear is sacrificing meaning for the sake of censorship and should be avoided.
  20. An FE12 Iron Sword vs. Iron Axe is 2 Mt vs. 20 Hit. When that bit of change is just about the only difference between weapon types, it's not a "perfectly fine" difference in any sense.
  21. Weapon type is not necessarily a "damn big difference". In recent games, it's pretty much an extra couple of points of Mt in exchange for a bit less Hit. Now, if the weapon types get more diversity in their options *cough*, the difference would be more substantial.
  22. In that case, why have both Mercs and Fighters? Either way, the Mercs are just an unnecessary middle ground. Heroes can serve that role; the unpromoted classes are already too similar to need it.
  23. Indeed it did. They were mainly used by enemies, but several player characters had the Summon skill needed to use them regardless. The monsters were generally weak and served primarily as distractions, but they worked. I certainly found that the few times I summoned them during my playthrough, they tended to be more useful than the FE8 summons, mainly because they were summoned in groups of about three at once and could survive weak hits instead of getting OHKOed. In that game, another difference is that they were used specifically by dedicated staff users, rather than mages that had summoning as a side ability separate from other stuff (and staffs as another side ability not connected to summoning). This seems to correspond to FE2's White Magic, the category that essentially took the role of staffs and contained all summoning spells. Meanwhile, Black Magic took the role of tomes. Characters used one or the other primarily, but they could use a basic spell from the other type after promoting: mages could use a basic healing spell when promoted, while healers could use a special attacking spell with bonus damage against monsters. Within their magic type, different characters could learn different spells, much like personal weapons in other games. All in all, an interesting system.
  24. I'm just talking about this specific instance in the fan translation. Makes sense that it would show up in other games and be toned down in the official translation, for the ones that got one.
  25. I don't know enough Japanese to read the descriptions, but the Great Knight and Battle Cleric both have descriptions including the kanji 斧, meaning "axe". I don't see other weapon kanji I recognize (particularly 剣 for sword and 槍 for spear) in the Great Knight or Paladin descriptions, so I'm guessing Paladin is just sticking with the Cavalier's original equipment, probably swords and lances. And yes. If there's anything else you're curious about, I like poking around and explaining this stuff, so ask away.
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