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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Yeah, you can just have Sety Rewarp himself to the middle of the map before seizing all the circles then when you take the last one and the door opens you can have him run up and kill Veld before he can do anything.
  2. When the consequences may not be made apparent until after you've saved, it can be pretty awful. I've fucked up a lot in my TRS mostly blind run and continued most of the time when possible, but never to the point of eliminating my entire team aside from one weak Lord in a single action. Now, once you know how Escape chapters work, you're probably fine.
  3. Maybe a faster-moving character might get their attention soon enough? Karin could probably fly up to the edge of their range and then get out of the way.
  4. Later on, you'll have plenty more staffs, especially if you get the two Warp staffs in 17A. You won't have plenty more Grafcaliburs. Repairing Warp is only necessary if you want to warpskip a bunch of early chapters; if not, you'll be fine without it. And you'll almost certainly be able to get more than you'll need of staffs other than Warp. Have you promoted Asvel yet? If not, the extra Move might make the difference.
  5. So playing a game "seriously" entails not enjoying it, just wanting to find out how good strategies are?
  6. Seems to me that in past tier lists, the low tiers served the purpose of suggesting characters for serious players to use to get more of a challenge. In current tier lists, that seems less applicable.
  7. What the fuck, Narga. FE5 is not so difficult of a game as to constrain players from doing what they want to. Anyone can do just fine passing up a +3% Hit/Avo bonus. If he doesn't want to use Amalda, let him not use Amalda; there's no need to harass him about it just because you don't like his reasons. Ultimately, the reason anyone makes any stylistic choice in playing a game is because they think it'll make them enjoy the game more. Sometimes strange things get associated with what people will enjoy in the game. We humans are weird like that. And that's okay; it's their business and no one else's.
  8. The TRS section has a confusing description for Sierra's recruitment. Based on what it says, it sounds like Shigen has to be dead in order for her to join, and that if she joins at the later time, she joins during Map 31. I just played through that map with Shigen very much alive; I visited both houses and nothing seemed to happen during the battle, but she joined at the end of the map. Shigen has "died" and been revived by his sword; I don't remember when this happened, though. If Sierra can be recruited just by letting Shigen "die" and be revived automatically, that seems like it should be noted, as it's an entirely different matter than having to lose a character permanently. Based on rough translations of the recruitment method listed on Pegasus Knight, it sounds like the real recruitment methods are a bit different: If Shigen has been defeated at the Sealed Bridge (perhaps earlier times work as well), then Sierra will join after the Sealed Bridge fight - and, crucially, Shigen will be revived. Alternatively, she joins in Map 31 by having Shigen visit one of the houses; this is what I did on my file, which triggered a scene with Shigen and Holmes. Again, though, Sierra did not join until the end of the map. It does not sound like Shigen being defeated before this point has any impact on anything. Shigen is marked as an important character starting immediately after the Sealed Bridge encounter, so it sounds to me that the most plausible explanation is one that involves Sierra bringing back Shigen if he was killed at any point before that time, but I'm not certain. Whatever is accurate, I hope that someone who's played the game more than I have can sort this out. --- Edit 2/19/12 There's another problem in the TRS section, with the area attacks. They're listed as "Does 5 area damage" or "Does 9 area damage"; although this seems to be what the ingame descriptions say, the meaning is very unclear. What it means is that the attacks hit either 5 squares in a plus shape or 9 squares in a box shape. The current description can appear to refer to damage, but the actual damage of the attacks is based on the attack's Mt and user's stats just like any other attack, rather than having anything to do with these numbers. I don't know about how it looks in Japanese, but in English, it is difficult if not impossible to understand the meaning based on that wording. There's another part of the description that is not necessarily incorrect, but it's unclear. Most of the area attacks can be used "every other turn" or "every 5 turns". This can be interpreted that you could use one of the "every other turn" attacks on, say, Turn 2 and be able to use it again starting from Turn 4, or if you don't use it on Turn 2, you could instead use it on Turn 3 in exchange for waiting until Turn 5 for the next use. This is not the case: not using the attack when you have the chance does not allow you to save it for later. The standard area attacks can only be used on even-numbered turns, and the attacks that hit the entire field can only be used on turns that are a multiple of 5. It might be prudent to clarify this.
  9. The eyes are still shadowed, just not somehow invisible like the ones in FE9/FE10/Berwick.
  10. Man, playing FE2, it felt like I never had any money.
  11. I can't load ChinaFE at all on my desktop, but I can load it on my shitty school laptop.
  12. So we'd change that scene as well, because the Black Knight no longer has any connection with Sephiran. Problem solved. You and others seem to have not understand that if we can change a few scenes to change the Black Knight's identity, we can change more as well, as part of making that change make sense. You may as well say "the Black Knight can't be changed to be Ashnard because he's still alive in FE10 and he's Zelgius".
  13. Weird to be reminded that the human enemies you fight are all people? Sounds weirder to distance yourself from that and turn them into faceless robots, as if your characters and the bosses are the only "real" people" in the battle. This seems like a way of taking the bloodshed of the battles a bit more seriously, and I like it.
  14. [spoiler](image)[/spoiler] Generic portraits for generic enemies are a logical step as the series advances, and it fits with how the eyes are shaded. Berwick Saga already did it six years ago, so no surprise that now is the time for FE13 to catch up. More definitive is that actual names for both playable characters and bosses are always in katakana, whereas this contains kanji, as Vincent noted.
  15. Well, FE4 and Berwick Saga were the two games to address crits that way, and neither one had Luck impact CEV at all. In FE4, Luck was pretty much worthless. In Berwick, Luck was basically removed as a conventional stat; I'm not even entirely sure what it does, but it generally seems to not be relevant. So if they do that, they'll likely change Luck's role as well, but I'm not sure how.
  16. Yeah, that would be interesting. It notes that class specifically as where he starts, and notably excludes any explanations about where he goes from there.
  17. Supports are nice, but I don't think the bonus from Tania will make much of a difference for Othin with how powerful he is already. Regardless, if Crash isn't concerned about having a perfect team (which he shouldn't be), she's certainly usable.
  18. I don't see any reason why they would go back to one-type magic outside of the remakes. I think it's just that at a time like this, they don't feel the need to go into any more detail.
  19. With all those skills relating to crits, I wonder if critical rates might be completely dependent on those abilities rather than stats. It was this way in Berwick Saga, where there were a bunch of ways to get a crit rate (weapons, supports, skills, really high weapon skill), but for characters that didn't have any of them and therefore didn't have a crit rate, there was no display for it; it was just added if they had a >0 chance. If this is using a similar system, it might also similarly not be mentioning the crit rate if it's nonexistent.
  20. Because it's the internet? Hypothetically, any unknown image anywhere could potentially be NSFW.
  21. It could be interesting to see a follow-up to FE1/3 from several hundred years later or something like that. MU's fixed special class is interesting, and sounds like a sign for both more actual class variety and not having reclassing at all, so yay for both. If only there was such a sign for skills... The skills seem to have a mix of minor and major effects; do we have any confirmation that the major skills like Astra can be swapped around like the others? It doesn't sound so bad if it's just things like the critical bonuses that could be swapped while relevant skills remain where they should.
  22. I do the same. Speedy casual? Few people would actually ever want to take things as slow as they "could" on a casual run anyway.
  23. So I'm trying to get a feel for hacking to replace names and text to prepare for a certain ambitious project. To make sure I won't be completely clueless, I'm starting out with FE7 text edits to learn the ropes. I was able to get to Nightmare where I could choose character names from a list, but I don't know how to change what's on that list. I don't think I need to know how to add more names to the index, just how to take an existing one and change it to something new. This seems like something basic; I didn't expect to need to ask about it, but poking around a bit, I haven't been able to find specific information on how to do it, just references to some text editing program but not how to download it or operate it or whatever. So how do you do this? Thread intended to be recycled for the countless further questions I'm likely to in the near future soon.
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