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Everything posted by Othin

  1. I disagree as always with any distinction between a Jagen and an Oifaye. Some Jagens are old, some are young. Some are good, some are bad. Oifaye is not an archetype; he is just a member of an existing archetype.
  2. All scroll information is here: http://serenesforest.net/fe5/scroll.html
  3. Roy was a future lord when he was added.
  4. Entirely separate areas like the special worlds are play value, not replay value - even if most of them are based on previous levels. The special worlds really just make the game longer, but even then it's still short.
  5. That sounds a bit late for the discussion to matter in the first place.
  6. It was fun, but it seemed short even with the special levels, at least without doing everything over again with Luigi.
  7. I never understood the hate for Air's Rock. It's long, but fun. And with glitches, you can skip the sand maze and half the first descent, so it's not even that long anymore. I also regard the Water Temple as OoT's biggest highlight, so maybe I just have weird taste in dungeons. On an unrelated note, Stark, if you think GS1 is too easy, I suggest avoiding GS3. But that might be a good idea anyway, at least for the time being.
  8. I certainly hope so. I'm really curious about what the game progression will be like. I mean, if B/W 1's main characters are still around (perhaps in a manner akin to Red/Blue), it would likely cause issues for the new main characters to randomly come from the same place, so maybe we'll be seeing some re-ordering of things.
  9. Best: Shannam Worst: Yoda Fucker screwed up Rigel's Sunflame rampage.
  10. And we must keep in mind that that's how Marth has always been.
  11. Based on the box, it looks sort of like there's a gem in Krom's sword - I thought the same thing at first. However, comparing to other images, it's easy to tell that it's just an empty space shared between both swords.
  12. I've never had any problems keeping Olwen alive. Move faster, maybe?
  13. Apparently it's a full sequel, although we'll have to see if they pull it off well. Personally, I'm excited, although I'm probably only going to buy one of them. (Black 2, since I already have White.)
  14. Ahh, fascinating. And thoroughly in accordance with my theory, too.
  15. It won't be viewed as negative, because people know that it's the same response they always give.
  16. Sometimes islands spread apart, sometimes they shove together. Indeed, the land of the Earth used to be a single mass, Pangaea. Before that, the land of the Earth was a collection of islands and continents that eventually shoved themselves together to form Pangaea. Before that, the land of the Earth was a single mass, Pannotia. Before that, the land of the Earth was a collection of islands and continents that eventually shoved themselves together to form Pannotia. Before that, the land of the Earth was a single mass, Rodnia... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supercontinent_cycle The monsters we see in the game do not line up with Akaneia history, and the level of technology appears above that seen in FE1/3. Furthermore, the game must be separated from FE1/3 by at least a few hundred years for so many differences to exist, but Marth and anyone relevant anything like him were not even born a few hundred years before the events of FE1/3, leaving a few hundred years after FE1/3 as the only logical possibility for why some "form" of Marth would show up now.
  17. No one will be interested in the same vague, dismissive, useless response we get no matter what they're planning.
  18. Anger does not mean evil. When there's a serious threat from an antagonist, good guys tend to have a lot to be pissed about.
  19. Have previous "true" antagonists in the series ever appeared on box arts? I don't remember that ever happening, so even if Marth isn't exactly a protagonist, his role is still something... different.
  20. Is it just me, or does his expression look sinister? There's something up with him, for certain.
  21. It's highly unlikely you'll get even that much. See the above suggestion.
  22. Are you expecting them to say anything of substance about anything?
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