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Everything posted by Othin

  1. I read somewhere that Jaffar is 18-19, but I can't find the source to check whether it's one worth listening to. Thought it was listed here, but it doesn't seem to be.
  2. Sol's hair is wilder, and his armor is slightly different. But yeah, they do seem similar.
  3. In that case, it doesn't seem right that Masked Guy would be getting the focus he/she does. There's also the brief scene of him/her running to some sort of gate or portal, which seems like it would be odd for a puppet.
  4. These images (taken from the FE13 section of this site) seem to clearly depict the two as fighting each other. Others seem to depict them as allies - I believe the video showed them fighting back to back against some common enemies, helping each other rather than fighting. Others, such as this "swords crossed" one and the box art, are more vague, and seem to depict them as somewhere between the two, which I think will turn out to be closest to the overall truth.
  5. No, Rajaion died during FE9's ending. This is more clear in the Japanese version.
  6. Well in that case we now know precisely nothing of any value that we didn't know before you posted. Congratulations?
  7. I don't think the gestation period is an issue, but the other concerns certainly are.
  8. Hair color and Falchions? Is there anything beyond that?
  9. He has a bit of a slow start; it's not so bad unless you're playing for ranks. That's his only issue, and it's not a big one.
  10. There is no reason to praise a change from shit into different shit.
  11. From a gameplay perspective, masteries as they are are really just another kind of critical hit. That's boring.
  12. I don't remember ever even noticing the Thief. And yes, use Asvel.
  13. It's a 3DS game. I'm sure we'll get damn good music no matter what.
  14. The chapter isn't that bad, really.
  15. Overwhelming-ness of evidence is in the eye of the evidence-holder. It astounds me that you think it's so strange when people don't appreciate your arguments as much as you do, regardless of whether you're right or wrong.
  16. Or maybe they hate the non-resource parts for more rational reasons, as I explained above.
  17. In a dispute, people always think their side is ironclad truth. It's human nature. When one will assume that whether it's true or not, building different arguments based on the assertion that the previous one must be true is simply idiotic.
  18. Ah, because I was telling dondon he was expecting too much substance out of FE6's dialogue, right? Yes, you're quite insane.
  19. It would be awfully hard for anyone to agree with me, as I haven't taken a side here in this dispute. Arguments are fun, but not when the subject lacks enough substance for an interesting dispute.
  20. Seems to me trying to find anything interesting in FE6's story and characters is generally a waste of time.
  21. It's a fantastic resource, but they've gotten way too ban-happy lately. I couldn't stick around and remain sane after they banned Excadrill and Thundurus.
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