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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Damn butterflies. And just while I'm watching Steins Gate, too.
  2. I meant why it being European would be an issue for recharging it in the first place. Didn't know about the differently shaped power cables, but yeah, that should be easy to work around.
  3. Roy and Eliwood are pretty much clones in their respective games. At least as much so as Marth and Marth II, from what we can see - bearing in mind that, just as you noted, his face is behind a mask. You may as well ask what's the point of having "Marth" wear a mask whoever he is. Certainly, I couldn't possibly make so much of a guess at this point, knowing absolutely nothing about the story at this point, so there's no point in asking me such questions.
  4. Why would that be an issue? Yeah, we should keep in mind that the most recent FE game to be released outside of Japan went through the exact same process. There's nothing to be afraid of.
  5. Did they confirm that it would be characters from without the series, rather than just FE1/3? If so, we may really be seeing that crossover game. Fascinating.
  6. Descendant sounds most likely, to me. FE lords aren't known for having overly different-looking offspring.
  7. Oh, that's good to hear. I must have missed it; do we know when?
  8. This isn't recent Akaneia history. Too much is different already. If there's one thing the character designs demonstrate, it's that society and technology have advanced, putting this game some time after FE1/3. Which means Marth should not be at the age he's displayed in the trailer, so either it isn't Marth or something happened to him - and either one seems necessary to explain why he seems different. The thing is, if it's too closely dependent on FE1/3's story, there are concerns about how much sense it might make to people outside of Japan who haven't seen an FE3/12 release. Best-case scenario, this brings enough importance to an FE12 localization that it happens, perhaps later as a port. Worst-case scenario, it keeps FE13 from getting out of Japan.
  9. Am I the only one who noticed the Shield of Seals? Or just the only one who thinks that with all these other callbacks, it's kinda relevant? There's something up here, and I think all this adds up to confirm that Tiara Man is either Marth or closely connected. As for the implications of that, we'll just have to wait and see...
  10. Crash, most people here are trying to help you. How about you stop making demands and treating us like enemies?
  11. Charge also activates if you attack something that has no means of countering. It can be great; you just have to be careful. It can really ruin characters that aren't able to use it well, though, like Xavier.
  12. Would you like a turn-by-turn walkthrough while we're at it? Honestly, there isn't much to say about skill scrolls because it's really just a matter of preference. You won't get hugely different results with them on one character as opposed to another.
  13. Ewan at least has decent ranged attacks; Amelia only has Javelins. Knoll not only has ranged attacks, but ranged attacks that can actually hurt things instead of just grabbing Exp, and he can promote immediately for utility. He has issues, but he's nowhere near as bad as Amelia or Ewan.
  14. Amelia is abysmal and the worst character in her game without a doubt, but at least she has the option of Tower abuse. Wendy has no good way to become usable.
  15. And this is why I mentioned the Rescue staff.
  16. I think he's just making a guess at why no one is jumping to accept his suggestion and not realizing the more likely fact that no one really cared about it.
  17. I was mainly suggesting Warp as a way to get Cyas to leave fast if necessary, perhaps coupled with Rescue. Even if he doesn't want to use it, it's good to have the option. Granted, I don't know much about this chapter since I've only completed FE5 once, and it was on my SSS run.
  18. At least Veyona really is playable! Say, why does the poll still not so much as offer an option for "generic enemy" for Mr. Generic Bandit when OP was told repeatedly before posting this thread that Mr. Generic Bandit was unquestionably a generic enemy?
  19. There are some tricky chapters, but nothing you should need to do much to specifically prepare for beforehand. I recommend having Warp uses available going into Ch22, but that's always a good idea. I've never even tried using the Arena in this game. I don't think it's very different from the normal one, but I don't think it's common, either.
  20. I usually had Nanna and Asvel use magic to weaken him, then had Fin capture.
  21. I normally abuse for crits to capture the Fire Sword guy on Turn 1. Probably not worth it, though. Never tried for the boss.
  22. You don't even need to rescue the kids if you don't want the staff, or open the chest once the door is open anyway.
  23. You wouldn't have anything to use it on until after Ch24.
  24. Correct. Sidequests are not optional in this game; if you meet the requirements, you go to the chapter. And the requirements for 24x are having Sara alive and the Kia Staff obtained.
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