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Everything posted by Othin

  1. I think people have pretty much translated TRS and started to work on a translation patch, but I haven't heard anything about it actually going anywhere. Banzai and I have been working on translating Berwick Saga, but it's a slow process. And neither of us has the slightest idea of how to actually make such a patch.
  2. No translation patch? Lack of ways to play it? (It's obnoxiously slow on older computers, to the point of being basically unplayable.) If neither of those are issues, I do suggest at least giving it a try.
  3. This is what I'm hoping for, and with the same concern. Her growth before promotion has to be pitiful, but I don't think they'd want to leave her Str like that afterward.
  4. Decided to skip to the last update. He points out some legitimate problems (most of which I was well aware of) as well as a whole lot of idiocy. This is no place to go into detail, so I'll just say that I'm left with the impression that the LP demonstrates absolutely nothing of any value. I'd offer to argue this elsewhere, but I have better things to do with my time, like actually playing the games. And with that, I take my leave of this discussion.
  5. Trample wasn't my idea. But I'd suggest that a lot of stuff along the lines of these could work quite well: http://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Berwick_Saga_Skills
  6. Comparing Golden Sun to FE7? Now that's just uncalled for. Unless you mean Dark Dawn. Feel free to hate on that one as much as you wish.
  7. From what I understand, the Holy King is indeed supposed to be Marth. Apparently either that term or an equivalent one used to describe the same character is the same as Marth's title at the end of FE3. So yes, that seems to be the case.
  8. Liz's class translates directly as Sister. This is typical for the Cleric class; characters like Serra and Natasha have their class listed as Sister in the Japanese version. Mist is the exception; her class translates directly as "Cleric" in the Japanese version, at least in the FE9 version; looking up FE10 info, I'm a bit confused, but it seems to be the case as well. There's still no way to tell, but so far that makes it seem like Liz's class is more likely to be a typical one than a special one. Doesn't mean other characters really will have the class, but the possibility appears open.
  9. Briggid/Holyn and Fury/Claude are both fun and good pairings, with some unique and valuable options due to the weapon levels. Aideen can do well with just about anyone with Pursuit. Fin and Beowulf are both options if you don't want to go with Midir again. Lachesis is a similar story. I'm personally a fan of Lachesis/Lex, although I only recommend it if you're willing to give the Pursuit Ring to Delmudd. I'm sure giving the Pursuit Ring to Arthur is a better option, but Arthur does fine without it, and if you're interested in trying fun new things rather than the best things, it should suit you fine.
  10. Haven't played enough of FFTA to comment on it. If the system is anything like FFV's, it seems to me like a bit of a different matter. Branched promotions clearly entail a changing of class, so it's obvious that that's not what he was referring to.
  11. Seems to me that's been apparent since MU's class was confirmed. There isn't any good way to do reclassing, period, so hooray!
  12. Excellent. Well, Archanea being the starting place is just as expected. From what I understand, Valencia was depicted as closely associated with Archanea in FE2, so it makes sense, although it is a bit surprising. Hopefully they'll pull it off well.
  13. This makes sense, but what seems more strange is the Resistance loss from Cleric --> Sage. To answer whoever suggested it before, it does make more sense that the charts are referring to caps, since the differences are so huge between choices and HP and Luck are excluded. Regardless, I hope growths are impacted somehow.
  14. It does seem reasonable that this game might take on graphical design aspects from those games. I'm sure character models would give a clearer indication, if anyone feels like analyzing them. Man, I'm also really glad about Great Knights not having the stupid Move loss, but what's with the decreasing other stats for some classes? Those differences are more minor, but it's just weird.
  15. How about an agreement to a conduct of sportsmanship?
  16. With all the weapon/magic crossing, I think weapons like that are a certainty, perhaps even multiple of them.
  17. I haven't played past Ch1 in H5 (hell, I haven't played past Ch3 in this game ever), but don't all the bosses of the first three or so chapters require ridiculous luck on H5? Seems like if H5 is kept, it could be worth suspending the draft conditions entirely until Ch4 - just like how all characters are free for the first three chapters, resets don't start counting during that time either. Just a thought. I think I'd join under these conditions, even with H5.
  18. I'm curious about the green diagrams to the right of the promotion gains. They seem to display ratings in different stats, but I don't know enough Japanese to tell what sort of rating it is. If it's growth rates, it seems to indicate growth rates are impacted by class choices, and I'm really hoping they are; it was unfortunate how the only ways class choice could impact stats in FE8 were promotion gains and caps. Movement stats seem to be back to the GBA numbers, aside from Great Knights losing that stupid Move drop they had in FE8. Having mages and healers apparently back to the same Move as other foot units is definitely a welcome adjustment.
  19. Looks like he already addressed savestates. Banzai, to be clear: Barring the exceptions, every time an undrafted unit enters battle, that's a +4, even if they're attacked and don't counter? Is that how you're addressing this? What if an undrafted character enters battle, but you wind up restarting the level? Does the penalty accumulate or does it only apply if the unit was used on the successful attempt?
  20. Othin

    The worst pokemon

    That's completely illogical. That same logic applies to absolutely everything in the game, and almost universally more so than any legendary.
  21. Maybe he/she will promote for the stat gains and level reset but just not get new weapons because of having so many already?
  22. H4 or lower and I'll join. I should probably say H3, but where's the fun in that?
  23. In a game with serious balance issues, sure, that's all that matters.
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